Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves is a game where you will be playing with Hannah in another adventure. After leaving the pirate caves that she was in, she is going to the Ice Caves that are surely located on Terror Mountain. Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves will also include a friend of her by the name of Armin who is a Bori that she will be bringing with her so that he can help her from the enemies that will be encountered there.
Hannah and the Ice Caves Characters
During the game of Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves, two heroes will be found on the game and you will be presented with a detailed description for both. The first hero is, obviously Hannah, which has some nice strengths. She will be able to jump high in the air and she will also be able to swim. However, she will not be able to crawl through the snow, so the snow is no good for her. Also, she will not be able to destroy the enemies if she runs over them, unfortunately. The second character, who is Armin, will be able to crawl through the snow, in the contrary of Hannah weaknesses, and he will also be able to destroy the enemies he will encounter by simply run over them. Unfortunately, unlike Hannah, he will not be able to jump very high in the air, and swimming is not something that he will be able to do.
Hannah Ice Caves Gameplay
The main objective of Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves will be to make sure that you retrieve the treasure chests that can be found on the level, and that before you attempt to exit the door that you can find after grabbing all of the loots that will be on the current level. If the Frozen Caves do not have traps, then the game would obviously be too easy for you to complete. For that reason, there are some of them placed every where on the screen, that can vary from spikes to arrows, to enemies and to even more. Play at your own discretion and make sure you avoid them, because they will take a life from you if you’re not enough careful.
You will notice that there is a bar, and that at to top of it from the right to the left there will be many features available for you.
The first one is that the heart bar will be showing you a total number which will consist the number of lives that you will be currently having during the game. Note that if you do have a total of four lives, or even more, that the last heart will have a symbol on it. It will be a plus sign that will be in the middle of it, so that you can know this is a bonus. The reason for that is because normally the amount of lives you start with is 3, and if you get four or more, then you exceed that amount and then you will have more, but these will be marked as being extra.
You should always keep in mind that the bar that contains the hearts can be shared, which means that Hannah and Armin will be having the same health bar. If for example Hannah gets killed, not only Hannah will be losing a life, but Armin will be also losing one. Note that the characters will be able to die even if they’re not active. The reason for that is to avoid people from getting advantage of the game by using a character more than another, then to switch to the second one. There, you will have to use both and then you will share the same health bar.
You will notice that if you would like to end the current game you’re playing on, you will want to click on the End Game button that is located at the bottom of the screen. Once you click on it, you will then be brought to the Game Over screen where you will see your final score. If you are going to click on that button, it is mainly because you were just playing for Neopoints and that you can currently have the maximum amount of NP with the score you just got. If you’re going after a super high score or after a trophy there would be no reason to do that simply because your objective will be to get a lot of points.
You will also see a button that can switch the characters. You will be able to press the S button that is located on your keyboard to switch them. Note that it is recommended that you avoid playing with one character, but rather to play with two because both of them, like previously mentioned, have strengths and weaknesses and you will require both of them to be successful at the game.
You can also find a treasure. You can notice that on the left of the gaming screen there is a number. This number makes many people confused, but note that it will tell you the amount of treasures you have successfully collected and not the amount that is actually in the game for you to find. Now, the number on the left side is the one that will tell you how many treasure chests can be found on the current level. Remember that. The left side is for the ones you’ve collected and the right side is the treasures that can be found. Some people confuse both then finish the game and still continue searching for a treasure chest when there is no one left.
Lastly, on the screen there will be also points shown to you which will consist your total score that you got.
A total of ten bubbles will be found on the game and these are located on the bottom left of the screen. Remember that these bubbles are only necessary if you’re on the water, or in the water (underwater) because he will need them to stay alive. If Hannah is underwater, the bubble will not last more than 1 second and half, and for that reason it will pop up. You will have to replenish the bubbles by simply going outside of the water, because if they are all used, then you will start losing lives. Make sure that Armin does not make a step on the water because he will then start drowning instantly and you will lose a life.
Hannah and the Ice Caves Game Control
You will have to use your keyboard when you’re playing Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves, but it is necessary to know what keys can do what to help you get a better idea of the game. The left arrow key will let you (your character) move to the left side of the screen until you stop pushing it. The right arrow key will do the same, but it will move the character to the right side of the screen instead. The down arrow key will make your character crouch or to move down on the ladders. The up arrow key will allow you to look at the top side of the screen to help you see what is there, and it will also help you to move on the ladders to the north direction. Press the space bar to jump and lastly, press the S button to switch between Hannah and Armin.
You will also encounter different tiles that will be found on the game. These tiles are destroyable by the arrows you will come across and the dynamites which can make them explode. Remember that if the tiles are not destructible, it will be mentioned somewhere on the game screen.
- The first tile is the treasure chest which is the main objective of the game. You are here to grab it and it is not destroyable by the arrows or by the dynamites. If you want to successfully collect them, you will have to go on them by pressing the appropriate arrow key.
