Noda’s Fortune Cookies Guide

On the rocky cliffs of Shenkuu, Noda the Orange Cybunny has started selling fortune cookies based on his grandmother’s ancient recipes. These cookies, available in limited quantities at Noda’s fortune cookie shop as well as the NC Mall, give users special temporary powers and advantages to use throughout Neopia.


After purchasing a cookie at the NC Mall or Noda’s Fortune Cookies, they will appear in your inventory. To activate them, simply click on the cookie you wish to use and select “Open cookie” from the drop down menu. Your cookie will either direct you to its associated page or grant you an NC item, which will immediately appear in your inventory.


There are currently ten active cookies available:

neopets FORTUNE COOKIESFaerie Quest Fortune Cookie neopets fortune cookiesLab Ray Fortune Cookie mall_fc_trading-3085344NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie mall_fc_battledomeacademy-5732104Training Fortune Cookie mall_fc_wheel-2988623NC Archives Fortune Cookie
mall_cookie_6-9501949Wild Card Fortune Cookie mall_fortcookie_games-2728074Games Fortune Cookie mall_fc_baby-6366285Nursery Time NC Fortune Cookie mall_fc_festival-4542093Festive Sounds NC Fortune Cookie mall_fc_mystery-2021052Manor Mystery NC Fortune Cookie


  • Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie (100 NC) — Grants users one guaranteed faerie quest every day for 9 days. (Released 23 May 2012)
  • Lab Ray Fortune Cookie (125 NC) — Grants users between 1 and 3 extra lab zaps everyday for 7 days. NOTE: You must have access to the Secret Laboratory to use this cookie. (Released 26 April 2012)
  • NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie (175 NC) — Grants users the ability to donate unwanted, duplicate, and/or unused NC items for other items or small amounts of NC in return, everyday, for 4 days. The amount of items you must donate ranges between 2 and 4. (Released 9 May 2013)
  • Training Fortune Cookie (125 NC) — Grants users reduced training time ranging from 30 to 75% on courses enrolled at Cap’n Threelegs’ Swashbuckling Academy, Mystery Island Training School, and Secret Ninja Training School everyday for 5 days. (Released 24 January 2014)
  • NC Archives Fortune Cookie (225 NC) — Grants user 1 to 2 spins on the NC Archives Wheel everyday for 3 days. (Released 11 November 2013)
  • Wild Card Fortune Cookie (125 NC) — Grants users either 2X or 3X bonus on various card games in Neopia for 24 hours. NOTE: You must be 13 years of age or older, or have parental permission to access these games, in order to use this cookie. (Released 20 August 2013)
    • Cheat
    • Godori
    • Jubjub Blackjack
    • Pyramids
    • Round Table Poker
    • Sakhmet Solitaire
    • Scarab 21
  • Games Fortune Cookie (175 NC) — Grants users either 2X or 3X bonus on all flash games in Neopia for 24 hours. (Released 8 May 2012)
  • Nursery Time NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of eight wearable items for baby pets. NOTE: Your pet must be painted Baby in order to wear these wearables. (Released 24 April 2014)
    • mall_pants_babyanchor-1322470Baby Anchor Trousers mall_acc_babybib-3027054Baby Bandana Bib mall_shirt_babyspring-8444085Baby Floral Shirt mall_acc_babypigtails-9381784Baby Pigtail Wig
      mall_acc_babysunglasses-6459770Baby Flower Sunglasses mall_acc_pinkbabycontacts-7834956Baby Pink Contacts mall_hh_woodteether-1714979Baby Wooden Teether mall_bg_babynursery-3708020Charming Baby Nursery Background
  • Festive Sounds NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of eight wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Released 14 August 2014)
    • mall_hh_lightwand-8408040Bumbluz Light Wand mall_skirt_longfestival-8973479Flowing Striped Skirt mall_clo_bohemiantop-1427981Jewelled Black Lace Shirt mall_acc_festivalwig-5257807Musical Jewel Wig
      mall_fp_festivalrainbow-4454984Shimmering Rainbow Face Paint mall_fg_festivalcrowd-6820446Music Festival Crowd Foreground mall_gar_musicalnotes-4336599Musical Bar Garland mall_bg_outdoorfestival-9759017Outdoor Music Festival Background
  • Manor Mystery NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of seven wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Released 28 January 2015)
    • mall_dress_greennecklace-7364540Emerald Taffeta Gown with Jewels mall_acc_glovesjewelry-6725373Gloves with Jeweled Bracelets mall_acc_cluehatwig-4793249Pillbox Hat with Veil mall_trink_messydresser-2966110Messy Dresser Trinket
      mall_trink_gothcandelabra-4475050Large Candelabras Background Item mall_hh_candlestickrope-1555763Handheld Candlestick and Rope mall_bg_mysteriousdinner-7498851Mysterious Dinner Party Background


There are currently seven retired cookies which are no longer available:

mall_80x80_fortunecookie7-7218103Big Top NC Fortune Cookie mall_fc_ncbday-1386185Delightable NC Fortune Cookie mall_fc_gbmc-3047321Gift Box Mystery Capsule Fortune Cookie mall_fc_illusionist-7693971Illusionist NC Fortune Cookie
mall_fc_npfair-4544191Merry Fair Fortune Cookie mall_fortcookie_stars-9656902Starry NC Fortune Cookie mall_80x80_day_nc_fc-3555831Sugar Skull NC Fortune Cookie


