Neopets Attack of the Marblemen

Neopets Attack of the Marblemen is a game where you have to help tiny marblemen maneuver their way into toy boxes. If you’re skilled enough to get a high score, Attack of the Marblemen will reward you with this shiny trophy.

Neopets Attack of the Marblemen

Attack of the Marblemen Basics

Attack of the Marblemen

Attack of the Marblemen is comprised of ninety-nine levels, which when completed will repeat infinitely until you lose the game. In each level, you’re given a set number of marblemen running around the screen. You need to use everything that the game gives you to make the marblemen go into the toy boxes.

From the moment a level begins, you have ten seconds to complete it. If you’re not done after those ten seconds have passed, you will lose a life. You start the game with three lives, and there aren’t any ways to earn more.

Attack of the Marblemen Game Pieces

There are seven things that you will see in this game, either helping you win or stopping you from winning.

marble-3582899The most obvious one is the marbleman. Marblemen can be found in several different colours, and they’re basically the villains of the game.

mbox-2503299This is a toybox, and it’s what the marblemen need to go into to complete each level. Note that only red marblemen can go into red boxes. Blue marblemen can only go into blue boxes, green can only go into green boxes, and so on.

mbumpers-6729228The things that will help you much more than anything else are bumpers. Bumpers make up almost all of the board; they’re the outlines of triangles that you see everywhere. If you click a bumper, it will become solid, and become an obstacle for the marblemen. There are four different types of bumpers, each facing a different direction. Marblemen who hit the diagonal side of the bumper will change the direction they’re walking, based on where the bumper is facing. If the marbleman hits a flat side of the bumper, they’ll go back the way they came from.

mcoin-9400635There are only two ways to get points in this game: time bonuses at the end of each level, and these coins. To collect a coin, you need to make a marbleman walk through it. For every coin you collect, you’ll earn ten points. They’re not necessary for level completion, but they are extremely helpful in earning a high score.

mblock-9110499This one is a block. They appear in fixed places in certain levels, and they serve as obstacles for marblemen. If a marbleman hits a block, it will go back the way it came from, just like the flat side of a bumper.

marrow-9899751The least common object in this game is the arrow. If a marbleman hits an arrow, he’ll change direction to match the way the arrow is facing.

mshield-1457028Another rare object is the shield. If a marbleman collects a shield, he’ll be protected from the next object:

mbomb-7927389The bomb. If a marbleman collides with it, you will lose a life, unless that marbleman had collected a shield beforehand.

Neopets Attack of the Marblemen Cheats

Every time you beat level that is a multiple of five (five, ten, fifteen, twenty, etc.), you’ll get a code. If you write down that code, you can use it at any time later on to start your game from that level. This is good if you’re trying to get the hang of certain levels.


Neopets Attack of the Gummy Dice

Neopets Attack of the Gummy Dice is a game where you need to place blocks of gummy dice on a board in groups to destroy them. If you’re lucky enough to get a high score, Attack of the Gummy Dice will reward you with this shiny trophy.

Attack of the Gummy Dice

How to Play Attack of the Gummy Dice

Attack of the Gummy Dice

This is what the game screen looks like when you start a game. The grid at the bottom with the gummy dice is where you drop the gummy dice that you’re carrying, which can be seen floating up at the top. The highlighted squares in the top corner are where your floating dice would drop to if you decided to drop them.

The controls in this game are used to move the gummy dice at the top.

-Press the space bar to drop the dice.

-Press the up, left, right, and down keys to move the dice.

-Press the A and S keys to flip your dice.

When you drop enough dice that five or more blocks of the same colour are touching each other, those blocks will disappear, and you’ll get points. The more dice you explode at the same time, the more points you will get per block (with small groups, like five or six dice, you get 1 point per block; with bigger groups, you might get 1.5 or even 2 points per block).

