Neopets Secret Ninja Training School

Neopets Secret Ninja Training School is, as its name says, a secret school where you will want to go if your pet reaches level 250 or higher. If you go there without a level 250 pet or above, Neopets Secret Ninja Training School will give you a message saying “A mysterious door is before you, but you can not read the writing to decide what’s within. You decide to to turn around and go the other direction before something evil comes and hurts you.” This school is also located in Mystery Island and can be accessed to by clicking on the stairs, in front of the bottom of the volcano, near the normal training School.


Accessing the Courses

To pay, as you already know, you will have to bring codestones. This time, Codestones will be quite different and they are not the ones you know. Red Codestones will be required to pay for a course. To obtain Red Codestones, you will have to battle against several challengers in the Battledome, but it can be long until you get one. For that reason, you may want to search through the Shop Wizard to purchase them directly, but they are more pricey and will be located in the 20,000 NP and above range. If you’re lucky, you can also get them from random events. A total of 6 Red Codestones exist in Neopets. Below is a list that will show you their names.

Cui Codestone
Kew Codestone
Mag Codestone
Sho Codestone
Vux Codestone
Zed Codestone


Just like in Mystery Island Training School, for the Secret Ninja Training School, the courses will vary depending on your level.

The Intermediate course type is for Neopets of level 251-259 and will take a Red Codestone to start. 4 hours will be required for successful completion.

Adept course at the Secret School is for Neopets at level 301 to 399 and will take 2 Red Codestones to complete. 6 hours are required for the completion of this course.

Advanced courses are only for Neopets at level 401-499 and will take 8 hours to complete at the price of 3 Red Codestones.

Expert course is available for pets that are level 501-599 and will take 10 hours to complete for a total of 4 Red Codestones.

Master courses are accessed by Neopets of level 601-699, at the cost of 5 Red Codestones for 12 hours.

Grand Master courses will only allow pets that are level 700 and above, at the cost of 6 Red Codestones and a 12 hour wait time.


To start, pick what your pet will be training for (STR, Def, Agility, HP, Level) and start course. Don’t forget that Strength, Defense and Agility  can not go above 2 times the level of your pet, and your HP can not go higher than thrice the level of your pet. When you have the Red Codestone(s), click on the “click here to pay” button after clicking on status.

Secret Ninja Secret Shop

A shop is also located at the Secret Ninja Training School, that can be accessed by clicking on “Ninja Weaponry” located on the top menu. Some of the better BD weapons such as Jade Elixir, Thick Smoke Bomb, Thin Bamboo Staff, etc can be purchased from there.

Finally, in addition to the Shop, you will also find a statue for which you will be able to donate the amount of NP you want. Even if it is not obligated, you will receive some wisdom if you decide to do so. At this time, no reports said to have received something after making a donation to the statue.


Top Neopets BD Weapons

The big question; what weapons should I get? This of course depends on how much NP you are willing to spend. A basic set will typically consist of two multiple use weapons, and one healing item. This could run you less than 500 NP. A top of the line hidden tower or smugglers cove weapon set could run you hundreds of millions, if not billions of NP. An offensive weapon is any that only attacks, and can attack multiple times during a match. Every Battledome set will likely consist of at least two offensive or dual duty weapons, and will act as your main weapons.

Building a Battledome Set – Offensive

An offensive weapon is any that only attacks, and can attack multiple times during a match. Every Battledome set will likely consist of at least two offensive or dual duty weapons, and will act as your main weapons.
Scroll of Ultranova
x4 x4 x3 (9.8 total)
Multiple Use
[Ultra Rare – r96]
Rating: 5 / 5
Scroll of the Fool
x3 x3 x2 x2 (10 total)
Multiple Use
[Very Rare – r93]
Rating: 4 / 5
Scroll of the Wise
x2 x3 x3 x2 (10 total)
Multiple Use
[Ultra Rare – r96]
Rating: 4 / 5
Scroll of the Scholar
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 (10 total)
Multiple Use
[Ultra Rare – r95]
Rating: 4 / 5
Scroll of Knowledge
x2 x2 x2 x3 x2 (11 total)
Multiple Use
[Very Rare – r94]
Rating: 5 / 5
Scroll of Ultranova deals about 9.8 icons of damage due to fractional icons. You can get two of them for less than 50 NP. It’s honestly unbelieveable to me, just a few NP for 9.8 icons! This is the part where I tell you that back in my day, a 10-iconer would have cost many millions of NP…

Scroll of the Fool, Scroll of the Wise, and Scroll of the Scholar should all likely be skipped to be honest. You’re paying about 5-10k for 0.2 more icons. Go straight to Scroll of Knowledge if you can afford it. If you’re looking for more cheap weapons, take a look at some of the newbie dual duty items, or upgrade to something like Hanso Charisma Charm before continuing down. Things get a lot more expensive from here. Welcome to the world of the Battledome.

