Neopets Castle Battles

Neopets Castle Battles is a very simple game where you will be playing as a young King Hangan, and your main objective will be to destroy your enemy, young King Skarl’s castle in order to succeed. You will have to destroy his castle in order to grab his treasure before he is able to get yours. Your castle will progress into being more solid the more you go forward in the game. Don’t forget that your opponent’s castle will also get more resistant. If you destroy it, however, before you take the treasure you will be awarded with extra points.


Castle Battles Gameplay & Controls

Use the left mouse button, at the start of the game, to select the castle design you are looking forward. After that use your mouse cursor to drag the golden chest in a location of your choice. Keep in mind that you will have to hide it from your enemy, because once it is successfully hit, you will lose the game. For that reason, you might want to think twice before choosing.

During the game, you will have to use the arrow keys that are located on your keyboard, meaning the left, right, up and down keys. These will be required to select the direction of the fireball to successfully hit Skarl’s Castle. Also, whenever you will fire, you will be able to control the fireball even though it will be in the air. Finally, you can use the space bar to charge the power bar when you are ready to fire.

In Neopets Castle Battles, you will be facing many levels. Each one will be presented with a new castle design. The more you complete levels, the more resistant the castle of your enemy will be. Note that you will also be able to unlock new castles, which means that you might not get a really good score within your first try. You will want to advance in the game to get more points, thus leading to get more resistant castles and more points. Now that you are ready to battle, you will see your castle along with the one of your enemy, meaning baby Skarl’s castle. Somewhere inside of that castle, just like yours, is a treasure chest that you will have to aim at to successfully complete the current level. To do so, you will have to fire cannonballs. It will not be easy during the first round, because the chest will be hidden. So what you have to do is to start destroying the castle or to find it, or to be extremely lucky. You will only have to knock that chest once to be victorious for the current level, but be aware that you will lose the level if Skarl knocks your golden chest. For this reason, you will need a better castle that can be obtained the further you advance in the game.

Castle Battles Scores & Points

During the game, there will be many things that you can hit to get more points. The first ones are the flags, that can be found on or near Skarl’s castle. If you manage to knock the red or blue flags, you will get a total bonus of 10 points when the level ends. If you are able to knock off the golden flag, you will then be granted a total of 12 points when your turn ends along with a bonus power up. The next things that can give you points are the blocks. When you successfully knock these off from Skarl’s castle, you will get points after every turn. The points you will get are not determinable because they will depend on how much the block gets displaced. However, completely knocking one off will get you 7 points, which means that this is the maximum. When you finish the level, you will also be awarded with more points for the total damage you will have done to Skarl’s castle. The last thing and the most important one is the treasure chest. If you are successfully able to knock it off the square that is colored, you will earn a total of 50 points when the level end. If you are able to knock it during your first shot, a 10 point bonus will be awarded to you.

As seen before, you will be able to hit a golden flag. Now, you might want to get more information about it. Its location is unknown, but hitting it will be what you should be looking after. It will give you more points along with a power up that can be used during your next times you will fire. Whenever you shoot, the bonus will make your fireball much more larger than normal, which will result in you doing more damage to your opponent and getting more points. You will also be able to demolish Skarl’s castle much more faster to knock off his treasure chest. It will almost one hundred percent guarantee that you will be able to hit something to get more points when you have that bonus. Make sure you do not think this is the suppercannonball cheat that will be described in the cheats section, because that cannonball is a completely different one.

