Neopets stat increasers are vital for boosting your Neopets’ abilities, especially as your pet advances in level and training times lengthen. These items cater primarily to wealthier Neopians who wish to avoid the time-intensive process of completing training courses. By using stat increasers, players can enhance their pets’ stats quickly and efficiently, minimizing the grind of Codestone-based training or extended wait times at training facilities.
How to Increase Level with Stat Increasers
Increasing your Neopet’s level is essential for unlocking higher training tiers and accessing advanced Battledome strategies. While traditional training schools like the Mystery Island Training School and the Swashbuckling Academy can gradually level up your Neopet, stat increasers provide a faster alternative for those with sufficient Neopoints. Items such as Radiant Coltzan Neggs are particularly effective, as they increase your pet’s level by 1 upon consumption. Additionally, Level Up Potions, though rare, can provide instant level increases. Using these items strategically can help bypass lengthy training sessions, especially as the time and cost per level rise dramatically at higher levels.
How to Increase Hit Points with Stat Increasers
Boosting your Neopet’s Hit Points (HP) is crucial for Battledome success and overall survivability. Stat increasers like Sneggs, Power Neggs, and Blue Sand are excellent for this purpose. A Snegg can provide 2–3 HP, while Power Neggs grant 3 HP per use. If you aim to maximize daily gains, feed your Neopet multiple Neggs throughout the day when their hunger level permits. For a pricier but faster alternative, consider using Elixirs of Life, which instantly boost HP by 5–10 points. These options are ideal for players seeking rapid stat increases without waiting for training sessions.
How to Increase Strength with Stat Increasers
Strength is a vital stat for dealing significant damage in the Battledome. Stat increasers like Strength Neggs and Vigor Juices are excellent tools for enhancing this attribute. A Strength Negg increases your Neopet’s Strength by 1, while Vigor Juices provide a smaller but cost-effective boost. For high-level players, investing in Faerie Food items such as the Strength-Building Faerie Food can be a fun and thematic way to boost stats. Combining these methods allows you to rapidly enhance your Neopet’s battle prowess, minimizing the reliance on Codestone-based training.
How to Increase Defence with Stat Increasers
Defence is critical for reducing damage from opponents in the Battledome. Items like the Armoured Negg are a popular choice, granting 1 Defence point while also providing a Battledome item for added utility. For a more substantial boost, you can use items like Earth Faerie Stat Boosts, which occasionally increase Defence when purchased from the Hidden Tower. To maximize gains, feed your Neopet Defence-specific Neggs regularly throughout the day, ensuring their hunger levels are low enough to consume multiple Neggs.
How to Increase Movement with Stat Increasers
While Movement may not be as crucial for battling, it’s essential for various site features and events, such as participating in specific plot activities or games. Stat increasers like Sneggs and Speedy Neggs are great for enhancing Movement stats. A Snegg provides 2–3 Movement points, while a Speedy Negg increases it by 1. For players aiming to prioritize this stat, feeding these items to your Neopet consistently throughout the day can yield significant improvements in a short period. While training schools can also improve Movement, these items offer a quicker alternative for impatient Neopians.
Neopets Neggs: A Popular Stat Increaser
Neopets Neggs are among the most accessible and versatile stat increasers in the game. Feeding a Negg to your pet can boost its stats significantly, depending on the type of Negg used. For best results, it’s advisable to feed Neggs to a pet that is very hungry, as this allows for quicker consumption without the need to wait for hunger levels to reset. This strategy can maximize the number of Neggs consumed in a day and significantly boost stats.
For example, the popular Snegg, priced at approximately 100,000 NP on the Trading Post, offers 2–3 points each in Health and Agility. While this may seem expensive at first glance, Sneggs save both time and Neopoints when compared to traditional training. For pets at higher levels (e.g., level 240), training requires seven Codestones per stat point, which can cost around 60,000 NP and take 24 hours for completion. With Sneggs, players can bypass these costs and time constraints, gaining multiple stat points in a single day.
