Neopets Jumpin’ Gem Heist

Neopets Jumpin’ Gem Heist is a game where you control a petpet, trying to stop a miner from taking gems from the mine. If you’re lucky enough to get a high score, Jumpin’ Gem Heist will reward you with this shiny trophy.

Jumpin' Gem Heist

How to Play Jumpin’ Gem Heist

You can move your character (a Sandan, a type of petpet) around on the screen by moving your mouse, and you can throw a stone upwards by clicking.

What you’re supposed to do is use your stones to hit the baskets moving above you. Contained in the baskets are gems, as well as rocks. Hitting a basket will knock the contents free; you should then maneuver your petpet to collect the gems as they fall, but avoid the rocks. If you get hit by a rock, you’ll be stunned temporarily.

Falling Things

games_gemheist_orange-3819431This orange gem, the smallest gem out of the four types, will give you a hundred points each time you collect one.

games_gemheist_blue-7867147This blue gem will award you two hundred points when you grab one.

games_gemheist_purple-6287851Grabbing a purple gem will earn you three hundred points.

games_gemheist_green-7721886The biggest gem of them all, the green gem, is worth five hundred points.

games_gemheist_stone-9027097Sometimes, there will be a stone in the baskets. You should collect this, because you only start the game with three stones. If you drop them all, you lose the game; collecting these extra ones can help you keep going. If you’re good at the game and don’t drop your stones, though, then collecting extra ones will give you 750 points apiece when you have your stone counter full.

games_gemheist_clock-5760420Clocks are an invaluable part of this game if you want a high score. Because your game only lasts one hundred seconds without these time bonuses, it’ll be very difficult to score high without them. Each clock adds five seconds to your timer, which may not seem like much, but they really add up. Don’t let them go by without at least trying to get them.

games_gemheist_rock1-2375185Rocks can be in the baskets too. These are the only things that you don’t want to grab, because they’ll render you unable to move for a few seconds. If you hit a basket that held these and gems, be careful not to get hit by the rocks as you weave around to grab the gems.

Jumpin’ Gem Heist Score

The only things that can boost your score are gems, extra stones, and the consecutive bonus. You earn this bonus every time you grab five gems in a row, without letting any hit the ground. Once a gem hits the ground, your combo is broken. Every bonus you earn is worth one thousand points, so they can really bump your score. You can earn unlimited bonuses in the game, as long as you keep getting chains of grabbed gems.

Jumping Gem Heist Tips

To get as long of a game as possible, you need to get a lot of clocks (which does make this game a little dependent on luck). To get as high of a score as possible, you need to get lots of consecutive bonuses. Focus on letting any gems drop, and don’t let clocks go across the screen without getting them.

Sometimes, the screen will say there are falling rocks; sure enough, rocks will fall from the top of the screen. Just like the rocks from the baskets, don’t let them hit you.

There’s no penalty for not hitting baskets, so if there’s an empty one (or, if it’s later in the game, if they don’t have many gems inside them), just let it go.

When you’ve gotten high enough of a score, the baskets start moving more quickly. This is actually a good thing – you can sometimes hit two baskets at the same time, which is good; or you can hit one basket, and then immediately hit another, before starting to grab the falling stuff.

Jumpin' Gem Heist

Neopets Kreludan Mining Corp.

Neopets Kreludan Mining Corp. is a game where you control a ship flying through mine shafts, collecting golden ores and taking them back to the factories of the mining corporation. If you earn a high score, Kreludan Mining Corp. can give you this shiny trophy.

Kreludan Mining Corp

How to Play Kreludan Mining Corp

Use the left and right arrow keys to rotate your ship, and the up key to move. In this game, it’s very easy to hold the up key for too long, and then you’ll go zooming along and not be able to stop when a wall shows up, and you’ll collide and die. Be careful not to overdo the thrust.

Other keys that you use are the space bar, to fire a shot; the B key, to emit a beam to grab the golden ore; and the N key, which can be used to drop the golden ore.

You start the game with five lives, gaining extra ones as you pass certain levels. You can lose those lives by crashing into the wall with your ship, getting hit by an alien that’s shooting at you, or by letting the ore crash into a wall if it’s attached to your ship.

The objective of each level is to find the golden ore and take it to the refinery, which is somewhere else in the level. What will make this difficult will be doors, aliens, and tight spots where you need to maneuver your ship carefully.


ship-3440789This is the ship that you control through the mine shafts.

ore-9622282This is the ore that you need to collect in each level.

This is the refinery you will need to take your ore to for completion of each level.

alien-1460960This is an alien, the only enemy present in this game. You can destroy it by shooting it once, but be careful because it shoots back. For each alien that you destroy, you receive five points.

diamond-7225621This is a diamond. You’ll see these sometimes, mostly in the later levels, just hanging in the walls of the mine shafts. Use your beam to grab it; each diamond is worth 20 points. You don’t need to take them to the refinery, you will get the points automatically after grabbing them.

door-5166345What you see here is a door. These will appear from the second group of shafts onwards. You need to shoot the blue button to open the door, and then go through the entrance before the stone comes back down. If you get hit by the stone as it closes, you will lose a life, just like you would if you crashed.

Kreludan Mining Corp Strategies

Killing aliens: You should go through the entire level and kill all of the aliens before trying to take the ore to the refinery, because it’s much harder to stay safe and kill them when you’re dragging a big metal rock behind you.

