The Neopets Hidden Tower is one of Neopia’s many secrets among all it’s lands, secrets that sometimes become publicly known for the users of the game. The Hidden Tower, is a place you can find in the Faerieland City, invisible in the sky and confused between the many towers of this magnificent place where faeries live and work. The Hidden Tower is actually a shop that is managed by not other than the one and only Faerie Queen: the beautiful Fyora. Here she sells her rare and powerful artifacts to the Neopians who can afford them, since they are all pretty expensive and at the same time, she only lets people with accounts older than 4 months buying them.

Neopets Hidden Tower Link
You can visit the Hidden Tower by two methods. The first one would be to go to the Faerieland City and move your cursor on the left of the Faerie Bubbles sign, where the broken tower is. Once you find the spot you’ll be able to click on it. If not, you can visit the Hidden Tower by visiting link below.
At the same time, Fyora needs her beauty sleep to keep herself fresh, and due this the tower closes three times per day. She says is for ‘stock taking’ but we all know the truth behind it. Anyway, during the following times the Hidden Tower closes and you cannot make a purchase:
1:00am – 2:00am NST
7:00am – 8:00am NST
10:00pm – 11:00pm NST

When visiting the Hidden Tower remember that you are only allowed to buy one item every 24 hours. If you try to buy another thing before this time passes you’ll get the following message: “Error: Sorry, I will only sell one item to you every 24 hours, I don’t want to run out of stock!”.
What does the Hidden Tower Neopets Sell
Back in the start of this shop, the Hidden Tower used to sell mostly battledome weapons and equipment over anything else, which explains why the list that now you’ll see has an abundance in that section. But not too long ago, Fyora started to stock Paint Brushes, Faerie Dolls, Plushies and other goodies, transforming the Hidden Tower in what we can see now a days.

