Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II

In Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II, you are the Shenkuu’s  emperor’s daughter, Prince Terrana. Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II gives the Princess a chance to prove how far she has gone from the training sequel Shenkuu Warrior.  You must train by scaling the highest mountain into the clouds and gather as many points as you can using only a grappling hook and a rope. Can you get to the top?

How to Play Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II

There are four levels all up in training  mode.
(Note: Training mode must be played in order for you to get the gold trophy.)
All you need to do is aim at the platform with your mouse and click it to release the grappling hook. Once the hook connects to the platform you will shoot up. As you go up of course you must go down but instead of letting her drop you must then aim again with your mouse to the next platform and click aiming towards it again.

Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II

Here you can see that the hook has attached to the platform and the Princess is flying up. Just aim with your mouse to the Platform.

As you fly further up your will see the Shenkuu’s royal family crest as medallions. These are your additional points. You can collect these by either letting the princess fly into them or moving your mouse directly over the top of them. They will spin a little and then disappear. Each colour represents different points. 50 for bronze, 100 for silver and 150 for gold. If you are lucky enough and find a group of them and collect every single one in that group you will end up with double the points.

shenkuu-warrior-ii-form1-6224022 shenkuu-warrior-ii-form2-7223317 shenkuu-warrior-ii-form3-3790837

These are what groups the Medallions can be in. So use a mixer of the princess and your mouse.
With the straight diagonal lines do not rush with your mouse. You should be able to get them all. But with the circles they are much harder to get.
They both will only give you 2x for getting them all.

Shenkuu Warrior II Level Guide

The first level is helpful for it is a training level. Practicing aiming your mouse and collecting as many points as possible in this level. The more you do this level the more practice you will get as you will need it for the future levels. This is a tree-house level. The platforms will stay in one position and are close together.

The second level is a rocky mountain cliff. It has the exact same concept as that of the first level. You are trying to get from one icy platform to the other but be very careful once you get further up on this level the platform can break. If this does occur you will have another opportunity to grab onto the remaining parts of that platform ( if you can reach the next one attempt for that.)

The next level is the top of the mountain into the sky. Here you will see a magical Petpet that can help you fly further up. Latch onto them by touching them ( if you are lucky you can fall onto one if you drop) and move your mouse around for those Medallions that will be floating around. If you are lucky in this level you will see a balloon. Grab those! They will provide you with additional platforms if you can not see one by pressing the space bar. The great thing about this level is that you can keep climbing until you fail. So the further you climb up the more points you will obtain. So collect as many balloons as you can and try and get both the red gem power ups as well as the magical Petpets.

(Note: If you do manage to fall down in any level you are able to try that level again. You will just lose all the points you obtained from that level. So for example if you score 28289 in the first level and then fall in the second level getting only 45645, then you are able to try that level again starting with 28289 points again.)

Power-ups to Collect ( a must!!)

game_skwarrior2_kitepowerup-6184541In each level you will come across these.  They will help you shoot upwards for a short burst. Make sure you are watching when you start descending.
shenkuu-warrior-ii-pu2-6241793These are magical Petpets. They will automatically collect all the coins as you go up. Enjoy the long ride up but watch out for it slowing down for you to grab the next platform.
shenkuu-warrior-ii-pu3-1899737 You need to collect these by either going through them with the Princess or hovering your mouse over the top. Press the Space Bar to form a platform when there are none around.


Some times you can not avoid these obstacles but read on to use them as an advantage. 
shenkuu-warrior-ii-avoid1-5884801 shenkuu-warrior-ii-avoid2-3466101

In the second level where the Princess is climbing up the mountain side you will come across the icy ledges that break. Make sure you are prepared to launch your Grapple and Hook again to cling to the shattered pieces. Same with the purple cloud in the last level. Once it disappears you will see little pieces and you can grab that with your Grapple and hook again. Sometimes you will float in mid air for a second or two. This gives you more time to plan your next move.