When killing them, make sure not to get too close, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid their bullets. Keep your distance, and make sure you’re far enough from the ground below you that you’ll be able to thrust away from it after you aim at the alien and shoot.

Collecting Diamonds: When you’re close to a diamond, start holding down the B button. Make a three hundred and sixty degree turn, all the way around. You should have hopefully collected the diamond and be able to fly away; if you didn’t get it, get closer and try again.

Taking Care of the Ore: Sometimes, the golden ore will be in a very tight passage. When you grab it and leave the ground, be sure not to let it touch the ground, otherwise you’ll lose a life.

When you’re flying around a level with the ore attached to you, watch how much the ore is swinging. If you get too close to a wall and the ore is swinging too much, it’ll hit the wall. To get it to stop swinging, just move slightly, then aim your ship straight up and just maintain your position until the ore stops moving so much.

Know What Risks Not To Take: Sometimes, levels will have extra places you can go to to get more points. You need to know what things you can and can’t do; this can be achieved by playing the game often and going everywhere in a level. For example, one level has a path you can follow to reach a room full of diamonds. The passages are extremely tight, though, making it extremely difficult for someone without practice.

Neopets Kreludan Mining Corp. Cheats

-Type in ‘kreludor’ while playing to get an extra life.

-In the first level, before taking the ore to the refinery, go over to the top left corner. Shoot the ceiling in the corner; it will disintegrate until there’s a passage you can enter. At the top is a diamond that you can collect for an extra twenty points.

Kreludan Mining Corp

Neopets Raiders of Maraqua

Raiders of Maraqua is a Neopets game where you play as a Koi called Karpoh, who swims down to the ruins of Old Maraqua in his quest for treasure, with only his power to form bubbles as his companion. However, a range of obstacles can hinder your progress to treasure, from rocks and debris to Jetsams and aggressive petpets. In Raiders of Maraqua, you must successfully pass by these obstacles and get the treasure to the treasure chest in order to get the highest score possible.

The game Raiders of Maraqua can be good fun particularly if you plan well and use strategy appropriately; however due to glitches and other events, your plans and strategies may unravel. Use the cheats and solutions here in order to make the game play as smooth as possible.

Raiders of Maraqua Gameplay

The goal in the game Raiders of Maraqua is to push any valuables objects that are found during a level to a treasure chest, so that the waiting pirates can pull the chests up on to their ship. When you’ve finished collecting all of the treasures in a level, you can move on to the next level.

Raiders of Maraqua consists of 20 levels, which you proceed through during the course of the game.

The controls for Raiders of Maraqua are simple. You can move Karpoh up, down, left and right with the up, down, left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. The space bar is also used in order to push bubbles on the screen, as well as to pop them. You must first push the bubbles to a position on the screen where it cannot continue to move in the direction you are pushing it. Once you’ve got it trapped and you’re facing that direction, just press the space bar again. You start the game with four lives, which you may lose throughout the course of the game.

Raiders of Maraqua

There are many types of obstacle and enemy you might encounter during the course of the game. Some of the obstacles you might come across are rocks, bubbles, and broken debris from ruins. Many times, they will hinder you; however, some of the time they may in fact help you.

Along with obstacles, you also have to worry about the range of enemies, including Jetsams and other sea monsters which will pop up at random moments during the course of level. These not only will make you lose a life if they bump into you, but they can also move around bubbles, rocks and treasure coins on the level. You can defeat these enemies by pushing obstacles into them, such as bubbles or rocks. This will earn you five points. However, once you get further into the level, after a certain point you will not be awarded points for doing this.

One interesting enemy you’ll encounter is the Slug Monster. As he swims around the level, he may occasionally leave a bubble behind him, which again may help or hinder your progression through the game.

Types of Objects in Raiders of Maraqua

  • Bubble – This will appear as a light blue bubble. This is the most common type of bubble you’ll encounter. You can push these around the level quite easily, and will move around until you push them against a solid object, such as a wall or a rock. Once you reach this solid object, just continue pushing against it with your space bar in order to pop it.
  • Dark blue bubble – This will look exactly like the normal bubble, but darker in colour. Unlike the normal bubbles, you can’t just push these around and easily pop them against solid objects. The only way these bubbles will be popped is if you hit them with a moving rock.
  • Treasure – This can come in either the form of a yellow shell with an M on it, or a snowflake gem with a star on it. These cannot be destroyed by any obstacles or enemies, even when pushed by you. They also cannot be moved around the screen. Each time you collect one of these and take it back to the treasure chest, it will award you 5 points each.
  • Chest – The chest is important as you will need to place treasure into it in order to finish the level. You can approach the chest from any direction or side.
  • Gold – This will come in the shape of a tiny gold four-sided star, much smaller than the normal treasure. Collecting each of these will get you 5 points added to you score, and this is the only treasure you can get where you don’t have to put it into the treasure chest in order to get the points.
  • Red first aid cross – This will award you an extra life. It will apply even if your life counter is already full (i.e. you have four or more lives already)
  • Transparent bubbles – Sometimes known as the Floating 10, Floating 10 Bubble (because the bubble used to have a 10 in the middle), or the Floating Bonus Bubble. These bubbles may float up from the bottom half of the screen when you have managed to kill an enemy. If you collect these, they will award points to your total score. The chance of these being awarded is random and can give you a large amount of points – see the Scoring section of this article for more information.

Raiders of Maraqua neopets

Raiders of Maraqua Scoring

In Raiders of Maraqua, you can earn points through three different methods.

