Neopets Assignment 53

Neopets Assignment 53 is full of adventure. You choose either Eddix or Moxi in Neopets Assignment 53 to start your adventure.
Assignment 53

How to Play Assignment 53

This game will take awhile to finish especially if you want to get the avatar or even a trophy.

Assignment 53 avatar A53 – LIKE A BOSS – Send a score of 20,000+ points

Once you pick which character you would like to be for the whole game (all characteristics are the same. You will be the same speed and agility.) You will be using your keyboard for this game. Normal controls with the keyboard; right arrow to go right, left arrow to go left, up arrow to jump and down arrow to crouch. (Alternatively you can play with the “w,a,s,d” keys. If you wish to pause the game then you need to press the bottom right corner of the screen (next to the music button.)

Assignment 53

Why Play Assignment 53

You are to find the five scientists that have gone missing throughout the levels. Each level is split into two. The first one is finding the signal left by the missing crashed airship and crossing its path. The second is then trying to find the airship where the scientist  will be.  Along the way you will be fighting enemies which are easy to kill if you jump on them. You will be collecting Nerkmids as well as gross foods and also special items to give you abilities.

games_assignment53_nerkmid-4310080 If you collect enough of these Nerkmids then you will gain an extra life. Keep collecting them becasue they are worth 10 points each. Only when you complete and act will these points be added on to your score.
games_assignment53_field-3975853 If you are lucky you will be given a force field which will allow you to be invincible for 15 seconds. If you run into the enemies at this time they will be defeated.
games_assignment53_boots-8515914 Do not get damaged with these on or you will lose them straight away and if you see them in a level it means use them to get more points. These also you to jump higher and also to conduct a wall jump. Jump onto a wall and jump again and you should spring off it.
games_assignment53_wing-7713825 Once again if you take damage you will lose these speed wings. They allow you to be extra quick for 15 seconds.
games_assignment53_shake-1236529 games_assignment53_grub-5737723
games_assignment53_cheese-5424739 games_assignment53_icecream-4545866
Every time you eat one of these they restore your health meter. If you are on full health they allow you to gain 100 extra points. Worth it to try and get if you can.
games_assignment53_beacon1-9811084 Cross these to activate the check points. Once activated, if you accidentally die then you will teleport back to this area instead of the beginning of the level.
games_assignment53_beacon2-5594944 This one shows your where the acts split into two as mentioned at the beginning.

While you are playing you will be losing your air supply so you need to be watching at the left hand corner of the screen down the bottom. (Its the three green lights.) The picture underneath shows three lives as well as eleven Nerkmids collected. Any special abilities you have collected will also be shown nearby .
If you run out of air or fall into a pit you will lose a life and will have to restart again from the last checkpoint that you crossed. If you lose all your lives you will end your game and will have to start again from the very beginning.


The green creatures will hurt you if you touch them. So jump on them to kill them and to grab some more points.

How Neopets Assignment 53 Scoring Works

To gain points in this game there are four things that you can do and should do especially if you are aiming for any of the trophies. Finish the level quickly, the more time you have at the end to more points will rack up later. Eating the gross food will help and collecting as many Nerkmids as you can as well as defeating the enemies.

(Note: if you lose a life your points will be lost and you will have to gain them all since the start of the level.)

The Game

There are five levels for you to complete. The first level is Wuba Prime.  Where the pink check point is for the level – jump at the wall on the right hand side and you should go through a secret tunnel for you to obtain a piece of gross food ( hopefully 100 points!) There are four enemies in this level.

games_assignment53_wuba1-7863542 Watch out for these guys they will be camouflage. Jump on them to gain points.

Watch how these ones spit their seeds. They will move as an arc in your direction. games_assignment53_wuba2-3453574

games_assignment53_wuba3-8205153 Just jump on these. They will just move left to right.

These enemies will shoot out three straight seeds so watch out for them and do not jump into the seeds.games_assignment53_wuba4-4093261

The second level is Octozodi.  You will be crouching a lot in this level and watching out for where the seeds are coming from. Each of the enemies are tougher than the first level so take your time.

