Neopets Ruins Rampage is a game that is in the Lost Desert which is overtaken by the sand. Neopets Ruins Rampage will give you the opportunity to play on the Desert by controlling two thieves, and to rob the place in the most effective way possible.
Ruins Rampage Gameplay
If you’ve already played Grand Theft Ummagine, than Neopets Ruins Rampage should be no different for you. There, you will be able to control the thieves by pressing the arrow keys that are located on your keyboard.
Your main objective will consist of finding the Golden Scorchstone that is hidden somewhere, but for that you will have to escape the ruins with it and to leave back home. However, it is not that easy. If you’re also looking to get the maximum score possible, you will have to collect all the coins, that can be made in gold or in silver that can be found in the ruins. There will be also traps to be found, which can take some of your health, or even to the point of taking away a life from you. These traps are often really annoying, so you will have to be patient there. For example, during Neopets Ruins Rampage, there are also spikes that have to be dodged.
During the game, there are items that will grant you points. Below is a short description of them along with how many points they will award you to help you get a better idea about the game.
The Silver coins will be worth 25 points and the golden coins are worth 50 points. These can be grabbed in the game, while you play. The more you grab them, the more your chance and the better your score.
Mummified Neggs are what comes next. They will give you a total of 50 points added to your health, which means half of your health bar will be restored because you will usually start at 100 points.
There is a trap that is grey, which will do 25 damage to you if it hits you. This one will launch arrow keys and you will have to escape them.
The flame trap will do 25 damage to you, which can be also dodged by walking over it when the flames are off.
There are also bouncing fireballs that will come your way. They are easy to avoid, but if they touch you, you will lose a total of 50 health points.
The Scarabugs are what will walk on the street. If they damage you, you will be losing a total of 25 HP.
Lastly, there are Scorchio Mummies that will be walking back and forth in straight lines. If they are able to hit you, a total of 50 HP will be taken from you.
Ruins Rampage Score & Points
During the game of Neopets Ruins Rampage, you will have to collect treasures and coins that can give you extra points. Once you get the Golden Scorchstone, which will grant you a total of 150 points, your total will then become 850. Note that 850 points is the maximum possible score, which can not be beaten. If you’re going after the golden trophy, you will be able to be one of the 100 top on the high score table, and you will be awarded with one if your score is 850.
Neopets Ruins Rampage Strategy & Cheats
As a good strategy, you will want to press the arrow keys to the direction that your already going to, in order to stop. Always watch out for traps to make sure you don’t lose a lot of your health, and make sure that you collect the Mummified Neggs that can be found on the game to earn an HP heal. Below we have provided a short guide for each level, so that you can earn the maximum amount of points once you complete them all, which means 850.
For the first step, simply try to go away from the switch, then go back to the last one so that you can dodge the arrows and finish the level.
For the second step, it is exactly the same as the first one.
For the third step, collect the gold coin you will see there if you haven’t done that before on the previous levels, then go all the way through the door you will see that is located on the bottom of the screen. Always dodge the Scarabug.
For the fourth step, you will have to escape the bouncing fireballs that will be intimidating. You should be able to finish the round without too much trouble though, by simply grabbing the Negg to get extra points and by leaving through the door at the right of the screen.
Step 5: On that level, you will have to wait a bit until the fire you see there goes down. After that, you will notice that there is a Mummified Negg that is near the door from where you first entered the level. This one will have its spikes shown up, so you will have to avoid it at any cost. Come back close to the door and at the right of the screen and from there you will be able to successfully exit.
Step 6: Start the level by having a step to the left so that you can lower some spikes after. After that go back to the door you first entered from and it should end the current step.
Step 7: Once you’ve completed step 6, go back to the room and avoid traps that will be encountered on the way. After that leave through the door that is located at the bottom of the screen.
Step 8: For the eighth step, simply start by crossing the fires and by collecting the coin you will find to boost up your point count. After that, go to the door on the left side of the map to complete it.
Step 9: Start off by crossing the second first so that you can grab the coin, then walk to the lower spikes so that you don’t lose a life. Once this is done, go through the door that is next to the switch quickly, so that the spikes won’t raise and hurt you, thus removing a life from your total count.
Step 10: You will have to step on the two switches you will find there. They are easy to locate, though, as there will be smiley faces on them. Once this is done, quickly grab the golden coin to get 50 points, then leave by the door that is at the bottom of the screen. You will need some speed there, as you will have to leave quickly to enter the next room.
Step 11: On that part, you will notice that there is a door room but that there is an arrow trap. Dodge them as fast as you can, dodge the mummy, grab the coin and go on the smiley switch all the way to the door that is located on the right side of the screen.
Step 12: Start off by stepping on the smiley switch, and after that leave through the door that was used by you to enter the room.