Firstly, you can earn points by pushing treasure into the chest. As mentioned above, you get 5 points for either of the types of treasure you put into the chest.

Secondly, you can get points by defeating enemies through the course of the level. The first time you kill an enemy by pushing a moving object into it, you get 5 points. For each time after that where you kill an enemy on that level, you’ll get 10 points. Remember that you won’t continue getting points forever, as there is a cut off point to how much you can score from killing enemies in a level.

Thirdly, you can earn points by collecting bonuses. These are through the form of floating bubbles that you are awarded after killing enemies, but only on a random chance. These can also be achieved when you kill multiple enemies in a single shot.

In terms of a base total, through the whole game of Raiders of Maraqua, you can get 415 points, awarded through the form of 41 treasures and 42 enemies which give 5 points each. This isn’t enough to get the avatar, which is 800 points, and certainly not enough for a trophy. This can be supplemented through firstly collecting the little pieces of gold which are found randomly during the course of the game (and which are 5 points each), killing a combination of multiple enemies in one hit, and from bonus transparent bubbles that you get randomly from killing enemies.

If you kill an enemy, you will get 5 points. If you kill 2 enemies with a bubble or rock, you will win 10 points. If you kill three, you’ll get 20 points.

If you kill an enemy and get the random transparent bubble event, you should aim to collect it where at all possible! If you collect it, the bubble is worth 5 points as a base, but is multiplied by the number of the level that you are in at the time you collect the bubble. For example, if you’re on level 5 and collect a bubble, you’ll get 5 x 5 = 25 points. This is great in later levels, where you can quickly amass a whole heap of points simply by fighting enemies.

When an enemy is defeated, there is a random chance that a transparent bubble will begin to float up from the bottom of the screen. When collected, this bubble is worth 5 points multiplied by the number of the level you’re currently in; if you were to collect one in level ten, it would be worth 50 points. A good way to earn points is to replay later levels that have a large number of bubbles in them, in order to fight as many enemies as possible. Since you retain any points you gained in a level if you’re hit by an enemy or press the Restart Level button, you should focus on levels you know you can score a large number of points in.
Raider of Maraqua

Neopets Raider of Maraqua Strategy

The best way to aim at getting the avatar is as follows in the guide below.

Firstly, aim at progressing through the levels up to level 16, and just surviving through this. Don’t stress too much about getting the highest amount of points possible. Once you get to level 16 or level 17, it’s time to start aiming for points. Once you’re at this point and you start playing, focus first on getting any bonus treasure points that are on the level. After this, start aiming at killing all fo the enemies and getting the bonus points if possible from this. Because the extra bonus for killing multiple enemies (e.g. you can kill one enemy and get 5 points, you kill three in one shot and get 20 points), it’s not really recommended to try and line these all up perfectly. Of course, if the moment arises, take it!

In order to get the avatar, the best method is to focus on destroying and defeating your enemies. The more enemies you destroy, the more transparent bubbles you’ll have a chance at collecting. In these top levels, where you’ll get multipliers of 5 by 16, 17, 18 and 19, getting these bubbles means a massive amounts added to your score. Even getting one can be 80 points added to your score! That means you only need 5 transparent bubbles on level 16 (5 * 5 * 16) to get 400 points, which is more than enough to get 415 + 400 = 815 (if you manage to complete all the levels, that is) – and that’s not even taking the enemies and killing them, and the points awarded from that, into consideration. Remember, however, that these bubbles are randomly awarded, and therefore you may have to kill a lot of enemies to get these.

Neopets Raiders of Maraqua Cheats

  • You start the game with four lives. In order to get more lives through the course of the game, you can find these through power-ups. Another quick and easy way to get a life is to use a cheat code. The code used is 1morekarpohplease. You can use this code and type it in at any point during the game. However, if you already have four lives or more than four lives, it won’t be activated. The best time to type this code in is when you don’t have many enemies around – for example, in level 4 or level 8. This means you won’t be distracted away from defending yourself from enemies. Although the code won’t work when you have 4 or more lives, the extra life power-up that you may encounter during the course of the game will give you an extra life, no matter how many you already have saved up.
  • In order to get the highest amount of points and aim for the avatar or for a trophy, a great strategy is to focus on replaying later levels in the game which have a large number of bubbles and enemies, and kill as many enemies as you can. As you keep any points you get in a level even if you press the ‘Restart Level’ option or you lose a life to an enemy, it’s a great tactic to concentrate on replaying the levels where you know you can get a high amount of points.
  • There are many guides out there that have amounted multiple screenshots of levels and the best path to take through them, as many levels are mostly static in some way. On Jellyneo, you can even use an interactive level solution program, where you can select a level from the drop down menu and then watch animations that guide you through the progression of the level. When you watch the Raiders of Maraqua level solution, you can see the direction in which a rock, bubble etc. should be pushed which will be shown with a green arrow. An X will demonstrate that a bubble needs to be popped at a certain stage. However, remember that these solutions aren’t completely static – there will be enemies you have to pass that will make it difficult to complete the level exactly as shown. You’ll therefore have to invent ways to get around enemies when and as they appear.
  • Sometimes there will be moments when bubbles are popped at a time when they shouldn’t be. In these occasions, it can be possible to get a Slug Monster to make new bubbles!
  • Another tip for aiming for a high score is to restart the game over and over until you get either two or three bonus small gold treasures, or an extra life, in the first level.
  • Instead of trying to focus on beating level 19, concentrate on getting the highest score you can – particularly if you have a large storage of lives!
  • On level 20, there is no treasure. All you will have on this level is bubbles and enemies that appear. Therefore, the only way to get through level 19 is to defeat as many enemies as possible, using the fewest amount of bubbles possible, whilst aiming for the bonus transparent bubbles where you can.
  • Focus on the bubbles floating up the screen in order to get the best chance at a high score.
  • One glitch, which is so important it is considered as a tip, is NOT to collect the small gold pieces too quickly. The game not register them as separate objects if you collect them too quickly, meaning that instead of getting the bonus points for 2 or more, you’ll only get the bonus points for one of them.
  • Aim first at getting the treasures into the chest, except for one of them. Then defeat the enemies!