- There are also boulders that can be found, and they can be pushed by the character you’re currently controlling. It does not matter if it is Hannah or even Armin because both of them will be able to do this task. This boulder will be able to break the platforms. Simply push it to the lower one and then once it rolls all the way to it, it will destroy the current platform. Make sure that your other character is not located on the direction of the boulder, because you will then lose a life.
- Another tile that can be found on the game is the Terran tile, which makes the walls of the current caves, and they will not be destructible. They are there for design, nothing more.
- The ladders is what you will have to use while controlling Hannah or even Armin because you will want to go up or down. These are useful to complete your main objective of the game, which is all about finding the treasure chest you’re after.
- There is the secret area tiles, which are similar to the terrain tiles but are not the same. You will be able to walk on them and they will not be breaking. These are necessary if you’re looking to grab and collect more lives or even gems to add additional points to your total score.
- The platform tiles are there so hold your characters. There are upper ones and there are also ones that are located below the game screen. These are only crushable by boulders, but make sure your character is not on them when the boulder comes, because he will then be losing a life.
- The icicles can be found on the walls of the cave. These will be there and you should avoiding entering in contact with them. In other words, do not touch them because they will remove lives from you. It is possible to destroy them if you make sure a boulder goes to them in order to crush them.
- The snow tile is one that will let Armin use his sharp to go through snow tunnels. However, you will not be able to use Hannah as she will not be able to do that.
During the game of Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves, there are also crates that can be found. Well, there is two types of them. The first one is the wooden type and the second is the metal crates. Theses crates are destroyable by arrows or by dynamites that you will be able to find somewhere on the gaming screen to grab and then to use. Remember that the wooden crates can be broken by Hannah or by Armin so it does not matter which character you will be using at that moment. If a wooden crate happens to fall on Hannah or on Armin, it will break. However, if it is the metal crate that falls on these characters, you will be losing a life simply because the metal is a solid material.
If there is an arrow or a wooden dynamite that falls on a character, then that character will die right away. Below is the list of all the crates that can be found on the game. It is remember that you read them so that you can get a better idea about the game for the next time you decide to play.
- The wooden crate is one of them, and this has no effects. It is only recommended to grab to earn the few extra points that you will get from them. Remember that you should go after them whenever possible, because if you’re going after a super high score or after a trophy, then every little bit will help you.
- Another type is the arrow crate, which will be able to shoot an arrow to the direction that the picture indicates. If one of the characters you’re currently controlling is hit by this, then you will lose a life. This is there for your disadvantage and should be avoided at any cost because it will not even award you with points.
- The wooden dynamite crate is another type and this will be encountered regularly on the game. It has a TNT Avatar logo on it and from there it is easily identifiable. This one will depend on the direction you take to shoot it, and then it will explode. Make sure that your character is not too close to it, because otherwise it will explode and you will lose a life.
- The Steel Crate is another type that can be found, which can not be broken by Armin or by Hannah. These are made of a solid metal and if they happen to fall on the head of one of your character, you will lose a life. You will have to prevent that from happening.
- Lastly, there is the Steel Dynamite Crate which is similar to the wooden one, but this package is made of pure metal. For that reason, if the bomb is about to explode, it will make sure that all of the breakable tiles will be broken. Note that the tiles will have to be within one tile radius from it otherwise it will not explode.
Of course, you will also come across enemies and some of them are really hard to beat, so below you will find a short guide that explains how to proceed when you come across X type of enemy.
The icy skeletons will be able to get killed if and only if an arrow hits them. You will have to find an arrow pointing in their direction before you go on it, so that it starts shooting them and then will bring them to death. Alternatively, you can choose to drop a boulder on their head to have them killed or to bring a metal crate on them. These will then be destroyed and you will be able to advance further in the game. Armin is the only character that will be able to destroy them. For that reason, if you’re currently controlling Hannah, you may want to consider to switch characters.
Another type of enemy is the Snowbeast. The Snowbeast can only be beaten if you make sure that a boulder or a metal crate falls on his head. Hannah will be able to jump over him but Armin will not be able to. It is recommended that you set up your strategy based on the location of Hannah and not the one of Armin for that reason. The Snowbeast will not die if you happen to throw an arrow at him by going on the arrow crates. He is a beast and is solid enough to not receive any damage.
Lastly, there is the ghost. The ghost is a monster that can be killed by falling metal crates or by falling boulders. Arrows can also be used to make sure that this monster disappears. Well, it is not really a ghost because you are able to kill it, but well.
Few items, during Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves, will be able to provide bonuses. These bonuses can be also hidden on some secret places, but if you manage to find them, you will not regret.
The first bonus is an extra life. This is really worth it because it will also add 555 points to your total score. This is recommended to get if you’re going after a super high score or after a trophy, because not only you will be able to receive an extra life in case you fail at a certain part of the game, but you will also be given points to boost up your score, thus having the chance to bring it to the high score table.
