Neopets Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway is a haunted game that takes place in the Haunted Woods where you will have to play as Bruno, who is a spooky Gelert from the Tale of Woe, if you have ever played this plot. Your main job in this game is to collect potions and to be able, alive, to bring them back to Sophie. Neopets Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway will make you face different angry Neovians that can be looked at as enemies because they will take a life from you if you touch them.
How to Play Neopets Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway
First of all, you should know that a maximum score of 5180 can be obtained if you are able to master it and do it in the perfect possible way. Later, you will be able to use our guides to help you achieve that score if you’re aiming for a trophy or a super high score. Fortunately, this score is enough for you to get a gold trophy, if you’re on the top 100 on the high score table.
During the game, you will have to face enemies that you will harm you and take a life from you. The enemies can be an Ixi, a Wocky, some of them are Kacheeks and lastly, Techos. Below is a short description for each of these enemies to help you identify them in the best possibly way.
The Ixi is not very hard to avoid, because it will almost never jump. It will only be walking between a set of two potions and will make your job harder. Simply avoid it, it is not very mean.
The Wocky is a tall yellow “spaghetti” that can be easily located because it is tall. He will throw rocks at you, almost always, but he will remain on the platform he is currently on. Because he is tall, sometimes you will have a hard time jumping past him (but it will get easier the more you play).
The Kacheek will also throw rocks at you, but he has the ability to leave the platforms. The Kacheek looks like a green monkey. Sometimes you will think that you are safe, but he will suddenly fall from the higher platform that he starts on. For that reason, you will have to watch out for this little guy.
Lastly, the Techo will act the same way as the Kacheek, previously mentioned. He will be able to throw rocks at you and leave the platforms (he can jump just like the Kacheek). If you meet on of those, try to avoid them and find the potions further to avoid losing a life.
Bruno Backwoods Controls
To control Bruno, you will have to use the left button key and the right one that are located on your keyboard. These will make Bruno move, respectively, to the left and to the right. If you press the up arrow key, Bruno will jump and by pressing the down keys, he will be able to look up (so you will be able to see if there is a treat on the upper platforms). If you press the P key, you will be able to pause the game to take a small break, etc. If you get hit by a rock or if you touch an enemy, you will immediately lose a life.
There will be also living trees that start appearing from the 3rd level and so on. If you are near them, you will be able to jump on their branches by using the space bar. Always watch out for rocks, though, because you are never safe.
While playing Neopets Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway, it is a fundamental aspect to not run quickly. You will have to move slowly, as it is the best way to keep all of your lives (if you’re going after the maximum score of 5180). Some enemies will throw rocks at you and it will not be too hard if you move slowly. Also, in the latter levels they will be harder to escape, but stay slow and everything will be fine for you.
Score & Points
A maximum score of 5180 can be obtained through the game, but for that, you will have to collect all of the potions, on all of the levels, and to bring them all at the same time to the cave, meaning that you will have to do it all at once. Fortunately, you will not have to keep all of your lives if you want to achieve this score, but it is important to not bring the potions separately. If you do so, you will get 5 total points for the first one you bring to the cave, 10 for the second, 25 for the third, 50 points for the fourth which will total 100 points. If you bring all of the potions but one, a total of 90 points will be awarded and 5 for the last one because it will be counted as the first one. Don’t forget that all of the potions will have to be brought at the same time, to the cave, for the maximum amount of points.
Below there will be a small guide that will describe each of the levels, along with the number of potions needed and the maximum score you will be able to get from the round. If you’re going after the 5,180 score, it is recommended that you get the exact same score written below, otherwise you will not receive all of these.
For the first level, the Backwoods, you will have to bring a total of 5 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 190 points for the current level.
For the second level, Haunted Hunt, you will have to bring a total of 5 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 380 points for the current level.
For the third level, the Amazing Maze, you will have to bring a total of 5 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 570 points for the current level. On that level, the Kacheek will start appearing.
For the fourth level, the Hide-n-Seek, you will have to bring a total of 6 poitons to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 860 points for the current level.
For the fifth level, the Gauntlet, you will have to bring a total of 6 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 1150 points. On that level, Techos will start appearing.
For the sixth level, Treetop Terror, you will have to bring a total of 7 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 1540 points.
For the seventh level, the Neovian Nightmare, you will have to bring a total of 8 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 2030 points.
For the eighth level, the Point of No Return, you will have to bring a total of 9 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 2620 points.
For the ninth level, the Corridor Chaos, you will have to bring a total of 9 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 3210 points.
For the tenth level, the Platform Panic, you will have to bring a total of 10 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 3900 points.
For the eleventh level, The Tunnels, you will have to bring a total of 10 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring them all at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 4590 points. On that level, there is not a single Kacheek, nor a single Techo.
For the twelfth level, the Chamber of Horrors, you will have to bring a total of 9 potions to the cave. If you manage to bring all of them at the same time, you will be given a maximum score number of 5180, which is the absolute maximum.
Note: on level 8, there will be a completely hidden potion that will not be available for you to reach if you don’t follow these instructions: Drop all the way from the left ledge and press the Bruno on the wall so that he can stand inside of it. After that repeat until you get it done. If you fail, simply try again, it is simple.
Neopets Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway Strategy & Cheats
Always try to avoid rocks and never come directly towards your enemies. You will want to keep a short distance, at least, so that you don’t lose a life. If there is a potion you want, but you feel that you are in an uncomfortable position, simply don’t grab it. Instead, drop down and go through another path all the way to it, again. You will want to move slowly but surely, because this game is known to scare people simply because enemies will almost “pop” out of no where. Stay careful. If you’re going after the 5180 points score, which is the highest possible, you will have to bring all of the potions at the cave, at once (not separately). High score tables are always reset at the first day of the month, but usually there is not that many people in the top 100 and you will be able to get a spot there, along with a shiny trophy if you manage to do so. Good luck and have fun!