Neopets Raiders of Maraqua Walkthrough

Level 1

Firstly, push the bubble that is below you downwards, and move towards the second treasure. Pop the balloon in front of this, and push it over to get to the first treasure. Get rid of the bubbles next to the chest and push the treasures upwards into the chest. Push one in, and leave one next to it. Return to collecting any other bonuses in the level. Push bubbles into any enemies on the level in order to collect some extra points and see if you can get some floating transparent bubbles. Once your bubbles are low, go back to the chest and push the second treasure in, completing the first level.

Level 2

This level is very simple. Turn right from where you start and push the boulder until it rights the right wall. Then focus on pushing the dark bubble up so you get the second treasure. Push the first treasure into the chest. Get rid of the bubble in the way and push the second treasure towards the right. Focus on bonuses and continue to push bubbles into enemies to get further bonuses. Once you’re low on bubbles, head to the top and pop any more bubbles in the way before pushing the second treasure into the chest.

Level 3

Ensure you have there bubbles lined up in a row on the left side of the chest, then go upwards and pop the bubble which is located between the two rocks. Then, push the right boulder along to the right wall, and then head down and push the first treasure into the chest. Nerxt, pop the bubbles which are left between yourself and the second treasure, and push it close to the chest. Complete the bonuses and defeat the enemies as normal, and then push the second treasure into the chest.

Level 4

As long as there are no glitches on this level, this is easy! Just move the treasure along to the right, then down and right. Push it down from above. Then go to the bubble and push it upwards, and go around the boulder. The rest of the level is easy.

Level 5

An easy level! Push the first treasure into the chest, defeat the enemies, and push the second treasure in at the end.

Level 6

This level is a little trickier, but if you line up the bubbles correctly you won’t have a problem.

From the beginning of the level, go down, get rid of the bubble, and push the dark blue one down, before popping the bubble to your right. Get three bubbles lined up on the right hand side of the chest, ensuring the top one is light blue so it can be popped. Push the first treasure over this and into the chest.

Then the second treasure is much more simple. Line up bubbles so there is a line across them. Go up the screen and get rid of the bubbles around the treasure. Push it down, to the left, and down so it’s resting on top of the row of bubbles and is near the chest. Once you’ve defeated all the enemies, push it into the chest.

Level 7

From the beginning of the level, push one bubble underneath the chest. Push both treasures towards the left, so that there is a bubble that can catch the first treasure as well as a rock to catch the second. Push the first treasure in and position the second treasure, then go after enemies and bonuses before pushing the final treasure in at the end of the level.

Level 8

Try to avoid the enemy if possible! Follow the path around until you reach the three bubbles that look like a backwards 7. Pop the first two and then push the third bubble up to the right wall. Push the boulder down. Go backwards and then push the boulder into the right wall, before going and pushing the treasure to the right of the screen, on the left of the bubble. Follow the path so that you go back underneath the treasure and push it upwards, then you can follow it over the bubble. Pop the bubble and push the treasure from below, and you can then push the treasure in.

Level 9

First, clear any bubbles under the dark blue bubble. Get rid of the bubbles that surround the first treasure, and push it up, right, up and right so it can go into the chest. You can then push the second treasure down from above. Defeat any enemies then finally push the second treasure in.

Level 10

First go up the screen and right to the first treasure, getting rid of any bubbles (not the dark blue ones) that are in the way. Push the dark blue bubble down first before moving the treasure. Then you can push the treasure left and down. Get rid of any bubbles in the way, push the treasure so it’s close to the chest, and then pop any more bubbles and defeat enemies floating around before completing the level.

Level 11

This is simple! Get rid of any bubbles along the level, and then you can put the treasure straight into the chest.

Level 12

Pop any bubbles that lie between the first treasure and the chest and then push it in. Pop any of the bubbles that are around the second treasure and push it so it is on top of the chest. Defeat any enemies, come back and push the treasure into the chest.

Level 13

There are three treasures on this level, for the first time! Firstly, you can push the rock down the screen and pop any bubbles that sit between the 1st treasure and the chest, and put the treasure into the box. The same can be applied to the second treasure, on its right. Continue to defeat enemies and pop bubbles, collecting any bonuses along the way, before pushing the third treasure into the chest.

Level 14

Head to the top of the screen, pop the furthest right balloon and push the boulder along to the right. Then push the first treasure you encounter down so it’s sitting on top of the second treasure. Continue to push the first bubble right and down into the chest. Return back to killing enemies and collecting bonuses, then return and push the second treasure and the third treasure into the chest.

Level 15

This level is slightly trickier than some of the recent ones. First, push the second boulder (the one that is further right on the screen) to the right. Return to the furthest left boulder (to be referred to as the first boulder) and push it up. Then go around it onto its left hand side so you can push it to the right. Push it down and then right so it is next to the other boulder.