The Hidden Tower differs from other shops since it has an unlimited quantity of each item available, they never run out and the only time when you can’t buy an item is when it has been retired from the shop, or when the Hidden Tower is closed. Once an item is retired from this shop, no more will enter the Neopian economy, making such item much more rare and expensive with time.
In general terms, there are 4 big kinds of items that the Hidden Tower sells:
1) Paint Brushes
The Neopets Paintbrushes available in the Hidden Tower are: Royal, Baby, Darigan, and Maractite. You can also find the Royal Petpet Paint Brush there. The prices of all this paint brushes will remain fairly consistent everywhere around Neopia since they can only be bought in the Hidden Tower.
2) Toys, Plushies and Dolls
Item Name: Jelly Chia Plushie |
Item Type: Plushies |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Date Released: May 31, 2002 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Eww this plushie even FEELS sticky and slimy! |
Item Name: Lisha And Jeran Plushie Set |
Item Type: Plushies |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,000,000NP |
Date Released: May 17, 2004 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: A very special set of Meridells most famous brother and sister. |
Item Name: Lord Darigan Plushie |
Item Type: Plushies |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 2,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 2,425,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Description: Fyora must really love these to charge so much for them! |
Item Name: Faerie Queen Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 1,940,000NP |
Date Released: May 8, 2002 |
Description: Wow, the Faerie Queen Doll is SO pretty, and her eyes glow when you squeeze her! |
Special Notes: Playing with this item will give you the “Fyora- Faerie Queen” Avatar. |
Item Name: Hannah Action Figure |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,800,000NP |
Date Released: August 17, 2004 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: With fully movable limbs and her trusty climbing rope you can practice all kinds of daredevil escapades. |
Item Name: Ilere Faerie Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 800,000NP |
Discount Price: 776,000NP |
Date Released: July 19, 2013 |
Description: Keep an eye on this one. We heard it likes to move when you arent looking. |
Item Name: Jhudora The Dark Faerie Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 1,455,000NP |
Date Released: May 24, 2002 |
Description: Fyora was very reluctant to put this doll in the Hidden Tower |
Item Name: Nuria Faerie Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 1,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 970,000NP |
Date Released: September 23, 2014 |
Description: This doll always seems to be glowing with an inner light… |
Item Name: Rainbow Fountain Faerie Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 1,300,000NP |
Discount Price: 1,261,000NP |
Date Released: October 3, 2005 |
Description: This super rare Faerie Doll can only be bought at the Hidden Tower. |
Item Name: Rejected Faerie Queen Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 600,000NP |
Discount Price: 582,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2007 |
Description: This faerie queen doll isnt perfect, but Fyora thinks someone out there will love it. |
Item Name: Snow Faerie Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 750,000NP |
Date Released: May 22, 2002 |
Date Retired: July 19, 2013 |
Description: Awww sweet, she even shivers and shakes when you press a button on her back. |
Item Name: Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 110,000NP |
Discount Price: 106,700NP |
Date Released: September 14, 2004 |
Description: Aww dont you want to pick him up and squeeze him? |
Item Name: Supreme Deluxe Faerie Queen Doll |
Item Type: Toy |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,850,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2005 |
Description: Far snazzier and more ornate than your basic Fyora doll. Truly a masterpiece! |
3) Battledome Items
Item Name: Air Faeries Fan |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: May 3, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A wave of her fan and a huge gust of wind is released! |
Item Name: Aisha Myriad |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 40,000,000NP |
Date Released: October 16, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This is a strange device is made by the Alien Aishas. Why not push a button and find out what happens… |
Item Name: Amulet Of Thilg |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 8,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 8,245,000NP |
Date Released: February 25, 2003 |
Description: One of the items used to banish the malevolent spectre Eliv Thade! |
Item Name: Apron Of The Muffin Man |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Date Released: August 9, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This handy apron originally belonged to the Muffin Man and will destroy any muffins that your opponent might try to use against you! |
Item Name: Asparachucks |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: September 27, 2002 |
Date Retired: July 2, 2012 |
Description: Unleash the power of raw vegetables! |
Item Name: Asparagus Dagger |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,300,000NP |
Date Released: May 23, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Unleash the power of raw vegetables! |
Item Name: Bagguss Bomb |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,750,000NP |
Date Released: May 23, 2002 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Tick tick tick tick… BOOM! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Balthazar Claw |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,500,000NP |
Date Released: October 1, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This claw was ripped from the paw of Balthazar the evil Faerie Bounty Hunter. |
Item Name: Battle Dung |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,850,000NP |
Date Released: October 29, 2002 |
Description: Scoop it up and throw it at your opponent. You may want to wash your hands after each battle! |
Item Name: Battle Slices |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,250,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: They may look like innocent serrated slices of deli meat, but due to a powerful enchantment they can be thrown to cause massive damage in the Battledome! |
Item Name: Bent Fork |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 350,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This small bent fork is a magical totem that will bend the opponents Attack Forks! |
Item Name: Bombaberry Bag |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 500,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A bag of infinite Bombaberry Elixirs! Now THAT is going to come in handy! |
Item Name: Box Of Clockwork Grundos |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,500,000NP |
Date Released: October 17, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: How did they cram so many Clockwork Grundos into such a small box??? |
Item Name: Bracelet Of Kings |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 3,395,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Description: The gold in this bracelet alone must be worth over three million neopoints. |
Item Name: Caparas Battledeck |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,500,000NP |
Date Released: February 27, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A BattleDeck is a collection of magical BattleCards. It contains an infinite number in fact! You can pull up to three out each turn to throw at an opponent. |
Item Name: Cardboard Baby Cabbage Cannon |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,960,000NP |
Date Released: November 21, 2001 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Fires high projectile sprouts at any opponent. Comes with a never ending supply of ammunition! |
Item Name: Carrotblade |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: March 15, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Cybunnies believe that this blade once belonged to the mighty Warrior Cylex, and was used in the battle of the Third Moon. |
Item Name: Cement Mixer |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,000,000NP |
Date Released: January 13, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The magical cement mixer!!! This will create a stone snowball to throw every round! It also has a chance of breaking. |