Step 13: You will have to return back to the room by avoiding the traps so that you don’t lose of your HP. On your path, you will find health boosters that you should be grabbing in order to fulfill your health, if you need it. Then, go to the door that is on the bottom of the map and when the spikes are on the ground, so that you don’t get hurt.
Step 14: Notice that on that room there will be many hidden spikes and hidden traps. For that reason, you will have to be very cautious and to move slowly in case anything has to happen. Go to the door at the bottom of the screen to finish the current step.
Step 15: Of course, you will find a Golden Scorchstone that you will want to grab. However, it will not be possible from the place you are. Take a step that can be on the switches in order to return back to the last room and then it will be easier to cross than the last time.
Step 16: Whenever you see that the blocking spikes are lowered, you will have to go on the green path so that you can leave the room by the door located at the top of the screen.
Step 17: Go on the door that is on the top of the screen, but make sure that you avoid the traps that can be hard to come across.
Step 18: On that part of the game, there will be many arrows. Your objective will be to leave from the door at the right of the screen. Dodge the arrows so that you don’t get hurt and don’t lose a life, then leave from the right, from the door.
Step 19: Start off by crossing the fire vents that are located between the door you’ve came through. From there, you will be able to leave through the other door located next to it by making sure an arrow doesn’t hit you.
Step 20: Start by collecting the three coins you will find there, to raise your current count and always avoid the skull market switches, because they will prevent you from grabbing additional coins. You do not want to fall back in points. After that, step on the smiley switch you will find there and continue your pass through the door that is located at the right of the screen. Be fast though, because there will be fireballs that are coming your way and you don’t want to lose lives.
Step 21: There, you will have to be a little careful because directly after you, you will be able to notice that there is a switch. Your objective there will be to go through the door that is on the left side on the screen. It can be tricky, though, so you will have to be careful.
Step 22: From there, you will be able to continue to the next door you will encounter. However, there will be some dodgings to do as there will be flying arrows coming your way. Dodge them, then leave.
Step 23: Just like in the other room, you will have to go to the next room but some cautions will have to be done for the next one.
Step 24: Once you’re there, quickly move to the smiley switch by dodging the arrow trap. From there you will be able to go all the way to the door that is located at the left side of the screen.
Step 25: There, you will find a switch along with a Negg if your health is under 100 points. You will have to take a total of 50 damage, but good news is that you won’t be coming back from there afterward. Go back to the door you came from so that you can head to the Golden Scorchstone.
Step 26: Go through the first room, then go to the next ones. On the fifth one, there will be a path with many fireballs coming from it. Dodge them and leave the room. Make sure that you collect a Mummified Negg there because there will be damage being done. Go from the door that is located at the top of the room, and get ready because there will be more arrows. Dodge them when you can.
Step 27: For the first room, you will have to stand on the path that has an arrow near it. For that reason, you will have to quickly move to the left side of the screen. Once this is done, go through the door that is on the left, then from there you will have to go to the lower left. There will be a third room from which you will have to switch in your path. After that, follow the path you will see there and go to the next room to earn the Golden Scorchstone for a total of 150 points added to your total count.
Step 28: There, you will have to make a step on switch that has the spikes blocking the Scorchstone. You will not be able to grab it from there, though, so you will have to keep moving.
Step 29: On that part, you will have to follow the path you will see there to go to the compelte right of the current room. Then, go on the door that is on the top, then the one that leads to the third. From there, you will have to leave from the bottom door.
Step 30: Start by stepping on the switch you will see there if it wasn’t already done, then continue to the bottom left of the screen to exit through the door you will encounter and find there.
Step 31: Start by collecting the golden coins you will see there, and ten the Golden Scorchstone. You will have to prepare there.
Step 32: For the first room, you will have to wait for the path to be empty of the passing fireballs (you will have to dodge them), after that you will have to leave through the door that is located on the right side of the map. Then, for the next 2 rooms, keep going to the left doors but there will be traps that you will have to avoid. For the last room you will see, go through the door you will find there.
Step 33: Just like in the previous room, making sure the coming arrow doesn’t hurt you and then navigate on the traps so that you are able to leave from the door that is on the bottom of the screen.
Step 34: You will have to dodge the switches and go to the right side of the screen, so that you can leave from the door you will encounter there.
Step 35: Collect the coin you will find there, then proceed to leave from the door that is close to it.
Step 36: There, you will be able to find a room that is somewhat dangerous, so you will have to be careful. Start by collecting the coin that will be present, then by proceeding to dodge the arrows. Keep going to the switch that is located on the top of the room. Once you step on it, leave through the door that is located on the right of the screen to proceed to the last part of the game.
Step 37: Finally, there will be flying arrows and traps. There will also be wandering Scarabug. It is not a reason to let every thing down as this is officially the last step you will have to take. Go grab the coin and keep in mind that there are many traps. Go to the last door and exit so that you can successfully finish the game. You should have 850 then, and be eligible for the golden trophy. Have fun.