Go to the treasure. Push it right. Go around it so that you’re above it, and push it down. Push it right so it is against the boulders.

Next go fully around the backward L so you are below the boulders. Push the boulder up, right, and up (so it is at the top of the square). Return back to the treasure and push it up, right, then up. Go around the backwards L (but from the other way) so you can get to its right hand side. Now you can push it from here into the chest!

Level 16

This level is easy. Just push the closest treasures in carefully, making sure that you don’t block access to the chest. There’s one in the bottom left of the screen. Here, you can push it right, up, right, down and then it’s easy from there.

Level 17

Be very careful on this level – it is easy to make a mistake!

You will see first of all a group of four rocks. Push one of these against the right hand wall, then push it up the screen (so it’s in the top right corner). Do this again with two more boulders. Return to the left hand side to the group of boulders there. Don’t touch the rock between the two fins. Push one boulder to the right, up, then left, so it’s against the top single piece of debris. Do the same to another rock, so it’s next to it. Go around it and push this second one down (so it’s next to the rock you left alone). Do the same with another rock (right, up, left then down – so you have a backwards L with three rocks there). Push it right so it’s against the line of rocks on the far right wall. Push another one too in the same manner. Finally, push the rock out of the way from on top of the treasure, and then push the treasure right and into the chest.

Level 18

On this level you will see a bubble against the top debris. Push it right and then to the bottom (into the right hand corner). Push the bubble that is by the bottom debris against it. Push another against the right hand wall. Then push another bubble up to this one and push it down, and do this twice more until you have four bubbles in a vertical line. You also should have with this layout two bubbles to the right of the top left debris so the treasure can be caught (see diagram below) – Push the treasure appropriately bouncing against the bubbles until you get around to the chest, one at a time so they don’t get blocked.

If you get stuck, watch a video on this one, as this level is quite confusing.pic diagram level 18Level 19

Level 19 is very difficult and it is best to watch a video on this. There are also many enemies that appear during this level.

Level 20

There’s no treasure on this level – all you have to do is kill monsters and collect any bonus bubbles that appear!

Neopets Raiders of Maraqua Glitches

Unfortunately, Raiders of Maraqua is one of the games that is very buggy on Neopets. Therefore, through your game play of it, you may experience a number of glitches or problems that makes it difficult to play the game. At times, these glitches can even make it impossible to finish a level.

For example, sometimes you may come across a moment where bubbles that you need in order to finish the level are destroyed, sometimes through no fault of your own. A way of getting around this is to keep defeating enemies and waiting for a Slug Monster to arrive, which will form bubbles through the game again. This requires some patience, but usually works out fine.

One programming error, however, can make a level completely impossible to complete. This can happen through no fault of you own, and even without interference from an enemy. This is when a bonus item (e.g. a small gold piece) appears in a place which makes it impossible for you to push bubbles, rocks, or treasures and therefore makes the game unwinnable. The most common places this arises, due to the format of certain levels and the limited passageways, is in levels 4, 8, 11, 14 and also 18.

There are a number of other glitches that may happen during the course of this game. This includes bubbles which can’t be moved or pushed in any way. Unfortunately, there is no way of getting around this problem, apart from sometimes restarting the level, otherwise you will have to quit the game.

Other glitches may occur involving the treasure chest. For example, treasures sometimes can’t be dropped on a chest and pass straight through the chest. Other times, there are 2 or more chests that appear through the level. Although often these can just be graphical problems and cause no effect to the overall gameplay, at other times these cause the entire game to be unwinnable due to their placement or due to the inability to interact with them. This therefore can result in the loss of the game and of any high score you are trying to achieve.

Neopets Raiders of Maraqua Avatar

In order to get the Raiders of Maraqua Avatar, you need to get 800 points. Keeping in mind that the base game has 415 points in total, and that you can get bonus points throughout the game from gold pieces and from transparent bubbles, with the use of this guide it should be possible to get the full 800 points. Keep practicing!

Neopets The Castle of Eliv Thade

The Castle of Eliv Thade is a Neopets puzzle game which involves solving puzzles in the form of anagrams in order to proceed. It is a point and click where you have to try and reach the end of the game without losing all of your lives. In The Castle of Eliv Thade, you are awarded points depending on how quickly you move and what letter words of the anagrams you chose to solve.

Castle of Eliv Thade

The Castle of Eliv Thade: Introduction

A long time ago there was a Kacheek named Eliv Thade, whose fixation on riddles and enigmas was surpassed only by his aptitude in solving them. He died with the knowledge of there being one riddle he could never tackle, and so to this day this continues to frequent the castle in which he once lived.

While lost in the Haunted Woods one dark and stormy night, an Usul called Gilly takes cover in the disintegrating old stronghold. However, in order to leave this place, she has a crazy, riddle-loving apparition to battle with…

The Castle of Eliv Thade: Game Play

Castle of Eliv ThadeIn the game The Castle of Eliv Thade, your task is to guide Gilly as she investigates the estate. If you click on a story tile positioned within the three tiles surrounding Gilly, this will make Thade show up with a re-arranged word to be solved in order to reach the end of the game.

This anagram that you receive is different depending on the level of difficulty that is selected at the beginning of the game, as well as the amount of tiles you’re attempting to move. For example, if you’re on the easy setting (Scaredy Cat), then if you want to move one tile you’ll need to solve a 4-letter word; moving two tiles will mean you need to rearrange a 5-letter word; and moving three files means you’ll need to rearrange a 6-letter word. In comparison, on the hard level (called Super Brave), you’ll get given 5 letter words to move one tile, 6 letter words for two tiles, and 7 letter words for three tiles, which utilises a more difficult set of vocabulary.

