Neopets Magma Pool

The Magma Pool is an area of Moltara that appeared on the 16th Day of Celebrating in Year 11 that now (rarely) grants access to very special lake of Magma. Find out when you can enter and you can “paint” your pet Magma at no cost whatsoever!

guard_rejected-8617091If he’ll let you, in that is.


The Magma Pool is like many other spots in Neopia in which you need to arrive at a certain time in order to gain access to its spoils. The thing is… I can’t tell you what time to go. Unlike anything else in Neopia, the Magma Pool is open at a specific and very random time for each user. No specifics are known as to why or how these times are decided, but here is what we do know:

  • The Magma Pool will be available (you can sneak past the Magma Tonu guard) within the same ten minute interval everyday. This time is not necessarily every ten minutes, so it could be 3:41-3:51am or 10:22-10:32pm. To figure out your unique time, you literally have to constantly refresh at the Magma Pool until the guard falls asleep. Yep. That’s all you can do. Once you find out what the time is, you know it! REMEMBER IT. It will never change!
  • There will be special times in which you will not have to sneak past the guard and he will randomly awake. Specifics to these very random times are unknown. Some believe that completing Moltaran-related tasks such as seeking Igneot’s wisdom, can enhance the chances the guard will be awake, but this has not been proven or thoroughly supported.

What he says 23 hours and 49 minutes a day…


If you have discovered your “magma time” or happened upon the guard while he’s awake and willing to let you pass, you’ll have the ability to “dip” your pet into the magma pool for an exclusive color: Magma!
NOTE: You will only be offered pets that are currently activated with the color Magma.

guard_snoozing-6304854Shhh… look! The guard is sleeping! Maybe you can sneak by him if you’re very, very careful…
Please select your Neopet to take a swim in the Magma Pool and be painted Magma.

You only have until the guard wakes up again to dip your pet! That means if you linger too much, you’ll lose the chance to dip your pet and you’ll have to wait until the next day.

Simply select the pet you’d like to dip and proceed.

4-1945914Aren’t I beautiful?!

Once you have a dipped a pet, you will be banned from the Magma Pool for one week. This means you’ll need to wait until eight days later to visit and dip another pet.

Pounding and Transferring Magma Pets

Like Lutaris, there are some issues when it comes to pounding Magma pets.

  • Transferring: Transferring is a safe method for moving Magma pets.
  • Pounding: Pounding a Magma pet turns it Red. This means that the moment it is put into the pound, it will revert to the color Red and this is irreversible. You cannot find any Magma pets in the pound.


  • You do not need to complete the Atlas of the Ancients Plot in order to gain access to the pool.
  • There is no Magma Paint Brush and Magma is not a color that can be received via a Fountain Faerie Quest. If you want a Magma pet, you have three options: 1) Find out your magma time and dip your eligible pet; 2) Find a user who knows his or her magma time and is willing to dip your pet for you; or 3) Get a verrrrrry lucky zap with the lab ray.
  • You can visit the Magma Pool on your side account in order to dip a pet that may be located off of your main. (Editorial)

Neopets Altador Plot – Quick Completion Guide

The Altador Plot is one of the most iconic and exciting multi-part storylines in Neopets, offering players the chance to dive into a captivating mystery, solve challenging puzzles, and earn unique rewards. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the world of Altador, completing this plot is a thrilling experience that combines strategy, exploration, and a bit of Neopian history.

In this comprehensive yet quick guide, we’ll break down the key steps to successfully navigate the Altador Plot. From gathering clues and deciphering cryptic messages to unlocking hidden secrets, we’ll show you the most efficient way to complete each stage without getting lost in the details. Along the way, you’ll encounter a variety of puzzles, trivia questions, and mini-games, making the Altador Plot a great way to test your knowledge of Neopets and earn valuable rewards.

By following this guide, you’ll be able to quickly move through the plot’s various chapters and reach the conclusion with ease. Whether you’re aiming for the exclusive plot items, a special avatar, or just the satisfaction of solving the Altador mystery, this guide will ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish. Let’s get started and uncover the secrets of Altador!

