Neopets Moon Rock Rampage is a game located in the world of Kreludor where you have landed, and from there it will be to explode this world by looking after all the pieces to repair your ship, because when you landed, some fragments were lost. However, many enemies will be waiting you in the game to make your task harder to reach. Neopets Moon Rock Rampage will give you the opportunity to get better at dodging enemies too!
Moon Rock Rampage Gameplay
When you start the game, you will be given the opportunity to choose a character. They are Cylara or Gorix, that you will be able to pick in order to play. You will have to use the arrow keys that are located in your keyboard in order to move. The spacebar is there to use for you to shoot at your enemies with a laser gun so that you can make your task easier. You will also have to use the spacebar so that you can move heavy rocks and to clear your path, so that you can reach other locations.
There are also enemies that you will have to dodge in order to prevent losing lives. The enemies can be green, pink, dark green, blue and red. The first one, which means the green will be a normal enemy and he will be walking. If you touch him, you will lose a life so you will have to make sure that you don’t touch him.
Another enemy is the pink one. He will be appearing and disappearing while burrowing himself into the ground. He will then pop up once again and he will be a treat for you. Avoid him.
The darker green enemy is harder to avoid or to kill because you will not know where he is and where he is going to appear from. Unlike the one previously mentioned that will always unburrow himself on the place hes on, the darker green one can and will pop up through different locations on the screen that you will not know about.
The blue monster is not going to do anything besides walking and following you so you will have to make sure that he doesn’t touches you if you don’t want to lose a life.
The red monster is a treat because he will be kicking rocks your way which will take a life from you if not dodged properly. Once you see them, you will have to shoot them in order to make them explode. If you see one near you, try to not approach him to avoid losing a life. He is very good at killing you so dodging is the way to go.
A total of three lives will be given to you. Once you are left out of lives and you die, the game will be over and you will have the opportunity to send your score or, alternatively, restart the current game in order to reach a better one. You can decide to restart the game from where you’ve last died to help you get a better idea about the levels and to practice so that the next time you play it, it becomes alright to you. Doing that will give you a start of zero points which means that nothing will be given to you because it is like a training mode where you will have to explode the game and see what you can do.
A total of 99 seconds are given to you in order to complete each level. The faster you are, the better your score will be because there would be more seconds that will be left on the timer.
Neopets Moon Rock Rampage Strategy & Cheats
During Neopets Moon Rock Rampage, you will have the opportunity to use three different cheat codes that you can use once per game in order to get a boost. The first one is novisitors which will give you a total of 30 extra seconds added to your timer. We recommend that you use this one in the later levels where you will require more time to finish off the said level.
The second cheat code is superlaser which will give you a double range of laser that you will be able to use until the end of the current level. This is perfect to add some power to your shootings.
Lastly, you will be able to type rampage to get an extra life that is fundamental in this game simply because the game is hard by itself if you don’t know what you’re doing. Below is a strategy guide we have made for you, for each different level to help you finish them in the best way possible and by using the minimum amount of time to get more points. It is recommended that you follow these steps so that you can reach a better score and possibly even a score-worthy trophy.
Level 1: For the first level, keep walking all the way to the side of the screen where you will find a rock which has a green cross on it. You will have then to keep walking so that you are on the absolute max on the screen and can not go further on the map. After that, simply press the space bar in order to push the block. When the block successfully goes into the lava, you will notice that it will not move anymore. You will then able to clear a path for you to move on. You will be able to collect the ship fragments that you will find there. However, make sure that you dodge the enemies because even though they will not necessarily be found at the beginning, they will start appearing later on the level. Once you shoot and successfully kill an enemy, there is another one that will be appearing on a random location on the screen screen. Simply use the spacebar if they show theirselves near you on the screen. There will also be a number that is written in white that will indicate the number of points that X fragment of the ship is worth.
Level 2: Start the second level by going down the screen, then going to the right side of the screen to grab the item. After that, go all the way to the top right of the screen and then to the left side of the map in order to grab all of the items and to proceed to the next level.
