Neopets Neopoint Ratio

When you go into a game, you will notice your score varies from the amount of neopoints you receive. Why is that? Well, the answer is the Neopoint Ratio. Each game has them, which be 120 neopoints per 100 points scored, or even 40 neopoints per 100 points scored!


Where does it even list the ratio?

Below is a picture of where you can find the ratio. When you go to a game, its displayed in the right hand colum in the middle. The game guides on NeoExtreme display the neopoint ratio by displaying something like 120np:100pt. That means you will receive 120 neopoints per 100 points.


Wondering how much you’ll receive?

Calculating how much neopoints you’ll end up if you want to know before hand is easy. (It also displays at the end of the game, but some people want to know how much they need to score for a decent amount of neopoints). People use this method to figure it out before sending their score, to find out if its worth it. :)The following is how to do it if the number of neopoints received is more than points scored (120np:100pt, 140np:100pt, etc.) For the opposite, look below.

  1. Find the Neopoint Ratio.
  2. Look at the number, such as 120 neopoints.
  3. Take your score and multiply it by 1.2.
  4. For a score of 150, you will receive 180 neopoints.

The following is how to do it if the number of neopoints received is less than points scored (35np:100pt, 1np:100pt, etc.)

  1. Find the Neopoint Ratio.
  2. Look at the number, such as 35 neopoints.
  3. Take your score and multiply it by 0.35.
  4. For a score of 149, you will receive 52 neopoints.


The point of Neopoint Ratio

The point of this is to make the amount of neopoints given out fair. Some games are easier than others, making the amount of neopoints you receive quite a grand amount if you can get a high score. When you play a game, you can receive a different score. Meerca Chase can get up into the thousands, where as Rink Runner can barely pass 300 sometimes.

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