The end goal in The Castle of Eliv Thade is to explore all four of the castle’s rooms. In each of these is an item which you need to collect.

When you start the game you’ll see that the rooms look slightly greyed out. They will turn to full colour once you’ve explored them and finished the level. Finally, after you’ve collected the four objects from their respective rooms, you can go to the crypt located in the lower right side of the screen in order to receive one last anagram. This will be 7 letters on Easy and 8 letters on Difficult. This is the end of the game.

(If you’re looking to play the game quickly, there is a secret route from the library that is in the top right of the screen straight into the crypt – see the Neopets The Castle of Eliv Thade Cheats section below for more information.)

You are given three lives from the start of the game. On the occasion that you give a wrong response for a re-arranged word during the course of any of the levels, you lose a life.

You can likewise lose one of your lives if you land on one of the broken tiles; the chance of them breaking is 50%. Therefore, you should avoid stepping on these whenever possible. To pass these broken tiles, move to the tile that is directly beside it, then once you’ve answered that anagram select the tile on the opposite side of the split ones.

DID YOU KNOW…. The Castle of Eliv Thade is also an anagram! Rearranged, it spells ‘The Castle of Evil Death’.

The Castle of Eliv Thade: Scoring

To win points, you must answer the anagrams correctly. You must also collect all of the items in the rooms. The amount of points awarded per move depends firstly on the difficulty level you’re playing – whether it’s easy (Scaredy Cat) or hard (Super Brave) – and the amount of tiles you’re trying to move in one turn.

If you are trying to achieve a high score or an avatar, you should aim to play on the hard setting. For every answer you give, you’ll be awarded nearly double the amount you would have been awarded in easy. Additionally, the anagrams you are given will only be slightly more difficult to solve.

For every 1 tile you move in a turn and anagram solved, you will get 1 point added to your score in Easy; you will get 2 points in Hard.

For every 2 tiles you move in a turn and anagram solved, you will get 3 points added to your score in Easy; you will get 5 points in Hard.

For every 3 tiles you move in a turn and anagram solved, you will get 6 points added to your score in Easy; you will get 10 points in Hard.

For every item you collect, you’ll get 50 points. You will need to collect all four items in order to send your final score to Neopets; therefore, the score of 200 points total is easy to score.

Additionally, if you beat the game you’ll get a whooping 350 points for beating the game, which is 150 points for answering the last anagram, 50 to enter the crypt area, and 150 extra when you send the score. (You’ll get these points added automatically when you send your score, so don’t worry if you don’t see them at first).

There are several strategic methods for getting the highest score possible through this game format so that you can get the avatar with 1200 points or so you can get even higher for a trophy. You can also use the Hint button to help you get the highest score possible, although this has a limited use; see below for more details.

Castle of Eliv Thade


Neopets the Castle of Eliv Thade will give you the opportunity to control a character, named Gilly, which is a Kacheek and you will have to step in an old castle. In order to do that, you will have to click on any square on the ground. The maximum tiles you can move by is three, and you will be awarded with more points than if you decide to move by two or by one tile. The reason for that is because the anagrams will be longer then, thus raising the chance of you making a mistake. You will also have the choice of choosing the difficulty of your choice. The easy difficulty will give you, upon moving by one tile, a four lettered anagram. Moving by two tiles will result in a 5 letter anagram and finally, three tiles will result in a 6 letter long anagram. The second difficulty is the hard one. If you pick that difficulty and decide to move with the Kacheek by one til, you will be given a five lettered anagram. Two tiles will result in a six lettered anagram and the maximum move, meaning three tiles will result in a seven lettered anagram. You will see a lot of Neopet’s related names, along with dictionary names. If you think that you will not be able to play this game, there are good news for you in the Neopets the Castle of Eliv Thade Strategy & Cheats section at the end. Note that it is recommended that you play in hard mode if you are going after a high score or after a trophy, because of the 7 lettered words. Making a wrong answer will result in a life loss. You have a total of three lives during the game. Also, if you step on a cracked tile ( on the ground ) you can also lose a life. It has fifty percent chance of cracking though, so you can be lucky and not fall in it. Try to avoid playing with luck and move by three tiles when you see a floor that is fragile.

The castle contain four rooms, where your main objective will be to visit all of them and pick up the items you will find inside. When you will have collected all of these items, you will be able to take the crypt at the right of the screen to finish the game. This one will give you the hardest anagram to complete, meaning a eighth letter one on hard (7 letters if you’re playing on easy mode). After completing that last anagram, the game will end. If you are going after points, keep moving forward and backward to avoid finishing the game quickly and thus getting more points. There is a secret path though, that is located on the top right of the screen to access the crypt. You will always be able to use a cheat that will get you all the anagrams solved in no time, with no efforts, and it can be found below in the cheats section. If you do not want to cheat, though, and want to complete the anagrams by yourself there will be also few strategies offered to you. Don’t waste your hints for nothing though, only use them when you really need them. Below will also be a cheat code for you to use, for an extra hint! The items that will be offered for you to take from the rooms are respectively the Grimoire of Thade, the Sword of Skardsen, the Amulet of Thilg and finally, the Shield of Pion Troect.