Item Name: Chia Flour |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 375,000NP |
Date Released: June 5, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Throw this bag of magical Chia Flour at an opponent, and see what happens! Its one use however, so make sure you hit! |
Item Name: Cloud Rod |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This magical artifact has been donated by the Air Faerie. Once it has been equipped by a pet, it can never be unequipped, or it will vanish into thin air. |
Item Name: Commemorative Battle Faerie Axe |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 12,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 11,640,000NP |
Date Released: November 9, 2012 |
Description: This exquisite weapon was based off of Aethias appearance! |
Item Name: Crystal Boomerang |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 750,000NP |
Date Released: January 17, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The Crystal Boomerang has a powerful attack! It can occasionally catch on something and either bring that item with it, or it may shatter. Be careful where you throw it! Fragile. Only one stealing item can be equipped to your pet! |
Item Name: Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 1,940,000NP |
Date Released: January 14, 2012 |
Description: Its cute AND dangerous. Need we say more? |
Item Name: Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 6,600,000NP |
Discount Price: 6,402,000NP |
Date Released: January 13, 2012 |
Description: Well, that somehow explains it all… |
Item Name: Dung Catapult |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Date Released: April 12, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: With so much dung about in Tyrannia, why not use it to your advantage in battle?! |
Item Name: Earth Faerie Leaves |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,700,000NP |
Date Released: June 11, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Ouch – this pair of sharp leaves will return to your hand after throwing… be sure to wear gloves. |
Item Name: Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 544,500NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: July 2, 2012 |
Description: When this Kiko toy was created, something bizarre happened. It has the power to suck up and deflect ANY water attacks thrown against you! |
Item Name: Eraser Of The Dark Faerie |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 13,000,000NP |
Date Released: March 21, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: With one swipe you can magically erase an opponents item for good… but beware, the Eraser will vanish also. |
Item Name: Faerie Acorns |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 7,500,000NP |
Date Released: March 19, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A gift from the Earth Faerie, these acorns can do incredible explosive damage. Well some of them can anyway, she isnt sure that all of them work! |
Item Name: Faerie Fog |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 3,395,000NP |
Date Released: March 22, 2002 |
Description: Faerie Fog is used to stop those prying using a crystal ball… |
Item Name: Faerie Tabard |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 7,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,275,000NP |
Date Released: February 24, 2006 |
Description: This tabard is made of the finest materials and was enchanted by all of the faeries. |
Item Name: Fake Von Roo Fangs |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,300,000NP |
Date Released: June 11, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Although they are fake they seem to be brimming with rather evil magic. I would watch out if I were you! (they break after awhile) Fragile. |
Item Name: Fan Of Swords |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 16,800,000NP |
Discount Price: 16,296,000NP |
Date Released: August 16, 2013 |
Description: When you fold up this fan, it looks like just one sword. |
Item Name: Fire And Ice Blade |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: May 13, 2002 |
Date Retired: July 2, 2012 |
Description: A magical blend of fire and ice that will leave your opponents trembling in fear. |
Item Name: Fyoras Looking Glass |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2004 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Never underestimate the value of a good mirror… Limited Use. |
Item Name: Ghostkerbomb |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 7,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,275,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Description: Guaranteed to scare the living daylights out of your opponent! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Ghostkershield |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,760,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Description: Your last line of defence in the world of the paranormal! |
Item Name: Ghostkersword |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 13,000,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Once wielded by the mighty scary pet, SUNSHINE MONK! |
Item Name: Glittery Faerie Dust |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 12,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 12,125,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2007 |
Description: With a sprinkle of this dust your opponents will know you have the power of the faeries behind you. |
Item Name: Gloves Of The Muffin Man |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Date Released: August 9, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: These gloves have helped to make many muffins and will defend you against the soggiest of the muffins and will also attack an opponent! Watch out, it may steal muffins from your opponent! |
Item Name: Glowing Battle Dung |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,850,000NP |
Date Released: June 1, 2004 |
Description: This dung glows in the dark so you know not to step in it! |
Item Name: Golden Butter Knife |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 6,000,000NP |
Date Released: September 28, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This butter knife hold some secret power that makes it REALLY strong! Dont be fooled by its docile appearance. |
Item Name: Greater Orb Of The Fire Faerie |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Date Released: January 17, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This mysterious Orb of Fire is twice as powerful as the original Orb of the Fire Faeries and it is where the Fire Faeries draw their strength from. If you are brave you may control the orb for a brief time. |
Item Name: Greater Staff Of The Earth Faerie |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,500,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Strong in attack, and with the power to nearly completely block attacking earth magic, the Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie has been locked in the Hidden Tower for centuries |
Item Name: Grimoire Of Thade |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Date Released: March 10, 2003 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: You can almost feel the thade emanating from this ancient tome… |
Item Name: Hat Of The Muffin Man |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,750,000NP |
Date Released: August 9, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The Muffin Mans hat will magically create battle muffins for you to use during your battle! |
Item Name: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 8,200,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,954,000NP |
Date Released: October 5, 2011 |
Description: Show your dedication to Nox with this winsome shield! |
Item Name: Hubrids Noxious Blade |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 4,500,000NP |
Date Released: March 27, 2002 |
Date Retired: August 16, 2013 |
Description: This noxious blade was forged by the evil Warlock Hubrid Nox many centuries ago. He designed it to defeat Lupes in Battle! |
Item Name: Hubrids Odial Sphere |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,500,000NP |
Date Released: April 5, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Make a pact with the Warlock Hubrid Nox and all manner of precious things can be yours… |
Item Name: Hubrids Puzzle Box |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: March 28, 2002 |
Description: Press a few buttons, flick a few switches… and maybe something will happen! |