Neopets Shenkuu Warrior II Cheats

Make sure you know where the princess is when you are moving your mouse around to gain those extra points. You need to aim properly for her to keep climbing up the level.
Try to get every power-up that you can find in each of the levels. They will help you and save you a lot of time for additional points at the end.
In the first level practice getting the Medallions in the line as you can take more time with them for the level is slower than the next few ones.
When you launch yourself to the next platform look to where the top of the page cuts off for a higher platform. If there is a choice between one that is high up and one that is low try the higher one for an additional boost! Best of luck in this game. Just keep practicing and you should get a trophy in no time at all!
1266_1-7434135    1266_2-4735082   1266_3-5671112

Neopets Ghost Bopper

The ghosts of Neopets Ghost Bopper are coming out to get you! In Neopets Ghost Bopper you are bopping the graves of ghost Petpets before they raise out of the ground in Haunted Woods. Make sure that you use your number pad correctly as nasty surprises await you if you make mistakes!

How to Play Neopets Ghost Bopper

When you press start ghosts will be coming out of their graves. You will be using your number pad to press the corresponding number associated with that grave. You need to be careful though, if you bop a skull or a non-ghost Petpet as well as a blank grave site you will lose a life. So watch out for those! You need to bop ghost Petpets, hearts and coins that appear. After the first level you will face harder obstacles; ghosts which you need to bop twice and then the numbers associated with the graves changing. So keep your eye out for that!

Bopping Ghosts

You will begin off with the graves looking exactly like your number pad.
Ghost Bopper
So Ideally it would go

7   8   9
4   5  6
1   2   3

So in this picture above you would hit the 4,3 and 6.

(Note: The hearts down the bottom represent your health.)

The Ghost You will Encounter

There are many ghost you will encounter during this game.

greeble_ghost-5110099These will appear in level one. You just need to bop them once to receive 1 point.

faellie_ghost-3307469Introduced in level two these need two bops on the head for 2 points.

deaver_ghost-7318976You will have to wait for level six to hit these three times for  3 points.

ona_ghost-6880802Hardest ones because on level eight they require four times bops for 4 points.

Other Items to Bob

There are Treasure Chests to bob which will be worth 10 points. They can contain a coin worth 20 points or a heart!
Hitting a coin outside of the chest will award you with an extra 20 points too, they are extremely quick though so be on your toes.
If you see a skull do not bop it. This will reduce your life by one.
Normal Neopets are not worth bopping either. You will lose another life if you bop those.
Also do not bop an empty space, once again, life will be lost.

Ghost Bopper Level Guide

There are 13 levels in this Ghost Bopper. At the start the number pad will be as normal but after every three levels the numbers will be swapped around so that will be levels 4,7,10 and 13. All levels will contain hearts and coins.

The first level will only contain the one hit ghosts.
Level two will have the two hit as well  as the one hit ghosts.
Level three will contain the skulls (remember do not hit them!)
Level four will contain treasure chests for the first time.
Level five has sneaky ghosts which can transform into normal Pets.
Level six will have the three hit ghosts.
Level eight has the four hit ghost.
Level thirteen is challenging. A skeleton will appear and you will have to hit the number that appears on them and you will get five points.

Neopets Ghost Bopper Cheats

  1. Try to rotate your keyboard as the game rotates. That will make it a lot easier.
  2. Turn off the sound to minimize any distractions (especially the sound once you lose a heart)
  3. Letting a ghost go will decrease your hearts as well.
  4. Hit the space bar when starting a game or else pressing a letter can cost you a life straight away!
  5. You will only have a maximum of 10 lives
  6. The moon will move from left to right as an indication as to how much longer you have in your level.4

Good luck with this game! You will need quite a bit of practice especially in the later levels when the number keys are backwards and many Petpets of different Bopping counts appear.

Neopets Dungeon Dash

Save AAA and his sister Abigail in Neopets Dungeon Dash. In Neopets Dungeon Dash you need to help these two in five hard levels while trying to evade Roothless’ minion Scram; who is trying to trap you.

Dungeon Dash

This is Scram, do not let him touch you or it is game over!

Playing Neopets Dungeon Dash
Neopets Dungeon Dash

Get your keyboard ready because that is what you will be using in Dungeon Dash.

Firstly you need to pick which character you would like to be. Your choices are either AAA or his sister Abigail. Being brother and sister they do try to beat each other so both have unique abilities for you to choose from. Abigail is easier to play with while AAA gives you more points.
(Note: the only way for your to score maximum points is by playing with AAA. So if you are look for that gold trophy play as AAA.)