There are many levels in Gummy Dice; you move on from a level after you’ve exploded the number of dice that it tells you to explode on the right side of the screen. At the end of each level, you will lose one point for every die that’s left on the grid. So if you beat Level Two with fifteen dice left on the grid, you will lose fifteen points. Also, from Level Two onwards, every time you drop dice, a die of a random colour will appear on the grid in a random place. This can be very annoying as it might get in the way of a group you’re trying to make.

The only way to lose this game is to make a stack of dice so high that it reaches the top of the dice area. Once that happens, you will lose.


When you start the game, there are three different colours of dice that you might get. As you pass more levels, the number of available colours increases, making it more difficult to get a group of the same colour together.

In addition, there are a few special dice:

game_gummydice_rainbowdie-3043343This die changes colour over and over again until you drop it onto the grid. You need to time your drop well if you’re trying to make it be a specific colour when it gets dropped. This die can only be found from Level Three onwards.

264_morphjellycube-3691135This die, when dropped onto a stack of dice, will make every die below it turn into the same colour. So, take this red rainbow die right here: if you drop it onto a stack of five dice, then you’ll have a stack of six red dice, no matter what colour the others were beforehand. Some big groups can be made when you use this die.

264_bombjellycube-9407527This die looks like a bomb, and that’s exactly what it is. When you drop it, every die that’s directly below it will explode, and you’ll get points like you would if they had been a group of the same colour. If you drop it onto an empty square, you’ll get one point.

264_stonejellycube-4591583This die is a rock. When dropped, it becomes nothing but an obstacle that gets in the way; you can’t make groups out of rocks. They can only go away if you drop a bomb or a rainbow die on top of it.

Attack of the Gummy Dice Tips

There isn’t a general strategy that can be used for the game, at least not that I see, but there are a couple things you can do to make things easier.

-Attack of the Gummy Dice isn’t timed, which is a great thing for any game. You can take breaks whenever you want, without consequences. However, this changes when you reach Level Nine. Once you hit that level, dice will start appearing on the grid even while you’re moving and dropping your dice.

-If you have a bomb or a rainbow die, you should drop it on the tallest stack of dice that you have on the grid. More dice means more points, and points are always good.

Neopets Attack of the Gummy Dice Cheats

-You can type ‘gummydice’ at any time when you’re playing to change the colour of all the dice that you’re moving. They’ll all change to the same colour, but you can’t control what colour they change to. You can only use it once per game.

-Typing ‘explode’ while you’re playing will change all of the dice you’re moving into bombs. This is the most helpful when you have lots of dice at the top, as well as several tall stacks that are right next to each other. This can only be done once per game.

-Lastly, type ‘delightful’ while playing to change all of your dice into rainbow dice. They’ll stay the same colour that they are, but they’ll also be rainbow dice. Again, you get the most out of this when you’re moving lots of dice, with several tall stacks next to each other down at the bottom. This cheat can also be used just once per game.

Attack of the Gummy Dice

Neopets Armada

Welcome to Neopets Armada, an exciting multiplayer strategy game where you command ships on a grid, aiming to outmaneuver your opponent. With enough skill, you could earn a shiny trophy as a reward for your victories! Let’s dive into the details of gameplay, strategies, and some tips to help you succeed.


Playing Armada Guide

Neopets Armada is one of the three multiplayer games available on Neopets, and it requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Monthly Competition:
    • To play, you must sign up for the Monthly Competition during the previous month (e.g., register in November to play in December).
    • On the first day of the month, you’ll be paired with an opponent. You have one week to complete your game. If you don’t finish in time, both players lose.
  2. Game Mechanics:
    • If you lose a game, you are eliminated from the competition for that month, so make your moves count!
  3. The Game Board:
    • The board features four groups of ships in the corners, with an island in the center that serves as decoration and blocks some spaces.
    • Two groups of ships are black, and the other two are red. Your ship color is randomly assigned at the start of the game.