Item Name: Ice Dice |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: November 21, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Throw them in the Battledome… get a 7 and they vanish, but what happens if you get 2, 3 or 11?? 🙂 You can only have one freeze item equipped to a pet! |

Item Name: Ice Scorchstone |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 2,910,000NP |
Date Released: December 9, 2003 |
Description: his rare gem can restore your pet to full, but it can only be used once per battle. Limited Use. Only one healing item can be equipped to your pet! |

Item Name: Island Mystics Staff |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: September 14, 2004 |
Date Retired: August 16, 2013 |
Description: Rumour has it this is REALLY where the Mystic gets his powers from. |

Item Name: Jade Scorchstone |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 10,000,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This rare gem will restore your pet to full, but it can only be used once per battle. Limited Use. Only one healing item can be equipped to your pet! |

Item Name: Jhudoras Battle Claw |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Date Released: February 4, 2004 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This handy weapon was designed by Jhudora for her most loyal followers. |

Item Name: Jhudoras Bewitched Ring |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: January 21, 2003 |
Description: This ring may never come off your finger! |

Item Name: Jhudoras Crystal Ball |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 2,910,000NP |
Date Released: March 22, 2002 |
Description: This magical crystal ball will allow you to find out what your opponent is using in a battledome fight! Only works in 2 player battles however. |

Item Name: Jhudoras Wand |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: February 4, 2004 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Powerful, devious and untrustworthy, just like its creator… |

Item Name: Kaloras Battledeck |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Date Released: February 27, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A BattleDeck is a collection of magical BattleCards. It contains an infinite number in fact! You can pull up to three out each turn to throw at an opponent. |