– Part One (A) –
1. You start off by going to the Hall of Heroes.
2. Then talk to the Janitor in the back.
3. Push the sun shaped button beside him.
4. Leave and go to the quarry.
5. Then head over to the Archives and try to get the book that’s propping up the table leg.
6. Go back to the quarry and pick up a flat rock.
7. Now, you go back to the Archives and switch the rock for the book, but clicking the book.
8. Click the book that’s now on the podium. It’s blank except for the first 3 pages.
9. Return to the Hall of Heroes yet again.
10. Click on the janitor fellow again.
11. Push the button again. He now says something different. He’s talking about how the wheels may be rusty and dusty.
12. This next part is tricky, click on a statue and move your mouse over the very top until the little hand appears, that will take you to the ceiling. From there, go to another statue and a bottle of oil should appear. The oil is random and you may have to click many statues. (It took be about 4 or so statues before I found it).
13. Go back to the janitor and click the button, it works this time.
14. Again, go back to the Archives. You don’t have to do this, but it doesn’t hurt.
15. Go back, again, to the Hall of Heroes. Go to the statues and click on the ceiling again, dots now appear. If you connect them correctly, you’ll find out the constellation pattern for that statue. Using a constellation finder would be the easiest method.
16. Take them stairs, which are located when you first enter the HOH (Hall of Heroes) off to the left in the back. (They appear after you do all the stuff above.) Or you can click on the statue of Gordos the Collector and get to them that way.
17. If everything has been done correctly up to this point, you should be able to join theAstronomy Club.
18. When you first enter the Altadorian Archives, you see a bulletin board in front of you, there is no longer underwater basket weaving, it has been replaced by the astronomy club. You can click the paper to go to the astronomy club.
19. Go back to the Archives.
20. The janitor too has something to add.
21. Follow the stairs again and it leads into an observatory. Click the telescope stand.
*Don’t forget to go here to get your coordinates.
22. After you have found them, go back to the
observatory and enter your constellation coordinates.
– Part One (B) –
1. Head to the Restive Tomb.
2. Once there, click on the markings on the door. (The three diagonal dots, either set).
3. After that, head over to the Archivist.
4. Following that, go to the Hall of Heroes(HOH), and then from there, the Observatory.
*If You Need Help go Here to get all the coordinates.
5. Once you have found your constellation, connect them so they resemble what was on the door. Then click submit. After it says you have found a new constellation, head back to theArchivist.
6. Then read The Book.
7. After all is said and done, head by the Astronomy Club, then back to the HOH, and click on the Sleeper’s statue, then her ceiling.
– Part Two –
1. So we’re back on Altador’s front page, and looking around we notice the nice clouds. How about clicking on the clouds that are furthest right?
2. Wow, such a nice view of… clouds? Wait, why don’t you try and click on the litle spaces between the clouds?
Aha! They form *another* constellation.
3. Let’s go see what the Archivist has to say about this, shall we?
4. After this, we head on over to the HOH, and go up to the Observatory.
*Don’t forget about your Coordinates.*
5. It may take a while, but you’ll get the constellation right, I had a time with it as well. It’s the bottom part of the constellation that throws you off.
6. Go talk to the janitor and see what he says.
7. We all know what to do now, go to the Archivist and then the book.
– Part Three –
1. Go to the Restive Tomb , and once there click on the furthest left side’s most southern corner. Or tab three times and hit enter.
2. If this worked, you should be facing Altador, with the observatory, with a ray of light going through, in the center.
3. From there, click Return to Altador, then go to the HOH and click on the Dancer.
4. Whilst at the statue, click on the sun beams behind her.
5. You should now be looking outside the window and onto the ground, now click on one of the little cirles on the ground that come from the sunbeams.
It’s The First to Rise’s constellation!
6. Off to the Archivist with you!
7. Now you return once again to the HOH, and then to the observatory.
*Don’t forget about your Coordinate.
8. After everything is said and done, go check out the Dancer’s ceiling.
9. After all of this, the janitor wants a little input.
10. Head over to the archivist and he greets you much more better.
11. Don’t forget to check out the Book on the Podium.
12. And when the day is all over, you can go to the Astronomy Club and get yourself a badge.
– Part Four –
1. First, head off to the Old Follies Farm.
2. Once there, click on the door to the windmill.
3. Then, when inside the mill,pull the lever that is located to the left hand side.
4. After getting fussed at by the Moehog there, click on the doorway to leave.
5. When you see the six bundles of hay, click on them to reveal the constellation.
6. Then make your way back the Archives.
7. Make a brief appearance at the Astronomy Club.
8. Then it’s off to the Hall of Heroes with you.
*Don’t forget to get your Coordinates.*
9. After that, the ceiling is lit up above Florian, and it’s off with you to the Archives again, to check out the Book of Ages, which has new pages in it!

– Part Five –
1. So there you are, in the main hall of the Archives, when something catches your eye.
2. On the bulletin board is a bulletin for a Dance club.
3.So you got to check it out, but they aren’t accepting new members, but before you leave something else catches you eye, There are 6 dots to the right of disco ball, they look vaguely familar, why don’t you click on them.
Oho! It’s the Dancer’s constellation!
4. Off to the Archivist you go.
5. Back to the HOH and back to the Observatory.
6. After everything has been said and done, visit the Janitor.
7. Well, since he isn’t pleasant, go to the Archivist and see what he says, and then check out the Book on the Podium.
8. Why not stop by the Astronomy Club as well.

– Part Six –
1. Ah yes, another new day in Altador, why not go check out the Docks?
2. Nothing of interest seems to be going on, so how about clicking A wave?
Oh! Another Constellation! This time it’s the Wave’s constellation.
3. Off the to Archivist we go again!
4. We know what this means, HOH and Observatory time.
5. After we’ve finished plotting, go and see The Wave’s statue and ceiling.
6. Go and visit the Janitor while you’re there too. At least he’s more pleasant today.
7. The Archivist seems pleasant today too.
8. Don’t forget to check the Altadorian Archives Book.
9. Now at the Astronomy Club, you get a little trinket, why not head over to the Toy Repair Shop to get it fixed?

