Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks

Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks has taken Neopia by storm since its release on August 19. In this interactive game, players are called to assist Dr. Landelbrot in constructing a Void Dampener to save Juni by regulating the flow of Void Energy. The task at hand is challenging, but with your help, Dr. Landelbrot can complete this vital mission.

What is Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?

Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks is a puzzle-based game that requires players to connect Regulation Cables—which resemble pipes—in a way that channels Void Energy from the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus. This complex task involves rotating various pipe pieces, ensuring the energy flows smoothly without spilling out of open pipes, much like the Sewage Surfer game. The objective? To successfully power Dr. Landelbrot’s Void Dampener and help save Juni from the dangers of uncontrolled Void Energy.

How to Play Voidworks

The gameplay involves rotating pipe pieces on a game board to create a continuous, unbroken path from the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus. While some pieces are static and cannot be rotated, others can be turned to match the correct orientation. Players need to be quick, as there’s a 60-second time limit for each round.

Game Structure:

  • Rounds: In your first playthrough, there are three rounds with increasing difficulty. Subsequent plays only feature one round.
  • Time Limit: Each round gives players 60 seconds. If you fail to complete the round within this time, it will reset, allowing you to try again.
  • Pause Feature: You can pause the game at any time, though the board will be obscured.

Voidworks Pieces

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of pieces you’ll encounter:

  • Line Piece: Allows single-direction flow with two openings at opposite ends. It can be placed horizontally or vertically.
  • T Piece: Multi-directional flow with three openings. This piece can be rotated in any direction.
  • Elbow Piece: Directs flow at a 90-degree angle with two openings on adjacent sides.
  • Cross Piece: This piece has four openings, one on each side, and cannot be rotated.
  • Static Piece: Like the elbow piece, but it cannot be rotated and remains in a fixed position.

Connecting the Flow

To complete each round, you must connect the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus using the Regulation Cables. As you place and rotate the pieces, aim to create an unbroken path without leaving any open ends where the energy might spill out. Successfully completing the puzzle causes the path to light up with blue circuits, indicating a job well done!

Scoring and Rewards

In Voidworks, scoring is based on the first time you complete the game with three rounds. A maximum score of 15 is possible, but players must achieve this without making mistakes. The exact scoring mechanism remains unclear, but it seems fewer errors lead to higher points.

  • First Playthrough: You’ll receive a score based on your performance across the three rounds, with plot points awarded at the end.
  • Subsequent Plays: After the first playthrough, scoring becomes irrelevant, and you’ll only need to complete one round to earn a prize.


One notable achievement in the game is the Go with the Flow badge, awarded to players who achieve a perfect score on their first playthrough. However, some users have reported scoring 15 points and not unlocking the achievement, hinting at potential nuances in the criteria.

Prizes and Rewards Pool

Successfully completing Voidworks earns you a prize, either plot points during the first playthrough or exclusive in-game items. Here’s a glimpse of the reward pool:

  • Wearables: Circuit Board Markings, Void Dampener Background, Hacker Dress, Gamer Quiguki, and more.
  • Collectibles and Consumables: Circuit Pizza, Laser Energy, Void Dew Energy Drink, and Voidberry Potion.
  • Exclusive Items: Void Negg, Virtupets Circuit Board Shield, Void Snowball, Electric Petpet Paint Brush, and others.

The first time you complete all three rounds, you’ll also receive plot points that can be doubled with a Plot Points Fortune Cookie.

Level Solutions and Strategies

Upon release, all players encountered the same three puzzles, but since October 7th, each new playthrough generates a random puzzle from a pool of over 160,000 possible variations. Though specific solutions may no longer apply universally, understanding how to rotate and place the pieces efficiently is key to mastering the game.

  • Round 1: Typically straightforward, leaving a few pieces unused.
  • Round 2: Requires using all available pieces.
  • Round 3: More challenging, with static pieces that make strategic placement crucial.

Check out video guides or community discussions for potential puzzle solutions and strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks is a puzzle-based game where players connect regulation cables to channel Void Energy from the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus.

2. When did Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks launch?
The game launched on August 19 and was re-released with updates on October 7.

3. How do you play Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Players rotate pipe-like pieces to create an unbroken path for the Void Energy to flow between the Void Channeler and the Power Nexus.

4. What are regulation cables in Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Regulation cables are pieces that players rotate to control the flow of Void Energy.

5. What is Void Energy?
Void Energy is a volatile and dangerous energy source that players must control to save Juni in the game.

6. What is the Void Channeler?
The Void Channeler is the starting point of the energy flow in Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks.

7. What is the Power Nexus?
The Power Nexus is the endpoint in the game where Void Energy needs to be delivered.

8. What are the different types of pipe pieces in Voidworks?
Pipe pieces include Line Pieces, T Pieces, Elbow Pieces, Cross Pieces, and Static Pieces, each with different connection properties.

9. Can all pipe pieces in Voidworks be rotated?
No, some pieces like the Cross Piece and Static Piece cannot be rotated.

10. How many rounds are there in the first playthrough of Voidworks?
The first playthrough consists of three rounds with increasing difficulty.