Castle Battles Strategy & Cheats

Basically, in this game, you can make up the strategy you want. There are few that can be provided and later you will see a guide given accordingly to each of the castles. Once per game, type “supercannonball” to get a giant cannonball, which will demolish almost all the castle of your opponent and it will be very strong, resulting in serious damage. One fire will be sufficient to destroy all the castle of your opponent, or almost, if you are able to aim with decent skills. The intelligence of your opponent, Skarl, will vary depending the level your currently at. During the first level, he will almost be “blind”, meaning that even if you put your chest in a visible place, he will not go after it in the most part. For that reason, try to demolish all of his castle to get the maximum possible points before hitting his treasure chest. You will be able to get over a hundred points if you do this. Always choose a more resistant castle, but to do so you will have to advance further in the game. You should worry more about the points and less about your castle, because it will be rebuilt once you hit the 1,000 points mark. Put your chest behind blocks to hide it from Skarl when you finish the current level, so that you can minimize the risk of losing the game. Finally, you can fire at the towers with your first shot so that can get the flag down and getting a global idea about the location of the chest. Below is a guide, respectively for each castle for you to follow. There will be also few key words for each block so that you can get better idea of the game language.

The Flag: The only time the flags are useful is when you have one set in front of your golden treasure chest.
The Battlement: Blocks that can be found from the top towers.
The Lintel: These are flat blocks that are near the door block.
Walls: Obviously blocks that will constitute the walls of your respective castle.
Door: The door is not really a door and it is probably easier to go through than an actual wall, but this wooden door is what will be in front of your castle.

Castle Battles

Know your Castles in Castle Battles

The first castle will be made out of three walls, four towers, 2 battlements and 4 flags. It is a basic castle that can break pretty much easily and it is not that resistant. If you have more castles, this is not a recommended choice.

The second castle is a large, green one that has one door, four flags, 4 battlements, 1 lintel and 9 walls. It is a little more resistant than the first one and therefore, more recommended when you first start playing. Because of its higher number of blocks, it is a better choice than the one before.

The third castle hard one door, four flags, 2 battlements, 1 lintel, two towers and 16 walls. It is a recommended castle when you get the good number of points because of the number of blocks it has, concentrated in a small area. Because of this, you should pick it whenever you have the opportunity.

The fourth castle has one door, six walls, four flags, 5 battlements, one lintel and five towers. Even if the walls are not composed of a high number of blocks, the vertical lines contain many, making this castle a good choice to go after.

The fifth castle is made of 15 walls, four flags, four battlements and eighth towers. This castle is the best choice you can actually make. Even if there are seven different castles, this is the one you should go after whenever it is possible. The worst thing that can happen to it is when a cannonball hit the right spot and demolishing it, because it is not that expanded. However, because of the various amount of blocks, horizontally or vertically, this castle takes number one.

The sixth castle is a nice little one that is even smaller than the one above, that has a total of eighth walls, four flags, four battlements and four towers. It is relatively good, but not as the fifth one.

The last castle, number seven, is made out of fifteen walls, two battlements and four flags. It is pretty useless as it is just made by one line and looks like a wall. Only one fire is required to destroy it completely. For that reason, this is not recommended if you’re seriously playing and going after a high score or after a trophy.

Castle Treasure Chest Strategies

For the first level, the treasure chest of Skarl can only be found in one place, in the middle of his castle. This is the easiest level, also because Skarl’s intelligence will be tiny. For that reason, you can get more points by destroying his castle.

During the second level, the treasure chest of your opponent will be able to be found in five different places, meaning behind the door, at the complete left, at the complete right, at the left of the door and at its right. Most of the time, the front right is where the treasure chest is hidden.

When you are playing the third level, try using the “supercannonball” cheat to demolish this castle within the first shot. Even if the treasure chest is located on the middle of it, it is most likely going to take you a good amount of time because the castle itself is concentrated in a small place, meaning it will take more efforts to be destroyed.

The fourth level will also have the treasure chest located on its center, behind the door. Start by knocking out the door so that you can knock the treasure chest easily afterward.

The fifth level is the level that will cause you the more trouble. It is by far the hardest castle you will have to destroy. You will have to know how you’re firing. You do not want to bring some blocks on the treasure, because you will then be really regretting it. The treasure chest will be almost unattainable then.