– Part Seven –
1. A new section has been unlocked. Go the the Colosseum.
2. Click around on all of the windows located on the first 2 rows of the Colosseum. Everyone’s is different so I can’t provide a link.
3. Keep clicking until you find a Grarrl. He also moves around so if you leave and come back, he’ll be in a different spot.
4. He will ask you to join the Punch Club. Follow him! This part is a bit reduent too, so you won’t have much luck with a Punch Club cheat of Punch Club help.
5. There are 3 bowls of punch on the table. Keep clicking on them until the goblet, located inbetween bowls 2 & 3, becomes clickable.
6. Click on the sun emblem on the goblet. It will light up, showing the Gladiator constellation.
7. Head to the Archivitst to get your new coordinates.
8. Go to the HOH then the Observatory. Look for the Gladiator.
9. Congrats! You have found The Gladiator. The gems above Torakor, the Gladiator now glow.
10. The Janitor is a little upset you went to the Punch Club without him.
11. Don’t forget to check the Altadorian Archives Book.
12. The Astromony Club members mention to you that they aren’t too happy with the president now. Wonder what will happen next?

– Part Eight –

The Shopkeeper at Illustrious Armory.
1. First, it’s back to Altador with you. Then head to either of the following three shops: Magical Marvels, Illustrious Armory, or Exquisite Ambrosia.
2. From there, at any of the shops, check the inflation rate of that shop.
3. Then go to your<ahref=”http:”” bank.phtml”=””> bank account and either withdraw or put in neopoints until you have the same amout of neopoints on hand as the inflation rate. (ex. if inflation is 2.64%, take out 264 np, or put in until you have that much).
4. Go back to the shop where you got the inflation and there should be an item there, which will have the constellation on it.
5. Then go to see the Archivist!
6. After that, head over to the observatory.
*Don’t forget about your constellation data!
7. After it’s been plotted go check out the collector’s statue, he’s the one in front of the stairs, and click on the ceiling.
8. Afterwards, why not click the janitor to see what he says.
9. And back to the Archivist you go!

– Part Nine –
1. Time to go to Altador again. Head over to the Archives.
2. Why it’s the Lenny from Lenny Conundrum! Approach him. He asks you for Finneus’s (the archivist) favorite Meepit Plushie.
3. Go speak with Finneus. He’s not going to just give you the Meepit on his desk so we need to distract him. Click on the vase in the back left of the room. He’ll look away…then click on the Meepit Plushie on his desk! Take it to the Lenny from Lenny Conundrum.
4. After speaking with the other Lenny, he informs you that this is not his favorite plushie. Go back to Finneus. He’ll explain he has a TON of Meepit Plushies. Great…
5. We need to go find the Meepit box. Head to the Library, located to the left of the bullentin board in the Archieves.. It’s the door that has the purple rope across it.
6. Ok this is similar to the Punch Club. There are some doors in this room. We really want the small door in the upper right available.
You are going to have to click on the doors circled in yellow until the door circled in red becomes clickable. Keep trying and check back each time you try a door.
7. Once that door is available, go in and it will take you to a closet with a box of Meepit Plushies!

Click on the ‘Hide the Box’ Button.
8. Go back the the Archivist. Click on the vase again and take the Meepit Plushie. Return it to the Lenny Conundrum Lenny.
9. Uh-oh. Looks like it ripped! Click the ‘Uh-oh’ button to reveal a dagger inside the plushie.
10. Click on the dagger to reveal the Theif constellation! Alright!! You better go back to theArchivist to get your new cooridnates.
11. After that, head over to the observatory.
*Don’t forget about your constellation data!
12. After it’s been plotted go check out the Theif’s statue to see the gems glow above him.
13. I don’t think the Janitor likes Lenny Conundrums…
14. Then head back to the Astronomy club. 10. Don’t forget to click on the book to see the next section.
11. And lastly, go to the Astronomy club.

– Part Ten –
1. You are looking for a Vaeolus petpet! He is either at the Docks, the Quarry, or the Farm. It is different for everyone.
2. This poor little Vaeolus seems to have had his flames extinguished, and has been severely injured! Perhaps you should take him to the Archivist. He might know what to do.
3. The archivist says, “Oh my! What a poor little Vaeolus! I wonder what happened to his owner. He seems very ill!” He’s not much help. Head over to the bullentin board. Click on the purple potion for the Alchemy Club.
4. “Hmm, so you’re looking for medicine, eh? I’ve got a potion that could help you out… for a price!”