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Neggs for Increasing Strength, Defence, Movement and Hit Points
Consider this scenario: if you feed your pet Sneggs continuously throughout the day, respecting the hunger cooldown intervals, you could achieve between 48 and 72 Health Points (HP) or Agility Points in one day. This dwarfs the single stat point typically earned through daily training. Other specialized Neggs offer unique benefits; for instance, the Armoured Negg provides one Defense Point and includes a bonus Battledome item. If you feed your pet Armoured Neggs hourly, you could gain up to 24 Defense Points daily, albeit at a hefty cost of approximately 1.5 million NP.
These options may seem extravagant, but for players with ample Neopoints, the trade-off between cost and time savings is invaluable. Neggs also provide variety in the stats they enhance, giving players more control over their pet’s growth compared to standard training methods.
Types of Neggs and Their Effects
Different types of Neggs influence specific stats, making it crucial to choose the right ones for your pet’s needs. Below are some examples of Neggs and their effects:
- Snegg: Grants 2–3 Health and Agility points. A great all-around stat booster.
- Armoured Negg: Adds 1 Defense Point and includes a Battledome item. Ideal for Battledome enthusiasts.
- Strength Negg: Increases Strength by 1 point. Useful for offensive boosts in combat.
- Speedy Negg: Enhances Speed by 1 point. Great for pets aiming to outrun their opponents.
- Rainbow Negg: Alters your pet’s color while potentially changing a stat. This is a more aesthetic choice than a stat-boosting one.
Recommendations for Negg Usage for Increasing Stats
When selecting Neggs, focus on your pet’s specific needs and goals. If you aim to prepare your pet for the Battledome, prioritize Neggs that boost Health, Strength, and Defense. However, avoid Neggs with secondary effects (such as changing your pet’s color) unless you’re prepared for those alterations. Always research each Negg’s benefits and drawbacks before investing, as some may not align with your objectives.
By leveraging Neggs effectively, players can build formidable pets in a fraction of the time required for traditional training methods. Whether your focus is on battling, customization, or overall improvement, Neopets Neggs remain an indispensable tool for ambitious Neopians.
List of All Negg Stat Increasers
Happy Negg. This first negg will be priced at 4 Negg Tokens and it will, in a short summary, increase the happiness of your pet(s). This Negg is not really recommended to have, as you can easily purchase a toy at the Neopian shop wizards for as low as 1 NP, or get them for free through random events, then play with your pet to increase its happiness to its max. Since happiness is not really an important factor for the Battledome, you may want to save your NP for something else.
Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb. This Negg, at the cost of 4 Negg Tokens, will give you the possibility to do a total of 5 air, dark, and fire icons during the Battledome and this Negg is a one use time only. Since this Negg is more like a weapon than a stat increaser, you may want to forget it if you have a strict and limited budget to purchase stat neggs with.
Darksplash Negg Bomb. At the cost of 4 Negg Tokens, the Darksplash Negg Bomb will also do damage during the Battledome, just like the Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb, but with different icons. This one will do a total of 5 dark, physical and water icons and can also be used only once. Again, because it will not give you stats, you may want to forget it at the moment if you currently have a limited budget.
Glamour Negg. For 7 Negg Tokens, this Negg will increase your pet’s happiness and will also give you a prize reward which can be a Gold Brush, Mirror, or a Shampoo that are all grooming items (for the mood of your pet). The intelligence of your pet will also decrease by 1. This is not recommended as not only it is not a Battledome stats increaser, but it will also remove intelligence from your pet which is fundamental if you are training his agility, to steal weapons from your opponents during the advanced battles.
Smiley Negg. For 9 Negg Tokens, just like the Happy Negg, this will increase the happiness of your pet. For previously mentioned reasons, you may want to leave this one where it is and save your NP for better Neggs.