The sixth level is where the treasure will be the easiest to find. Because the sixth castle is upside down and because the treasure chest of your opponent will be located in the middle of the casstle, you will be able, within one shot, if fired correctly, to make fire it under the castle to knock off the treasure chest and then instantly finish the level.

The seventh level is probably the easiest one if you know what to look after. Put the maximum strength in your fireball and knock off the wall. This way, the blocks will go as far as possible and you will be able to get the treasure chest, after that.

Now that you know everything about the game, go destroy some castles!

Castle Battles

Neopets Faerie Crossword Guide

Neopets Faerie Crossword is a traditional crossword puzzle game.  You are given clues for Neopets-related words and your objective is to complete the Faerie Crossword in under five minutes.  The Faerie Crossword is located in–you guessed it, Faerie City and is run by none other than the Library Faerie.

Neopets Faerie Crossword

How To Play Neopets Faerie Crossword

The Faerie Crossword, brought to you by the ever-so-helpful Library Faerie, is a delightful daily brain teaser in Neopets. Here’s a closer look at how to play:

Getting Started:

  1. Fly to Faerieland: First things first, you’ll need to visit the Library Faerie in Faerieland.
  2. Start the Puzzle: Click on the “Start Today’s Puzzle!” button to begin your crossword adventure. You’ll be presented with a grid and a list of fifteen clues.

Solving the Clues:

  1. Choose a Clue: The clues are numbered and presented in two orientations: “down” (vertical) and “across” (horizontal). You can either:
    • Type the clue number and orientation into the “Active Clue” box (e.g., “1 down”).
    • Click directly on the clue number in the crossword grid, which will automatically fill the “Active Clue” box for you.
  2. Think Carefully: The clues cover a wide range of Neopian knowledge, from famous characters and locations to items, events, and even Neopian lore. Put on your thinking cap!
  3. Enter Your Answer: Once you’ve figured out the answer, type it into the “Word” box. Remember that Neopets is case-sensitive, so double-check your spelling!
  4. Submit: Hit the “Go” button to submit your answer. If it’s correct, the letters will fill in on the crossword grid. If not, don’t worry! You can try again.

Completing the Crossword:

  1. Solve All the Clues: Continue working through the clues until you’ve filled in the entire crossword grid.
  2. Reap Your Rewards: Upon completion, you’ll receive Neopoints based on how quickly you solved the puzzle:
    • Less than 5 minutes: 600 NP
    • 5 to 15 minutes: 400 NP
    • Over 15 minutes: 200 NP
  3. Boost Your Brainpower: There’s also a chance that your active Neopet’s intelligence score will increase after completing the crossword!

Neopets Faerie Crossword Answers & Solutions

The Neopets Faerie Crossword answers are rather easy to find, and test your Neo-knowledge.

Faerie Crossword Prizes

The Faerie Crossword awards neopoint prizes depending on the time in which you complete the puzzle.

Completion Time NP Reward
< 5 minutes 600 NP
 5 – 15 minutes 400 NP
> 15 minutes 200 NP

Occasionally, upon completing the Faerie Crossword, the Library Faerie will also increase your Neopet’s intelligence!

Faerie Crosswords

Faerie Crossword Cheats and Tips

  • Various sources will post daily answers to the Faerie Crossword.  Performing a quick internet search with the current date will pull up the answers and you should have no problem at all completing the puzzle in under 5 minutes
  • The puzzle is generated using the same bank of clues every day.  After playing the puzzle for a while, you will start to notice that the grid reuses clues
  • You can only complete the Faerie Crossword once per day.  The puzzle is reset every night at midnight NST so make sure to complete the puzzle before the end of the day, otherwise the new puzzle will override your current progress

Neopet Faerie Crossword

Good luck puzzling and have fun!