The second bonus are the gems, which are absolutely necessary because they will be able to provide an excellent score. Upon successfully getting them, you will be able to receive an additional 5,000 points added to your extra count. Once again, if you’re going after a super high score or after a trophy, then the gems are fundamental because of the extra points they will be able to provide.
Neopets Hannah and the Ice Caves Strategy and Cheats
Keep in mind that there are sentences that are written on the back of the screen. These are necessary to look at because they will give you hints and tips about the game. They will tell you what can be done, etc. Take a particular attention on them, for that reason.
Remember that there are no codes for the game, so you will have to play based on your personal skills. There is no reason to worry though, because we will be providing a list of what character can be used in X level for you to become more familiar with the game and finish it more easily.
You will want to press the left arrow key and the right one in order to run faster on the screen. You will be able to swim if you press the space bar and if you click on the left and right arrow key. Remember that Hannah is the only character that will be able to swim. For that reason, if you’re currently controlling Armin, it is a good choice to consider switching characters before you proceed.
Below is a short guide that will help you by telling you which characters can be used for what level, along with a short guide for these levels to help you finish them and receive the maximum amount of possible points.
- Level 1: For the first level, it is recommended that you use Hannah. You will have to run to the right side of the screen and then jump over the spikes so that you don’t lose a life. When you reach reach the water, keep going to the right side of the map while you’re swimming. Since Hannah can swim, then it is not a problem. Once this is done, go down to grab the treasure chests then jump up so that you can keep all of your lives. When all of the gifts have been successfully grabbed, you will have to swim to the left side of the screen and then to jump over the spikes to avoid losing a life. Go through the door that is located at the aend and move Armin to the door so that he can successfully finish the current level too.
- Level 2: For the second level, it is recommended that you use Armin. Start the game by going to the left side of the screen by going through the snow and then continue by walking through the enemies. From there, you will be able to kill them. Once this is done, go grab the treasure chest you will find and then let them fall on you for you to grab. Proceed to go to the right side of the screen where you will be encountering a door. There, Armin will be located and then switch to Hannah to successfully bring her to the exit, thus resulting in a successful completion of the current level.
- Level 3: Start the level by selecting Hannah, then go to the right side of the screen. After that, jump to the wooden steps to collect the treasures you will encounter. However, make sure that you watch out as there is a ghost enemy on the top of it. Use the arrows to shoot at him and get him killed, or make sure that a boulder falls on his head. When you’re collecting the treasures, these actions should then be done. Go get Armin to the door to proceed to the next level.
- Level 4: Start the current level by using Hannah. Go to the left side of the screen in order to hit all of the arrows you will find there. Once this is done, you will notice that the way for Armin is cleared. Do not use Armin directly. Continue to move away from the boulders to prevent them from falling on you, then start grabbing the treasure chest to move to the door.Switch to Armin then go to the right. Once this is done, you will want to crawl under the snow. There will be arrows which you will have to hit and then to grab the treasure chests you will be able to find there. Make sure to not hit the middle one, because then an arrow will go your way and remove a life from you. You should then be able to meet Hannah at the door in order to proceed to the next level.
- Level 5: Start the fifth level by using Armin. You will want to go to the right side of the screen and then to push the dynamite you will find there. Once this is done, collect the multiple treasures that you will find and make sure to kill the guard there. Continue past the door so that you can crawl to the secret area of the game, and then you will be able grab and extra life along with few points. Continue to the left and then wait at the door for Hannah to come.Now you will want to use Hannah. Use her by making the first move to the right. From there, you will be able to hit the first arrow that will be encountered. It will then be able to release the treasure. Continue by crawling through the secret area that you will come across, which is located to the right side of the screen. Then, you will want to jump on the wooden step in order to hit the arrow. To do that, simply walk on it and the job will be done. Finish by grabbing the treasures that you will be encountering then by going all the way to the door and meet Armin there.
- Level 6: You will have to select Hannah. Start the level by picking the treasures that you will find at the left side of the screen. Once this is done, proceed by running to the right side and then by jumping on the platforms you will encounter. Make sure that you don’t receive any damage from the ghost because you then then lose a life. Don’t try to kill that enemy. Instead, go up on the ladder from where you will be able to, once your on the top of it, jump to the right side of the game and then you will be able to enter in a secret area, through the wall. There, you will be able to collect gems that will give you 5,000 points. Return to the left by going through the platforms and then you will have to jump on the wooden steps in order to get the treasures you’re after. Once this is done, stop at the exit door and then bring Armin to successfully complete the level.