Moving Armada Ships

In Armada, you can execute two types of moves with your ships:

  1. Adjacent Move:
    • Click on your ship and then select an adjacent square (any of the eight surrounding squares).
    • This move will spawn a new ship in the square you moved to, while your original ship remains in its initial position. This is the only way to create new ships, which is crucial for filling the board and ending the game.
  2. Jump Move:
    • Click on your ship and then a space two squares away.
    • Unlike the Adjacent move, this jump does not create a new ship.
  3. Capturing Opponent’s Ships:
    • When you move your ship next to one of your opponent’s ships, their ships will change color to yours. For instance, if you’re controlling black ships and move next to two red ships, those will turn black and become part of your fleet. This is essential for increasing your ship count and winning the game.

Armada Strategy

Developing a solid strategy is key to mastering Armada. Here are some effective tactics to consider:

  • Form a Blockade:
    • Start by using one of your ship groups to create a blockade. Use the Adjacent move to secure your position.
  • Tactical Movement:
    • Instead of moving directly towards your opponent, use a zigzag approach. For example, if attacking to the south, alternate your movement between southeast and southwest. This unpredictability can help you evade counterattacks.
  • Practice Makes Perfect:
    • The intricacies of Armada can be challenging to grasp initially. Regular practice will enhance your skills and improve your understanding of game mechanics.

Final Notes

  • Glitches and Issues:
    • Like many Neopets multiplayer games, Armada has its share of glitches. Matches may not always progress as expected; for instance, players sometimes experience delays between games or inconsistent trophy rewards.
  • Casual Games:
    • Previously, casual games against random opponents were available, but this feature is currently broken.
  • Learning Curve:
    • It can take some time to fully learn the game, but the strategic depth and competition make it worthwhile.

Despite its quirks, Neopets Armada is an enjoyable game that combines strategy and competition. With this guide, you should be well-prepared to embark on your journey, face opponents, and aim for that trophy. Good luck, and may your ships sail victoriously!

Neopets Imperial Exam

Neopets Imperial Exam is a game where you need to read words and tell the students whether they spelled them correctly or not. If you’re lucky enough to get a high score, Imperial Exam can reward you with this shiny trophy.

Neopets Imperial Exam

How to Play Imperial Exam

In this game, you control a Kacheek admitting students to a testing hall. Each student will have a speech bubble when they approach you, and you need to decide whether they spelled a word or if they messed up. Press the up key to admit a student into the hall (if they spelled a word correctly), and the down key to refuse students (if they misspelled).

There are five levels in Imperial Exam. In each level, you start off with 70 seconds on a timer. If the timer reaches 0 before you complete the level, you lose the game.

Level One: You must let ten students into the hall to complete the level.

Level Two: You must let twenty students into the hall to complete the level.

Level Three: You must let thirty students into the hall to complete the level.

Level Four: You must let thirty-five students into the hall to complete the level.

Level Five: You must let forty students into the hall to complete the level.

If a student spells a word correctly, you press the up key to let them into the hall, and you will gain five points. If you press the down key to turn them away, you won’t lose any lives, but you won’t get any points – in fact, you lose five points for every genius that you refuse to let in.

If a student spells a word incorrectly, you press the down key to turn them away, and you will gain five points. If you press the up key instead, you will lose a life (and you only have three lives, throughout the whole game).

Imperial Exam High Score

So to complete the game, you have to let in 135 students. This gives you 675 points in total. The problem is that to get a score that’s likely to get a trophy, you need to have a score of at least 1200. All of your other points need to come from refusing students that spell incorrectly. Because you can’t control how many bad spellers you get in a game, you just have to hope that you get a lucky game with lots of bad students.

Imperial Exam


Imperial Exam can be played in almost a dozen different languages, but because I’m not familiar with any language besides English, that’s the one I’ll be talking about.

Once you’ve chosen your language, you can choose between three different difficulty levels. I suggest Basic, because it’s the easiest, and you don’t get any kind of bonus for picking a harder difficulty level.