Item Name: Kelpbeards Trident |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 9,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 8,730,000NP |
Date Released: August 7, 2009 |
Description: Just the thought of this trident will have your opponents waterlogged! |
Item Name: Lesser Attack Chive |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: August 8, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: These ingenious chives are not for your baked potato, they are for dealing a large blow to your opponent in the Battledome. |
Item Name: Little Timmys Slingshot |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,970,000NP |
Date Released: October 2, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This slingshot magically creates its own ammunition. I hope Timmy doesnt want it back any time soon! |
Item Name: Magical Marbles Of Mystery |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,760,000NP |
Date Released: February 24, 2006 |
Description: Not your average glass marbles. |
Item Name: Maractite Battle Duck |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 9,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 8,730,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2005 |
Description: Far stronger and more powerful than your average Battle Duck, this also glides through water as if it were air! |
Item Name: Mask Of Coltzan |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,700,000NP |
Discount Price: 3,589,000NP |
Date Released: June 26, 2002 |
Description: A legendary death mask found in Coltzans tomb, it is rumoured to have strong defensive powers. |
Item Name: Meuka Snot Gloves |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 4,350,000NP |
Date Released: March 26, 2003 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Snot can make an interesting form of defence in the Battledome! |
Item Name: Meukas Snot Trail |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 6,500,000NP |
Date Released: May 14, 2002 |
Date Retired: August 16, 2013 |
Description: This long fetid column of snot came out of Meukas nose… ewwww! |
Item Name: Monoceraptors Claw |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 24,000,000NP |
Date Released: March 20, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This claw was the last of the Monoceraptor that was found after his fall. It is said to be his most powerful part, but what can it really do? |
Item Name: Pirate Captains Cutlass |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 16,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 15,520,000NP |
Date Released: August 17, 2004 |
Description: Super sharp and well used. This is the preferred sword for pirate captains around Neopia. |
Item Name: Pirate Captains Hat |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 4,700,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,559,000NP |
Date Released: August 17, 2004 |
Description: There is far more to this hat than fine fabrics and a swanky feather. |
Item Name: Pocket Cooking Pot |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,682,500NP |
Discount Price: 5,512,025NP |
Date Released: September 14, 2004 |
Description: You will be able to really mix things up with this magical pot. *cringe* |
Item Name: Porcelain Hair Sticks |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 10,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 9,700,000NP |
Date Released: February 24, 2006 |
Description: These hair sticks are reinforced so that they will not break when they meet metal. |
Item Name: Portable Kiln |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,158,000NP |
Discount Price: 3,063,260NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Description: This handy portable kiln will help bake your enemies in seconds! |
Item Name: Radish Bow |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: June 5, 2002 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Give your opponent a right royal radishing!!! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Rainbow Clockwork Grundo |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,400,000NP |
Date Released: August 24, 2004 |
Date Retired: August 16, 2013 |
Description: Tick tock tick tock tick tock BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Rainbow Swirly Thing |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 3,653,000NP |
Discount Price: 3,543,410NP |
Date Released: September 27, 2001 |
Description: Wow, what pretty colors… I wonder what it does? |
Item Name: Rancid Battle Dung |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,850,000NP |
Date Released: June 1, 2004 |
Description: Eww yuck! Someone must have left their bag of Battle Dung out in the sun too long! |
Item Name: Reflectozap 2000 |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,000,000NP |
Date Released: October 1, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The Reflectozap 2000 will reflect 80-100% flame damage back to an opponent! Watch the look on their face when they toast themselves! You can only equip one of these. |
Item Name: Regulation Meridell Crossbow |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 9,000,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: August 16, 2013 |
Description: The irresistable force of this magical crossbow cannot be stopped, apart from by an immovable object. |
Item Name: Rod Of Dark Nova |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 20,000,000NP |
Date Released: September 27, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A rod of purest evil, this black artifact will drain life from an opponent, immolate them with flames, and create three Dark Novas. |
Item Name: Rod Of Nova |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 6,000,000NP |
Date Released: January 16, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The fabled Rod of Nova. At 6 million Neopoints this does not come cheap… but it will create three Novas per turn for your pet, and it also has the power to heal! |
Item Name: Rod Of Supernova |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: One of the most powerful artifacts in Neopia! The Rod of Supernova will create Supernova motes for you to use in battle, block attacks, heal you, and cover your opponent with fire and searing light! |
Item Name: Shield Of Faerieland |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 12,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 11,640,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2012 |
Description: Protect yourself in battle with this regal shield that is reminiscent of the Faerie Queen herself! |
Item Name: Shield Of Pion Troect |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 6,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 5,820,000NP |
Date Released: March 5, 2003 |
Description: This shield will grant you extreme pion troect in times of need! |
Item Name: Shrunken Skull Marbles |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 4,200,000NP |
Date Released: November 22, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: Loads of pretty marbles!! When you throw these at an opponent they will explode in many different colours! |
Item Name: Skarls Hasty Mace |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 7,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 6,790,000NP |
Date Released: July 28, 2012 |
Description: The perfect weapon, when all you have is food on hand… |
Item Name: Slingshot Of Fire |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 10,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 9,700,000NP |
Date Released: June 3, 2008 |
Description: BURN! This is one hot weapon. |
Item Name: Slorg Flakes |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 750,000NP |
Discount Price: 727,500NP |
Date Released: November 4, 2003 |
Description: Sprinkle a few flakes on your opponent and they may get an unpleasant surprise! One Use Item. |
Item Name: Slumberberry Potion |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 9,500,000NP |
Discount Price: 9,215,000NP |
Date Released: August 29, 2003 |
Description: Zzzzzzzzzzzz |
Item Name: Smelly Cheese Bomb |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 6,600,000NP |