Once you start playing you will be moving forward so be prepared to jump using the space bar. To advance to the next level you need to earn a set amount. AAA’s set amount is 1000 points while Abigail’s is 800 points.

While you are playing you will be collecting items through the levels which will appear in your item bar down the bottom of your screen.  The items you will be collecting are; a shovel, a spring, a helmet, a bubble and a shield.

Each item can either be clicked with your mouse to use or to make it easier use your keyboard. The letters that each item corresponds to are; Shovel X, Bubble C, Spring V, Helmet and a Shield N.
dungeondash_shovel-8628014     dungeondash_bubble-9372189     dungeondash_spring-8434022     dungeondash_helmet-1691806     dungeondash_shield-7203404

To see how far ahead you are check out the map which is located up the top of the screen. You are the black shaded character and Scram ( who is trying to trap you,) is the red character.

Each level corresponds to another game that you can play in the Games Room. So each level that you face will have its own obstacles and enemies that you will have to look out for.

Using the Items in Dungeon Dash

Each item that is listed above will have different abilities attach to them when you click on it.  The shovel will be used in the first level which may seem very familiar to you. It is the same aim as Neopets Snowmuncher. With your shovel you will be (press to use) shovelling the snow blocks out of the way before Scram traps you.  Just keep pressing the shovel button to go through each block.

In the second level which is Neopets Turmac Roll game, you will obtain the Bubble (press C to use.) You will need to use it to roll over the mud piles that are on the ground, if you do not use them than you will become very slow and it will give Scram a chance to get you. You will have to also use the springs (press V to use) when you are playing as AAA as he can not normally jump over  the trees and it is even quicker to spring over the hills than to let AAA run up them.
Dungeon Dash Neopets

In the third level, which is Neopets Destruct-O-Match 2, yo uwill be using the springs to jump over blocks containing 2 or more (when it is just one block made AAA normally jump as this is quicker.) There will also be falling blocks so this is when you use your Helmet (press B to use) so that you do not get hit and slowed down.
(Note: If you get hit by a falling brick sometimes it will be easier to start all over again as Scram may get you very quickly.)

The forth level is the Neopets Ice Cream Machine level.  You need to use your spring to jump over the high tile stack and your bubble to cross the ice cream vats. This can be one tough level for as soon as you obtain the shield you will be the target to an ice cream assault. These flying ice creams will be getting you until you finish this level. Make sure you use your helmet to protect yourself from falling ice cream and use the new shield that you picked up for your lower body.

The fifth and final level is Neopets Stowaway Sting level. On this level you will be faced with two types of enemies which are needing two types of items you have. Any time you see a Skeith you need to use your shield. When you see a Kougra you have to wear your helmet. For this level you will need to use the spring again for jumping over those high crates.  Your bubble is vital to stop you from being injured when you cross the fishing equipment and wooden splinters. Sometimes you may need to use your shovel to break crates as well.
Dungeon Dash

Dungeon Dash Scoring

As mentioned above, Abigail will earn less points, (only up to 800 per level.) However, she is quicker and can jump much higher than that of AAA.  To earn the trophy for this game you must be using AAA. He is much slower and can barely jump but he will get you 1000 points per level which is what you need.

Dungeon Dash Trophy

962_1-3450092To get one of the trophies you will need the maximum score(5000 points.) So stop playing with Abigail and start practising with AAA. It is better to score the 5000 points at the start of the month so you have a higher chance of getting the gold trophy quicker than waiting for more people to play to push you up on the list.

Neopets Dungeon Dash Cheats

In the third level you can also use your shovel to dig through the blocks which can be useful especially if your helmet appears after the 3 block stacks. So make sure you watch ahead to see where that helmet is. You do not want to miss it while spring jumping over as you can not go backwards.

Try using your left hand for the letter that you need to use. Pinky on the X, Ring on the C, middle on the V and index on the B and N.

Sometimes it is a good idea to use the bubble when you are in mid air just in case there is a obstacle on the ground when you land.

Neopets Dueling Decks

In Neopets Dueling Decks you will be against  Zenco. He has been playing Neopets Dueling Decks for a long time. Will you beat him?