- Level 7: Start off by selecting Hannah. From there, go up by using the ladder and then to the right side of the screen. From there, you will be able to reach a box of arrows. Hit it and then it will clear the path of Armin.Now start using Armin. Go to the right side of the game and from there you will be able to collect the treasure that is down the ladder. This treasure will lead to the left. Once this is done, climb back to the ladder and then go to the right side of the screen. Once you are able to reach the second ladder, you will want to climb on it and then to proceed by going to the left. You will see an arrow there and then you will have to hit it. Once this is done, move out from the way so that the boulders can not hit you.Re-select Hannah and go to the right side of the screen where you will be able to go through the path that was previously blocked by the set of dynamites. From there, you will be able to jump on the wooden steps and then to grab the treasures that you will find there. Once this is successful, go to the right side of the screen and wait.Re-start using Armin and go up on the ladders as far as you can then to the right side of the screen. You will want to keep going to the right and there you will come across a guard that you will have to take down. When this is done, use a total of two ladders to climb down then go to the left. There will be a secret area where you will be able to grab a gem that is worth a total of 5,000 points. When this is done, go up and then wait at the door for Hannah to come.Lastly, Select Hannah in order to go to the right side of the screen and from there you will be able to grab the treasure that is located on the lower level of the screen. When this is done, go back to the top of the platform made in wood and then proceed to the right. From there you will be able to go down on the ladders to grab the treasure you will find then. Then, proceed to the right and swim to the left side. You will then be able to get the snow beasts and then to jump over them so that they don’t take away a life from you. Collect the treasures you will find then and then go meet Armin at the door.
- Level 8: On the eighth level, you will only have to use Hannah for the most part of the mission. Start the level by jumping on the steps to the left side and then to the middle of the screen, on the steps that are made in wood. From there you will be able to hit the arrow you will see and it will be flying to the right site, so that it hits the dynamite which will explode. Continue to grab the treasure. After that, you will want to go back, and then to proceed to the right. Walk to the dynamite so that it falls and blow up. From there you will be able to climb to the absolute top by using the ladders, and then jump to the left side of the screen. Then jump on the arrows to collect the treasures that will be encountered, then continue by doing the same thing for the left side. Continue through the bottom when it is done. On the left side, you will notice that there is a large quantity of treasures that are located in the back of the dynamite. Skip the arrow because you will not need it and then crawl to the secret area from where you will be able to open the door. Continue to the door, and make sure that Armin joins Hannah to proceed to level 9.
- Level 9: Start the level by selecting Hannah. You will then want to go to the absolute left from where you will be able to jump over the Snowbeast. Note that for now you will just have to avoid it. You will then have to trigger an arrow to the door so that the boulders and the treasures will be falling down. Doing this will hit the Snowbeast and he will be killed.Now select Armin and wait until the boulders have stopped so that you don’t lose a life. When it is a success, you will have to proceed by entering the door.
- Level 10: Start the tenth level by using Hannah, and you will have to go up then all the way to the right side of the screen until you meet the Snowbeast. You will then have to jump over him while be careful, because you will not want to hit the spikes, otherwise you will lose a life. When this is done, you will want to go to the absolute right in order to collect a life along with few points, and then to come back to where you were. Jump to the third opening past the Snowbeast that will lead to to the door.Then use Armin to go to the left side of the screen and then you will be able to crawl through the ice. Armin will then be able to kill the guards that will be encountered and to grab the found treasures. When he got all of them, simply go to the door to meet Hannah and to finish the current level.
- Level 11: Start the level by using Armin. Go to the right side of the screen in order to knock the boulder that you will see there off the ledge, so that you can proceed to jump down on the arrow that will be sitting to the left side of the boulder. From there, you will be able to find a treasure that you will have to collect on the left and then you will have to knock the encountered boulder in order to bring it to the next ledge. When this is done, jump down the ledges and destroy the guard that will be there. Once he is dead, crawl through the ice so that you move the boulder and the arrow from where a treasure can be collected. Go back to the right side, and skip the dynamite because you will not need it. Jump to the platform you will see, and from that one to the next platform in order to grab the treasure and to skip the ghost that will be waiting you on the ledge that comes next. Climb up on the ladders but be careful because there will be another guard. You will want to go on the arrow so that it can kill him, and then crawl through the snow in order to reach the door.Pick Hannah and go from the path that Armin has used to go past the ghost, so that you will be able to jump on the first ledge you will be encountering. When you’re there, simply jump to reach the secret area from where you will be able to collect a treasure that will earn you few extra points. Climb up the ladders to go to the door and to meet Armin there. If this is too easy for you, there is another way to do it. You can simply jump to the right side of the screen and then to go over the spikes in order to get an extra life, which can be of very hard to do. The reason is that there is a ghost that will be waiting you and you will most likely lose a life.
- Level 12: Select Armin and crawl to the right side of the screen in order to reach the door.Then, select Hannah and start going down all the way to the left side in order to collect the treasure you will find on the boxes. From there, you will be able to release the arrow that is in the crate. When this is done, proceed to collect the gem that will give you five thousand points and finish the level by going through the ladders and meet Armin on the door.