Elixir of Petpet Healing
30,000 NP

The quiggle cackles at you and demands 30,000 neopoints for the medicine! What a jerk!
5. Click on the medicine even if you don’t have enough Neopoints.
The Archivist storms over and swats the Quiggle on the hand. “Hey! No selling of items is allowed in the Archives! Why are you such a troublemaker, anyway?” He mutters angrily and retreats to his office. Click Continue.
6. Follow The Archivist into his office. The Vaeolus is in the upper left-hand corner. Click on him. It will give you the following options:
Give Medicine
Check in on the Vaelous

7. Next we need to go get some more options for our petpet. Go to the Colosseum and find the Punch Club (click on the windows until you find the Grarrl). Once at the Punch Club, click on the pie on the table. Hooray we have a piece of Blueberry Pie!!
8. Then head over to the Restive Tomb. Click on the door to enter the tomb.
Oh no! An angry, mummified Gelatinous Non-Cube is roaming around the tomb!

There will be a small bit in the lower right hand corner coming off, click it to get the mummy bandages!
9. Now it’s time to take care of the petpet. You should have the following options:
Feed, Bandage, Give medicine, Wait, Check in on the Vaeolus
The Vaeolus changes every minute. You’ll need to refresh the page after a minute and take care of him. Here’s a break-down of each option.
Feed – Do this when he has his tongue sticking out
Bandage – Do this when he holds his paw out
Give medicine – Do this when he looks like he’s about to throw up!
Wait – Do this when he is laying down
Check in on the Vaeolus – Do this after each minute
Refresh the page each minute and tend to him accordingly.
Start off by curing what is wrong with him. After a minute click on “Check in on the Vaeolus”. After each time you should start to build up some numbers in your web address bar at the end of the url. They should look like this: av1=feed&av2=feed&av3=meds&av4=meds&av5=wait&av6=feed&av7=wait&av8=feed
After each time, you get get a new av. Example: First time I feed him, then after a minute I clicked check in and his stats changed and it said av1=feed, I feed him again, waited another minute, clicked check in and his stats changed and it said av2=feed, and so on. He DOES repeat things. Once you get to av9…you should see a Skeith pop up at the bottom of the page.
11. The Vaeolus seems to be feeling better!
A Skeith knocks on the door just then. “Why, hello there!” he says. “I’m from the Petpet Protection League, and I heard you were nursing this poor little creature back to health. Very helpful of you! I’d like to present you with this certificate on behalf of the PPL!”
Click on the Watermark on the Certificate. It’s your new constellation!!
12. Go the the Archivist for your new coordinates.
13. Go to the telescope and find your Gatherer constellation.
14. The gems above the statue of Fauna, the Gatherer, begin to glow!
15. The janitor says, “Wow, it’s getting really bright in here with all these gems lighting up on the ceiling. Only two left! I wonder if anything special happens when all of them are lit up. Now that would be something to see.”
16. Head back to the Archivist for a full update!
17. Hey where’s the Astronomy Club President?

– Part Eleven –
1. Head to the Rock Quarry and go up the path. Here you will reach the city wall.
2. Click on the bottom right hand stone on the wall. Here you will find the Minitheus. Click on the amulet & click continue.
3. Go to the Farm. The farmer’s crops are drying up!
4. Next, go to the Water Plant. It’s the water tower right above the archives. You need to get the water levels right in order to save Altador from flooding and to water the farmer’s plants. Click on the door below the shoyru. There are 3 areas with levers and valves. When you first enter, you’re in the middle room. There’s another room to your left and to your right. There’s no altador plot water plant cheat… I just messed around and got it right. Go to each of the rooms and click on the valves and levers. You do NOT want to flood Altador but if you do the water plant will reset. Once you’ve gotten it correct, you will see this:

5. Go back to the Minitheus (in the Rock Quarry) and click on the amulet. You will see the newest constellation, the Protector!!
6. Go back to the Farm to see what the farmer has to say.
7. Head over to the Archivist for your new coordinates.
8. Go to the telescope and find your Protector constellation.
9. What? The Gems stopped glowing?!
10. The janitor shouts, “HEY!! Why are the lights off?! I was having fun looking at them, all shiny and stuff… RAAARGHH!! IT REALLY MAKES ME ANGRY WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF!!”
11. Head back to the Archivist for a full update!
12. Head over to the Astronomy Club to see what happens to the president.
13. We’re not sure if this is it. Only one more constellation left! In the meantime, keep exploring Altador.
14. In the newest Neopian Times Editorial, here’s what TNT has to say about the plot:
Have TNT officially released the Altador Plot yet? Because when they released a new screensaver, they said “If your screen needs some saving, why not download this new Screensaver featuing the constellations from the Altador Plot?” Sooo… has it been released or what?!?!?!?! Thanks for clearing it up! ~xwiltedx
Erm… yes. It’s currently still in progress, as a matter of fact! Has been for about a month. If you haven’t started yet, you’d best get busy! There’s not much time left. 😉
Hi! I was just wondering about the altadorian plot. Usually a comic comes out, and I’m really looking foward to it, especially because it’s taking place in Faerieland, which is my favorite. So, are they coming out soon? I’m sure they’ll be fantastic. =) (like always!) ~ skittlezmaniac
We’re glad you like the comics! But that probably means you’ll be disappointed with our answer to your question. 🙂 The Altador plot is a “mini-plot” so there will be no comic to speak of. It’s taking place entirely in Altador. (:o! Was that a hint for future clues?!) The portal in Faerieland is merely the current way to get to Altador. This plot is basically something we’re doing to hopefully entertain everyone while we’re planning our next big event. Oops… erm, there’s no big event coming soon… like in June or something. Honest. If there were, though, it wouldn’t involve the Battledome. Seriously. There is no war planned for quite a while. *slays rumour and hopes weapon and codestone prices will drop a bit, finally*