Negg of Purity +1. Because they are priced at 10 Negg Tokens, and are relatively cheap, the Neggs of Purity +1 are recommended if you like taking gambles, because they can increase the defence of your current pet by 1. Since they will not be able to hurt your pet or do something to it in the negative way, you will want to purchase a good amount of those if you have the NP and if you’re looking for defence points. Not a fan of gambles? Nothing to worry about, some of the Neggs that will be presented later will be also able to provide defence points without going through gambles.
Wicked Negg. For 10 Negg Tokens, you will waste your NP as this Negg is just a food that does absolutely nothing. You can find a variety of food types, on the site, that are obtainable for free and that can be bought from shops at 1 NP. For this reason, you may want to keep your NP for effective Neggs. Also, who would want of a Wicked Negg?
Pumpkin Negg. Actually, it doesn’t have to be Halloween to purchase / feed your pet with this. At the price of 12 Negg Tokens, this will increase the pet’s weight and decrease your pet’s height by respectively 1 to 2 lbs and 1 to 2 cm. Of course, in real life weight will really matter to determine whether or not a fighter is resistant. For pets, defence points are really what you should worry about and not the rest. Since this Negg will not provide significant Battledome stats, you may want to find something else to hunt.
Blue Furry Negg. For 15 Negg Tokens, the Blue Furry Negg will heal your pet with 5 hit points when it is outside of the Battledome, meaning that if it is currently not in a Battle. Why would you want to spend your NP for 5 HP when you can go to the Healing Springs located in Faerieland and receive, there, free healings? Pass on that.
Armoured Negg. Priced at 16 Negg Tokens, these will increase the defence of your pet by 1 point, and it will also give you a shield for you to use. The shields can be an Omelette Shield, Shoulder Armour, Nurias Battle Shield or Scamander Shield. Since this Negg is a buyable item, if you’re going after some serious defence healing for your high leveled pets, you may want to consider purchasing it.
Sweet Heath Negg. Costing 18 Negg Tokens, the Sweet Heart Negg will award you with an ice cream or candy item that is completely random. It is currently useless for the Battledome.
Crystal Negg. Their price is 22 Negg Tokens. These will, once fed, heal your pet with a total of 8 hit points when you are currently not battling, meaning outside of the Battledome. Again, you can visit the Healing Springs in Faerieland if you’re looking after some serious HP heals.
Ghost Negg. This particular Negg will do nothing to your Neopets and is just a food that can be eaten in a regular basis. You may want to pass on this.
Genius Negg. At the price of 24 Negg Tokens, not only they will increase your pet’s intelligence by 1 to 3 points, but you will receive a Book for simply feeding it to your pet. Because it is expensive for few intelligence points, this is not really needed to earn BD stats.
Vortex Negg. The Vortex Negg is more like a gamble, for 24 Negg Tokens, that gives you the chance to increase or decrease by 1 point the maximum health points your pet currently has. IMPORTANT: This item can also turn your pet into a blue, green, red or yellow basic color. Avoid it at all cost, unless you really don’t mind about the color of your pet and can paint him/her later.
Christmas Tree Negg. At the price of 27 Negg Tokens, this Negg will heal you with 20 HP. Again, visit the Healing Springs if you are looking for healings.
Staring Negg. For 30 Negg Tokens, the Staring Negg will decrease the intelligence of your pet by 10 points. Unless you’re doing a competition to reach the pet with the less intelligence possible, you may want to forget about this Negg.
Bang Bang Negg. This one will give you a snowball that is very random. 33 Negg Tokens.
Fireball Negg. This is more like a weapon. It will do a maximum amount of damage, during a battle, of four fire icons. This is not really useful to boost BD stats.
Icestorm Negg. This Negg will do 1 physical icon during the Battledome. Not a stat booster.
Spinning Negg. This particular Negg, who costs 36 Negg Tokens used to give your pet the Air Shield Faerie ability. However, this will not do anything currently.