- Level 13: Select Hannah and move her away so that she is not near the tower that has dynamites on it (because you will not want to lose a life)After that, pick Armin and crawl to the left side from where you will be able to climb the ladder that you will find there. You will be finding a big variety of treasure chests that you will have to grab by jumping from the ladder all the way on them. You will have to proceed by killing the guard that is located on the 2nd platform, and then to grab the last treasures that are on the head of the cave. When this is done, go back to the 2nd platform in order to jump and collect a bigger amount of treasure, to receive extra points. Once this is done, simply jump down to the next platform from where you will be able to use an arrow and to crawl all the way to the extra life, which will also grant you few extra points. Then, jump down to another platform through the lower level, and crawl all the way to the right side to receive a gem and from there finish the level by reaching the door and by meeting Hannah.
- Level 14: Start the fourteenth level by using Hannah. Go to the right side of the screen and from there you will have to start collecting the treasure you will see. When it is done, push the blocks and the dynamites to the right side of the screen, so that you will be able to remove the spikes that will be bothering you. When this is done, go to the end and then climb down the ladder in order to blow up the tower that has a set of dynamites on it, then go back to the ladder to climb on it all the way to the north.After that, use Armin and go to the absolute right of the screen, then proceed to go down the ladder like you did with Hannah in order to kill the guards you will meet. From there you will be able to blow the dynamites. Once the boulders has finished falling, and the same thing for the treasure, you will be able to release the second arrow in order to jump on it and avoid losing a life by the other boulders. From there, you will be able to grab the treasure and then to move to the left side of the screen, from where you will be able to kill the guard. Once he is killed, you will want to proceed to blow up the dynamite and then to go down the ladder. Finish by going to the right, by making sure that spikes explodes and by destroying the guard you will encounter that will bring you to the next door.Follow the path of Armin in order to go to the door and to finish the current level.
- Level 15: For the fifteenth level, you will have to start by selecting Hannah. You will then have to go to the right side of the screen in order to fall down and to proceed by going go the left in order to enter the secret area that you will be able to find on that spot. After that, go to the left then go down. You will want to advance to the right when you’re there in order to release the arrow that you will find. There will be many boulders that will be coming from this path, so you will have to avoid them. When that’s done, push the boulder that will be standing to the gap so that you will be able to annihilate the dynamite without making it explode. Then, swim on the water to the left side of the screen to grab the treasure that will be there, then release the arrow that will be found at the end. Next, you will see a ladder which you will have to climb on it. Another arrow will be found at the right side of the screen which you will have to also knock, and from there you will be able to find a secret area where there will be a gem waiting you to collect. For the second area, once you reach it, you will be able to knock back the dynamite. After the go to the left side in order to crawl the spikes and from there you will be able to hold on for Armin.Now you will have to use Armin by pressing the S key and to follow the path done by Hannah until you have successfully reached the last area. Once you’re there, simply knock the arrow you will encounter on your right and then go to the left side of the screen in order to crawl through the ice so that you can make the boulder fall down for Hannah. After that, climb up on the ladder and proceed to go to the other side of the screen so that you will be able to push the second boulder you will see there. When that is done, simply go to the door and wait Hannah.Re-use Hannah to crawl and go get the door in order to proceed to the next level.
- Level 16: Start this level by selecting Hannah and then by going to the right side of the screen in order to jump down to the first platform you will see there (the one that will be the nearest to you). After that, crouch and wait a bit so that the water will be high for you to jump down on it and swim. You will have to wait it to be high, though, otherwise you will lose a life. Proceed to swim all the way by going to the right side of the screen, and then by entering the secret area you will find there. You will then have to climb up on the ladder in order to knock the arrow and to cancel the dynamite.You will now have to use Armin to collect the gem you will see there and that, by crawling to the right side of the screen. After that, go on the ladder in order to collect the treasure that is located on the right platform, and from there you will be able to reach the door by continuing directly.Re-select Hannah and jump in the water so that you can swim all the way to the left side of the screen in order to grab the various treasures you will find. After that, simply wait once again for the water to be high enough so that you will be able to grab another treasure and to proceed by jumping on the platform that has the ladder. When this is done, proceed by reaching the door to meet Armin and to finish the current level.
- Level 17: For the seventeenth level, start by using Hannah and jump on the platforms in order to grab the treasure that will be found on your left. When this is done, simply jump down so that you can reach the center of the screen and from there you will be able to grab another treasure. After that, jump on the side of the screen where you will see a total of four boulders standing, so that you can proceed to knock them and to make them fall down. Jump again to the center of the screen and proceed by going to the next boulder you will encounter in order to destroy the crate. Then, simply push the first boulder to the side of the screen, that will be proceeded by jumping to the platforms on the right side of the screen and they will help you to go all the way up. After that, you will have to knock the first arrow that will be found there and to continue your way all the way to the platforms that will be high. After that, continue your way to grab the treasure then continue to the left side of the screen and jump down to reach the lower platform. Wait there.Select Armin in order to crawl to the right and then push the arrow to release it, that is located on the right side of the exit door.Re-select Hannah so that you can grab an extra life along with a few points that will be located on the center of the screen, proceed to the right and then go down in order to reach the door that will have Armin waiting you to proceed to the next level.