Discount Price: 6,402,000NP |
Date Released: 2015-01-20 |
Description: Yikes! That pungent odour is a bit much. |
Item Name: Snowball Machine |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 2,079,000NP |
Date Released: October 16, 2001 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: This strange machine will create many snowballs of every type for you to use in battle! |
Item Name: Spectres Battledeck |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Date Released: February 27, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A BattleDeck is a collection of magical BattleCards. It contains an infinite number in fact! You can pull up to three out each turn to throw at an opponent. |
Item Name: Starry Battle Dung |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 4,850,000NP |
Date Released: June 1, 2004 |
Description: Far less smelly and prettier than your basic Battle Dung. |
Item Name: Stone Hourglass |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,500,000NP |
Date Released: January 17, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The stone hourglass will accelerate time and turn your opponents Stone Snowballs into dust! |
Item Name: Sunshine Shield |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 800,000NP |
Discount Price: 776,000NP |
Date Released: November 18, 2002 |
Description: This shield will keep your spirits up no matter what your opponent throws at you! |
Item Name: Sword Of Ari |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: May 21, 2011 |
Description: Be the wielder of air with this magical blade! |
Item Name: Sword Of Lameness |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 17,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 16,490,000NP |
Date Released: December 2, 2010 |
Description: Lame your opponents with this mighty sword! |
Item Name: Sword Of Reif |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: May 21, 2011 |
Description: Be the wielder of fire with this magical blade! |
Item Name: Sword Of Skardsen |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: February 26, 2003 |
Description: Just the trick to put a pesky menacing undead monster out of its misery! |
Item Name: Sword Of Tawre |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: May 21, 2011 |
Description: Be the wielder of water with this magical blade! |
Item Name: Sword Of Thare |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: May 21, 2011 |
Description: Be the wielder of earth with this magical blade! |
Item Name: Sword Of The Air Faerie |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 7,000,000NP |
Date Released: March 18, 2002 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This powerful relic was allegedly created by the first air faerie ever to exist in Neopia. |
Item Name: Sword Of Thigl |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 11,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 10,670,000NP |
Date Released: May 21, 2011 |
Description: Be the wielder of light with this magical blade! |
Item Name: Tiki Bomb Bag |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 750,000NP |
Date Released: September 26, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This magical bag will create at least one tiki bomb per battle! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Tornado Ring |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Date Released: October 1, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: This powerful ring will never break! It is filled with the power of a tornado, which can protect you, cause damage to your opponent and may even do something else. You will have to try it and see! Only one stealing item can be equipped to your pet! |
Item Name: Twin Faerie Blades |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 13,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 12,610,000NP |
Date Released: June 2, 2010 |
Description: Elegant twin blades ready to unleash the power of the faeries! |
Item Name: U-Bend Of Great Justice |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,732,500NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: July 2, 2012 |
Description: The U-Bend of Justice will reflect between 80% and 100% of water-based attacks to an opponent, for great justice! You can only equip one of these. |
Item Name: Ubikiberry Bag |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 250,000NP |
Date Released: Unknown |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: A bag of infinite Ubikiberry Elixirs! Now THAT is going to come in handy! |
Item Name: Ultra Attack Chive |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 3,000,000NP |
Date Released: August 8, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: They may look like innocent herbs, but due to a powerful enchantment they can be thrown to cause massive damage in the Battledome! Limited Use. |
Item Name: Ultra Bubble Gun |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 7,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 6,790,000NP |
Date Released: August 29, 2003 |
Description: Tired of using that old Chia Bubble Gun… why not upgrade to something a little better 🙂 |
Item Name: Wand Of Flamebolt |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,300,000NP |
Date Released: January 22, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: When you use the Wand of Flamebolt you have a great power in your hands! You can fight and defend fire easily, and you can melt three different kinds of snowballs! |
Item Name: Werelupe Claw Necklace |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 7,760,000NP |
Date Released: August 29, 2003 |
Description: Somewhere in Neopia is a very angry Werelupe with two missing claws. |
Item Name: Yoyo Of Death |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 8,000,000NP |
Date Released: October 24, 2002 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Smack your opponent from afar with this deadly toy. Then show off a couple of tricks and smack them again! |
Item Name: Zaptwig |
Item Type: Battledome |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 5,000,000NP |
Date Released: October 2, 2001 |
Date Retired: Unknown |
Description: The Zaptwig is a joint effort between the Light and Earth Faeries to create the ultimate battle item! |
4) Others (Food, Books)
Item Name: Everlasting Apple |
Item Type: Food |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 990,000NP |
Discount Price: 960,300NP |
Date Released: April 12, 2001 |
Description: No matter how many bites you take out of this apple, it will never get any smaller. |
Item Name: Grimoire Of Affluence |
Item Type: Book |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 10,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 9,700,000NP |
Date Released: April 29, 2011 |
Description: This grimoire can only be opened at great cost. |
Item Name: Grimoire Of Prosperity |
Item Type: Book |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 1,000,000NP |
Discount Price: 970,000NP |
Date Released: April 29, 2011 |
Description: Pay the price, and discover its secret. |
Item Name: Grimoire Of The First Order |
Item Type: Book |
Item Status: For Sale |
Item Price: 100,000NP |
Discount Price: 97,000NP |
Date Released: April 29, 2011 |
Description: Coin must first be exchanged to find what lies within. |
Item Name: Fyora The Faerie Queen (TCG) |
Item Type: Trading Card |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,000,000NP |
Date Released: September 19, 2003 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: Fyora, the Queen of all Faeries, has ruled over Faerieland for as long as anybody can remember. |
Item Name: Platinum Dubloon |
Item Type: Special |
Item Status: Retired |
Item Price: 1,100,000NP |
Date Released: August 17, 2004 |
Date Retired: June 1, 2011 |
Description: This would make a fine addition to any gallery. |
Hidden Tower Discount Day
The Hidden Tower has the particularity that the listed price in the shop will be the firm one and once you click it, you won’t be redirected to a haggle page but instead, you’ll be paying the full price at once and buying it. But there are two opportunities in which you can receive a discount in the Hidden Tower.