Neopets Smuggler’s Cove Guide

Neopets Smuggler’s Cove was unveiled on 18 October 2001 (Y3 in Neopets time) as a black market for pirates and smugglers to sell their booty– er, treasure, that is. The treasure sold here is so rare, only 100-120 of each item exists in all of Neopia. Yes, your suspicions are correct: it is super rare and difficult to purchase items here with your coin purse of dubloons, but if you’re able to snatch something… Well, let’s see if you get that far first!

Neopets Smugglers Cove


Smuggler’s Cove is located on the top-righthand corner of Krawk Island. It’s incredibly simple to get to — simply click Smuggler’s Cove on the map and violá!

Smugglers Cove Link

When you enter Smuggler’s Cove, you’ll get one of three responses:

  • The smugglers have no items to sell currently. This means that there is nothing you can do — there is nothing to buy, and there is no way of forcing items to appear. You have to leave and try another time.
  • Please wait a while before you return! If you think you can simply sit in the cove and refresh, you’re wrong! When you receive this (see picture below), you’re banned from the cove. While bans are completely random and last for a random amount of time, they’ve been rumored to appear after 2-3 refreshes of the cove and generally last between 30 and 60 minutes.

Neopets Smugglers Cove

  • There are items!!! Use your dubloons to buy them! You do not need to have the exact amount of dubloons necessary for an item, ex. if you want to buy something for 250 dubloons, it’s okay if you have three One Hundred Dubloon Coins. (see editorial response)

Neopets Smugglers CoveI don’t have a screenshot of items in the cove (because that’s how hard it is!),
so here’s a silly Usul and his pirate friends instead.


Buying items in Smuggler’s Cove is very difficult, as the items are very rare and of limited quantity. Originally, TNT only released 100 of every item in the Cove, meaning after they had been purchased, they would never restock again. Very, very few items remain to be purchased, and TNT has not been in the mood to release more the last couple of years; if they ever do release items again, it will appear in the news (New Features), so keep an eye out!

“You may have to do a little searching to find the latest Battledome item.
We heard it was available in a secret cave somewhere far away…”
– TNT’s announcement of a new item at the cove

For now, many people stuck stalking the Cove hoping to catch one of the last remaining items.

What is and what is not left to be purchased in Smuggler’s Cove is not clear. For example, people seem relatively certain that there are no more Super Attack Peas — all 100-120 have been purchased. Still, there seem to be some Sword of White Lies Battledome items left… perhaps you can stalk the cove and snag one of these yourself!


Items in the cove stock on the exact minute, such as 03:20:00 and not 03:20:14.

They stock anywhere from 1-3 at a time, though generally only one.


Items in the cove range in price, but they must always be purchased with dubloons. You simply need to have them in your inventory and they will work at the cove.

There are many ways to obtain dubloons:

  • Dailies. Certain dailies give out dubloons regularly (and randomly):
  • Regular Shop Wizard / SSW
    • Dubloons in denominations up to Five Hundred Dubloon Coin can regularly be purchased via Shop Wizard and Super Shop Wizard
  • Trading Post
    • Go here to purchase a One Thousand Dubloon Coin

Don’t forget that if you want take your small denomination dubloons and exchange them for high denomination dubloons (such as 2 Fifty Dubloon Coins for 1 One Hundred Dubloon Coin), you can go here. This isn’t necessary, but it’s a good way to make room in your inventory!


There’s a lot of different advice floating about the web about Smuggler’s Cove, but the reality of the situation is that there are so few items remaining to stock and there is so little collected data about recent cover purchases. We cannot recommend a specific time to refresh at the cove (like any other shop), though we can recommend that you carry at least 300 dubloons when hanging about there; though 600 is the highest-priced item, so if you want to be able to purchase any single item that appears, it is best to carry this amount. Hesitating about purchasing an item, double checking the price of an item vs. what is in your inventory, retrieving more dubloons from your Safety Deposit Box, or purchasing more dubloons from the shop wiz/SSW will essentially ruin your chance of being able to purchase an item that appears in the cove. Again, because these items are so rare and worth so much, there are many, many sets of eyes waiting for something to appear. Make sure you’re well-prepared, even if you cannot predict when something will appear!