  • Big Top NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of seven wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active 23 October 2012, 11-13 April 2014)
    • mall_clo_ringmastercoat-4989536Ringmaster Coat mall_acc_ringleaderhatwig-4725779Ringmaster Top Hat and Wig mall_acc_circuscontacts-7137398Circus Contacts mall_hh_petpetcircusplushie-5809037Yarn Noil Handheld Plushie
      mall_trink_petpettightropegar-7130851Miamouse Tight Rope Garland mall_wings_ornatecircusbigtop-2329114Ornate Circus Tent Wings mall_bg_insidecircustent-1800008Inside Circus Tent Background
  • Delightable NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of seven wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active from 17 July 2012 – 18 October 2012, 11-13 April 2014)
    • mall_acc_fyorahatwig-4044645Fyora Inspired Wig and Hat mall_clo_pantdevilpant-1167040Pant Devil Trousers mall_wings_yalana-6128568Bounty Hunter Wings mall_hh_magaxshield-2672386MAGAX Energy Shield
      mall_hh_iscastaff-1925154Luminous Seashell Staff mall_hh_drslothplush-9133943Overstuffed Dr. Sloth Handheld Plushie mall_bg_wharfwharf-3703827Warf Wharf Background
  • Gift Box Mystery Capsule Fortune Cookie (released as a bonus prize from the Great NC Scavenger Hunt event) — Grants the user a special gift box capsule. The cookie will require you to choose one other users to also send the granted NC item to. NOTE: Users can enter their own username to receive the capsule twice.
    • mall_mc_huntcap-5017675Great Scavenger Hunt Gift Box Mystery Capsule
  • Illusionist NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of seven wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active from April 19 2013 – 15 August 2013, 11-13 April 2014)
    • mall_dress_cards-7901223Dress of Cards mall_cape_magician-3227681Cape of the Arcane mall_wig_magician-8936869Magicians Wig mall_hh_bunnyhat-5401923Enchanted Snowbunny Top Hat
      mall_bi_knife_throwing-5305178Knife Throwing Board mall_shower_white_weewoo-3181798Magical White Weewoo Table mall_bk_disappearing-6468684Captivating Magic Box Background
  • Merry Fair Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of seven wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active from 19 August 2013 – 28 January 2014, 11-13 April 2014)
    • mall_clo_overalls-7239767Merry Fair Dress mall_acc_prizewig-3309321Award Winning Hair mall_hh_giantplushie-2240634Overstuffed Meturf Handheld Plushie mall_gar_cottoncandylight-3393759Candy Floss String Lights
      mall_shower_fireworks-5433900Brilliant Fireworks Shower mall_bg_gamevendor-6465101Fair Vendors Background mall_trink_potatocoaster-5875007Potato Themed Ride Background
  • Starry NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of eight wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active from 26 April 2012 – 6 July 2012, 11-13 April 2014)
    • mall_starcookie_bluedress-9341261Shimmery Star Dress mall_starcookie_blackwigstar-7271826Starry Night Sky Wig mall_starcookie_starwings-7399603Constellation Wings mall_starcookie_contacts-3067909Contacts of the Cosmos
      mall_starcookie_starsword-2269077Constellation Sword mall_starcookie_novaplush-3429819Dark Nova Handheld Plushie mall_starcookie_shootstartrink-7035900Orbiting Planets Garland mall_starcookie_universebg-6754347Galaxies Beyond Background
  • Sugar Skull NC Fortune Cookie (250 NC) — Grants users one of eight wearable items. The cookie will require you to choose between two to four other users to also send the granted NC item to. (Active from 10 January 2014 – 15 August 2014)
    • mall_clo_skull_skirt-9182870Flowery Skull Skirt mall_acc_bright_flower_wig-8311750Gothic Flower Wreath Wig mall_acc_bright_skull_mask-2028143Vibrant Sugar Skull Mask mall_acc_skull_contacts-3799881Staring Skulls Contacts
      mall_hh_carnation_bouquet-4922656Decorative Bouquet of Marigolds mall_trink_skull_garland-8359951Handcrafted Sugar Skull Garland mall_trink_flower_shrine_frame-8882139Multicolour Paper Flowers Frame mall_bck_shadowbox_background-4711023Sugar Skull Frame Background


  • Noda’s cookies can be gifted to other players by using gift boxes.
  • If you open a cookie while you already have a cookie active, one of two things will happen:
    • If you have a cookie that has x number of days until it expires, you will not be able to open another cookie.
    • If you have a cookie that has a maximum usage time of 24 hours, another 24 hours will be added to your remaining time. Example: If you have 6 hours remaining on your Games Fortune Cookie and you open another Games Fortune Cookie, your remaining time will become 30 hours.
  • Cookies cannot be used on side accounts. The single exception is the Lab Ray cookie, which you may use on your side account if your only lab is on your side account (see the Editorial response). You are expected to open NC Fortune Cookies on your main account and send the items inside to your sides if you would like them there.
  • There are no bonus items available in NC Fortune Cookies.

Author: Sarah