Yanas Blaster
YB, Y-Blaster, YBlaster
x2 x2.67 x5 x3 (12.67 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 5 / 5
Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting
x3 x3 x1.75 x5 (12.75 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
The blaster was a prize in the Return of Dr. Sloth plot back in 2008, while the sword was a prize in the Faeries Ruin plot back in 2010 / 2011. Get whichever is cheapest. There’s only a difference of 0.08 icons and any price difference because of that isn’t justified. There’s also a big jump in price when moving up to 13 iconers, so this might be a good stage to level off at for a bit, train, save up more NP, etc. There are some good dual duty weapons at this level too. In 2P, watch out for Royal Blue Cape and Sophies Magic Hat.
Altador Cup Throwing Star
x5 x3 x5 (13 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 1 / 5
Bow of Destiny
x5 x5 x3 (13 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
Wand of Reality
x5 x5 x3 (13 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
If you want to pay just a little bit more than a Ylanas Blaster or Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting, you can upgrade to a thirteen iconer. The price is fair I think. The throwing star was a prize in the 2012 Altador Cup while the bow and wand are both prizes for completing NeoQuest II on InSaNe mode. It looks like you can get the wand or bow for a much cheaper price than the star, so go with whichever you can get the cheapest. Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy and Stone Foam Finger are both next in terms of upgrades, and you’ll have to pay nearly double the price of the 13 iconers just to have one extra icon. Or you could look towards some of these dual duty weapons.
Flask of Liquid Fire
x6-10 x2-4 (8-14 total)
Multiple Use
[Very Rare – r94]
Rating: 4 / 5
Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy
x2 x2 x10 (14 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
Stone Foam Finger
x5 x10 (15 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
In 1P, the Flask of Liquid Fire will always do 8 icons. In 2P, if your opponent has an intelligence level greater than 25, it will do 14 icons. I’d say this is one of the better weapons to use in 2P. The intelligence required to hit for the full 14 icons isn’t too much, and the price is a steal. The massive amount of fire icons is harder to block when compared to other icon types. Flask of Liquid Light is a light based version of this. If you want another weapon with a lot of fire icons, Portable Kiln is costly for what it does, and Sword of Reif would be good, but it’s a big jump in cost as well.

14 or 15 icons for a little under 2 million is really good. Compare that to Kelpbeards Trident or the anagram swords where you’re getting 1.25 to 9 more icons but paying 7 million more. The bath buddy stocks in the Hidden Tower, so its price will remain fairly consistent until it decides to retire. The foam finger was a prize in the 2013 Altador Cup. If you use the foam finger in 2P, look out for Altadorian Swordbreaker.

Glittery Faerie Dust
x15 or x15 or x15 or x15 or
Multiple Use
x15 or x15 or x15 (15 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 3 / 5
This will always do 15 icons, but it’s random which icon type it uses each turn. This weapon is intended to keep your opponent on their toes in 2P battles because it’s rather difficult to block. I think the best bet against this would be to use a weapon that defends a wide range of icons, such as Ghostkershield, Faerie Tabard, or Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield and hope you get lucky and end up defending a chunk of it. Another option would be to simply overpower your opponent with something along the line of the anagram swords and hope they lose before you do. All of the anagram swords will do a minimum of 15 icons of each of these types, except a pure physical sword, but you’re getting physical with all of the swords anyway.
Ultra Bubble Gun
x5-10 x0-5 x5 (10-20 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 1 / 5
Skarls Hasty Mace
x5-11 x8-18 (13-29 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
Kelpbeards Trident
x5 x11.25-19 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 5 / 5
These are the last few items before you get to the anagram swords. I don’t think too many people use an Ultra Bubble Gun nowadays. It’s the same price as Skarls Hasty Mace, but the mace performs much better. Get the mace and skip the bubble gun if you can help it.

Kelpbeards Trident is a real stepping stone in the Battledome. It does the same amount of icons as the aforementioned anagram swords and I feel like it signifies that you’ve come a long way and are serious about battling. Obviously because of all the water icons, Faerie Tabard is the biggest threat to the trident, and as a result this isn’t the best option for 2P. Any of the water reflectors are also a good choice against this. This is cheaper than any of the anagram swords and is an excellent choice for 1P.

