Neopets Wondertrade

This page has guidelines and information for Wondertrade, a pet trading game on the Pound Chat board. In Wondertrade, you list a pet that you want to trade and accept the first pet that is offered to you by transfer.

Game Variations

▼Wondertrade started in early 2022, after user-to-user pet transfers were made unlimited in December 2021. In the first versions of the game, users listed and sent any pet, of any color, with any name. As the game has evolved, people have tried different variations:

  • WN: Listers can list any pet, but senders must send a well-named (WN) pet. Listers are allowed to reject names that do not meet the WN criteria as listed in the Rejectable Name Information below.
  • Painted: Listers can list any pet, but senders must send a painted pet. Listers are also allowed to reject certain species/color combinations as listed in the Rejectable Species/Colors List below. A pet does not need to have the matching paint brush clothes to be a valid offer.
  • WN Painted: A combination of the two variations above. This is by far the most popular Wondertrade.
  • No Chat: Only comments with pet listings and information directly related to the game are permitted on the board.
  • Species- or color-specific: A board that is restricted to the listing and/or sending of a specific species or color, such as Draiks or Babies.
  • Blundertrade: A board that is restricted to the sending of BN pets, with names that have numbers or underscores, are compounds, are uncapped, are puns, or are otherwise “weird.
  • Blundertrade Painted: A board that is restricted to the sending of BN pets, with names that have numbers or underscores, are compounds, are uncapped, are puns, or are otherwise “weird”; all sent pets must be painted, but any paint job is a valid offer.
  • Personal Wondertrade: A board where only the board creator lists pets; anyone can offer. The board creator may use the same guidelines as one or more of the variations above, or they may have specific “house rules” for their board.

Guidelines & Tips

DISCLAIMER: In all variations of Wondertrade, there is no guarantee of receiving a pet with equal or better attributes (species, color, name, stats, etc.).

  1. Listers list one pet at a time per account using the following format:

    Name the Color Species
    Available until x (this can be a specific time or “until no longer active pet”)
    @username that the pet is on

    Helpful Hints:
    • Spell and capitalize the pet’s name correctly. If you make a typo while listing, you can repost with the correct information.
    • Include the pet’s full species and color, so it’s clear what kind of pet it is.
    • Most people find it easiest to list their pet “until no longer the active pet” (UNLA). This makes it easier for senders to see if the pet is still available. If you’re unable to do so, you can list until a specific time, “until no longer on account,” or another timeframe. Please write out other details or phrases, e.g. “until no longer on account” or “until no longer available”.
    • If you are listing, make sure you are able to be online and accept the transfer promptly. It’s recommended (although not required) that you post and list from the account that the pet is currently on, to make it easier to see the transfer offer.
    • You may list one pet per account. It’s fine to list pets on multiple accounts (e.g., your main and side), as well as list another pet after the first one’s been traded. However, listers are no longer allowed to list multiple pets from the same account.
    • It helps if you mention whether your pet is young, unclothed, and/or a visual misspell (i/L, o/0, etc.).
    • Lutaris can’t be sent for, so if you list a Lutari, you’ll have to initiate the transfer to the first person who offers a valid pet in a post on the board. (Please note that Neomails are not a valid method of “claiming” a Lutari.)
    • Unlist your pet if you are stepping away, to avoid accidentally trade-locking your sender. If you listed as “UNLA,” you should unlist by setting a different pet as your active. If you listed as “until no longer on account” or similar, you should unlist by posting a message on the board.
  2. Someone will send a transfer for the listed pet. The lister promptly accepts the first qualifying transfer. In classic Wondertrade, that means they must accept the first transfer. In variations, the lister is allowed to reject sent pets that don’t qualify (for example, in a Draik Wondertrade, they would be allowed to reject an offer of a pet that isn’t a Draik).

    Helpful Hints:
    • Please send and accept pets in good faith. Keep in mind how you’d feel if you were the one receiving that pet, or if you were the one who sent a pet and the lister complained publicly. This is particularly true for WN, Painted, or WN Painted Wondertrades.
    • In Painted Wondertrades, Lutaris, Magma pets, unclothed pets are valid offers and must be accepted. Do keep in mind that Lutaris can only be transferred once per Neo-day.
    • Make sure to check the “available until” information in the listing, to avoid trade-locking yourself.
  3. Sent pets must be at least 168 hours old, so that the lister may pound the pet if they wish.
  4. Do not initiate trades for pets that haven’t been listed. This is especially true in cases when a lister may own multiples of the same species/color pet (double-check the name before trying to initiate a transfer), or when someone else has already traded for the pet but hasn’t listed it.
  5. After the trade is completed, the lister may keep their new pet, relist it, or pound it.
  6. In Wondertrade variations where rejections are allowed, the lister may want to post a brief explanation of why they rejected, or the sender may ask for an explanation. Please be kind and discreet.