If you have an account that is older than 60 months old, you can use the Loyal User Perk introduced in 2010 for the Hidden Tower. This perk gives a 3% discount in all the items every third Wednesday of the month.
At the same time, if you’re lucky enough you might get a random event where you’ll be awarded a 10% discount off your next purchase in the Hidden Tower. This random even was created in 2014 and it doesn’t expire, so you can wait all you want before using it. Also is important to know that you cannot add up both of the discounts since they don’t stack up.
Neopets Hidden Tower Capsule
The Hidden Tower Capsule is a mysterious and coveted item in Neopia that celebrates the lore surrounding the Hidden Tower itself. These capsules occasionally appear during special Neopian events, offering a random selection of exclusive or rare items. Typically, the capsules include items themed around the Tower or Fyora, such as magical weapons, luxurious furniture, or unique collectibles. For collectors and battlers alike, the Hidden Tower Capsule is a thrilling way to enhance their inventory with treasures that embody the Tower’s allure. Be prepared to splurge Neocash when these capsules make their limited-time debut.
Neopets Hidden Tower Avatars
The Hidden Tower Avatars are a badge of honor for Neopian collectors. To obtain the “Hidden Tower” avatar, users must purchase an item from the Tower. While any item qualifies, even the cheapest purchase requires significant Neopoints, making this avatar a status symbol of wealth and dedication. Additionally, some rare items purchased here might unlock specific avatars related to the Neopian lore, adding an extra layer of incentive for avatar collectors. Visiting the Tower isn’t just about shopping—it’s about securing bragging rights for your Neopian account.
Neopets Hidden Tower Closed
Rumors of the Hidden Tower closing have circulated among Neopians for years, adding to its mystique. While Fyora’s Tower remains open as of now, its elusive location and the premium nature of its items often give the impression of exclusivity. Some speculate that if the Tower were to ever close, its items would instantly become priceless relics in the trading market. For now, the Tower stands as a timeless monument to Neopia’s magical history—but don’t take its presence for granted. If you’re eyeing a particular treasure, now might be the best time to secure it.
Neopets Hidden Tower Treasure
The Hidden Tower Treasure is a trove of rare and legendary items that can’t be found elsewhere in Neopia. From Battledome essentials like the Sword of Skardsen to decorative petpets like the Faerie Queen Doll, the Tower houses an array of treasures for every type of Neopian. Each item reflects Fyora’s dedication to preserving Neopian magic and history. These treasures often come with hefty price tags, but their rarity ensures they remain valuable investments. For collectors, the Tower is the ultimate destination to discover and acquire some of Neopia’s most iconic and powerful artifacts.
Neopets Hidden Tower Retired Items
Over the years, many items from the Hidden Tower have been retired, making them even more desirable among collectors and traders. Retired items, such as the Chokato (TCG) or Faerie Slingshot, are no longer available for purchase, driving up their value in the Neopian economy. These items often become symbols of status and wealth, coveted by players who missed the chance to buy them directly. If you’re lucky, you might find retired Hidden Tower items in the Trading Post or through auctions—but expect to pay a premium for these iconic pieces of Neopian history.
History of the Neopets Hidden Tower
Now that you know how the Hidden Tower works, you might be interested in learning a little bit about it’s background. The Hidden Tower was first announced on January 16, 2001 (Y3), and was officially opened in January 17 of the same year.
You can check the way it was discovered in it’s page in the Neopedia, where the maid of the Faerieland castle, Celandra the Pink Gelert, was dusting around the towers when she noticed a small trapdoor that had been hiding behind a bookshelf. She opened such trapdoor and climbed through where she discovered an abandoned courtyard, overrun with weeds and rubbish. Celandra decided to clean this space up and while doing this, a magical doorway swung open and then became invisible. She approached the place and touched the invisible walls of the long lost Hidden Tower, grasping then the doorknob and discovering when opening it a large collection of rare magical items.