11. Is there a time limit in Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Yes, each round has a 60-second time limit.

12. What happens if you run out of time in Voidworks?
If time runs out, the round resets, and you can try again.

13. Can I pause Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Yes, you can pause the game at any point, though the board will be obscured.

14. How does scoring work in Voidworks?
Scoring applies only to the first playthrough with a maximum score of 15 points based on performance and minimal mistakes.

15. What is the maximum score you can achieve in Voidworks?
The maximum score is 15 points.

16. Can I replay Voidworks?
Yes, after the first playthrough, you can replay with one round per day.

17. Do I get points for replaying Voidworks?
No, scoring is only applicable during the first playthrough.

18. What happens after I complete Voidworks for the first time?
You are awarded plot points and a prize based on your score.

19. Can I earn achievements in Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
Yes, the “Go with the Flow” achievement can be earned by achieving a perfect score on your first playthrough.

20. What are the Voidworks rewards?
Rewards include plot points and exclusive in-game items like Void Neggs, Circuit Pizza, and wearables.

21. How do I earn the Go with the Flow achievement?
You must reach the maximum score of 15 points on your first playthrough to unlock this achievement.

22. Why didn’t I unlock the Go with the Flow achievement?
Some users have reported scoring 15 points without unlocking the achievement, which suggests unknown factors may affect it.

23. How many puzzle variations are in Voidworks?
There are over 160,000 possible puzzle variations in Voidworks.

24. Can I use the same solutions for each game?
No, the puzzles vary each time you play after the first playthrough.

25. Can I skip levels in Voidworks?
No, you must complete all rounds to progress and earn rewards.

26. What happens if I make a mistake in Voidworks?
You can reset the round or refresh the page and start over.

27. Does Voidworks count toward the Quest Log game task?
No, Voidworks does not count as a game played for the Quest Log.

28. Will Voidworks appear in my High Score list?
No, Voidworks will not appear in your High Score list.

29. Can I refresh the page to retry Voidworks?
Yes, refreshing the page allows you to reset and retry the current round.

30. How do I win in Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
To win, successfully connect the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus using the regulation cables within the time limit.

31. What items can I win in Voidworks?
Prizes include wearables like the Void Dampener Background and items like Void Neggs, Circuit Board Markings, and more.

32. How do I start playing Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks?
You can start playing by helping Dr. Landelbrot connect regulation cables to channel Void Energy in the game.

33. Is there a strategy for completing Voidworks puzzles?
The key strategy is to rotate the pieces efficiently and ensure all open pipe ends are connected.

34. Do I need to use all the pieces on the board in Voidworks?
No, you do not have to use all the pieces, only those needed to create an unbroken path.

35. What is the first step in Voidworks?
The first step is to connect the Void Channeler to the Power Nexus by rotating the regulation cables.

36. Are the Voidworks puzzles the same for every player?
No, after the first playthrough, each puzzle is randomized for different players.

37. Can I play Voidworks more than once per day?
No, you can only play one round per day after your first three-round playthrough.

38. What is the Void Dampener?
The Void Dampener is a device Dr. Landelbrot is constructing to safely harness Void Energy.

39. Can I pause the game during the puzzle?
Yes, you can pause the game at any point, but the board will be obscured while paused.

40. How do I reset a round in Voidworks?
If you run out of time, the round will automatically reset, or you can refresh the page to reset manually.

41. What are plot points in Voidworks?
Plot points are earned based on your performance in the first playthrough and can be doubled with a Plot Points Fortune Cookie.

42. How many rounds do I play after the first attempt?
After the first playthrough, you only play one round each day.

43. What prizes are exclusive to Voidworks?
Exclusive prizes include items like Circuit Board Markings, Void Neggs, Voidberry Potion, and more.

44. Are there any known bugs in Voidworks?
Some players have reported scoring 15 points without unlocking the Go with the Flow achievement.

45. What happens if I don’t complete a round in Voidworks?
The round will reset, and you can try again without penalty.

46. Is Voidworks available for mobile devices?
Yes, you can play Voidworks on mobile devices by tapping the pieces to rotate them.

47. What happens if the energy flow spills out of an open pipe?
If the flow spills out, the path will not be completed, and you must reset the round.

48. Can I earn plot points every time I play Voidworks?
No, plot points are only awarded during your first playthrough of three rounds.

49. How often can I play Voidworks after completing it once?
You can play Voidworks once per day after the initial playthrough.

50. How do I win the exclusive Voidworks prizes?
Successfully completing the puzzles in Voidworks will earn you prizes from the exclusive pool.

Final Thoughts

Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks offers Neopians a fun and challenging way to engage with Void Energy while helping Dr. Landelbrot complete his Void Dampener. Whether you’re in it for the exclusive prizes, achievements, or just love puzzle games, Voidworks has something for everyone.

Remember, harnessing Void Energy is no easy task. Every click and rotation brings you one step closer to saving Juni and controlling the volatile forces of the Void!

Try your hand at Dr. Landelbrot’s Voidworks today, and see if you have what it takes to channel the Void Energy to its final destination.