Castle of Eliv Thade

Score & Points

First of all, you will have to know that points are based on the difficulty you are currently on. If you do not want to waste a high amount of time on this game when going after the avatar, a high score or for a trophy, you are better using the hardest difficulty unless the waste of time is not a problem for you. The hardest difficulty, meaning Super Brave, will give you almost the double of the points you would have gotten for the easy difficulty, but the anagrams will be, obviously, more complicated. It is not a problem though, we can provide cheats that will get you the score of your choice! Now, get to know your points.

If you decide to move by one tile during the easy difficulty, you will be awarded with a total of one point, and by two points on the Super Brave difficulty (hard). Two tiles on easy will grant you three points on easy and five points on Hard difficulty. Finally, if you decide to move by the maximum amount of tiles, meaning by three, you will be awarded by a total of six points on the easy difficulty and by ten points for the hardest one. The points scoring system is the reason that we recommend you using the hardest difficulty if you’re going after a high score because you will also have less chance of losing lives (because each one gives you more points).

Basically, as you already know, you will have to get all of the items mentioned before, before you are able to enter the crypt and send your score. Each of these items will give you a total of 50 points, meaning 200 total. If you successfully master and beat the game, you will be given 350 points. These points are divided by categories, meaning 50 for entering the crypt, 150 for solving the crypt anagram, and finally you will receive a 150 point bonus when you send your score. You will not see these points (150) on your total score, you will only be able to receive them when you successfully send in your score. That means you will be given a hell lot of points, so be grateful that this game is easier that you might think!

Moving forward and backward is the key for those who are going after a super high score, the avatar, or after a trophy. Using this method will give you the amount of points you are looking for. You can get unlimited points, too but your score is likely to never get accepted. TNT will only review and accept scores that are near 5,000 points. A total of 850 points minimum will be needed before you enter the crypt if you’re going after the avatar. That means a total of 650 points must come from anagrams, because the items alone will give you 200 points freely.

Castle of Eliv Thade

Neopets the Castle of Eliv Thade Strategy

All strategies are good. A good one is to solve the anagrams by looking, firstly at the ending of the words and at their prefixes plus suffixes. Go after common words and you should be fine. It is not guaranteed that you will also come up with the correct word, but most of them will be guessed correctly. Note that this game is in English only, so you will not be able to use a different one to get other words. Look at words that end by ing, er, ed and similar endings because many of the will have an ending with those letters. Typing “rehaxtint” will give you another hint for you to use

Finally, as mentioned above, there is a trick that will let you solve almost any of the anagrams, and it is by using a program, named the anagram solver. All you will have to do is to select the hard (or easy) difficulty, and everytime you get an anagram, you simply copy and paste the words in the anagram solver, then it will magically give you the correct word. To get the anagram solver, simply go on Google and type in:
“the Castle of Eliv Thade Anagram Solver” and voila, many will be offered for you to use at absolutely no cost. It is free and will get you any score. Remember to stay near the 5,000 mark because otherwise, TNT will not accept your score.

Neopets The Castle of Eliv Thade Cheats

  • If you are looking to get a score that’s good enough to get you an avatar or even a trophy, then you need to play the game in a slightly more strategic way. You’ll need to first collect all four of the items, and then come back to the first hallway, positioned on the lower half of the screen. This hallway leads straight to the crypt, but don’t worry about this for now. Instead, focus on walking around this hallway back and forth. In this safe area, you can get extra points added to your score without concern for cracked tiles. The avatar is 1200 points; therefore, all you need to do is get 850 points by the time you enter the crypt (because you’ll get 350 points at the end on finishing the game)
  • There is a hint button if you are having extra difficulty rearranging any particular word. This will help you to see the first letter of this word. If you are having extra difficulty with any given word, by pressing the hint button repeatedly you can spell out the world one letter at a time. You will only have three hints at the beginning of the game. However, as you progress through the rooms, you will get one more hint for every room that you enter. Therefore, you can get up to seven hints in total by the end.
  • This last point in regards to having 7 hints can be extremely helpful if you spend a lot of the time getting extra bonus points up to the score of 850 for the avatar, but then you’re completely flummoxed by the final anagram in the crypt! If you did happen to keep all 7 of the hints for whatever reason, this would give you a fullproof way of solving the final anagram. However, this depends on your game play and how you proceed through the levels to whether you have any hints left by the end.
  • An extra hint can be received through a secret cheat code! Use the code ‘rehaxtint’ whilst you’re playing the game to get this hint. If you want to use this code to get an extra hint while you’re in the middle of rearranging a word, click on the outside of the text field used to answer the anagram before typing your code.

Solving the anagrams

  • One great way of solving anagrams is to look for common prefixes and suffixes. In The Castle of Eliv Thade – as well as in other games! – common prefixes you’ll find include un- and re-. Common suffixes you will come across in the course of the game include -ing, -ed, -e and -ly; additionally, if you see a letter ‘y’ in an anagram, it’s best to start from the basis that this will be at the end of the word! This is very common.
  • Another great tip is to look for common arrangements that you’ll find in words. One surprising example of this if you haven’t solved anagrams before is that it’s very common for there to be double letters in words. This is where you’ll have two of the same letter next to each other (for example, as seen in common, letter, and rearrange). Therefore, it might help in your game play if you take this as your starting point and look at putting identical consonants next to each other first of all, if you have two or more of the same letter appear in an anagram, in order to decipher the anagrams in front of you.
  • If you see the letter h, there are quite a few common consonant arrangements that go with this, such as gh, th, sh and ch. So try these consonant combinations in order to maximise your chances of solving the anagrams.
  • Often when you are playing, particularly if you’re on the hard setting, you will come across words that aren’t ‘real words’. These will be words that are only see on Neopets and that refer to something on Neopia. There are several resources you can use in order to decipher these, such as Neopets dictionaries floating around the Internet. JellyNeo have helpfully made an Eliv Thade anagram solver for Neopets words. This can help you get through the harder words where you’re stumped on answering them.
  • Additionally to this anagram finder, you can use the following one to solve the other non-Neopian ones: If you’re playing through the game using only anagram finders, it may be best to start with the Neopets one (particularly if you’re playing the harder setting) then move onto the general one if you have no luck with this one.