There are five different enemies in this level compared to the last, you will need to watch out for each of them and not go to quickly if this is your first time playing.
games_assignment53_octozodi1-5434201 Will be in a group and lobbing spheres in the same direction as you.
Just jump on these enemies. games_assignment53_octozodi2-3021201
games_assignment53_octozodi3-8546313 Do not touch these unless you have a force field on you!
Kill these straight away by jumping on them or they will push you towards danger. games_assignment53_octozodi4-9812846
games_assignment53_octozodi5-4745560These will shoot three seeds at once so be careful with this type of enemy.

The third level is Wuba Secundus. You need great timing in this level as the corridors are quite tight and filled with a lot of enemies. Unless you have had a lot of practice do not use the speed wings straight away. Take your time with this level and collect everything you can. Stay on top of the moving platforms in this level so that the seeds can not harm you while you are jumping from platform to platform.
This is the list of the five enemies you will face for this level.
games_assignment53_wuba5-9849887 Just jump onto these baddies.
Can only be destroyed with the force field.games_assignment53_wuba6-2971372
games_assignment53_wuba7-5207701Found with the above enemy. Jump on to destroy.
These will spit steam at you so be careful. games_assignment53_wuba8-1406702
games_assignment53_wuba9-2800453 These will shoot three balls of molten rock so do not get into the way!

The forth level is Gorignak V. This level is much easier than the last. Take your time to get all the items that you can and kill all the enemies that you can. Any time you see a high ledge and you can not jump to it- there will be jumping boots somewhere close by so keep an eye out.  The second act of this level is a great way to easily collect more points. So watch the enemies and take your time.
games_assignment53_gorignak1-7292898 Not too harmful as they do not spit seeds but just kill when you see them.
These will spit rock at you so watch out and jump/crouch if needed. games_assignment53_gorignak2-3867894
games_assignment53_gorignak3-9620244 This enemy does not seem to care that you are there. Kill him anyway.
If you see this one then be very careful. There should be a force field somewhere to kill him. games_assignment53_gorignak4-3089133

games_assignment53_gorignak5-6162324 Five stones will be thrown at once so keep and eye out for where they launch to.

Fifth and final level Kreludor.  This is Neopia’s moon. Grab all the Nerkmids, gross food and kill all the enemies that you can but remember: Have full health for the final boss of this level.  Stick to the upper route of the level to avoid the tough to kill enemies.

This level there are five enemies and a final boss.
games_assignment53_kreludor1-2058901 They will send out an alarm if you are spotted. Jump on them to kill them.
Jump on them, nothing too hard. games_assignment53_kreludor2-2284436
games_assignment53_kreludor3-5407176 Worst enemy. Their laser will get you whether you are crouching or jumping. Dodge them.
You can only kill them if you have a force field. games_assignment53_kreludor4-3068234
games_assignment53_kreludor5-4585775 Kill quickly do you do not have to face any of the above enemies at the same time.

The Boss

When you have reached the final act you will be facing this massive robot who is guarding your last scientist. This is fairly easy if you have a strategy.
His Turn:  He will jump three times then launch two types of projectiles then pause then start again.  Those projectiles are easy to dodge if you are on ground level. Three projectiles up, three to the left and three to the right. Dodge the molten rock projectiles if you can, do not get too close.
Your Turn: When he is paused (just before he jumps again,) you need to jump on the green dome to cause damage. Jump on him up to three times and then run away because the robot will start to move again. The same pattern will occur. Jump on him ten times and then the robot will be defeated and you will save the final scientist. You can now send your score!

Neopets Assignment 53 Cheats

If you put this code in the game’s menu screen you can gain an extra life. “Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. ”
In the third level, after you collect the gravity boots drop down into the pit and you will find a force field which will make this level easier!
The third area has a secret area which is beneficial for points. Jump at the wall to the left of the blue moving platforms after the check point. Gather all the items there.
The last level- Go through the tunnel with the jumping boots on and do not take a single hit. Jump from the first moving platform from where you get out to the wall and you will find a secret area with forty Nerkmids and eight gross food items there for a massive 1,200 points.