- Level 18: Start the game by using Armin and jump to the right side of the screen in order to kill the standing guard, and then proceed to jump down to collect the treasure that will be waiting, and to also destroy another guard. After that, jump to the right side of the screen and then crawl all the way through the ice in order to reach the ladder that you will be using to climb on.Select Hannah and then jump down (on the water) so that you are able to grab the standing treasure, and from there you will be able to get back at the top to wait on the side of the dynamite.Select Armin once again in order to release the arrow that is located near him, and then you will have to go to the right side of the screen to kill the waiting guard. Jump down, when this is done, so tat you can reach the left side and there will be a tunnel that is made entirely of ice. Use it to crawl and to proceed by collecting the treasure that you will find on the next side of the screen. Proceed to jump on the platforms in order to go to the next area which will have a guard waiting you that you will have to kill, and then stay near the door to wait Hannah.Select Hannah once again and go to the right side of the screen and then go down on the ladder in order to collect all of the underwater treasure. Before you go to the right, you will have to avoid hitting one arrow that will be located in a spot as you jump to the second water pool. There, you will find a treasure that you will have to grab. After grabbing it, swim once again to the center of the screen so that you can jump to the platforms you will see there that will lead you on the absolute top of the cave, from where you will be able to release the arrow before it falls on the absolute bottom of the screen. From there you will be able to negate the arrow by throwing it on the water lake and to wait until the treasure would have successfully fell down. Proceed by jumping to the top so that you can grab the remaining treasures and then to exit by the door.
- Level 19: Start the nineteenth level by using Hannah and by collecting all of the treasures you will be able to grab by making sure that you do not jump down because you will not be able to get there again. From there you will be able to go to the right side and wait Armin.Use Armin to crawl on the ice so that he gets next to the door where he will have to release the encountered arrow, and from there he will be able to remove the dynamite that would be blocking the path of Hannah. Proceed to the door with both characters.
- Level 20: Start by using Hannah and climb the ladder while making sure you knock the arrow that you will find on the 1st platform, so that when the snowbeast comes, you will have to head to the left side of the path he takes. From there you will be able to jump down in order to grab the treasure and then you will be able to continue on the ladder. Notice that at the top of the screen, there will be another arrow that you will have to knock down and then proceed by going to the right side of the screen. After that, you will be able to go down to grab the remaining treasures that will be found on the absolute bottom of the cave, and then go back up so that you can stand next to the door, waiting Armin in order to proceed.Use Armin to crawl on the ice that is located on your right, and from there you will be able to continue on the path at the top of the screen. When this is done, simply continue to the right side and you will have to crawl once again in order to reach the ladder from where you will climb and head down so that you reach the exit door, where Hannah will be waiting you.
- Level 21: Start by using Hannah and by knocking two of the arrows that will be found near you. From there you will be able to fall down so that you collect the found treasure. After that, simply keep falling down in order to find a secret area that will hold a green gem, on the right side of the screen. On the ledge, stop there and wait Armin.Use Armin and do the exact same thing that you have previously done when you controlled Hannah, but on the side of Armin. After that, crawl on the ice so that you can reach the other side of the screen in order to grab the treasure of which will be standing there and then, once you have grabbed all of them, simply head to the right side of the screen where you will have to crawl a last time. Fall down so that you can grab the remaining treasure and then go to the left. When you reach the arrow, you will see that there will be a total of two arrows standing, that you will have to activate so that you can proceed by going to the door after the boulders smash the spikes that will be trying to trap you.Re-use Hannah and go down so that you will be able to drop on the right side of the sector from where you will be able to proceed to the door and finish the current level.Pick Hannah and start the level by jumping over the spikes by making sure you’re careful because you do not want to hit the arrows that will be located after you. After that, proceed to leap down in order to go to the right side of the screen and to reach the platform made of wood. From there you will be able to knock the found arrow and then to go to the left side where you will be able to jump to the left side of the screen that will have a secret area. There will be traps so you will have to be careful when you will be reaching the dynamite and then wait.Use Armin to go on the boulders that will be blocking the spikes and then go to the left side of the screen by making sure you do not fall before it is the time. When you have reached the ground that will have a guard waiting you, you will have to jump down and to proceed by destroying him so that he is not a treat for you anymore. Go to the ice tunnel that is located on the left side of the screen. There, you will be able to destroy the guard and then to release the two arrows that will be located at your side. The dynamite will then be negated. After that simply jump on the remaining ledges so that you can go on the ladder and go to the highest spot possible. From there you will be able to finish the last guard and then to proceed by climbing to the next ladder that you will be encountering there. There will be many arrows that you will have to release by hitting and then grab the last treasure that will be falling so that you can wait Hannah near the door.
