Neopets Dice-A-Roo Autoplayer!

This Dice-A-Roo autoplayer, is a multi-tool script! This autoplayer will aid you in getting the Dice-A-Roo avatar faster. Further, playing the Dice-A-Roo game, you will also be rewarded with neopoints, items, and even random events!


Neopets Battledome Autobattler

This script, will allow your neopets to automatically fight opponents in the battledome! Use this to increase your BD score, or increase your wins during a plot or war, like the current Obelisk war.


Neopets Random Events

A simpe script, that will log all Random Events and keep it in a document for you to view!


Neopets Auto Bidder

This neopets auto bidder, or auction sniper, will do just that. You specify any auction ID, and set the max price. This script will than snipe the item, once it reaches the first page up until the maximum amount you specify.


Neopets Money Tree Grabber

Tons of rare items get donated to the Money Tree daily. Some by generous neopians, but then some by unknowing neopians as well! I know I’ve donated items by mistake in the past. This money tree grabber will search and refresh through the money tree to search for items you specify. There is wildcard support, so if you include “* Codestone” in your list, it will search and grab all codestones!