Basic Power Negg. At the price of 39 Negg Tokens, this Negg will increase the defence of your pet by 1 point. Since this is more expensive than the Armoured Negg, which does the same effect, and will not grant you a shield, this is not really recommended as you can waste a good amount of NP on it.
Evil Negg. This is a weapon that will do 3 dark icons, along with 1 physical during a Battle at the cost of 42 Negg Tokens. Not required to boost stats.
Witchy Negg. A really gambling Negg. For 48 Negg Tokens, this will give you a chance to change the gender of your pet, to raise their intelligence, HP, cure them, or transform them to a Lenny, Moehog or Tuskaninny. Chances that you actually receive HP are very slim, and you will most likely turn your pet into a specie that you don’t want. For that reason, don’t waste your NP on this.
Kaleideonegg. At 52 Negg Tokens, this will change the color of your pet to the four basic ones, and there is a chance to increase the number of HP or level of your pet by 1. Again, this is a gamble for a high amount of NP, which is not recommended for obvious reasons.
Faerie Queen Neeg. One of the most sought after Neggs, at the cost of 57 Negg Tokens, you will find this for a hundred of NP or less if you buy them in bulk. This will increase the maximum amount of HP of the fed pet by 1. Very useful for higher end pets and this is really a good choice to put your NP on.
Rainwater Negg. This Negg used to give your pet a Steam Shield Faerie Ability, but it has currently stopped to do anything at all because of the new BD. Not something to look after.
Confusionegg. Used, for 64 Negg Tokens, to give your pet a Psychic Blast Faerie Ability and does nothing at this time.
Radioactive Negg. Used, for 66 Negg Tokens, to give a random Faerie Ability, which doesn’t anymore at this time.
Silver Knight Negg. For 72 Negg Tokens, this will increase the defence of your pet by 1 to 2. Think again: why would you want to pay much more NP to purchase a Negg that gives 1-2 defence points, when you can simply buy two Armoured Neggs for way cheaper? Not recommended.
Power Negg. Strength can be expensive to train up. The Power Negg, at 79 Negg Tokens, gives you the possibility to raise it. A good choice to look forward after training up defence points.
Cracked Negg. For 90 Negg Tokens, this will Heal your pet with 3 HP, take them out, or will inflict 3 light and dark icons. This is more like a weapon, which is not recommended in this case.
Crackling Negg. Does Nothing.
Plaid Negg. Can change the colour of your pet. Avoid it at all cost.
Ferocious Negg. At 124 Negg Tokens, this will ad 1 to 3 strength points to your pet, along with a random disease. Since the disease is easily curable, and that not many Neggs will provide STR points, this is good to go after if you have the NP.
Snegg. Use this Negg if you would like to go through the old increasing way. This Negg will not only increase your HP by 2-3 points, but will also increase your Agility by 2-3 points, and therefore it is one of the most recommended Neggs to seek.
Spiked Negg. At 195 Negg Tokens, this will give you 1-3 HP. For the price, you should really go after the Snegg, as it will give you a better advantage (because of agility) and will cost you generally cheaper.
Super Negg. Expensive Negg at the price of 210 Negg Tokens. This will increase the intelligence of your pet by 1, HP by 1-3 and agility by 1 to 3 points. Not worth the price, you should really look forward Sneggs, Armoured Neggs and Ferocious Neggs.
Cool Negg. This Negg will increase the level of your pet by 1 to 2 HP, 1 to 3 agility, and 1 to 3 strength points. 247 Negg Tokens is really expensive too. The effect is perfect if you can afford the price.
Other Stat Increasers
Alternatively, you can use various potion, for example, like the Altador Strength Potion which will grant your pet a total of 5 strength points. The potions are usually more expensive and it will not be required to pay attention the hunger of your pet. Other than that, there is the Bubbling Fungus that will give you the chance of adding up to 5 strength points to your pet, or losing a maximum of 3 points. Even if this is a gamble, you have good chances to increase your pet’s stats with this item.