Re-use Hannah to drop down (she was on the secret area) and to reach Armin by using the path he has previously used. Finish the level by entering the door.
- Level 23: Start the level by selecting Hannah and by jumping on the platform that will be located at the right side of the screen by paying attention to the arrow you will encounter, because you will not want to lose a life. After that you will be able to reach the 2nd arrow from where you will be able to knock it down in order to wait the dynamite to be fully negated. When this is done, simply go back to where you were so that you can knock the first set of arrow in order to touch the boulder. You will then have to push that boulder in order to go to the right side. Go over the spikes carefully and then grab the treasure to proceed to climbing the ladder. There will be a ghost that will be standing on your side. Simply jump on the lower platform and go to the left side of the screen. You will have to jump on the higher platforms, though, so that from there you will be able to use the arrows to help you jump to the ladder that is located on the left side of the screen. You will then have to climb down so that you can reach the tunnel. Once you reach the ladders that are on the left side, you will have to be certain that all of the treasures of all of the areas are grabbed. Proceed to jump to the right side of the screen from where you will be able to go to the area that will be “locked”. There will be spikes that you can avoid by jumping. Crouch until you reach the edge so that you can use the right button from where you will be able to jump. When you’re out of it simply jump to the right side of the door and wait.Use Armin to jump down to the right so that you can crawl and go all the way to the bottom side of the cave. There will be a big amount of treasure for you to grab. Proceed by climbing up on the ladder and then to jump on the platform and on the ice to crawl to the left side. Release the arrow and climb on the ladder from where you will be able to grab the treasure and exit.
- Level 24: Start the round by selecting Armin and then jump to the right side of the screen in order to kill the guard after successfully jumping on him. When this is done, move a little so that you stay away from the dynamite to prevent future damage.Press the S key to select Hannah and proceed to jump down in the lake of water so that you will be able to swim to the left side of the screen and from there you will be able to grab the treasure that will be located near that emplacement. Air pockets will be useful to take breath above you, and then swim to the right side of the screen while you’re taking the breath and that until you can come to the ladder that will be there. Use it to climb down so that you can reach the bottom sector of the screen and then swim again to the left side of the screen. Always keep in mind that you will have to keep taking breaths and at the same time grabbing the treasure to be as most successful as you can. When this is done, simply swim a last time to the right side of the screen from where you will have to climb up once again on the ladder. You will be able to notice that at the top of the screen there is a dynamite and you will have to knock it down to the left side of the screen in order to reach the door.Select back Armin in order to run to your right, because now the dynamite would have exploded and there will be a path that is freshly available for you to use. From there, go to the door to meet Hannah and to finish the current level you’re on.
- Level 25: Start the twenty fifth level by selecting Armin and by quickly crouching while pressing the switch button. If you do that, you will be able to stay in the crouched position as long as you want. When this is done, you will also be able to prevent yourself from getting additional damage that can be done from the ghost guard.Select Hannah and use her to run to the absolute right side of the screen from where you will be able to reach the ladder that will be located there. When that is done, simply climb up the ladder so that you can reach the top side where the door will be located.Select back Armin so that you are able to run to the left and then to reach the treasure that will be found. When that is a success, you will be able to run all the way to the right side of the screen in order to climb the ladder that you will be able to use for the next area. When this is done, simply crawl on the ice and proceed to jump on the platforms from where you will be able to reach the located treasure that you will have to grab. They will be on the left side of the screen. When this is done, simply go back again on the ladder and climb up to get as high as the third area. You will have to do the same thing as you did with the previous area and then go back to the ladder where you will have to climb a last time to reach the exit door and to meet Hannah that will be waiting you in order to proceed to the next level.
- Level 26: Start by selecting Armin and by standing near the door, waiting for Hannah to come.Select Hannah then go to the left side of the screen where you will have to jump down in order to reach the drop. There will be a big amount of treasure for you to grab. After that you will have to do exactly as said below (right = drift to that direction, left = drift to that direction and skip = stay in the center of the screen):
Go to the left, to the left, skip, go to the right, go to the left, skip, go to the right, to the right, to the right, to the left, skip, then skip and go to the right. Go to the left, to the left, to the left, to the right, then skip and go to the left, to the right and to the right.Grab the treasures that will be found there and then climb back up once again by using the ladder to reach the top side of the screen. From there you will be able to jump down on the ledges and follow that:Skip, go to the right, skip, go to the left, skip, go to the left, skip, go to the right, go to the left two times, skip twice, go to the left, go to the right, skip twice, go to the left twice, skip and go to the right, skip then go to the right.