Level 3: Start the third level by going to the top of the screen in order to grab the item that will award you with one point, then head down to get the last two remaining items that will give you a total of 15 points (five for the first one and ten for the second).
Level 4: Start the game by going to the rock that has a green X on it and then push it. There will be monsters that you will have to kill in this level so take it easy and don’t waste too much time on them. After that grab the item that will give you one points, and then head to the right side to grab the second item that will give you 10 points. You will then be able to proceed to the next level.
Level 5: Head down in order to push the rock that has a green X on it to the right side so that it can give you a path through the lava and then go grab the first item at the top that will grant you one point, go a little down to get the other item that gives you five points, and proceed to the right of the screen in order to grab the last item that will give you 25 points.
Level 6: The sixth level is harder than the previous ones. You will have to hold where you are and your face upside, so that once an enemy approaches near the X of the blue color, you shoot at him and then you will be able to transform him into a block. After that you will have to push the block that is next to you to create a path for you to walk on. When this is done, you will want to push the other block that will be found there to the left side of the screen. You will then have to shoot at the enemy where the X is located and then go collect the items to grab more points. They will be located on the right side. You will have to push another box on your enemies so that you can kill many of them at a time and then eliminate them this way. Finish the level.
Level 7: Grab the item on the floor that is next to yours, and that by pushing the green X in order to create a path.
Level 8: On that level is where monsters that will be able to move the blocks by themselves will start appearing. You will be able to kill them but they will start exploding, which can harm you. Stay away from them and start the game by pushing the rock that has a green X so that it can reach the second one and push it in order to go to the lava and create a path. You will then be able to push the block another time in order to grab the fragments that you need for your ship. After that, grab the other pieces and finish the level.
Level 9: Start by going down to push the rock that has a green X on it in order to create a path. After that go backward once you grab the item to push the second rock that will be located on the middle right side of the screen. Once you make a path, go grab the item that will give you one point. After that go grab the last item and head to the top for the last one. You will then be able to proceed to the next level.
Level 10: For that level, start by pushing the block to the upper direction and it will then replace the other rock that has a green x on it. After that, push the block to the lava in order to create a path and from there you will be able to grab the item and then to proceed in order to push another box to the next pool to grab the last item. After that, you will be able to finish the level. There will be many monsters that you will have to eliminate because they will give you a harder time finishing the current level.
Level 11: Start the level by kicking the blocks that will have a green x on them so that you have no more rocks left. After that there will be a block on the lava that will give you the opportunity to walk. From there you will be able to grab the items and go to the absolute right side of the map so that you can get the two more items by putting more rocks in the lava. You will have only one block, however, so you will have to turn an enemy into a block to use it (because you need 2 blocks). After that you will be able to collect the last items and finish the level.
Level 12: Start by pushing the block in the lava so that you can create a path. Make sure that you kick the blocks to move properly. The enemies will be blocked on that level and it will be easy for you to finish it.
Level 13: You will just have to push the blocks so that you can grab the items and dodge the enemies to avoid losing a life.
Level 14: On that level, there will be rocks that have to be pushed to the lava but since there are none, you will need enemies in order to transform them into blocks. As simply as that, just wait for them to create paths and go grab the items.
Level 15: You will just have to push the rocks so that you can grab the items. Make sure that you are careful when it comes to dodge monsters. Many of them will be on the top right of the map, so pay attention.
Level 16: Many enemies will be on that level. The blocks will be moving all over the screen because they will push them. Grab the items as fast as you can because the monsters will have no mercy. One of the hardest and funniest levels.
Level 17: Push the rocks that have a green x so that you can grab the items and for this particular level the enemies will not be really a treat.
Level 18: Push the rocks with a green x so that you can grab the items and make sure you pay attention to the enemies.
Level 19: There will be monsters kicking rocks all over the place that you will have to avoid. This one is easier than level 16 but you will still have to be fast.
Level 20: There you should already know what you have to do. Simply push the boxes to create a path and grab the items.