Price (in dubloons)

9 Pound Coconut 400 dubloons
A Grey Faerie Doll Unknown
Alien Aisha Ray Gun 80 dubloons
Alien Aisha Sceptre 550 dubloons
Alien Aisha Scrambler 400 dubloons
Ancient Hourglass 500 dubloons
Artichoke Bomb 100 dubloons
 Attack Meatball 100 dubloons
Attack Pea 160 dubloons
 Aubergine Mace  30 dubloons
 Banana Sword  75 dubloons
 Battle Plunger 12 dubloons
 Bottle Of Magic Sand 50 dubloons
 Cabbage of Mystery  Unknown
 Cake Bomb  50 dubloons
 Candy Club  Unknown
 Chia Leaping Boots  200 dubloons
Cursed Ink Pot 400 dubloons
 Death Knell 300 dubloons
 Dr Sloth Plushie  Unknown
 Earwax Chia  50 dubloons
 Face Mace  260 dubloons
Fierce Wooden Leg  Unknown
Frozen Cyodrake Shield 300 dubloons
 Fungus Chucks  Unknown
 Golden Pirate Amulet 150 dubloons
 Grapes of Wrath 155 dubloons
Hammer of DEATH 250 dubloons
 Kauvaras Marvellous Potion 120 dubloons
 Kougra Brush 600 dubloons
 Maractite Bomb  250 dubloons
 Meepapault  260 dubloons
 Mega Cabbage  Unknown
Metal Wand  230 dubloons
 Mighty Asparagus Sword  100 dubloons
 bd_mysterious_amulet-4449786Mysterious Amulet  300 dubloons
 smug_necklace-8966474Mystic Jelly Bean Necklace Unknown
 bd_fishlobber-3598478Mystical Fish Lobber  160 dubloons
 bd_teapot-8630042Mystical Teapot of Doom 30 dubloons
bd_pearofdiss-6020801Pear of Disintegration Unknown
jel_pirate-3506213Pirate Jelly  10 dubloons
 toy_piratepeophin-7731997Pirate Peophin Plushie Unknown
  sch_pirateship_pen-2056145Pirate Ship Float Pen 15 dubloons
 bd_spaceray1-8220374Pocket Lab Ray 100 dubloons
 bd_rotten_negg-4075611Rotten Negg  Unknown
 bd_kacheek_sneeze_powder-7511656Sack Of Sneezing Powder 105 dubloons
 bd_depression-3866865Sad Spell  50 dubloons
 seasonal_pea-1622528Seasonal Attack Pea 100 dubloons
 toy_pirateship_snowglobe-7431865Ship in a Bottle Snowglobe 25 dubloons
 bd_sloth_hairgel-5409485Sloth Approved Hair Gel  200 dubloons
bd_sludgebomb-2540302Sludge Bomb 200 dubloons
 toy_smugglers_cove-4767511Smugglers Cove Pirate Plushie  Unknown
 bd_smugglers_chest-1807298Smugglers Treasure Chest  90 dubloons
 bd_spongeshield-5340207Sponge Shield  5 dubloons
Super Attack Pea 200 dubloons
 bd_sword_whitelies-5619406Sword of White Lies 300 dubloons
 bd_toxicsockofdoom-1640463Toxic Sock of Doom  320 dubloons
 bd_resistumbrella-2866650Umbrella Shield  3 dubloons


To obtain this avatar, attach a Super Attack Pea (Battledome equipment) to your Pea Chia.

NOTE: While this item is not considered [retired], it will never stock again in Smuggler’s Cove. The only way to obtain this avatar is to purchase one from another user or request someone lend it to you. Remember to always practice safe lending!


  • TNT does not keep track of items that are lost when accounts are frozen or purged, nor items that have been duped. This means that there is no way to know exactly how many of each of these items (or any item, for that matter) is still in existence in Neopia today. (see editorial)
  • Always practice caution while refreshing at the cove or any other “shop — the Pant Devil is never too far away! For this reason, it may be wiser to carry smaller denominations of dubloons, which are worth less than higher denominations.

Neopets Punchbag Bob

Punchbag Bob is the easiest challenger ever because he never fights back. The problem? He takes about an hour to beat depending on your pet. Punchbag Bob is a default challenger so you don’t have to go anywhere special. Just head over to the One Player Battles and challenge him. Make sure you select your strongest pet! If you have enough patience to beat him, you will recieve a trophy for your lookup.
Punchbag Bob
The Trophy!


Beating punchbag isn’t easy for those who don’t know what they’re doing. No matter how strong your pet or weapons are, you can beat him… eventually.

  • DO NOT go into the battledome with a one time use item. Why? Because since it is one time use, you’ll probably just take off about 20 hit points and have to quit.
  • Take STRONG and GOOD multiple use items. DO NOT take snowballs in with you.
  • Don’t take Elixir into the battle with you. Why? Because he doesn’t fight back therefore you will have no need for them.
  • This may take awhile. Try focusing on just the battle and getting it over with. Yes, that means no MSN conversations. The horror of that!
  • If you ANY abilites, turn them on. If you don’t, get some!


Since you’re about to sit in front of the computer battling away, you should go prepared. I’ve found some cheap items for people to use that will do some good damage.