Sword of Ari
SoA, SoAri, Sword of Air
x15 x1.25-9 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 5 / 5
Sword of Skardsen
SoS, SoSkardsen, Sword of Darkness
x15 x1.25-9 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 3 / 5
Sword of Thare
SoT, SoThare, Sword of Earth
x15 x1.25-9 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
Sword of Reif
SoR, SoReif, Sword of Fire
x15 x1.25-9 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 5 / 5
Sword of Thigl
SoT, SoThigl, Sword of Light
x15 x1.25-9 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 2 / 5
Sword of Tawre
SoT, SoTawre, Sword of Water
x1.25-9 x15 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 1 / 5
The anagram swords are a staple of the Battledome. All of these swords can be purchased from the Hidden Tower, or possibly on the Mystery Island Trading Post and Neopian Auction House for a little cheaper.

Ari / Air: This is essentially for use in 2P battles mainly, as air is generally harder to block. Look out for these full air blockers and air reflectors though. Alien Aisha Scrambler and Jhudoras Wand, although rare, are both possible threats as well. The other big shields will take a small amount out of this too. Ghostkersword would be an upgrade to this.

Skardsen / Darkness: I believe this is the cheapest of the anagram swords because it’s the one that’s been out for the longest. A lot of people got rid of these after weapons like Ghostkershield and Hanso Charisma Charm became the norm for people’s sets. Believe me, there’s nothing worse than using two of these and getting most all of it blocked from a Ghostkershield. Still, if you can find one for cheap then it’s right up there with Kelpbeards Trident for 1P. Go with Ari or Reif if you’re interested in 2P.

Thare / Earth: Earth isn’t necessarily a rare icon to see, but it is rare to see so much of it in a multi-use weapon. The attack pea family has quite a lot of earth in it. Look out for Illusens Silver Shield, Shield of Pion Troect, Pirate Captains Hat, Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie, and any of the earth reflectors and Kings Lens.

Reif / Fire: Much like the Sword of Ari, this is primarily for use in 2P battles since the fire is generally harder to block when compared to other icons. Take a look at the Frozen Cyodrake Shield or these fire reflectors for help with countering it. Faerie Tabard takes a slight amount out of this too. Rod of Dark Nova is another option, although it’s ridiculously expensive. Additionally, I can’t think of any other weapons that attacks with as much fire as this. If I had to choose one anagram sword to use, it would probably be this one.

Thigl / Light: This isn’t something you would likely use in 2P, as there are a number of full light blockers. You should also be on the lookout for light reflectors, especially Superior Reflection Shield. Although less common, Skarls Sword, Jhudoras Bewitched Ring, Jhudoras Wand, and Kings Lens would hurt this too. Sword of White Lies would be the upgrade of this.

Tawre / Water: I’m sorry, but, I just can’t stand this weapon. Compare this to Kelpbeards Trident… This does very similar icons, but you’re paying two million NP more? It’s a trap! Uh, anyway, check out the Faerie Tabard and these water reflectors for ways to counter this and the trident.

Then there is all that physical. If you think your opponent is going to be using some anagram swords, might I suggest using something like an Altadorian Swordbreaker. It can be a good way to feel out your opponent’s attack if you’re not sure which swords they are going to be using.

I must talk about the Fan of Swords as well. It’s a newly released Hidden Tower weapon that will usually, but not always, beat any of these swords head to head. It’s on par with the anagram swords and is another option if you’re more into dual duty weapons, or just don’t like any of these swords.

Pirate Captains Cutlass
x6.25-14 x5 x5 (16.25-24 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 2 / 5
The Pirate Captains Cutlass does the same amount of icons as any of the anagram swords, but costs many millions more. Why consider this then? It’s for 2P battles. This is slightly harder to defend against because it has a little more icon diversity. Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, Shield of Faerieland, and Ghostkershield all take a good chunk out of this still, but perhaps not as much as they would a Sword of Ari or Sword of Thigl.
G-Sword, GSword
x8-23 x3 x5 (16-31 total)
Multiple Use
[Retired – r180]
Rating: 3 / 5
Sword of White Lies
x3 x8-23 x5 (16-31 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
It can be difficult to find an upgrade to an anagram sword, especially one that doesn’t cost hundreds of millions of NP. There aren’t too many items that fit right in between the anagram swords and the attack pea family gap, but fortunately these two swords do.

An upgraded version of Sword of Ari, the Ghostkersword is one of the few weapons that is a little better than the anagram swords. I would say Shield of Faerieland, Triple Turbo Dryer, Jhudoras Wand, and Alien Aisha Scrambler are the biggest threats to this weapon.

An upgraded version of Sword of Thigl, the Sword of White Lies is one of the other few weapons better than the anagram swords. There are many, many ways to block light in Neopia, including this list of full light blockers, Skarls Sword, Jhudoras Bewitched Ring, Superior Reflection Shield, and to lesser degrees the Combo Battle Mirror, Kings Lens, and Wand of the Dark Faerie.

