Neopets The Great Desert Race is a fun game located in Lost Desert where you will be facing a race, by joining few characters, known as Tomos, Nabile, Brucey B & Lady Osiri which can be found as you travel on the squares of the game. Neopets The Great Desert Race will give you the opportunity to practice your moving skills and it will also make you progress through many other games that are similar to it. Neopets The Great Desert Race is a good game for sand lovers, because that is where it is played.
How to Play Great Desert Race
During the game of Neopets The Great Desert Race, there will be a total of two methods to play it. The first one will be single player mode and the second one will be multi player mode. During the single player mode, you will be able to play against the computer, which is a robot, and from there both of the players will be able to control one player. The players are Tomos, Nabile, Brucey B, and Lady Osiri. Note that you will have to choose the character that you will have to control, and that you will have to choose the character that the computer will be controlling.
If this is not something you like, you will be able to play against a friend, up to three if you do not like playing with the computer, and each one of them will be able to control one character. Note that during Multiplayer games, when you play Neopets The Great Desert Race, you will not be able to send in your score to avoid people receiving easy Neopoints if they decide to play by their own to receive an advantage. Multiplayer mode is great if you have visits in your house and you would like to play something, or even, alternatively, if you have many brothers and sisters, you will be able to play with them. If you’re looking to receive a super high score or a trophy, then you will have to play on the single player mode because this is where you will be able to grab points from the game. Note that in multiplayer mode, people will have to be on the computer with you. It is not online, so every one will be using the same computer, the same keyboard, the same mouse and the same monitor (possibly the same chair).
In order to play, you will have to click the die that can be found on the corner of the screen. Only one die can be found on the game, and it is given the name of die. When this die is successfully being rolled, you will have to click on your character to know who will be playing first, in two player mode, or you will have to choose the first character to play if you’re playing on single player mode. The die will determine where you will be able to move on the board you’re currently on. Your main objective will be to reach the end of it so that you will have to get lucky when you’re rolling the die. Note that you will have to get the exact same number as you need to move up to the last square. Let’s say you need 3 tiles to win the game, and that you get a 4, it will not count and you will have to forfeit your turn. You will absolutely need a three, otherwise you will not win.
As you can see, this game is mostly based on luck. During the game of Neopets The Great Desert Race, you will be able to encounter different places and some hazard stuff. Below is a list that describes them for you to get a global and clearer idea of the game.
The first one is the sand. This one will be able to teleport you to a different square that is has to be made of sand too. By teleporting you will be able to advance further, thus having the chance to win the game faster.
After that, there is the ummagine fruit that is very common in the world of Lost Desert. This will absolutely not do anything. If you manage to land there, you will be able to grab the ummagine. Nothing will happen then, but if you will come across the thief later in the game, then you will be able to give it to him so that he does nothing to you.
The thief is the character by the name of Stan, who is found in Grand Theft Ummagine. He will want your ummagine. If you would like to pass, then you must give it to him otherwise he will not let you pass.
The red whirlpools can also be found on the game. If you happen to land on these, you will be teleported to the end row of the whirlpools for your own advantage. This will help you skipping steps of the game, and it will give you a better chance of being victorious while you play Neopets The Great Desert Race.
While you’re playing, it is also possible to come across bag of Neopoints. Of course, they will not give you Neopoints directly to your Neopets account, but instead they will award you with 5 to 15 NP that can only be obtained on the game.
Food items are also stuff that can be found on Neopets The Great Desert Race. It is possible to pick these up by moving on the square they’re currently at. If you have them, you will be able to pass through the Mummy that usually make you move back by two squares. If you have the food, however, you will not have to go back by two squares. Instead, you can keep playing the game. If you’re lucky, you will be able to grab them for your own advantage.
Another thing you can grab during Neopets The Great Desert Race, are Map pieces. They will not do anything, however, but are related to Sutek’s Tomb that will be described shortly after.
The Sutek’s Tomb will make you go back to start for your own disadvantage. However, if you have the Map Piece that was previously mentioned, you will be able to give it to Sutek and from there nothing will happen.
The Coltzan’s Shrine will make you lose a few Neopoints, earn a few Neopoints or nothing can happen at all. This is more like a gambling game. If you come across it, there is only 33.33% chance that you lose a bit of Neopoints, but it is not a big deal.
The Scammander is a petpet that can be found on the game, and it will move to the upper direction, and to the lower one for each single turn. If you happen to land on the scammander, you will notice that a screen has popped up to ask you to choose an exit. You will be able to move up by 5 squares, or you will be able to lose food items (or Neopoints). The Scammander’s effects are currently random, so you do not know what will happen until you try it and see its effect.
Lastly, there is the quicksand that will make you lose a turn. Since Neopets The Great Desert Race is a game based on luck (because you roll a die), you will not be able to skip certain things just like in other luck games. When you decide to play the game, you are aware that there is a chance of losing, and that you can also win depending of what happens when you roll the die.
Neopets The Great Desert Race Strategy & Cheats
Unfortunately, during the game of Neopets The Great Desert Race, you will not be able to set up your own strategy and we will not be able to provide one for the simple reason that it is a gamble game. As you can see, there is a die that you will have to roll in order to know what your next move is. It does not matter who reaches the end first. Instead, the character that grabs the most points of the game is the one that should be considered as victorious. You should be aiming for Neopoints and foods. If you want you can aim for items, however it depends if your die make you able to grab them or not.
If you would like to receive a high score while playing Neopets The Great Desert Race, try to get one character of yours to the last square of the board first. The second character will still be going and keep doing this until you get on the square that has a whirlpool on it. Good luck and don’t forget to have fun.