- Level 27: Select Hannah and go to the left side of the screen in order to fall down to the ice that will be located below. From there you will be able to jump and then to go to the left. You will have to be a bit careful though because you will not want to hit the spikes that will be found near you. When you are on the edge, proceed by jumping all the way to the left side of the screen to grab the treasure and then to stay. You will have to jump on the left to grab the treasure on the second side and then you will be able to jump down so that you can climb the ladder and go to the right in order to return back to where you were. There, you will be able to grab the treasure and before going back on the ladder you will have to climb and to collect the found treasure on the top. After that, jump down so that you reach the ground from where you will have to climb on the next ladder that is located on your right. Grab the treasure that will be found there and go to the ground in order to reach the second ladder. There you will be able to climb it and to take the gold, and then to go down once again by climbing. You will then be able to go to the absolute right side of the screen from where you will be able to grab, again, the treasure that you will find there. Proceed by climbing on the next ladder. After that, you will have to go to the top and then to jump on the platform to the other and keep doing that until you finally reach the one that is before the one Armin is standing on. Once you’re there, you will be able to jump down on your right while making sure you don’t hit the spikes, and then go down to the left side in order to grab for a last time the treasure you will encounter. When this is done, simply jump on the floor from where you will be able to crouch to not get hit by the ghosts.Use Armin to jump down right and then go to the down left where you will have to fall off once again, like when you did it with Hannah previously. After that reach the door in order to proceed to the next level.
- Level 28: Start the level by using Hannah and by crouching, then switch to control the Armin character and to avoid being touched by the ghosts.Use Armin to climb down the stairs and then go to the right side, where you will have to hit the found arrows that will be standing on your path. When you successfully go near the ladder, use it to climb down where you will have to wait.Use Hannah once again to jump on the platform, and then to keep jumping on the others so that you go to the right side of the screen where you will be able to grab the found treasures that will be located on your path. Once you reach that, you will be able to climb the ladder so that you drop on the right side from where there will be many treasure chests for you to grab on the air. Grab them all.
Use Armin once again to knock the first arrow that you will encounter and from there you will have to wait for all of the boulders (and that, before you drop down), proceed by going to the right to meet Hannah.
Use back Hannah and go to the left where you will have to knock the arrow that you will find there, and then to wait for the boulders to fall down. When this is done, jump to the left side of the screen where you will have to stand on the edge that is at the right of the platform.
Use back Armin for the last time and push the found boulder in order to destroy the guard. After that, make sure that you knock off the dynamite and to wait the crate so that it drops and then reach the exit door.
Select Hannah to go on the left side from where you will climb on the crates and go to the door.
- Level 29: Select Hannah and grab the treasure that will be found on the left side of your screen. You will be able to do that once you will push the first boulder you will be able to encounter. This boulder will also destroy the spikes that will be on the path. When this is done, proceed by jumping on the next platform that you will see on your right, and then you will see two more boulders that will have to be also pushed to the spikes. After that, you will be able to go to the third boulder that you will have to push to the right. When it is rolling, you will have to follow it by making sure that Hannah moves a little to the right side in order to make sure that the dynamite explodes. Once this is done, you will be able to destroy all of the dynamites that will be located every where around your place and from there you will be able to jump to your right where you will find another ladder. Once you are on the top side of the screen, there will be a treasure for you to grab. Go to the found platform on your right so that you do exactly as you did before, and once that is completed, you will have to jump on your right to reach the secret area from where you will be able to go to the left and to push the boulder in order to grab the found treasure.Use Armin and go on the path that Hannah has used, and fall down until you reach the sector located below. Once you go on the platform that is on the right side, you will be able to crawl to the right and then to go on the secret area where you will have to crawl to your right to reach the secret area from where you will be climbing to grab the treasures found on the absolute top of it.Re-use Hannah so that you release the arrow located near the secret area and then go inside to make sure you don’t get hit by the falling dynamite. Once it falls down completely, you will notice that there is a crate that you will have to knock (containing a pack of dynamite) and then go to the right side of the screen in order to grab the found treasure. Once this is done, you will be able to do the same thing to the rest of the dynamite packages that haven’t exploded yet and then you will be able to let Armin reach the door.
Use Armin in order to jump down so that he can reaches the door.
- Level 30: On that level, note that there is a chance to find The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy.Start by using Hannah and by going to the right side of the screen in order to knock the arrows that you will find there. Make sure that you do so before you hit the last two. After that, drop on the pit that is located on your left that leads to the door.Use Armin in order to drop on the secret area and then go to the left. From there you will be able to run to the right side and then to crawl on the ice so that you reach the ladder. Use it to go to the top of the screen and then to jump between the platforms in order to collect the treasure you will find there. When this is done, fall on your left side so that you can enter once again the secret area from where you will be able to reach the final door and finish the game.