Item: Rubber Power Axe
Price: 650 NP
Item: Attack Fork
Price: 2 000 NP
Item: Lost Desert Dagger
Price: 15 000 NP
Item: Cobrall Dagger
Price: 1 000 NP


As soon as you beat punchbag bob, you will automatically recieve your trophy – no waiting! The average time for beating punchbag bob is 25 minutes to an hour, so if you completed this task before that time, good job!

neopets Punchbag Bob

Neopets Training your Pets

Training your Neopets is not as simple as it might first appear. It’s a process that requires careful planning, dedication, and a solid investment of time and Neopoints. Unlike other aspects of the game, training your pets isn’t something that can be completed in an afternoon—it takes patience, strategy, and a bit of financial commitment. So, what does training your Neopets involve? How do you go about improving their stats and unlocking their full potential?

In this guide, I’ll break down everything you need to know about the training process, including the different training courses available, how they work, and tips for making the most out of your pet’s training regimen. Whether you’re aiming to increase your pet’s strength, defense, or other important stats, I’ll walk you through each step, so you can make informed decisions and successfully level up your pets for battles and other activities in the Neopets world. Let’s dive into the world of pet training and set your Neopets on the path to greatness!


Leveling up your Neopets is essential for success in the Battledome and for unlocking powerful abilities that can help during tough battles. Whether you’re trying to defeat stronger enemies or simply want to boost your pet’s stats, knowing how to level up efficiently is key. There are multiple methods to gain levels, and choosing the right one can save time and Neopoints.

The most common way to level up your Neopets is by attending the Mystery Island Training School or the Swashbuckling Academy on Krawk Island. These schools allow you to train using codestones or dubloons, depending on the school. The Mystery Island Training School is faster but more expensive, requiring codestones for each course. On the other hand, the Swashbuckling Academy is slower but uses dubloons, which are generally cheaper. This makes the pirate school a popular starting point for leveling up Neopets at lower levels.

How to Level Up Neopets

Aside from training schools, participating in the Battledome can help you level up your Neopets. Battling opponents like the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot has a chance to reward you with codestones, making it a great way to save on training costs while also boosting your pet’s stats. Additionally, daily visits to Coltzan’s Shrine can sometimes result in level-ups or stat increases. This random reward system is an easy and cost-free way to potentially gain a level.

The Fastest Way to Level Up on Neopets

If you’re looking for the fastest way to level up your Neopets, Faerie Fortune Cookies from the NC Mall are your best bet. These cookies can grant your pet bonus stats or levels, allowing for rapid growth in a short period. Pairing these cookies with regular training can significantly speed up the leveling process. Additionally, keeping only one pet on your account can help concentrate all stat and level rewards from daily quests or events onto a single pet, accelerating its growth.

Another fast method is to engage in Kitchen Quests. While these quests require you to gather items, the rewards often include levels and stat boosts. It’s an efficient way to level up your Neopets without relying solely on the training schools.

For players on a budget, battling the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot is a practical alternative. With a low difficulty rating and the chance to drop codestones, this method allows for regular battles that contribute to your pet’s level and stats over time. Combine this with daily visits to Coltzan’s Shrine and you have a solid routine for leveling up Neopets quickly and efficiently.

Leveling Up Through Faerie Quests and Random Events

Faerie Quests are another excellent way to level up Neopets. When a faerie randomly appears and offers a quest, completing it often results in stat boosts or even level increases. The Fountain Faerie Quest is especially valuable as it can change your pet’s color and grant stat boosts. Additionally, some random events on the site may directly increase your pet’s level, making it beneficial to stay active and engaged with the site.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to maximize your pet’s potential, knowing how to level up your Neopets can make all the difference. By using training schools, daily activities, and special items, you can steadily improve your pet’s stats and dominate the Battledome. Remember to explore different strategies and find the method that works best for your goals and budget.


Training Neopets
There are four types of courses. Basic courses are easy, they don’t take long to complete, and can only be done by Neopets of level 20 and under. Advanced and Master courses take longer to complete and are for higher level pets. The most experienced Neopets take Grand Master courses. When your Neopet reaches level 250, I am afraid that is the limit of my teaching, they must go elsewhere for guidance.

Course Type Neopet Level Cost Length
Grasshopper 20 and Under 1 codestone 2 hours
Basic 21-40 2 codestones 3 hours
Intermediate 41-80 3 codestones 4 hours
Adept 81-100 4 codestones 6 hours
Advanced 101-120 5 codestones 8 hours
Expert 121-150 6 codestones 12 hours
Master 151-200 7 codestones 18 hours
Grand Master 201-250 8 codestones 24 hours

You must pay in codestones. What are those you ask? They are “rare” stones used as “payment”. You can find them from Random Events, win them from tombola, and even buy them from the Shop Wizard. These can become mightly costly!

codestone1-6152725 codestone2-1394647 codestone3-3946629 codestone4-6189263 codestone5-1599250
You can train your pet in the following categories. We have given advice on which ones you should take first, etc.

  • Strength: Semi-important.
  • Defence: Not very important.
  • Agility: Your speed, somewhat important.
  • Endurance: Also known as your health. Very important.
  • Level: Do not make your level too high. Make it half of each of your stats (see training note below to understand). The higher your pet level, the more codestones you have to purchase and pay with!