Dream List

▼If you’re wondertrading to help others out, check out Wondertrade’s Dreamy Dreams Directory! This is a dream list for wondertraders to submit the pets/species/colors they’re looking for. To add your dream to the list, NM thelastparticiple.

Several other people/groups run dream lists as well, although these are not for Wondertrade players exclusively:

Zapping Your Dream Pets (ZYDP)
MOON (Moonsis3)
The Fortunate Ones (Clurisa)
H.E.L.P. Dream Pet List (Hootiolado)
Sweet Dreams (Biluria)
Foster Felines (Puroh)

Rejectable Name Information

▼In WN Wondertrades, listers may reject sent pets that are not well-named (WN). For purposes of Wondertrade, “WN” is defined as:

  • The name has 10 letters or fewer, with no numbers or underscores
  • The first letter and only the first letter is capitalized
    • i/L swaps in either direction are not valid for WN Wondertrades. A swap with a lowercase L at the beginning would not be valid because the first letter must be capitalized. A swap with an uppercase i in the middle would not be valid because only the first letter can be capitalized.
  • The name is not a compound, regardless of whether the capitalization is Propercase (e.g., Catjock) or camel-case/Pascal case (e.g., CatJock)
  • The name is pronounceable
    • For senders, this means that the pet’s name should be able to be pronounced easily by the average, reasonable person. Names containing three or more of the same letter in a row (e.g., Caaat or Jocccck) are not valid for WN Wondertrades. Names where you have to pronounce the letters individually (e.g., “Ctjhk = Cee Tee Jay Aitch Kay”) are not valid. Names where you have to add letters to make them pronounceable (e.g., “Ctjhk = Catjock”) are not valid. Friendly reminder: if you have to include an explanation of how to pronounce the name, it’s probably not a great idea to send.
    • For listers, please make a good-faith effort to try to pronounce the name. This rule is included as a safety net, so you don’t have to accept something that is truly unpronounceable. However, it should not be used to reject a pet with an awkward but pronounceable name (e.g., Suvjid) or a pet you dislike for other reasons.

Rejectable Species/Colors

▼In Painted Wondertrades, listers may reject pets with low-cost species/color combinations. This list is used to determine which pets can be legitimately rejected. Note that some of these combinations are very close to the cutoff and may have inflated or deflated in price. Jellyneo’s item database ( was used as a guide and the ones that were on the border were checked via SSW. For the first 24 hours after an update, Ella will accept submissions by NM of additional species/color combinations that should be on the list. After 24 hours, the rejectable list will stand until the next update.

Please note that this list ONLY applies to sent pets. You can list any pet, of any name and any species/color.

ONLY species/colors on this list may be rejected.

All species in the four basic colors may be rejected:

Grundos in these colors may be rejected, since they can be created at the Space Station:

Most species* that are painted the following colors may be rejected:
*The exceptions are Chomby, Draik, Hissi, Jetsam, Kiko, Krawk, Lutari, Ruki, and Tonu, since they are the limited edition/restricted species that don’t have cheap creation methods available (morphing potion, transmogrification potion, magical plushie).

The following species/color combos may be rejected:
Brown Kougra
Brown Moehog

Camouflage Kyrii
Camouflage Meerca
Camouflage Mynci
Camouflage Techo
Camouflage Wocky

Darigan Quiggle

Desert Ogrin
Desert Tuskaninny

Electric Moehog
Electric Tuskaninny

Faerie Mynci

Fire Bori
Fire Grarrl
Fire Kyrii
Fire Tuskaninny

Ghost Buzz
Ghost Elephante

Gold Elephante

Island Pteri

Orange Koi
Orange Kougra
Orange Tuskaninny

Pink Koi

Purple JubJub
Purple Techo
Purple Uni

Rainbow Aisha
Rainbow Grarrl
Rainbow Ogrin
Rainbow Tuskaninny

Shadow Korbat
Shadow Uni

Skunk Mynci

Split Grarrl
Split Mynci

Spotted Bori
Spotted Grarrl
Spotted Korbat

List last updated October 15, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions & Common Issues

▼Having a problem? We may know the answer already. If your issue isn’t listed here, come ask on one of our boards.

Q: What does “UNLA” mean?
A: “Until no longer my/the active pet.” People often list pets “UNLA” because it makes it easy to see when they’ve been traded and are no longer available.