Neopets Fetch! Guide

Fetch! is a very simplistic puzzle game.  Your objective is to navigate the labyrinth Blumaroo through a convoluted maze deep within the Haunted Woods in seek of a spooky item for your master.  But you are also racing against the clock.  Be sure to retrieve the item in the allocated time period or your master will be very displeased…

Neopets Fetch

Neopets Fetch – How to Play

Move your Blumaroo friend through the maze by selecting one of four directions on the “tentacompass”.  Each step you take is subtracted from the total moves allowed which is dependent on the game difficulty you select prior to entering the maze.

The goal of the game is to find the object hidden in the centre of the maze and bring it to the exit in as few steps as possible.

Fetch Items

Your master will demand you retrieve one of the following items:

–          Bloatershrooms

–          Blood Mole Seeds

–          Ergy Paste

–          Faerie Dust

–          Froiler Essence

–          Ghostbeef Essence

–          Grackle Pus

–          Melow Seeds

–          Rotten Peachpas

–          Smellyshroom Essence

–          Sporkle Droppings

–          The Stuff

–          Whomp Berries

Neopets Fetch

The item requested, however, has no impact on your score.

Fetch Scoring

You are awarded a base score for returning the item within the allowed step limit.  For every additional step you have remaining, you earn an extra 0.5 points.

The high score table is cumulative.  Your high score builds with every consecutive win.  Be careful, though!  If you lose, your high score is reset to zero!


The first time you play Fetch!, you will only be presented with the choice of three difficulties: Easy, Medium or Hard.  As your cumulative high score increases, you can sequentially unlock the Fiendish and Insane difficulties.

Fetch neopets

The base score awarded upon completion of the maze increases with the difficulty—but so does the map size!


Map Size

Steps Allowed

Base Score Awarded

Score Needed to Unlock


10 x 10


101 NP



15 x 15


201 NP



20 x 20


501 NP



25 x 25


1501 NP

1 000


30 x 30


2501 NP

2 000

Neopets Fetch Cheats

You will always start at the edge of the maze.  Remember which edge!  The exit to the maze will always be located on the edge opposite to the one on which you started.  Just hope that you are not unlucky and start in a corner, in which case the exit can be on either of the two edges adjacent to the opposite corner.

The item will always be near the middle of the maze.  Keep track of how many steps you have taken in each direction to help keep yourself oriented as you move through the maze.  If you are playing on Hard difficulty (map size 20 x 20), the item should be approximately 10 paces into the maze.


Try to keep an eye on your surroundings and remember what the maze looks like.  Make note of dead ends as you pass them!

If you are going for a trophy/high score and are about to run out of steps: do not finish the game! If you lose, your score is reset and removed from the high score table.  Wait until trophies are awarded before losing and trying again the following day.

Fetch! is a very straightforward game but has a large element of luck.  The point to neopoint ratio is 1:1, so it is not the most profitable game.  But on the plus side, It is not very popular and therefore it is fairly easy to earn yourself a trophy!  Now quit reading this and get back into the maze!  Your master is getting impatient…

Neopets Mystery Pic

Neopets’ Mystery Pic game is a contest of memories long past, extreme focus, and pure angst towards everything in Neopia. However, we here promise you that it is NOT impossible, though sadly quite tedious. With some gained knowledge, learned speed, and much needed perseverance, we can help make the Neopets Mystery Pic game a little less scary, a tad more attainable for the average player, and perhaps get you and many others one of the most coveted trophies in all of Neopia.

Neopets Mystery Pic

Mystery Pic Basics

First off, what is the Mystery Pic game? Twice each week, the Neopets Team will release a zoomed in 150×150 image of something that exists within the Neopets game. This will typically be on a Wednesday and Friday. This can be virtually anything, anywhere, or anyone. However, it’s near impossible at this point to guess just from zoomed in pixels. In fact, it can be quite off putting. Never fear, dear player. Using your preferred image manipulation program, adjust the dimensions to a 12×12. This removes the blurry pixel view, clears our image up, but, as you can see, it’s quite tiny. The 12×12 adjustment is just the typical go to, but, feel free to play around with it. See what works for you, but keep those numbers identical, otherwise it might get a bit too distorted. If that happens, don’t worry your little head. Just adjust back to the base of 150×150, and try again!