About Neopets Dueling Decks

This is an extremely fun and addictive game. There are three levels Easy, Normal and Hard. Even if you are new to this game and have never played it, always choose Hard so that you are able to get that trophy.

This game is very straight forward and one that is half luck and half skills. Luck based- what cards you first get and Skill- to memorise what cards you have remaining and in what order and what order and cards remaining Zenco has.
You will have a card in front of you and so will Zenco. The game will start off with your picking a category out of  Courage, Charisma and intelligence and see who has the higher number.

How to play Neopets Dueling Decks

Even the controls are simple. All you need is your mouse to press which category you would like try and beat Zenco at. After you pick what level of the game you want. Once again it is suggested you start with hard.
(Note: The hard level gives you more points than the other two.)
The difference really is- On easy you choose for Zenco andyou know that you will win but it will take a VERY long time for you to get anywhere near the bronze trophy score. The normal levels lets you influence Zenco’s choose by “Choosing” where he will pick and Hard is where he will pick instead.
There is also a wild card that you can use in this game. Only use it in a very tight situation.

Scoring for Each Mode

Just a quick run down about each mode’s scoring so you can pick which one you would rather try to get the avatar on. By the end of this you should be picking Hard.

Easy: When you win the first time you will get 25 ponts.
Normal: When you win this one first  you will get 50 points.
Hard: You guessed it! First time you will get 100 points.

When the Highscores are over 40,000 points it is much easier trying in Hard, but the choice is up to you.

Your Screen

In this hand Zenco would win as Intelligence was chosen and you had a card that only had 40 points compared to Zenco’s 101 points.

Firstly, if you look and see where those five green cards are up the top on the left hand side (next to the ‘Score’)- that shows you your point meter. Every time you win in a row your points go up quicker, once you get five in a row you get bonus points. When you lose a hand it goes back down to zero points bonus.

Next to that one is your score. So currently on the screen is 64,600 points. You will start off with 0 points and work your way up from that.

Play Wildcard” as mentioned before this should only be played in tight situations where you know you are going to lose. When you press it you will activate Nightsteed he has very high points on each of the categories. Do not play him at the start of the game but when you are about to lose.

The card that is being held by the red hand is your current card. That is the card that you will try to win with. Each card that you have will contain different category numbers. They can range from 1- 16 for both Courage and Charisma and from 5-162 for Intelligence.

Down the bottom where it has the word “You,” that is how many cards you currently have. So on this screen You have 11 while Zenco has 9. The aim of the game is to get him down to 0 cards but only when you have enough points for one of these trophies.
1182_1-6585185     1182_2-7391718     1182_3-6137153

Down the bottom on the middle of the screen there are images of what seems to be an open hand of cards. This is where your tied card pot is. So when you and Zenco tie in a hand those two cards go there and  who ever wins after that will win those two cards as well. Both of you will start off with 10 cards each. The first person to have all cards will win.

The Cards and What You Should Pick

duelingdecks2-9434581     duelingdecks3-8486352     duelingdecks4-4374206
Suggested is Courage for Brucey. Suggested is Intelligence for Bruno.  Suggested is Courage for #2 Bruno.

ddcaptainscarblade-3290885         duelingdecks5-6193899         duelingdecks6-5732727

Suggested is  Courage for Scarblade.    Suggested is Courage for Tuan.  Suggested is Courage for Gormos.

duelingdecks7-1089935      ddcylara-5041005      dddrsloth-8800465
Suggested is Charisma for the Collector.   Suggested is Courage for Cylara.    Suggested is Intelligence for Sloth.

ddelivthade-2160361          duelingdecks8-5337077          ddgarin-6159834

Suggested is Courage for Eliv.       Suggested is Charisma for Fyora.        Suggested is Charisma for Garin.

                 duelingdecks9-6064688   ddhannah-4811397   duelingdecks10-2654475
Play a wildcard or Intelligence for Gorix.    Suggested is Charisma for Hannah.     Suggest is Charisma for Illusen.

ddisca-6155389  duelingdecks11-7987405  duelingdecks12-4487028

Suggested for Isca is Charisma.       Suggested for Ixi is Courage.    Suggested for Jaques is Charisma.