Q: I’m getting an error message that says “[USER] doesn’t own [PET].

A: Make sure you’ve typed the lister’s username in all lowercase letters. The pet transfer page glitches if you try to capitalize any part of the username.

Q: I’m getting an error message that says “Sorry, but you must unattach the Betatest, No Trade, and No Sell Petpets attached to [PET] before User-to-User Transferring.

A: This happens when one or both pets has a no-trade petpet, such as a Pile of Soot. If it’s on your pet, unattach the petpet and send the transfer again. If it’s on the pet you were trying to send for, you can post on the board to ask the lister to remove the petpet.

Q: I can’t see any pets on the transfer page, just arrows.
A: If you’re on desktop, try zooming out. If you’re on mobile, try rotating your device between the horizontal and vertical views.

Q: I can see the lister’s pets, but not the one I want to trade for.
A: The pet may have been traded already, or you may not have enough Neopoints on hand to trade for it.

Q: I have NP on hand and I can initiate a transfer, but I can’t request to swap for the lister’s pet. / I’m getting an error message that says “An error occurred while moving your Neopet. Please try again.

A: Make sure you have at least couple thousand NP on hand. If you only have 1,000 NP out, you have enough to transfer a pet, but not to receive another pet in return.

This error message can also pop up if you’re trying to transfer out the last pet on your account, but that isn’t usually an issue with Wondertrade since you’re always getting a pet in return.

Q: I was able to choose the listed pet, but I’m getting a blank white page.
A: That means that the lister has another pending transfer. You can post on the board to let them know.

Q: I want a pet that was posted, but it’s past the time that the lister said it was available.
A: Do not send a transfer. If the lister has stepped away, at best you’ll trade-lock yourself, and at worst you’ll annoy them. You can always see if the lister has relisted or send them a NM and ask if they’re open to regular trade offers.

Q: I want a pet that was posted “until no longer active,” and it’s still active, but it’s hours later.
A: Technically you’re in the clear to offer, but it’s suggested that you don’t since the lister may have forgotten to unset their pet as active and gone offline. It’s probably better to NM them, but if you don’t mind being trade-locked, you can also send a transfer and wait until they accept.

Q: I received a pet today, can I list it? / I sent a pet today and somehow got it back, can I list it?
A: Yes. Once a pet has been transferred, you can’t use it to initiate another transfer today (think of this as “pushing” it), but it can be “pulled” off an account multiple times in a day. The sender can initiate a transfer as normal and you’ll be able to accept.

Q: I received a pet today, can I send it for another listed pet today?
A: No. Once a pet has been transferred, you can’t use it to initiate another transfer today. You can wait until tomorrow to send it, or list it and see what you get offered.

Q: I sent a transfer but the lister rejected my pet. Now I can’t initiate another transfer with it.
A: Unfortunately, this is normal behavior for the transfer system. Once you’ve initiated the transfer on it, that counts as the pet’s transfer for the day, even if it was rejected. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow, or you can list the pet and see what you get offered.

Q: I listed a pet and received a Lutari, can I list it or send it for another listed pet today?
A: Unfortunately no, this is also normal behavior for Lutaris and the transfer system. Lutaris can only be sent (“pushed”), not sent for (“pulled”), and if it’s already been sent to you today that counts as its one send for the day. This is also an issue for people who want to swap Lutaris; it can’t be done as an exchange, so it needs to be done as two one-way transfers.

Q: I received an unclothed pet, is there somewhere I can get the clothes?
A: Yes, there are three petpages where people list their spare paint brush clothes:
Also, if you ask on the Wondertrade board, many people will offer their spare paint brush clothes.

Q: I want to keep wondertrading but I’m out of fodder, where can I get more pets?
A: You can pound surf for pets, use your lab rats, paint/morph/dip one of your own pets, or adopt a pet from a stuck page, such as the ones linked here. Please remember that if you adopt a pet from the Lost & Pound board or a stuck page, you should post or NM the page/board owner to say thank you and let them know.

Q: Is there a Wondertrade guild?
A: Yes! There are two. Wondertrade was created in February 2022 but is currently inactive. More recently, Wonder Trade Friends was created in November 2022 and is currently active.

Q: Why do people call Kougras “Joyces” on the wondertrade boards?
A: Once someone’s phone autocorrected Kougra to Joyce, and it stuck.

Q: Why do people post about “licking” a new wondertrade board?
A: We don’t know. This is a bizarre, unexplainable mystery that should be discussed as little as possible.