Pets Auction House

PAH, short for Pet Auction House, is a pet-trading game where users can auction pets for other pets. Unlike traditional auctions, no items, neopoints, or neocash are exchanged—only pets are traded. The game is structured around listings and bids, as you would expect in any auction.

How to Play

  1. Listing Pets
    To participate, you need to list the pets you want to auction. Each round may have specific rules about how many pets you can list, which varies based on the host and the type of round. Always check the board title and read the host’s messages to ensure you’re following the rules.
  2. The Auction Process
    The host determines when the auction will begin, how long listings will be accepted, and how long bidding will last. A typical auction includes a 30-minute listing phase followed by a 30-minute bidding phase, each on separate boards—one for listings and one for bids.
  3. Pot System
    Once all pets are listed, they are compiled into a “pot,” hosted on a petpage. The link to the pot will vary by host, so always check the provided link for that round. Auctions can last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on listing, bidding, and finalizing trades. If you can’t dedicate your full attention to the game for the entire time, it’s best not to participate in that round.
  4. Bidding
    When bidding opens, other users will bid their pets on yours. It’s your responsibility to track all bids placed on your pet. At the end of the auction, you must select one of the bids, unless it’s a “free-pass” round (explained later). If your pet receives only one bid, you must accept it. Remember, there’s no guarantee you’ll receive an offer that’s equal to your pet’s value or one that you like, so only list pets you’re willing to trade.

What Pets Can Be Listed?

Only converted pets are allowed (for UC pets, see the “Shuffle” round variations). You may list VWN pronounceable pets (10 characters or fewer, capped), real-word names (RWS), real names (RNs), compounds (like XxxxXxxxx or Xxxxxxxxxxxx format), misspells, unpronounceable 2/3/4-letter pets, 2/3-character pets, and battle-dome-ready pets.

What Pets Can Be Bid?

Almost any pet can be bid. However, some pets, like BN/VBN (badly or very badly named), i/L or o/0 swaps, unpronounceable names, basics, compounds, uncapped, non-poundable/young pets, and 2/3-character pets, are invalid or non-forcing bids. This means that if one of these pets is the only bid on your listed pet, you are allowed to pass. But if you like the offer, you’re welcome to accept it.

Listing, Bidding, Acceptance, and Passing Formats

  • Listing Format:lessCopy codeLISTING Petname the Pet color and Species (@YourUsername)
  • Bidding Format:lessCopy codeBIDDING Petname you're bidding on OFFERING YOURPETSNAME the Species Color YOURPETSNAME the Species Color YOURPETSNAME the Species Color (@YourUsername)
  • Acceptance Format:cssCopy codeAccepting the bid PETNAME the Species Color for my pet YOURPETSNAME the Species Color.
  • Passing Format:csharpCopy codePassing on my pet PETNAME the Species Color.
  • No Bids Format:csharpCopy codeNo bids on my pet PETNAME the Species Color.

How to Host a PAH Board

  1. Setting up the Pot
    You’ll need to choose a petpage to host the pot. It’s recommended to use a pet with a short name, as this reduces character usage when posting on boards. If you’re not comfortable with coding, there are templates available from the community that you can copy and use.
  2. Creating the Board
    The board title is crucial to attracting attention. Use big, bold text, smileys, and even all caps to make your board stand out. Here’s a sample title format:markdownCopy code*clap* *clap* *clap* (version of PAH) PET AUCTION HOUSE *clap* *clap* *clap*
  3. Posting Rules
    Clearly state the rules in your initial posts, or link to a rules page. Don’t assume everyone knows how to play—make sure newcomers can easily understand the game by explaining it or linking to a guide.
  4. Managing the Auction
    Make sure to select a busy time of day, as more active boards lead to more bids. Avoid hosting if you can’t stay for the entire round or if you’re on mobile, since it can be hard to track bids and manage the pot. Ensure you know the rules well, so you can handle disputes or trade issues quickly and fairly.
  5. Have Fun
    PAH is meant to be a fun, community-driven game. Avoid public shaming if mistakes happen, and handle issues privately. Your role as host is to keep the game running smoothly and ensure everyone enjoys the experience.

PAH Variations

Over time, PAH has evolved into several variations. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • No Pass PAH:
    This follows the standard rules—no passing is allowed if you receive a valid bid.
  • Free Pass PAH:
    You can pass on any bids if you don’t like the offers you receive.
  • Half and Half (H&H) PAH:
    List two pets, and if both receive bids, you must accept one offer. If only one gets bids, you may pass on both.
  • Balanced H&H PAH:
    Similar to H&H, but both pets must be of roughly equal value. The host decides if the pets are fairly balanced.
  • Spicy H&H PAH:
    A variation of H&H where you must trade if only one pet gets bids, and you can only pass if both receive bids.
  • Frenzy PAH (Chaos PAH):
    In this chaotic version, players can bid their listed pets on other pets. Everyone has a free pass.
  • Two Pass PAH:
    You may pass if your pet gets one or two bids, but if it receives three or more, you must trade.
  • Specialized Rounds:
    These include variations for basic pets, 3L/4L, real-word names, misspells, etc. The rules can differ significantly, so always check the board for specific guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What if my bidder ghosts me?
    If your bidder becomes inactive, give them at least 24 hours before using your pet in another PAH.
  2. What’s the five-minute rule?
    In the last five minutes, you can bid your listed pet on others if it hasn’t received any valid bids. If someone bids on your pet during that time, you must withdraw your bid.
  3. Can I bid my pet on multiple pets?
    Yes, but make sure you’re making fair offers. If you’re bidding on several pets, offer the same number of pets in return.
  4. What if someone backs out of a trade?
    If a winning bidder backs out or can’t trade for some reason, you must select another valid bid.
  5. Can I list a custom or FFQ?
    Yes, as long as the host allows it. Be sure to specify the cap on the custom offer.

Hosting PAH Boards
Anyone can host! Just make sure to follow the rules, manage the game responsibly, and keep things fun for everyone involved. If someone repeatedly breaks the rules, regular hosts can privately request that they no longer participate.