I feel like both of these items are slightly overrated. Ghostkersword has risen to astronomical heights because it is retired, and Sword of White Lies is sort of in the same boat being a Smugglers Cove item, but because there aren’t many other options for weapons to fill in the gap between the anagram swords and the attack pea family, there’s not much you can do. After this point, if you want better weapons you’re going to have to pay hundreds of millions for stuff like the peas, Faerie Slingshot, Ilusens Staff, etc.

Gr apes of Wrath
x15 x9 (24 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
This was released from the Smugglers Cove in 2009. Both Illusens Silver Shield and Shield of Pion Troect would take a good chunk out of this, especially the Pirate Captains Hat in particular. To a lesser degree, some of the earth reflectors would hurt this too. This is very similar to the attack pea family of weapons.
Attack Pea
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
Seasonal Attack Pea
x20 x8 (28 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
Super Attack Pea
x12 x20 (32 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
24 and 28 are crazy, but 32 consistent icons with every use is the best you can get, this is the top of the line when it comes to multiple use, shear power weapons. If you’re going up against any of these, you’ll want an earth defender of some kind. Check out Illusens Silver Shield, Shield of Pion Troect, and these earth reflectors. If you’re going up against the Seasonal Attack Pea, check out these full light blockers. Pirate Captains Hat would completely block it, and Kings Lens would even things out. The air Super Attack Pea hits with is more difficult to block, as it’s generally more expensive for a full air blocker or air reflector.

The alternatives at this point of battling are debatable I suppose, but they may include Faerie Slingshot, Rod of Dark Nova, Skarls Sword, Illusens Staff, and Wand of the Dark Faerie. The only reason I rate the peas a 4 is because of the outrageous prices. You could buy a few of the alternative weapons for the price of one of these, and I think that’s what I would rather do, personally.

Faerie Slingshot
Weak hit: x2 x2 x1-3 (5-7 total) or
Multiple Use
Strong hit: x17 x12 x6-31 (35-60 total)
[Artifact – r250]
Note: weak hit ≈ 2/3, strong hit ≈ 1/3
Rating: 4 / 5
Although there are items in Neopia that do even more damage than the Faerie Slingshot, like Darigan Sword of Death, you will never see them. Of all the items that you could possibly hope to have one day, this is the one that will do the most possible damage in the Battledome. The potential to do more icons than the legendary Super Attack Pea for a fraction of the cost is enticing. However, you do lose a lot of consistency with this item. It will get a weak hit more often than a strong hit. I used two of these for a short time and had some fun with them against the Inflatable Balthazar, but it can really test your patience if you desperately need that strong hit, let alone two on the same turn. Pirate Captains Hat paired with Altadorian Swordbreaker would be a relatively cheap way to block this completely.

DefensiveBuilding a Battledome Set – Defensive

Defensive items are ones that don’t attack your opponent, but instead defend you. The idea is to cut down your opponent’s attack from a devastating finishing blow, to a tiny negligible scratch. Some pets with low defence may look to use full blockers, which don’t take advantage of a pet’s defence trait.
Shiny Shoal Shell Shield
Multiple Use
x2.75 x2.75 x0.25-2.75 x2.75 (8.5-11 total)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
Studded Leather Cuirass
Multiple Use
x3 x2 x3 x3 (11 total)
[Ultra Rare – r97]
Rating: 4 / 5
Leaf Shield
Multiple Use
x5 x3 x5 (13 total)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
Kiko Skull Pirate Hat
Multiple Use
x5 x2-4 x5 (12-14 total)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
Shiny Shoal Shell Shield: The bad new is that this weapon loses a few points due to fractional icons. The good news is that this shield can still block quite a bit of the more common weapons both in 1P and in 2P, and perhaps most importantly, it’s cheaper than the Leaf Shield. This will stop a portion of all the newbie scrolls. Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield would make for a great upgrade.

Studded Leather Cuirass: This is rather similar to the Royal Blue Cape, although the cape is a little too pricy if you ask me. If you’re in the lower leagues of battling, imagine pairing this with a Hanso Charisma Charm for example; you would attack with 10 icons while still defending a large amount of icons. The cuirass will also cut the HCC attack in half if you’re attacked with one.

Leaf Shield: You will win this for completeing Illusens Glade Quest 29. Earth, physical, and water icons are all fairly common. Unless your opponent goes out of his / her way to not use those icons, chances are that you’ll defend something with this shield. Although, the very cheap Scroll of Ultranova will sneak right through this.

Kiko Skull Pirate Hat: This was awarded in August 2013 during the Daily Dare. The extra two physical will only be defended if you are also attacked by air icons. When attacked by air icons it will say it deflects the air attack, but it doesn’t. I suppose that’s just an indication that you’re defending the extra physical icons. When attack by air but not physical it will appear to defend physical even though none is present. I’m not the biggest fan of this. The only icon that stands out at this level is the dark, and I would prefer to use Hanso Charisma Charm for dark defence.