Neopets Cave Glider

In Neopets Cave Glider you are controlling a adventurer named Roxton. Neopets Cave Glider allows you to plunge deep into Neopia’s core and discover what is at the bottom.
Cave Glide

Put on your best boots, chuck on that adventurers hat because you are in store for a massive challenge in these three levels of doom.

Why Play Cave Glide If Its Hard?

Great Question! But if you are trying to achieve the Atlas of the Ancients Plot you need to score a minimum of 2500 points through this game to win the Deployed Parachute (it is a wearable.) You can also win an impressive looking trophy if you can get into the top ranks. To get this though you need to finish all three levels which can be quite hard.

How to Play Cave Glide

You are going to be using your keyboard’s arrow keys for this game. You are guiding Roxton through the caves trying to dodge the walls and enemies while gliding to the bottom collecting items. Everytime you hit an obstacle or one of the walls your health meter will drop causing it to be game over if you run out of time or health.The more time you have left at the end of the level will equal more points for you at the end.  Monitor your health which is on the top right of your screen and time is on the top left.

The keys are very straight forward. Right is right, left is left, down makes you move down faster and up can give you a slight reduce in speed.

What to Collect in Cave Glider

games_caveglider_health-3645952 Always collect your health. Never let it drop past half way.
games_caveglider_clock-9294045If you are after the high score then it suggested that you pick up clocks for additional time
These will help you with time bonuses at the end. As your time is 10x.

games_caveglider_bonus-2953809 These green gems will earn you more points through out the game.
But if there is a chance of getting killed to get one, it is not worth it.

Cave Glider Points

In each level you will face different coloured gems and different amounts per gem.

In level one you are facing red ones.- Get as many as you can but keep your health up!

games_caveglider_ruby1-2089434= 25 points games_caveglider_ruby2-7691261= 50 points
In level two you will be facing green ones. Just try to make it down to the bottom with as much health as you can.
games_caveglider_emerald1-5973912= 50 points  games_caveglider_emerald2-7626695= 75 points
In level three you will face diamonds. Be patient in this one and do not rush. Watch the obstacles as you glide down.
games_caveglider_diamond1-4777413= 50 points  games_caveglider_diamond2-1223410= 100 points

You will have to figure out whether sometimes, especially in level three, whether it is worth getting damage to for these gems.


You do not gain additional health per level so if you are low on health level one then when you go into level two you will still have that much health. Make sure by the time your at the bottom on level one that you pick up as much health as you can on your way to level two. (Same with level two to three)


These guys will hurt you if you hit them. Each level contains different enemies at different speeds. So do not rush through them and watch how they move as well.
In level one you will face these three enemies.
pets_spydee-7591909– will move slowly so you may need to press down to avoid in parts
petpet_archaeo-5966695 – fly quickly across the screen.
darkfaerie_batpetpet-2185892 – is hard to predict movement at times as he pauses and then will start moving.
In level two you will face the following:
spyder_yellow-9901714 – more dangerous as there is less room in this level
scarypet_fireball-6913967– occasionally will sprint across and other times will move slowly
hippalop_darigan-3841318– they appear large in a small level but they will move slowly.
In Level three the enemies you will face are:
spyder_white-5711101– very unpredictable with speed and movement so watch out
airax_blue-9291842– they will fly quickly across. Should be easy to dodge if you see which way they are facing
pet_bloopy-7409378– Highly unlikely to avoid them. They are massive and in tight spots. Keep your health up!

 Neopets Cave Glider Cheats

  • Maximize Your Health in Cave Glider: Start each level with a full health bar to give yourself the best chance of success in Cave Glider.
  • Eliminate Distractions in Cave Glider: Turn off the music and sound to improve focus and concentration while playing Cave Glider.
  • Set Point Goals in Cave Glider: Aim for 600 points in Level 1, 1800 in Level 2, and over 2500 in Level 3 to progress efficiently in Cave Glider.
  • Practice and Farm Resources in Cave Glider: If you’re struggling, replay the first level to practice and gather more gems or health for the upcoming levels in Cave Glider.
  • Stay Centered in Cave Glider: Position yourself in the center of the screen to maintain better control and avoid obstacles while playing Cave Glider.