Neopets Mystery Pic

Mystery Pic Answer

If, at this point, you can safely determine what this image is, it’s time to submit your answer. Humans do not screen answers, though. Rather, a computer will detect keywords from answers submitted by players, and select those as close to the answer as winners of the contest. You don’t have to be exact, but if you can guarantee your answer, type in the exact answer as shown. However, if you do not know the exact word, be vague. This helps the computer detect your answer more clearly, and increase your chances of being flagged as a winner! Just list the bare minimum. You’ll do just fine! For example, if the pixels are taken from a Blumaroo Steak, type in “blumaroo steak,” without the quotation marks. There’s no need to be specific about where the Blumaroo Steak is from, vague is key!

Neopets Mystery Pic Answer

The Search

However, if you’re like the general population, and that’s perfectly okay, you probably can’t determine the answer from this point. If that’s the case, it’s time for the toughest part, the search. There’s nothing particularly difficult, by comparing the pixels to other images, but it will more than likely be a long and tedious process. A Neopets image database such as Dr. Sloth’s Image Emporium would be best. Be sure to put on your logical person hat on. Look at color patterns. Where would you most likely see this color? Does this small area ring a slight bell in the back of your mind? Be precise in your searching, and be prepared to dedicate some time to this. Again, this will probably take you many times before you find anything remotely resembling something that could be a potential answer. This is normal, and speaks nothing about your abilities in this contest, or lack there of.

Mystery Pic

Mystery Pic Prizes

Of course, once this is all done, what’s even in it for you? Hours of grueling research, comparing image after image, without even a snack break! Worry not, dear player, for even though this contest is almost impossible, the prizes are well worth it. If you are one of the first 250 people to submit a correct answer, congratulations, dear player! You win not only a bronze trophy, but an item exclusive to the contest itself. If you’re one of the first 50 people to submit an answer, you get the item, but also a silver trophy! If you’re one of those first 10 fabled submitters that are correct, an item and a golden trophy for you! But that’s not all! Even if you’re not quick enough to determine, you aren’t without compensation. Everyone who shares a correct answer gets a piece of the 2,000,000 Neopoint pool. Remember, it benefits you to NOT tell anyone the answer! You don’t want to shrink your prize chances or payout, do you?25_bags.gif

Neopets Mystery Pic Cheats

Don’t we all wish there was a magical cheat to get that answer easily and quickly? Alas, there’s no legit way to do as such. It’s best you just put the time and effort in, and learn to GIT GOOD. There’s no instant solution, but that’s what makes this contest so satisfying once you finally and successfully complete this game.


Good luck, dear player!

Neopets Let it Slide

Neopets Let it Slide is one of the many platform scrolling games the Arcade has to offer. Platform scrolling games have been a staple of the video game world. With the introduction of Space Panic in 1980, but popularized by games such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog. It’s no surprise that Neopets Let it Slide is one that falls under this popular genre.

Let it Slide neopets

Let it Slide Basics

Your goal is to control the Snuffy to get through the Ice Cave. Your controls are left and right arrows to maneuverer, and the up arrow to hop. For an extra spring to that hop, simply hold down the up arrow. There are only three levels, and with three lives, it seems easy enough, right? Alas, this game has the infamy of being one of the more difficult games on Neopets, however, you can be the judge of that, can’t you dear player?

Basic controls aside, let’s get into the details of the game. Terror Mountain is known for their icebergs, and I suppose their floating ice platforms. Some have even said they haven’t been touched in eons. That said, when your Snuffy hops upon an iceberg, be careful! They will sink underneath your paws. It cannot support your weight for long periods of time. If you hop upon an ice platform, your paws will sink right through if you aren’t quick enough. They will melt within a short period of time, so make those hops count! Speaking of ice, keep that terrain in mind. You will slide to a stop if you cease to move, be sure to keep the surroundings in mind.