Patched Magic Hat
Multiple Use
x5 x3 x3-6 (11-14 total)
[Very Rare – r92]
Rating: 3 / 5
Wanderers Cloak
Multiple Use
x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 (12 total)
[Ultra Rare – r97]
Rating: 3 / 5
Royal Blue Cape
Multiple Use
x3 x3 x3 x3 (12 total)
[Ultra Rare – r98]
Rating: 2 / 5
Sophies Magic Hat
Multiple Use
x3 x5 x3 x3 (14 total)
[Ultra Rare – r95]
Rating: 4 / 5
Tower Shield
Multiple Use
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 (12 total)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 1 / 5
Patched Magic Hat: If you take air damage you will defend all six physical icons, otherwise you will always defend three. This has some nice icon types for low level battling, and will help stop weapons like Glowing Meteor Rock, Pumpkin Launcher, Carved Qasalan Blowgun, Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, and even Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting. Devious Top Hat and Cane is very similar to this, but with an added attack. Ghostkershield, Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour, and Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield all offer the same icon types, plus more.

Wanderers Cloak: It doesn’t defend a whole lot, but the best thing about this cloak is its icon spread, only being beat out by Tower Shield at this level. It’s difficult to find an item that doesn’t get partially blocked by this. Faerie Tabard and Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield have similar icon types and would be an upgrade.

Royal Blue Cape: This has a nice range of icons, but the price is not so nice. This works well against more common weapons though. For example, this would completely stop Bow of the Fire Faerie, and it would put a significant dent in Ylanas Blaster, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting, and Bow of Destiny. Look to Studded Leather Cuirass if you want something cheaper, it has similar icon types. Devious Top Hat and Cane offers similar defence, but with added attack power. These three big shields all offer the same icon types, minus one; Ghostkerbomb, Faerie Tabard, and Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield.

Sophies Magic Hat: This can take a good little bit out of a lot of weapons, weapons like Carved Qasalan Blowgun, Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, Ylanas Blaster, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting and even Werelupe Claw Necklace should you find yourself up against one. This is what people usually upgrade from the Leaf Shield to.

Tower Shield: Once again the icon spread here is great, it’s just a shame it’s so expensive. I would consider getting this if it were around, say, a half million NP. This will help stop far too many weapons to list, so let me tell you about the weapons it will not help you against instead. Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy, Kelpbeards Trident, and Sword of Tawre will all get a ton of water through. But don’t think that just because it doesn’t defend water that that’s the only thing you have to worry about. Because it only defends two icons of every other type, even very cheap items like Flask of Liquid Fire will still get 10 of its 14 icons through. Stone Foam Finger would get 11 out of 15 through. It’s the weapons with large amounts of a few icons that you’ll have to worry about while using this shield as well.

Once Per Battle
50% (all icon types)
Rating: 5 / 5
This is a nice little weapon to have in any set. In fact, I still have this in my set; this is the only weapon that I’ve had in my set since I first started out. Heavy Robe of Thievery gets second place.

This will defend half the damage done to you for one round, at a very cheap price as well. Thick Smoke Bomb and Thyoras Tear would be the upgrades, but the bomb is a one use item.

Thick Smoke Bomb
One Use
100% (all icon types)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
Thyoras Tear
TT, T-Tear, TTear
Once Per Battle
100% (all icon types)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 4 / 5
Thick Smoke Bomb will defend everything from hurting you for one round, and then it disappears for good. It should only be used for important battles, like avatar or DoN challengers.

Thyoras Tear works the same way as the Thick Smoke Bomb, except that you can use it once per battle. The insane price is what keeps me from giving this a 5; also, I feel the new abilities in the Battledome make this a little less useful. Castle Defenders Shield works the same way as Thyoras Tear but it’s much more rare and expensive.