Neopets Invasion: Blastoids

Neopets Invasion: Blastoids, where you need to save the planet by matching each colour of Blastoids to destroy the comet. In Neopets Invasion: Blastoids, you are the Space Faeire, protector of Neopia and it is your job to make sure the comets do not reach earth!

Invasion Blastoids

How to Play Neopets Invasion: Blastoids 

 In this game you are using your mouse to aim. You are moving the ship left and right with your mouse too. As you move further left or right the ship will start firing in an angle so make sure you are watching where the cursor is pointing. You need to be shooting your colour Blastoids to match 3 in a row of the same colour. The more you can put in a row the more points you will end up with.  To launch a Blastiod you need to click your left mouse. When your Meter  down the bottom (in yellow) is full you can press the space bar and a stronger Blastoid will come out. If you are lucky enough to activate the Bonus stage in Invasion: Blastoids then you can use your left mouse to launch an unlimited supply of stronger Blastiods. These types of Blastoids will allow you to blast two comets either side of the one you hit. They can be super effective in tight situations in the later levels. Just know though they do not give you additional points.

(Note: Your meter will reset at the beginning of each level so make sure you use it!)

Bonus Levels

Your bonus levels for Invasion: Blastoids will allow you to destroy up to ten  Blastiods from each comet. So start firing at will and have fun with these levels. You wont get any points for additional combos rather comets will be coming out like mad an having shorter routes to Neopia so you need to attack them quickly. If one of them reaches Neopia in the bonus round you just go to the next stage and you wont lose a life ( you wont be able to restart the level either.)

Invasion Blastoids

In this picture you can see that there is a pink Blastoid  so this needs to either match it up with another pink  or get rid of it by firing it into space and not hitting any of the Blastiods.
(Note: The other pink Blastoid in this picture cannot be hit as it has an obstacle in its way. Best option is to get rid of it and get a colour that you can match up.)

Objective in Neopets Invasion: Blastoids 

In Neopets Invasion:Blastoids, coloured comets are heading towards Neopia. You need to connect three or more of the same colour spheres together so that they can explode/disappear. This in turn will decrease the comets size and when there are no more colours attached to the comet it too will disappear. If you are lucky enough, getting a combination of five or more of the same colour in a row will allow you to access the bonus stages. This is extremely important if you are aiming for one of these awesome looking trophies.


However, if you allow on single comet to reach Neopia then you will lose a life and start that level over again.


(Note: You can shoot straight through Neopia as its quite some distance away.)

What you Want to Avoid in Invasion Blastoids

These  follow images are obstacles in your path. So if you are aiming for a certain colour and one of these are in your way they will destroy your Blastoid.


This pink looking tiny comet is something you need to avoid as well. It can pack a powerful punch to your yellow meter and also disable your firing system for a few seconds. This does not take away lives !

What you want To Hit

The only way to avoid that is if you shoot at a Green Capsule as it will make your ship resistant to the pink comet for up to 7 seconds.


If you shoot this red planet ten times in your game you will gain an extra life as long as you do not already have three lives.

What they look like on a Map

Invasion Blastoids

So with this you can see that the little pink comet is near your energywaves (pink and orange down the bottom of your screen) so once it hits that you are temporarily disabled.  That red planet to the left hand side can be fired uponm ( 10 throughout the game to get a new life.)  The two comets as well will be following a certain pattern to find its way to Neopia.

Understanding the Levels

Your line of fire will be visible in the first three levels only. After the third you will be relying on yourself to judge where the Blastoid will go. So make sure you practice and understand when that line goes from being straight to starting to curve at the angle.  Also to top it off with no visible line of fire, this is when those pink comets will start entering your screen. They will be fired from the moving big comet and make its way straight down onto you. Remember you will not be able to fire your weapon for a few seconds and your yellow meter will  become lower.