Training Note: Here at the Mystery Island Training School, you may train your endurance to three times your level. However, if you wish to train any of the other attributes, you will need to train your level back up to within half of your endurance.

  • Example: If your pet is level 50, with strength 75, and endurance 120, and you wish to train in strength, you will need to get your level up to half of your endurance, which in this case would be 60 (120 / 2 = 60).

To put your pet through the course, select which pet and course you want to put it through. Your master will then ask for a codestone. Buy that codestone, come back, go to “status” and pay for it. Some codestones vary on the prices, but they’re around 5, 000 neopoints each. Pretty costy!


Welcome to Cap’n Threelegs Swashbuckling Academy. Whether tis a quick lesson ye need, or ye wish to stay for a week and master yer skills, there be only two rules: All courses are paid for in Dubloons and I sees the colour of yer money before the training starts. This training only goes up to level 40, then you must go else where to seek training.

Course Type Neopet Level Cost Length
Sea Urchin 10 and under 1 Dubloon 4 hours
Deckhand 11-20 2 Dubloons 6 hours
Pirate 21-30 5 Dubloons 8 hours
Cap’n 31-40 5 Dubloons 10 hours

You must pay in dubloons. What are those you ask? They are “rare” coins used as “payment”. You can find them from Random Events, win them from games and dailies, and even buy them from the Shop Wizard. These can become mightly costly!

dubloon1-3926749 dubloon2-8125012 dubloon3-3904185 dubloon4-9260021 dubloon5-9722115
You can train your pet in the following categories. We have given advice on which ones you should take first, etc.

  • Strength: Semi-important.
  • Defence: Not very important.
  • Agility: Your speed, somewhat important.
  • Endurance: Also known as your health. Very important.
  • Level: Do not make your level too high. Make it half of each of your stats (see training note below to understand). The higher your pet level, the more codestones you have to purchase and pay with!

To put your pet through the course, select which pet and course you want to put it through. Your master will then ask for a codestone. Buy that codestone, come back, go to “status” and pay for it. Some codestones vary on the prices, but they’re around 5, 000 neopoints each. Pretty costy!


Getting into this school is much more harder than the others. You need two things: a 250+ level pet AND a red codestone. Trying to get either can be a bit tricky and costly! But there are ways we can help. We can teach you how to recieve a red codestone, but the rest is up to you and your lovely pet.

You must pay in codestones. What are those you ask? They are “rare” stones used as “payment”. There are only two ways we know of on how to get a red codestone. You can either purchase one from the Shop Wizard or go to the volcano. You must collect every single regular codestone (the yellow ones: main, lu etc.) and visit the Volcano. Once you have all ten, it will give you a red codestone, which is completely random, meaning you can get any red codestone.

codestone11-9360388 codestone12-6692665 codestone13-1349986 codestone14-9710462 codestone15-6031639


The lab ray, quests, and using items, have proven to be quite an efficent way to train your pet up. Certainly takes less time then going through training schools, but can be a bit more expensive in the long run. There are neggs and points to help raise your points. 🙂 Also, random events can help raise stars.

Various Neggs
Kauvara’s Potion
Something has happened!
gainlevel-3384312 Your Pet mrmuffinman191 has suddenly gained a level!!!


Defense Levels
Not Yet Born -1
Defenceless 1
Naked 2
Vulnerable 3
Very Poor 4
Frail 5
Below Average 6-7
Average 8
Armoured 9
Tough 10
Heavy 11-12
Very Heavy 13-14
Steel Plate 15
Bullet Proof 16
Semi Deadly Godly 17
Demi Godly 18
Godly 19
Beyond Godly 20
GREAT (#) 21-39
EXCELLENT (#) 40-59
AWESOME (#) 60-79
AMAZING (#) 80-99
LEGENDARY (#) 100-149
ULTIMATE (#) 150+
Strength Levels
Not Yet Born -1
Pathetic 1
Very Weak 2
Weak 3-4
Frail 5
Average 6
Quite Strong 7-9
Strong 10-11
Very Strong 12-13
Great 14
Immense 15-16
Titanic 17-19
Herculean 20
GREAT (#) 21-39
EXCELLENT (#) 40-59
AWESOME (#) 60-79
AMAZING (#) 80-99
LEGENDARY (#) 100-149
ULTIMATE (#) 150+
Movement Levels
Not Yet Born -1
Barely Moves 1
Snail Pace 2
Lazy 3
Very Slow 4
Slow 5
Quite Slow 6
Average 7-8
Fast 9
Speedy 10
Super fast 11
Super speedy 12
Breakneck 13
Cheetah 14
Lightening 15
Mach 1 16-17
Mach 2 18
Mach 3 19
Mach 4 20
GREAT (#) 21-39
EXCELLENT (#) 40-59
AWESOME (#) 60-79
AMAZING (#) 80-99
LEGENDARY (#) 100-149
ULTIMATE (#) 150+
Level Levels
Not Yet Born -1
Basic Level (#) 1-60
High 61-90
Very High 91-120
Amazingly High 121-180
Too High To Count