Pirate Captains Hat
Multiple Use, Semi-Fragile
100% 100% x5
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
Semi-fragile means that this could break for the battle, but it does not break permanently. I think I’ve heard somewhere before that the average amount of turns that people usually get out of this before it breaks for the battle is about four. This will hurt the Honey Potion, Sword of Thigl, Sword of Thare, Ghostkerbomb, Sword of White Lies, Gr apes of Wrath, Faerie Slingshot, Illusens Staff, and all of the attack peas. It will also fully block the very common Hanso Charisma Charm. It’s rare to find a defensive item that can fully block two icon types, expecially for this price. The only other weapons that fully block two icon types would be the Alien Aisha Scrambler and Rod of Dark Nova, and the prices of those are insane.
Alien Aisha Scrambler
Multiple Use
100% 100%
[Retired – r180]
Rating: 2 / 5
This restocked at the Smugglers Cove many years ago. Although this is incredibly rare and expensive and you may never see one, the only reason it is here is because it is so rare to find a multiple use item in Neopia that can fully block two icon types. The only others being Pirate Captains Hat (although that one is semi-fragile) and Rod of Dark Nova. Jhudoras Wand and Illusens Staff come close, kind of. Other air defenders include Shield of Faerieland, Shield of Soaring, Tornado Ring, Jhudoras Wand, or the air reflectors. Other light defenders include Superior Reflection Shield, Pirate Captains Hat, Jhudoras Bewitched Ring, Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour, Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, Skarls Sword, and the light reflectors.
Shield of Faerieland
Multiple Use
100% x5 x5 (10 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 3 / 5
In lower tiers of battling, this will help stop items like Bow of Destiny, Wand of Reality, many newbie scrolls, as well as completely shut down Altador Cup Throwing Star. In higher tiers of battling, this will help you stop stuff like Sword of Ari, Pirate Captains Cutlass, and Ghostkersword. Many items will use tiny amounts of air or physical, so it’s not bad to have as a general defender if you’re not sure what your opponent is going to be using. I rate this a 3 because out of all the big name Hidden Tower shields, this one is the most expensive and it defends the least.

Other full air defenders: Alien Aisha Scrambler, Jhudoras Wand, Ring of Weightlessness, Shield of Soaring, Tornado Ring, and Weird Scarab.

G-Shield, GShield
Multiple Use
100% x3 x5 x3 x5 (16 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 2 / 5
Ghostkershields used to be a lot more common back in the day when Sword of Skardsen was not only the cheapest of the anagram swords, but it was the only one! Eventually though, Kelpbeards Trident was released making it not as necessary to block dark. Then Hanso Charisma Charm was released; just about everyone received one, and G-Shield became even less common. Ghostkershield is still a great shield in its own right, there’s just a much cheaper alternatives nowadays for full dark defence. This seems to fair better in lower tiers where it will take chunks out of the newbie scrolls, pre 13 iconers, and 13 iconers. Once you get to 14 or more icon weapons, the icon variance of the shield is nice, but each icon just doesn’t defend enough. For example, Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy gets 12 out of 14 icons through. Mass dark icons aren’t too common in higher tiers except for the previously mentioned Sword of Skardsen and maybe the rarely used Jhudoras Potion and Wand of the Dark Faerie. It also performs well against Pirate Captains Cutlass. However, the commonly used Kelpbears Trident and Sword of Reif will get 16+ icons through, even Sword of Ari and Sword of Thigl will get 13+ icons through. Then there are the bigger weapons after the anagram swords… Use this in lower tiers if you can afford it, use a Hanso Charisma Charm and get a different shield for higher tiers.

Other full dark defenders: Hanso Charisma Charm, Illusens Staff, Ring of the Lost, and Rod of Dark Nova

Illusen Silver Shield
Multiple Use
100% x3
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 2 / 5
A lot of weapons use earth, but it’s rare to see so much of it in low tier battling. I’m not too sure you’ll need full earth defence until you start fighting higher league battles. This will put a large dent in items like Honey Potion, Sword of Thare, Attack Pea, , and to lesser degrees Skarls Hasty Mace, Ghostkerbomb, Gr apes of Wrath, Seasonal Attack Pea, Super Attack Pea, and Faerie Slingshot. It may be more prudent to use an earth reflector or a King Lens.

Other full earth defenders: Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie, Pirate Captains Hat, and Shield of Pion Troect.

Frozen Cyodrake Shield
Multiple Use
100% x5 x3 (8 total)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 2 / 5
The only problem with this shield is that there aren’t many times to use it effectively. I had and used this for about a year. I rather enjoyed it when it got to totally block fire, but it can really test your patience if your opponent doesn’t attack with any fire. This will shut down Scroll of Ultra Nova, Flask of Liquid Fire, Portable Kiln, and Sword of Reif. It will also take a portion away from Ghostkerbomb and Gr apes of Wrath. Other than those weapons I probably wouldn’t use this shield; it’s twice the cost of the big shields and you’re defending less. There are cheaper ways to reflect fire. Unfortunately the only other full fire blockers are either situational, ridiculously expensive, or both.

Other full fire defenders: A Shovel, Rod of Dark Nova, Slippery Floor Potion, and Wand of Flamebolt.