As you reach the later levels you will see more regular  pink comets heading your way as well as the big comets having fewer Blastoids attached. There are only ten levels in this game and if you manage to get to the last level you will see that the comet has around twenty coloured Blastoids on it.  This is when all your hard work and practice for aiming will be needed.

Sometimes there will be a little brown line on the comets, these will form two comets after  it is shot at. The second comet usually is smaller than the first so make sure you are practising aiming because you do not want it to end up much bigger than the first making it more harder for yourself. Just a reminder you need to get five of the same colour in a row to get to that bonus level for more points. You will also go from stage nine to stage ten even if you were able to achieve five in a row.

Invasion Blastoids Scoring

You will get +100 points in the normal levels and +150 points in the bonus levels when you hit a Blastiod games_blastoids_blastoid-4397838
Every Blastiod in a combo over three will away you with +150 points 
The red planet will award you with +250 points
The green capsule will give you +50 points

Neopets Invasion: Blastoids Cheats

When a new Comet has been formed you should start to add on one specific colour to that chain so that you can increase your score easier. For example: add only blue to it but put one other colour in between groups of two so that they don’t explode off.

Add blue to the outside of green and keep forming that pattern then shoot away all the blue to have a massive line of just greens to gain additional points.

If you are able to destroy each comet in the bonus stages you can end up with 60,000 points just from the bonus stages!!
Power ups stay on the screen until you shoot it or until you go to the next level.

(Note: You can shot Blastoids at the tail as they are not hard and will not be blocked.

Neopets The Haunted Shootery

Neopets The Haunted Shootery- watch your step because this shooting gallery is located in the shadows in the Haunted woods… so beware!!! A Lutari there runs the show, his strange mannerisms will draw you in closer to attempt to win a trophy with this game!

The Haunted Shootery trophy

How to Play The Haunted Shootery

Targets will fly across you screen, pop out of nowhere and come in from the sides. You need to shoot these down sometimes with multiple shots. There are three stages all up. The first one is much easier compared to the second one and the third one is pretty hard. Targets will move quicker and appear in a shorter amount of time after the first stage, so start practicing your aiming there, you wont have time to practice in the second or third.  You will be attempting to hit up to 150 targets in just over 4 minutes  all up. Each level; the timer will increase because there will be more targets in each level.

The Haunted Shootery

At the end of the third level you will fight the Boss. The  ‘Blathering Beech.’  He will keep moving forward and get closer to you. You do not want him too close or else he will attack you. If you are attacked you will see a flash of red and that will reduce the light bulb that is on the bottom left corner of your screen. Once all three bulbs are out you will end your game and will have to try again for that trophy. Instead of letting him win, shoot his arms and legs. They are harder to aim for but it is worth it. 10 shots each limb to make one break off. Once you have all 4 you need to then aim for the body which will take another 10 shots.  So altogether he takes 50 shots to be beaten but you will gain 2 points per shot which means 100 points towards your score. Once he is defeated you will be awarded another 100 points to go towards your high score.

Haunted Shootery Scoring

Your score is down the bottom of the screen but only two digits will appear. Once you reach 99 the next number will show 90 instead of 100. Do not worry though, eventually the second number will appear as if its angled and your score will be counted!!

If you have to pick between stationary targets and moving ones, go the stationary ones first and then go for the moving ones. You should end up hitting more that way. You also need to hit them more than once depending on the type.

Targets and Points

If you see that image below
 This will end up costing you 5 points and if you are aiming for those trophies you do not want that!


The Ghost Meepit only takes one shot to kill and worth a massive 15 points



These two guys are both worth 2 points when you hit them then you will get another 7 points once they are hit again. They are both stationary so it shouldn’t be too hard.

This tombstone will move right to left and worth 2 points initially when shot and 5 points once hit again.

This guy will fly left to right and is worth 2 points for the first hit, 2 points for the second and 4 points for the third.