Miscellaneous Cheats and Tips

  • Wherever possible, try to avoid the broken tiles when you can. 50% chance isn’t that great of a chance when you’re trying to make it to the end of the game!
  • If you’d like to avoid cracked tiles wherever possible, there is a hallway at the bottom of the game which you can walk along in order to avoid them.
  • You can find two secret passages in the game. These can be found by clicking on the hidden tiles between the room you’re in and the room you want to go to. For where these hidden passages can be found and how to get through to the other side, see the guide here to help you out: – remember, you’ll have to answer an anagram on each of these spaces in order to get through. Also, you cannot enter the Crypt until you’ve collected the items from the other four rooms.

The Castle of Eliv Thade: Avatars and Trophies

You will need to achieve at least 1200 points in order to get the Eliv Thade avatar.

If you’re starting late in a month, you should aim at least 4x this amount in order to get a trophy (although it’s always best to aim for trophies at the beginning of the calendar month).

As a single circuit around the whole Castle of Eliv Thade will only get you around 500-600 points, you’ll therefore need to backtrack a lot and play over old ground for a long time in order to get a high score. However, this shouldn’t be a problem if you’re using anagram finders and if you don’t lose all your lives; it just takes time! Remember, play on hard if you’re aiming for a trophy or avatar, as those extra points count!

Neopets Scourge of the Lab Jellies

Neopets Scourge of the Lab Jellies is a puzzle game where you have a large grid that fills with multiplying jellies. You need to match them in rows to destroy them before they overwhelm the grid. If you earn a high score in Scourge of the Lab Jellies, you might earn a trophy.

Scourge of the Lab Jellies

How to Play Scourge of the Lab Jellies

There is no end to this game, so the only objective you have is to get points and keep the game going as long as possible. You start the game with a few jellies on the screen. You click on a jelly and then on an empty space to move that jelly to that spot. If you put five or more jellies of the same colour in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), they will explode, and you will be awarded points: 50 points for the five, plus another 20 points for each extra jelly that was in the same combo.

Now, you might be thinking, “This is easy!” But every time you move a jelly, three new jellies appear somewhere on the grid. That’s why it’s impossible to finish the game: it’s literally impossible to clear all of the jellies.

Also, jellies can’t always go where you want them to go. For instance, take a look at the image above. There’s a vertical line of jellies spanning from the top of the grid down to the bottom. A jelly left of that line can’t go to the right side of the line, and vice versa. The more jellies you have on your screen, the harder it is to clear the jellies, so the screen will just get more full, and more full… until it’s full and you lose.

The further you are in the game, the more types of jellies there are. When you begin a game, there are only four types of jellies; later on, there will be at least ten.

Special Pieces

There are three things that, like jellies, will appear on the board randomly after you make a move. They don’t show up as often as the regular jellies, but you’ll still see them nearly every game.

guide_labjellies_03-7692134The Rainbow Jelly looks like this, except it changes colour rapidly. This jelly can be used to a complete a combo with any regular type of jelly. Just line up four regular jellies (yellow, red, blue, it doesn’t matter), and then put this next to them too, and they’ll all explode. This jelly will always give forty points when it explodes, unlike regular jellies.

guide_labjellies_01-5672875The bomb, like a normal bomb, explodes. The number at the bottom right corner of the bomb tells you how many turns there will be before it explodes. When it explodes, every jelly within three squares of it (only the ones in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines with it, though) will explode. Bombs can give you quite a few points – up to 370 points.

guide_labjellies_02-6354721Stones are permanent objects that appear on the grid. Once it shows up, it’s not going away unless it’s caught in a bomb blast. It’s the only thing in the game that can’t help you in any way; it just served to impede your progress.

Scourge of the Lab Jellies Strategy

So in order to get a high score, you need to explode your jellies often enough that the grid doesn’t fill up so quickly. Well, what you should do is explode as many jellies as possible in the fewest turns, so the game can last longer, and you can continue to score points.

At the beginning of the game, you should focus on making rows of five, and try as much as possible to keep the jellies filling up too much of the petri dish. Basically, you should take jelly from large groups of mismatched ones to form rows, rather than the jellies that are standing alone by themselves. You should also try to make rows from jellies that have already begun to form lines by the way they’ve appeared on the petri dish, so that it will take fewer moves to make an exploding line.

When the jellies are present on about a third of the grid, you should continue to make rows and try to keep the jellies from creating “road blocks.” Road blocks are rows of non-matching jellies that prevent the jellies from going where you need them to go. You can try to avoid this by exploding jellies near the center of the petri dish, to have the maximum amount of unobstructed movement.

Neopets Scourge of the Lab Jellies Cheats

-Type ‘boomshaketheroom’ while playing to make extra bombs appear after your move.