Parasol of Unfortunate Demise
Multiple Use
100% x2-5 x3 (20 total)
[Ultra Rare – r98]
Note: uses strength boost of whoever ends turn first
Rating: 5 / 5
In 1P this will always use your opponent’s defence boost while in 2P it will use the defence boost of whoever ends their turn first. This is mainly for people who are going up against stronger players than themselves and could take advantage of their opponent’s higher defence boost. This might be good to use on the Space Faerie if you were going for the avatar for example. Even in higher tiers this would fair well against a Sword of Thigl. Add all of this to the fact that this is so incredibly cheap, and you have one crazy umbrella. I had a really tough time giving this a 5 because there are upgrades to this; it just depends on your perspective. If you’re a newbie battler with less than 10k to their name, then get this. If you’re an experienced battler with the 750 defence boost and could easily buy a Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, then get the shield.
Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour
Multiple Use
100% x5 x3 x5 x3 (16 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 3 / 5
Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield
Multiple Use
100% x5 x5 x5 x5 (20 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 5 / 5
Both of these are good against a few lower tier weapons like Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting, Wand of Reality, or Stone Foam Finger, and higher tier weapons like Sword of Thigl and its big brother the Sword of White Lies, or Seasonal Attack Pea… But that’s about it. Much like fire, it can be hard to find a weapon that attacks with a ton of light. Sloths armour is the cheapest of the big shields, while Nox’s shield is the most expensive. Both will help you pick apart smaller amounts of other weapons too. Nox’s shield fairs much better though and is capable of putting a dent in a larger array of weapons. Both are buyable from the Hidden Tower. I like the idea of combining the shield with a Hanso Charisma Charm. You’d get full light and dark defence, four other icon types defended, and you’ll still attack with ten icons. It can be a good way to feel out your opponent’s attack. The only weakness in that particular case would be fire. If your opponents keep using Flask of Liquid Fire or Sword of Reif, look towards a Frozen Cyodrake Shield or a fire reflector of some kind. I’d also love to pair this with Rod of Dark Nova, but good luck doing that.

Other full light defenders: Alien Aisha Scrambler, Golden Pirate Amulet, Jhudoras Bewitched Ring, Pirate Captains Hat, Shadow Shield, and Skarls Sword.

Yooyuball Keepers Chest Guard
Multiple Use
100% x3 x3 x2 (8 total)
[Retired – r180]
Rating: 1 / 5
This was a prize for participating in the very first Altador Cup many years ago, and so it is very expensive now. There is one great option when it comes to full physical defence, and that is the Altadorian Swordbreaker. Get that instead.

Other full physical defenders: Altadorian Swordbreaker, Flaming Bronze Helm, Winged Scarab, Yooyuball Player Sling.

Faerie Tabard
FT, F-Tab, FTab
Multiple Use
100% x3 x3 x5 x5 (16 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
The full water defence is great against weapons like Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy, Kelpbeards Trident, Slumberberry Potion, or Sword of Tawre. The added air, earth, fire, and physical icons are a great bonus against weapons like Ylanas Blaster, 13 iconers, or Rusty Pitchfork. When paired with Kings Lens this will reflect or defend a little bit of everything.

Other full water defenders: Battle Plunger, Dehydration Potion, Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy, and Slippery Floor Potion.

Dual Duty: Newbie | Intermediate | Advanced
Dual Duty Full Blockers: Newbie | Intermediate | Advanced

Dual duty items are ones that both attack your opponent and defend you. They may not attack or defend as much as an offensive or defensive weapon would at a comparable price, but that’s the sacrifice you make for doing two things at once. They may do additional things like heal your pet or reflect icons, but to be considered a dual duty item it must at least attack and defend.
Scrab Ring
x2 x2 x2 (6 total)
Multiple Use
x3 x3 (6 total)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 5 / 5
Amulet of Altador
x3 x3 (6 total)
Multiple Use
x3 x3 (6 total)
[Ultra Rare – r96]
Rating: 4 / 5
The Scarab Ring has been around for a really long time now, and has been a part of many battler’s sets I’m sure. This was introduced after I had time to really use it. Back in the day I was using something called a Hand Painted Scarab. But anyway, the ring is really an amazing little weapon for its price. It can be won from the Lost Desert Scratchcard Kiosk, so it will remain relatively inexpensive unless it retires or a war comes around. If you’re a 2P battler, watch out for Kiko Skull Pirate Hat.

Recently, another weapon was released that challenges the ring, the Amulet of Altador. The amulet is a tad more expensive than the ring, but it could certainly fall to the same level as the ring one day. Head to head, the amulet would beat the ring, so I feel that it’s more for 2P. The air and light may be more difficult to block, cutting right through Leaf Shield and the aforementioned Kiko Skull Pirate Hat.

Golden Compass
x3 x3 x3 (9 total)
Multiple Use
[Rare – r85]
Rating: 3 / 5
Jhudoras Cursed Sword
x2 x3 x2 (7 total)
Multiple Use
[Ultra Rare – r97]
Rating: 2 / 5
I used to really like the compass back in the day, but it’s fallen on some hard times, what with Hanso Charism Charm out now. The charm will attack with one icon more, and it defends all dark. Only get this if you can’t yet afford to upgrade to the charm just yet.