Let it Slide

Points in the game are gained by accumulating green diamond-like gems, which are worth ten points apiece. While the Snuffy starts out with three lives, additional lives in the form of hearts will be found on each level. For each heart found, an additional 50 points will be given. This is a game of speed, for when you finish, any remaining seconds remaining on the timer will be converted into points, with one point to one second. For those playing for the elusive Neopoint, there is a 2.42 point to 1 Neopoint ratio in distribution, with a score of 2420 giving a reward of 1000 Neopoints. And, for those wanting to boost that avatar score, keep stepping. This game awards no such thing.


So, it seems easy enough, right? Just avoiding melting ice, the sinking icebergs, and the sliding about! INCORRECT. There was one tiny thing we forgot to mention. Your Snuffy isn’t alone in this journey. Little petpets, called Gabars, will be seen about your adventure. They are NOT your friends. Rather, armed with snowballs, they want nothing more than to keep you out of the Ice Caves, and probably out of Terror Mountain all together. This is strange, according to our NeoPedia, Gabars adore cuddling and playing with everyone! However, we mustn’t question what’s going on in the game. There is no way to disarm, or disable these little creatures. Do not hop on them on any circumstance. Avoid them at all costs, and dodge those snowballs! They can walk, run, or even fly.

Of course, what is a game without a boss? The Boss Gabar will show up later in the game, and this spunky little fella is about twice the size of a normal one. He will hop up and down, simply time the hop, and run under him. He won’t chase after you, it’s really anticlimactic, just run and never look back!

Environmental Obstacles

Gabars aren’t the only way to lose lives, sadly. We spoke earlier about the floating platforms and icebergs, however, what happens if you aren’t careful enough and manage to melt through or sink?

Water is not a Snuffy’s friend. Being in the water for even a second will result in the loss of a life. Be sure to time your iceberg jumps accordingly, you do not want to end up in the water. In addition, be sure to look before you leap, or slide for that matter! With many ice ramps for sliding, it’s crucial to watch what’s underneath your feet. However, water won’t be seen until level 2, which is good for you! Use level 1 to get acclimated to the game, and to conserve your lives, as well as getting all the gems you can.

Let it Slide neopets

Level 3 introduces the mighty stalagmites. Do not run into them, do not land on them. You will lose a life. However, they’re stationary, and pretty easy to hop over. Your true main concern with these little guys are sliding into them. Just be sure to remain in control of your Snuffy at all given times.


You might be wondering at this point, “Do I have to worry about getting run over by a boulder?” No, but boulders are a part of the game! Simply hop onto a boulder, and let gravity do its work. If gravity needs a boost, simply walk backwards on the boulder to propel the boulder forward. It’ll take a bit of balance, but we have all of the confidence that your Snuffy will do just fine.

Geysers also have an appearance in the game, and in your favor! Simply walk over a geyser, and before you know it, it’ll give you a helpful boost into the air. Use this wisely to get to places that have more gems, or to advance closer to those Ice Caves. Hold down that up arrow for an even larger boost.

It is Neopia, afterall. What would a game be without a handy dandy propeller hat? Not a finished one, I assure you. Simply walk over to one if seen, and prepare to be introduced to the magical world of gliding and flight. Jumps are more controlled with this feature, and helps enable the Snuffy to reach additional gems, but also to avoid pesky Gabars and bodies of water. Use them smartly!

Let it Slide Cheats, Tips, Final Words

All in all, with some time and effort put in, this game can be a lot of fun to play. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even get a trophy if you really get the hang of it. As a kind parting gift before you head into the the freezing land called Terror Mountain, have a helping hand. Type in the word “stalactites” during the game to gain an additional life, and to gain an additional 50 points if that life isn’t lost.


Good luck, dear player!