duelingdecks13-9731255   duelingdecks14-2694773   duelingdecks15-2440404
uggested for Jhudora is Charisma.    Suggested for Judge is Courage.    Suggested for Kauvara is Courage.

duelingdecks16-9067505    ddkingskarl-8360610   ddlisha-3553486
uggested for Kelbeard is Intelligence.    Suggested for Snarl is Charisma.    Suggested for Lisha is Intelligence.

ddmagax-2878243      ddmagnus-5538131   ddmeercabrothers-7814668
uggested for Magax is Courage.    Suggested for Magnus is Charisma.    Suggested for Brothers is Charisma.

ddmynciguide-4383564  ddprince-2575622    ddroothless-6235286
Suggested for Mynci is Charisma.  Suggested for Prince is Charisma.  Suggested for Roothless is Intelligence.

ddrufus-4920060  ddsophiewitch-5768093  ddtechomaster-8976888
uggested for Rufus is Charisma.   Suggested for Sophie is Intelligence.   Suggested for Techno is Intelligence.

ddtor-5148829  ddtorakar-6423717  ddtorshac-1136981
Suggested for Tor is Courage.         Suggested for Torakar is Courage.       Suggested for Torshac is Courage.

ddvira-1839131  ddwerther-1234450  ddylanaskyfire-5037088
uggested for Vira is Charisma.        Suggested for Werther is Charisma.        Suggested for Ylana is Courage.

ddzafaraprincess-5462570    ddnightsteed-8579351
           Suggested for Zafara is Charisma.             Suggested for Nightsteed is Charisma.

Neopets Dueling Decks Cheats

You need to play on Hard mode for that Trophy.
To get maximum points you must let Zenco win on purpose when he is almost out of cards (three cards maximum to his name.)
Keep the game going so do not win but also do not lose.
Write down where the cards have gone and in what order. Then you should be able to counter attack or lose if needed.

Neopets NC Shopping Race Game Guide

NC Shopping Race is a flash game that, despite its misleading name, is not an NC game. It can be found in the Games Room, or here, and played for neopoints. Both rounds consist of a maze — one to find an NC Mall shopping card, and another to spend that money!


To start the game, you chose either a Red Usul or a Black Mynci as your character. Whichever one you chose has no effect on the items you need to find or the difficulty of the game, so just choose whichever you like best!

Once you choose a character, you will play the first round in which you need to find a Neocash card. Each round is timed, and the timer can be found at the top-left corner of the screen in a lighted pie chart. Simply use your arrow keys to guide your character through the maze.

NC Shopping Race

In the maze, you can find two types of NC cards:

  • 1000 NC — Mynci Defender, Usul Princess, Scorchio, Illusen
  • 2500 NC — Dr. Sloth, King Altador, Isca, Queen Fyora

You have two minutes to find an NC Mall shopping card in the first maze. If you run out of time and do not collect a card, it is game over and you have to start again. The faster you find a card, the more bonus points you get!

Note: If you’re going for a high score and trophy, it is necessary to find a 2500 NC card.


In the second round, you need to spend the NC that you collected from round one on a pre-determined list of wearables:

NC Shopping RaceEach “pie slice” in the top-left corner timer represents 10 seconds.

Depending on how much NC you have to spend from the first round, 100o or 2500, you will have to buy a certain amount of items:

  • 1000 NC — buy 7 items
  • 2500 NC — buy 13 items

You have two minutes to find the items on your list. The different areas of the mall have different types of items, so memorizing these can be a surefire way to increase your score if you are looking to get a trophy:

  • White — superpacks
  • Yellow — trinkets
  • Blue — backgrounds
  • Green — accessories
  • Pink — clothing

There is also an indictor as to which section you’re in the top-right corner of the screen at the counter. There will display a banner that says “BACKGROUNDS”, “CLOTHING”, etc. The counter is where you will take items you don’t need. If you accidentally pick up an item that isn’t on your list, an exclamation point will appear above your head; simply go to the counter and the item and the exclamation will both disappear, and you can continue shopping.

Neopets Shopping Race

Going for the high score table will take both practice and luck — you’ll want to wait until you get a 2500 right away in the first round and items that are centralized and near each other in the second round. Good luck!