Only four types of spelling changes can exist in wrong words compared to their correct spellings:

-A letter can be removed (knowledge is misspelled as knoledge)

-A letter can be added (even is misspelled as evven)

-A letter can be changed (galaxy is misspelled as galaxi)

-Two letters can switch places (their is misspelled as thier)

Imperial Exam Word List

Just for your convenience, I decided to place here a list of all of the words that you will find when playing in Basic mode (in English). Each word has only one misspelling, so those are listed too. If you’re not a spelling expert, you could study this list a bit before playing to get a feel for what the misspellings look like.

Correct Wrong
action actoin
also aslo
actually actualy
beginner begginer
between betweeen
chief cheif
concern consern
definite definit
develop develope
error erorr
even evven
further futher
forehead forhead
galaxy galaxi
guard gaurd
happen hapen
hero heroe
interest intrest
imagine immagine
jump junp
knowledge knoledge
library libary
little littel
lively livley
myself mysef
market markit
night nihgt
notice notise
numb nubm
occur ocurr
oxygen oxigen
place palce
piece peice
quick quikc
really raelly
record recrod
shadow shaddow
sneeze sneese
these theese
their thier
unused unsed
until untill
usually usualy
value valeu
without withuot
worry woory
working wokring
yellow yelow
yawn yawwn
zero zerro

Neopets Imperial Exam Cheats

-You can play in Basic mode, and still receive just as many points as you would if you were playing on harder modes. That’s good, because the misspellings in the harder modes are much more difficult to distinguish.

Neopets Usuki Frenzy

Ever dreamed of rushing through your house to gather your favorite toys before an exciting trip? If not, now’s your chance to dive into the chaotic and thrilling world of Usuki Frenzy, a classic Neopets action game released on August 21, 2007. Join Lucie, an enthusiastic Usuki collector, as she scrambles to gather her prized Usuki Sets before heading to the highly anticipated Usuki Convention.

Usuki Frenzy

With only three minutes on the clock, Lucie’s house becomes a whirlwind of activity. Your mission? Help her locate all the items on her list across ten rooms while avoiding mistakes and racing against time. If you succeed, not only will Lucie make it to the convention on time, but you might also snag a coveted Usuki Frenzy trophy!

How to Play Usuki Frenzy

Game Objective
In Usuki Frenzy, you guide Lucie, a Cybunny, through her house to collect specific Usuki Sets and Usuki Dolls listed on the left side of the screen. Your goal is to pick up every listed item before time runs out, completing three increasingly challenging levels.

Usuki Frenzy Guide

Here’s how it works:

  1. Use the arrow keys (up, down, left, and right) to navigate Lucie through each room.
  2. Walk over an item to pick it up. If it matches the list, it will appear in full color on the left side of your screen.
  3. If you pick up an incorrect item, a warning message will appear. You must return it to one of the four red bookcases (located in the pink bedroom, blue bedroom, living room, and dining room) before continuing.

The game has a total time limit of three minutes, which does not reset between levels. This means time management is crucial as you progress through each stage.

Usuki Frenzy Levels

The game features three levels, each increasing in difficulty:

  • Level 1: Collect 4 Usuki Sets.
  • Level 2: Collect 7 Usuki Sets.
  • Level 3: Collect 10 Usuki Sets.

The number of items increases with each level, but the total time remains fixed. Any remaining time from one level carries over to the next, so finishing earlier gives you more time to tackle the harder stages.

Scoring System in Usuki Frenzy

Scoring is straightforward but requires strategy to maximize points:

  • Correct Item: +15 points for each Usuki Set.
  • Usuki Dolls: +16 points for each doll collected (optional but adds extra points).
  • Time Bonus: At the end of each level, your remaining time is halved and added to your score. For example, if you finish a level with 72 seconds left, you earn a 36-point bonus.

Memorizing item locations is critical for high scores since items always spawn in the same rooms. Use this predictability to optimize your path and minimize wasted time.

