The Ice Bori was first introduced in the fall of 2004 as part of the Hannah and the Ice Caves Plot on Terror Mountain. During this time, Neopets partnered with Yahoo to promote the “Neopets Toolbar,” a rebranded version of Yahoo’s toolbar. As an incentive to download this toolbar, users were given the opportunity to create a special new Neopet species: the Bori, which could be painted Ice.
At the time, the Ice Bori was a significant rarity, as only those who downloaded the toolbar could access it. The Bori species played a key role in the plot, with the storyline explaining that they had been trapped in ice for a millennium until they were freed by Hannah. Once the toolbar promotion ended, the Ice Bori became unavailable, adding to its exclusivity.
Ice Bori Morphing Potion?
Unlike other Neopets, the Ice Bori was never available through the Lab Ray or paint brushes, and it could not be obtained by morphing potions. Furthermore, when you tried to abandon an Ice Bori at the Neopian Pound, it would turn into a regular Blue Bori, making the Ice Bori even rarer. Until August 2008, when the transfer option was introduced, players could not move their Ice Bori to different accounts either.
How to Get an Ice Bori Today
Though the Ice Bori was once extremely rare, there are now a few ways to obtain one:
- Premium Perk – Free Species Change
Since August 2018, Neopets Premium members have had access to the “Free Species Change” perk, which allows players to change the species of one of their existing Neopets to another species. If a Neopet is already painted Ice, players can simply choose to change its species to Bori. This offers an affordable way to obtain an Ice Bori.
If your Neopet is painted a colour that Bori cannot be painted (such as Rainbow or any special paint), you can still use the Free Species Change to switch it to a Bori, as it will automatically change to an available Bori colour like Ice.
- Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway
Each year since 2010, Neopets holds the Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway during December. This event allows Neopians to select one of their pets to be converted into any species and colour combo, with the Ice Bori being one of the available options. However, only a handful of Neopets are selected each year, making the Ice Bori a rare prize. - Original Toolbar Creation
If you happened to have missed the original toolbar promotion or didn’t redeem your opportunity to create a Bori, you can still visit the Toolbar Promo page to create one. However, this option is no longer available to most Neopians as it’s highly unlikely that a player would still have access to the toolbar promotion.
The Ice Bori started as a rare, promotional Neopet that was tied to the now-defunct Yahoo toolbar campaign, but since 2018, it has become more accessible through the Premium Species Change perk. Additionally, the annual Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway offers a chance to obtain this rare pet.