Neopets The Haunted Shootery Cheats

Ignore your life meter until you get passed level 3 and reach the boss battle, really, no other target can hurt you.
Just keep firing at the boss. Your shots, if aim at the boss will eventually get rid of something from him.
Practice your accuracy early in the game to have that advantage in the later level.
Just try to hit the moving targets even if they go too fast.
Get that ghost Meepit, but if he is too fast get the other targets first.

Good luck! With enough points hopefully you will get gold to add to your collection!

Neopets The Last Blast

Neopets ‘The Last Blast’ takes place at Kreludor’s mines for they are being over run by robots and its up to you to stop them! You are playing a Sergeant Zarex, a famous Grundo cammando from the Kreludan Civil War who needs to battle these vicious fiends to make the mines a safer place!

Have you got what it takes to earn one of these?
The Last Blast         926_2-9800245         926_3-4147197

The Last Blast Basic Controls

Hope you like first person shooting games because this is one good one!
Are you are right hander or left hander? Follow the options to which ever one you prefer.

The Last Blast

Right Handers

To move around you will be using to move left and to move right. is forward while S is backwards. You will be shooting with the Space bar and aiming with your  Mouse. It can feel weird the first time you play but if you get use to the controls you will have this concept down packed.  To switch weapons use the Middle of your Mouse and to change weapons use the numbers 1-4. Use Tab to toggle HUD on/off. Your Night vision is Left Shift and to pause the game just use ESC.

Left Handers

To move around you will be using <- (left arrow) to move left and -> (right arrow) to move right. Up arrow is forward while Down arrow  is backwards. You will be shooting with the Right Control (ctrl) and aiming with your  Mouse. It can also feel weird for you the first time you play too. To switch weapons use the Middle of your Mouse and to change weapons use the numbers 1-4 (easiest on your num pad). Use Enter to toggle HUD on/off. Your Night vision is Right Shift and to pause the game just use ESC.

(Note: It is your choice which way you want to control Sergeant Zarex)

Your Screen

The image below will show you what your screen will look like. The score will be up the top. Cursor is in the middle currently. On the Left hand side there are all the weapons and how much ammo you have in them. Down the bottom shows how much health you have (+) and how much Oxygen you have left. If either of those go to zero then you will have to say goodbye to the game because it will be game over!

The Last Blast

You will need to practice this game a few times to get to know the areas. The levels are always going to be the same, so knowing where the paths lead is vital

If you do get attacked you will see an arrow pointing to the direction that your attacker came from so keep that in mind!

The Last Blast Level Guide

The start of the levels you will be in your safe little area. But do not stray too far or you will regret it. As mentioned before the maps are the same each time you play so getting to know them can be an advantage for you. Go to the computer in the safe chamber to have a look at the map, where you are and where you want to end up at.  Even when you are standing there looking at this map your oxygen level will be depleting so do not stay there too long.

For the first two levels you need to reach the check point to access those you need to get to the switches to activate the check points.  So even if you were to draw a copy of the map down  next to you that maybe helpful . Or better yet, keep this page right next to your screen.

Level 1

Take your Grundo towards the check point but first you must activate the nearby switch which is to the west of the point on this map.

Level 2

lastblast-6-9112213Go to the first switch and then for extra challenges go to the second switch before you go to the check point.

Level 3

You will have to activate all three switches before going to the main switch.


Starting off you will have the faithful Bzzt Blaster but there are four other weapons you will use throughout this game. To get a new weapon there is a switch in each level that lets you obtain a new one.
lastblast-8-4458609The Bzzt Blaster, the only good thing about this weapon is the no need for ammunition but that is it. It cannot kill the tougher baddies quickly and sometimes you need that. Use the other weapons that will be listed instead.
(Note: Do not use all the ammunition for the following weapons but revert back to the Bzzt Blaster if you are running low)
lastblast-9-3976801The Virtublaster 3000. You need to be able to aim to use this weapon at times (especially with small targets) but it can deal an incredible punch. Hold down your shot for a few seconds and see what this bad boy can do. If you can get a group of bad guys lined up in front of you then do this trick then you wont see them for much longer.
lastblast-10-5660187 This is the Goo Blaster. Just imagine if you are hit by a pile of goo, you too would be stunned! This is the best weapon in the game. Destroying enemies with one shot or weaken them considerably. The down side to this gun is that it will eat away at your ammo. Sometimes combining this one with the Bzzt Blaster will help you limit the amount of unnecessary shots from this gun.
lastblast-11-9430163 Last but not least the Sleep Ray. In a way this gun will save your neck last on in the harder parts of the game but it is worse with its ammo than the Goo Blaster so do not use it all the time. When you do hit the enemies with this gun you can change to another one to destroy them as sleeping bad guys are easier to destroy.

