Dyeworks Guide

Dyeworks is a special section of the NC Mall that opened on 30 June 2014 in which you can duplicate specific items in fun colors! Requiring NC Mall items, this activity requires real money.



Before you can begin the dyeing process, you’ll need two specific NC items. The first is called a Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion:

neopets Dyeworks125 NC

These are always available at the NC Mall. After you purchase them, they can be found in your inventory. This also means they can be gifted or sent to other users. Each potion will give you one opportunity to dye an item.

The second item you’ll need is an original wearable item to dye. When you dye an item, you keep the original item and receive a duplicate in another color — so don’t be concerned that you will lose your item if you decide to dye it! The available active items that can be dyed can always be found on the Dyeworks page in the NC Mall and are also listed below.

Active items that can be dyed:

There are three categories of items that can currently be dyed (some of which are available in the NC Mall), and you will need one of the originals in order to use your Dyeworks Potion.

▻ Clothing

Original Colour Variations
mall_dress_butterfly-5592224Butterfly Dress mall_dress_butterflybrown-8894334mall_dress_butterflyblue-6369960mall_dress_butterflyblack-4290981Dyeworks Brown: Butterfly Dress
Dyeworks Green: Butterfly Dress
Dyeworks Grey: Butterfly Dress
mall_jjpb_whiterosetop-5776872Shimmery Rose Top mall_top_roseblue-7845070mall_top_roseorange-3674499mall_top_rosepink-2578214Dyeworks Blue: Shimmery Rose Top
Dyeworks Orange: Shimmery Rose Top
Dyeworks Pink: Shimmery Rose Top
mall_fon_faeriewingskirt-8530770Dainty Faerie Wing Skirt mall_skirt_faeriegreen-4608590mall_skirt_faeriegrey-2028329mall_skirt_faerieorange-2848455Dyeworks Green: Dainty Faerie Wing Skirt
Dyeworks Grey: Dainty Faerie Wing Skirt
Dyeworks Orange: Dainty Faerie Wing Skirt
mall_onepiece_babytux-8560371Baby Tuxedo mall_clo_babytuxblue-5197905mall_clo_babytuxpink-8921362mall_clo_babytuxyellow-3325978Dyeworks Blue: Baby Tuxedo
Dyeworks Pink: Baby Tuxedo
Dyeworks Yellow: Baby Tuxedo
mall_blum_blackdress-5714690Black Ruffled Dress mall_dress_ruffledturq-3662272mall_dress_ruffledpurple-2215998mall_dress_ruffledred-8130929mall_dress_ruffledfaerie-2120792Dyeworks Blue: Black Ruffled Dress
Dyeworks Purple: Black Ruffled Dress
Dyeworks Red: Black Ruffled Dress
Dyeworks Pink: Black Ruffled Dress
mall_clo_darkfaeriearmour-6394656Dark Battle Armour mall_clo_armourblue-6757399mall_clo_armourgrey-5240497mall_clo_armourorange-8795960mall_clo_armourfaerie-2325767Dyeworks Blue: Dark Battle Armour
Dyeworks Grey: Dark Battle Armour
Dyeworks Orange: Dark Battle Armour
Dyeworks Pink: Dark Battle Armour
mall_shirt_plaidvest-4264921Purple Plaid Shirt and Waistcoat mall_shirt_plaidshirtvest_blac-6135451mall_shirt_plaidshirtvest_gree-5921175mall_shirt_plaidshirtvest_oran-5092392mall_clo_waistcoatfaerie-5924492Dyeworks Brown: Purple Plaid Shirt and Waistcoat
Dyeworks Green: Purple Plaid Shirt and Waistcoat
Dyeworks Orange: Purple Plaid Shirt and Waistcoat
Dyeworks Pink: Purple Plaid Shirt and Waistcoat