The Hidden Tower had its first change in June of 2007, where it closed for people with accounts younger than 4 months old. If they tried going to the link of the shop, they would be redirected to Faerie City. Then, on the April Fools Day of 2009, TNT closed the Hidden Tower as a joke. After this event, the access to the Hidden Tower changed once more to become what now is, where people with accounts younger than 4 months old could visit the shop but not purchase any of the items.
Every time you visit the Hidden Tower, the Queen Fyora will talk to you. Here is the list of all the possible comments she’ll make in case you’re wondering!
– My favorite is the Rod of Nova (but I seem to be sold out!)
– These magical artifacts are centuries old!
– I will add more items to my stock soon!
– You could never afford any of these!
– You must be strong to wield these items in battle.
– You will never lose another battle again!
– No, I don’t do loans!!!
Not all has been pink and roses for the Hidden Tower. The popularity of the treasures that this shop holds got into the ears of Captain Xelqued, an Alien Aisha that decided to steal the secrets of the valuable items sold by the Queen Fyora. He created an artifact that captured the information of each item, and once he got to trick Fyora into giving him a tour around the shop, he used this and successfully recreated the artefacts in a lab back home. But once Fyora knew about the scam of this aisha, she took revenge and seized all of the Aisha Myriad of the Captain and started to sell those for a while in the Hidden Tower, though if a customer wanted to buy one of those, they would undergo thorough a background check, as a way to insure that they aren’t one of the Alien Aishas’ secret agents. This item was retired of the shop a couple years later though.
I hope this guide was useful and now you know much more about the Hidden Tower and it’s multiple details! Have a safe and happy buying!