Last Blast Enemies

There are overall five different types of Bad guys in this game. They can just be annoying or if you let them start piling up they can get to your health very quickly. These are Dr. Sloths servants so they are evil! ( Who wouldn’t be when their master is gone?)
The first of the enemies you will face are the Robot Spyders. These guys can be quick but are very weak at the beginning. Use your Bzzt Blaster on them as quick as you can so they don’t start over running the show.
Make sure you watch your back because these guys can come out from behind you – look out for that arrow as mentioned before.
The bigger Spyders take an extra shot to kill but they do come with a bigger health risk- meaning they will decrease your life more than the little ones. So if you can get these quickly that would be helpful for you.
The next ones that you will face are once again harder to destroy. Five shots in total from the Bzzt Blaster or you can mix it up with your other guns to see what is the best attacking strategy for you. Everyone is different with what procedure they will come up with.


The nest guys you need to watch out for. They are dangerous to your safety and to your health. If you have the sleep ray out ready that would be handy. Hit them with that first then you can get them with the  Virtublaster.
The last one you do not want him to hit you at all. This is the statues of Dr. Sloth.  Get him from a distance so no short range type of stuff. Mix it up between the guns so that you are not losing out on ammo… or time… or health from other enemies around you. Just kill him quickly.  Keep firing, run, fire and run.

The Last Blast Point Checking

If those baddies have’t scared you off then good! To get further into the game you need to activate switches like mentioned before to open up the check points.  On each level there are three switches each activating something different. Either a weapon, doors or the check point. Have a look again on each of the maps for where the switches are so that if you ever have to do the level over you can run straight to them and activate them.  To activate the switch shoot it in the middle of the eye looking things with your Bzzt Blaster or your Virtublaster. Either one is fine
(Note: Do not stay too long in the one spot. You do not want to be trying to line up the cross-hairs while a baddie is attack your behind!)
As you can see in this image the button will be activated once fired onto… a few times until it is glowing green.
The switches on the third level can be hidden so go to where they are located on your map have have a look around.  They are there but could be a good distance away from you and somewhere you are unable to get to. So long distance shot practice!

Pick-Up These!

As every game needs things for you to collect this game has them too. (Constantly need more ammo so every time you see them GRAB THEM!)

When You’re Nearly Finished the level…

You also need to destroy that silly computer of Dr. Sloths. Once again do not stand around or more robots will come for you. It would be a massive pity if you came all the way to this point and a swarm of angry servants of Dr. Sloth destroyed you!
Up above the main control center is your target surrounded by three spheres that are acting as a force fielding. Destroy those one by one – they will be tough taking a fair few shots to kill the barrier. Make sure you have Virtublaster ammunition to the max if possible. This will make it much easier and quicker to complete.
Once the force field has been destroyed then shoot the computer core until it too is finished with and then all the Robots will shut down

Neopets The Last Blast Cheats

Kill as many robots as you can in 10 minutes. After that they are worth as little as one point. This will occur at the start of every level. So especially the first level which isn’t as hard- get through as many as you can ( plus it is great practice.)
If you are aiming for the Gold Trophy you need to do this in every level especially the third one!
Put your speakers on because the music will change when you have baddies heading towards you. There is also a specific sound that is heard when an enemy is teleports into your room.
Always check behind you- spin your camera all around at points to see if no enemy has been sneaking up on you!