All Usuki Sets and Dolls

There are 24 unique Usuki Sets and three collectible Usuki Dolls in the game. Below is the complete list and their locations:

Usuki Sets

  1. Snowy Valley Usuki Set
  2. Time For Tennis Usuki Set
  3. Tyrannian Usuki Set
  4. Usuki Bakery Set
  5. Usuki Beach Accessories
  6. Usuki Bedtime Clothing
  7. Usuki Clown Set
  8. Usuki Faerie Play Set
  9. Usuki Marshmallow Set
  10. Usuki Poetry Set
  11. Usuki Queen Set
  12. Usuki Scuba Diving Play Set
  13. Usuki Snowy Sweetheart Set
  14. Usuki Sushi Play Set
  15. Usuki Tea Set
  16. Usuki Travel Set
  17. Winter Love Usuki Set
  18. Winter Woolies Usuki Set
  19. Usuki Space Set
  20. Black Belt Usuki Set
  21. Fancy Usuki Sandcastle Set
  22. Fire Faerie Usuki Set
  23. Pirate Usuki Play Set
  24. Retro Usuki Hair Set

Usuki Dolls

  1. Magical Hair Usuki: Found in the living room (level 2) and dining room (level 3).
  2. Hula Girl Usuki: Appears in the kitchen on level 3.
  3. Ballerina Usuki (Hidden): Found by pressing the spacebar while standing in front of the blue computer in Lucie’s room.

Room-by-Room Item Locations

Here’s a breakdown of all rooms and their corresponding items for easy reference:

Usuki Frenzy neopets
  • Blue Bedroom: Usuki Space Set, Usuki Pirate Set
  • Pink Bedroom: Usuki Snowy Sweetheart Set, Winter Love Usuki Set, Usuki Bedtime Clothing, Ballerina Usuki (Hidden Doll)
  • Office: Usuki Sushi Play Set
  • Bathroom: Black Belt Usuki Set, Usuki Marshmallow Set, Usuki Scuba Diving Play Set
  • Hallway: Usuki Tea Set
  • Living Room: Tyrannian Usuki Set, Usuki Beach Accessories, Usuki Clown Set, Winter Woolies Usuki Set, Magical Hair Usuki (Doll)
  • Dining Room: Retro Usuki Hair Set, Time for Tennis Usuki Set, Usuki Travel Set, Snowy Valley Usuki Set, Magical Hair Usuki (Doll)
  • Kitchen: Fancy Usuki Sandcastle Set, Usuki Bakery Set, Hula Girl Usuki (Doll)
  • Garden: Fire Faerie Usuki Set, Usuki Queen Set, Usuki Faerie Play Set
  • Balcony: Pirate Usuki Set

Pro Tips for Usuki Frenzy

  1. Diagonal Movement: Lucie moves faster when you press two arrow keys simultaneously, allowing diagonal movement. It can be tricky to control but is invaluable for saving time.
  2. Memorize Locations: Since items spawn in the same location every game, learning their placements will help you navigate efficiently.
  3. Avoid Mistakes: Picking up incorrect items slows you down, as they must be returned to a red bookcase. Be cautious when entering rooms, especially ones with cluttered entrances like the garden.
  4. Restart Strategically: If your initial item list requires excessive backtracking, consider restarting the game for a more favorable layout.

Hidden Secrets in Usuki Frenzy

The Ballerina Usuki Doll is the game’s only hidden item. To collect it, stand in front of the blue computer in Lucie’s room and press the spacebar. Sometimes, pressing the up arrow while doing this helps. This trick works once per game and can be done at any level. Pro players recommend grabbing the doll when near the pink bedroom for better score optimization.


Conclusion: How to Win at Usuki Frenzy

Winning at Usuki Frenzy requires a mix of memorization, speed, and precision. By learning item locations, utilizing diagonal movement, and avoiding unnecessary mistakes, you can achieve a high score and even a trophy.

With these tips and a bit of practice, you’ll help Lucie pack her favorite toys in record time and make it to the Usuki Convention without a hitch. Now, grab your keyboard and start your Usuki adventure—those shiny trophies are waiting!