▻ Accessories

Original Colour Variations
mall_mutant_cape-5038750Elegant Mutant Cape mall_cape_mutantblue-2726961mall_cape_mutantyellow-7779504mall_cape_mutantpurple-3471964mall_acc_capefaerie-3886182Dyeworks Blue: Elegant Mutant Cape
Dyeworks Green: Elegant Mutant Cape
Dyeworks Purple: Elegant Mutant Cape
Dyeworks Pink: Elegant Mutant Cape
mall_wig_isca-1478129Isca Wig mall_acc_iscablue-9632961mall_acc_iscachestnut-4997062mall_acc_iscapurple-5068388mall_acc_iscafaerie-1395583Dyeworks Blue: Isca Wig
Dyeworks Orange: Isca Wig
Dyeworks Purple: Isca Wig
Dyeworks Pink: Isca Wig
mall_acc_multicolorwig-7193552Multicolour Wig mall_wig_multipastel-2251339mall_wig_multigreen-9531573mall_wig_multired-6238227Dyeworks Blue: Multicolor Wig
Dyeworks Green: Multicolor Wig
Dyeworks Orange: Multicolor Wig
Glass Rose Staff
mall_staff_roseblue-6316896mall_staff_rosepurple-6120700mall_staff_roseyellow-1754442mall_hh_rosefaerie-2853885Dyeworks Blue: Glass Rose Staff
Dyeworks Purple: Glass Rose Staff
Dyeworks Yellow: Glass Rose Staff
Dyeworks Pink: Glass Rose Staff
mall_fon_faeriewings-1408661Sparkling Faerie Wings mall_wings_faerieblack-3643214mall_acc_faeriegreen-5411338mall_acc_faeriepurple-3034248mall_wings_faeriepink-5738048Dyeworks Black: Sparkling Faerie Wings
Dyeworks Green: Sparkling Faerie Wings
Dyeworks Purple: Sparkling Faerie Wings
Dyeworks Pink: Sparkling Faerie Wings
mall_acc_stararmbracer-7449016Silver Star Bracers mall_acc_starblack-2626646mall_acc_starturquoise-9180204mall_acc_starpink-8232560Dyeworks Black: Silver Star Bracers
Dyeworks Blue: Silver Star Bracers
Dyeworks Pink: Silver Star Bracers
mall_clo_darkenchantedcape-5204912Dark Enchanted Cape mall_cape_darkblue-9366241mall_cape_pink-3646634mall_cape_darkpurple-4376027Dyeworks Blue: Dark Enchanted Cape
Dyeworks Pink: Dark Enchanted Cape
Dyeworks Purple: Dark Enchanted Cape
mall_acc_seekergelerthair-3623682Philosophers Wig mall_wig_philosopherblack-6102223mall_wig_philosopherbrown-4985558mall_wig_philosopherpink-7835039Dyeworks Black: Philosophers Wig
Dyeworks Brown: Philosophers Wig
Dyeworks Pink: Philosophers Wig
mall_acc_gold_body_dust-7977337Magical Golden Markings mall_acc_markingsblue-7260331mall_acc_markingsilver-3630050mall_acc_markingspink-5759468Dyeworks Blue: Magical Golden Markings
Dyeworks Purple: Magical Golden Markings
Dyeworks Pink: Magical Golden Markings

▻ Trinkets

Original Colour Variations
mall_faeriedustshower-1260298Faerie Dust Shower mall_shower_faerieblue-8621652 mall_shower_faeriegrey-8333714 mall_shower_faeriepurp-1421461Dyeworks Blue: Faerie Dust Shower
Dyeworks Grey: Faerie Dust Shower
Dyeworks Purple: Faerie Dust Shower
mall_butterflyshower-2029486Butterfly Shower mall_shower_butterflyblue-6240273 mall_shower_butterflygreen-1751572 mall_shower_butterflypurple-4066777Dyeworks Blue: Butterfly Shower
Dyeworks Green: Butterfly Shower
Dyeworks Purple: Butterfly Shower
mall_flyingnova-9425925Shooting Novas mall_shower_darknova-4369536 mall_shower_chocolatenova-6348378 mall_shower_ultanova-7985811Dyeworks Dark Nova: Shooting Novas
Dyeworks Mint Chocolate: Shooting Novas
Dyeworks Ultranova: Shooting Novas
mall_blum_blueleafgar-6779507Peaceful Tree Garland mall_gar_peacefultreepink-8614814 mall_gar_peacefultreepurp-2583480 mall_gar_peacefultreebrwn-5284177Dyeworks Pink: Peaceful Tree Garland
Dyeworks Purple: Peaceful Tree Garland
Dyeworks Yellow: Peaceful Tree Garland


To start, head to the Dyeworks studio in the NC Mall. There, you will be greeted by a friendly Rainbow Elephante called Loic, the potions master.

Here, you’ll be asked to select which original item you will be dying from the categories Accessories, Clothing, or Trinkets. You must have this item and the Dyeworks Potion in your inventory, so if the item is in your closet or both are in Safety Deposit Box, make sure to remove them.

Simply choose the item you wish to dye and click “Let’s do this!” The colour you receive is random. If you’re aiming for a certain colour, you might have to dye your original item multiple times. Remember: each time you dye requires a new Dyeworks Potion. The item you receive can be found in your inventory along with the original.


  • On 21 December 2014, a special Dyeworks Potion was released with the Advent Calendar,Dyeworks Holiday Hue Brew Potion:Neopets Dyework It offered a festive design when used at the Dyeworks studio.

Author: Sarah