Mushroom Stat Increasers
There used to be a time when you could purchase various Mystal Mushrooms through shops in order to train up your pets and get some serious benefits: they used to be so cheap that many people were able to afford them. The Apothecary is where they used to restock, and they gave a random effect to your pet. Even if they currently not restock anymore for the fact that they are now retired, you are always able to purchase the Mushrooms from other Neopians through the Shop Wizard, Trading Post and you can even get them through Auctions. Since they are retired, they increased in their particular rarity and price every day, at a point where you will have a hard to time to purchase them.
Below is a like of the Mystic Mushrooms along with their effects, which will give you a better idea about what you should go for, and what not to seek after. Note that you will also need a good amount of NP to purchase these, making it harder for average Neopian to get them.
Blue Healthshroom. This mushroom, as its name says, will heal your pet by healing it with a total of 1 maximum hit point. Since there are many healing potions at low prices, or even the Faerie Springs in Faerieland that is completely free, purchasing the Blue Healthshroom to heal your pet will be plain ridiculous, unless you would like to collect it, of course.
Green Healthroom. This mushroom also heals your pet, but this time, with a maxium of 11 hit points instead of 1, which is an additional 10 HP. Again, it would be a waste of NP to seek this particular item, thus it is preferable to directly go after the Healing Springs or after a cheaper Healing Potion. Unless you are a collector, you do not want to spend a large amount of NP on something you can get for free.
Green Toadstool. The Green Toadstool will heal your pet with a total of 3 HP. Again, just like the two mushrooms seen before, these mushrooms are retired and will in fact require you to spend a big amount of NP to get them. For that reason, you do not want to purchase these. Even if you’re one of the wealthiest Neopians, why would you want to purchase something that is expensive to use, where you could purchase something that is way more cheaper? For that reason, it is not recommended, also because it will not add BD stats to your pet.
Level Up Shroom. This mushroom will raise the level of your pet by 1 point, which is considerable. Since the amount of Neggs that will grant 1 level are limited, it is recommended that you purchase the Level Up Shroom when you have the NP.
Mega Power Plusshroom. This mushroom will give your pet an additional point, which can be added to his strength, level or HP. For this reason, the Mega Power Plusshroom is something recommended to look after, but you will mostly not find these anymore, or if you do, they would be worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions of NP. Only recommended for wealthy Neopians.
Poisonous Mushroom. The Poisonous Mushroom will give your pet a disease, which is Neopox. Who on his right mind would want to give a disease to his pet? Not only that, but to spend to spend a large amount of NP to do so? This mushroom is not recommended at all.
Purple Spotted Shroom. That particular Shroom will give you the chance to heal your pet by 3 HP, which is useless, receive 1 HP and 1 STR point. Note that the Purple Spotted Shroom is so rare that you will most likely not find it through the TP, which is why you should stick with Neggs (refer to the guide at the top) if you’re looking forward training HP or STR points.
Strength Shroom. This mushroom will give you from 1 to 3 strength points. Again, it is recommended only if you have the NP. 1-3 STR points is very good, but considering the fact that it will cost you a lot just to find one of them, you would be better going after Altador Strength Potion or even taking a gamble with the Bubbling Fungus.
Super Fast Shroom. This mushroom will give an additional 1 agility point to your pet. Literally, you can purchase a Snegg which will cost you probably even less, and will not only raise the agility of your pet by 2-3 points, but also its HP by 2-3 points. In this case, Sneggs would be really the way to go.
Yellow Healthshroom. This particular mushroom will heal your pet by 15 HP and will cure your pet from any disease. It would be better to go and heal your pet through the Healing Springs (in Faerieland) and see if you are lucky enough to get him/her cured. You will spend a lot of NP on a “curing item” when cures will cost much less NP, even the pricier ones.
Finally, there are many ways to increase the stat of your pet(s) without having to go through a long training, and this is perfectly recommended if you have the NP.