The sword is for those that want a stronger attack than the newbie dual duty weapons, but still want some defence. It can be difficult to find large amounts of light icons at this level of battling, so the five solid light icons of defence may be wasted. It will cut up the attack of Flask of Liquid Light, Wand of Reality, and Hanso Charisma Charm though. Dusty Magic Broom, Air Faerie Crown, and Stocking Full of Coal are all very similar items.

Spyder Stone Necklace
x2 x2 x2 x2 (8 total)
Multiple Use
x3 x3 (6 total)
[Ultra Rare – r97]
Rating: 3 / 5
Stocking Full of Coal
x3 x3 x3 (9 total)
Multiple Use
[Ultra Rare – r98]
Rating: 3 / 5
Rusty Pitchfork
x3 x3 x5 (11 total)
Multiple Use
[Very Rare – r94]
Rating: 4 / 5
The Spyder Stone Necklace is a minor upgrade from the Scarab Ring and Amulet of Altador. It’s going to cost you around 300k to grab one of these, so you’ll have to decide if that price is worth it. If you don’t have enough for a Hanso Charisma Charm then this might be a good option, but personally I would try to save up for a charm. The two would make a fine pair if it weren’t for the fact that this defends dark icons; they would somewhat be going to waste in that case. This gets two icon types through all of the newbie shields, and one to two icon types through the intermediate shields. It also ties or beats all of the newbie scrolls.

Both the Stocking Full of Coal and the Rusty Pitchfork are solid upgrades from the previous dual duties that we’ve been looking at so far. I would rather go with the pitchfork over the coal personally, and not just because it attacks with more icons, but because of the physical defence. Physical is an icon that TNT tacks onto a lot of weapons, so you’ll likely end up defending physical quite often with this. Weapons like Cursed Elixir, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting, Altador Cup Throwing Star, Stone Foam Finger, and so on. The attacking icon types could be better though. All of the newbie shields and intermediate shields will hurt this pretty bad. Altadorian Swordbreaker would be a similar alternative, and Fan of Swords would be the upgrade to this.

Mask of Coltzan
Multiple Use
x6 x5 (11 total)
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 1 / 5
Fearsome Gladius
x2 x2 x3 x1-5 (8-12 total)
Multiple Use
x5 x5 (10 total)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 1 / 5
Mask of Coltzan isn’t an item that sees much use any more. It’s too expensive for what it does, but is still up here for its tactical uses. Fire can be tough to block in large amounts, just look at all of these shields. MoC will get five fire through them at a minimum. Being able to block 11 additional icons is nice too. This would beat an Altadorian Swordbreaker or Hanso Charisma Charm going head to head, although it will still lose when going against cheaper items like Ylanas Blaster or Wand of Reality. If I was going to use this, I would consider pairing it with a shield of some kind to cover holes and strengthen my defence.

Although the Fearsome Gladius has a higher potential attack, it doesn’t provide the same tactical power as Mask of Coltzan does, and so it’s likely to be shut down by a number of shields. Although it’s cheaper, it’s also in the same boat as MoC right now in that it’s still too expensive to purchace and use. Ylanas Blaster uses the same icon types, provides more of them, and is cheaper. Go with that instead.

Dark Faerie Collar
Multiple Use
25% (reflect) x5
[RARITY 130]
Rating: 1 / 5
This is a prize for completing Jhudoras Bluff Quest 44. I like the idea of this weapon, but not in practice. I mean, the idea of a weapon that attacks, defends, and reflects sounds pretty cool, but there aren’t enough icons here to justify the price. 10 attacking icons are only standard, if not below standard by now. The 5 light defence isn’t anything to be thrilled abour either. Does the 25% darkness reflection make it worth it then? Not when you look at Hanso Charisma Charm.
Fan of Swords
x5 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 (17 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 4 / 5
One of the more recent Hidden Tower weapons, the Fan of Swords offers a total icon amount similar to the anagram swords but with an added defence. The icons add up to 17 because of fractional icons.

This weapon is bittersweet to me. Personally, I wouldn’t use this for 1P battles. You can do more damage with one of the anagram swords, and it will be about six million NP cheaper. Or you could even come close to buying two Kelpbeards Tridents for the price of one fan. It’s in 2P battles where this thing shines. The physical defence isn’t much, but I really like that TNT tacked it on here; I’d love to see more high level dual duties in Hidden Tower weapons. The icon types here are very diverse, this makes it so that it’s easy to defend something against, tough to completely block, and seemingly impossible to come out ahead against. Faerie Tabard, Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour, and Ghostkershield all take it down to less than five icons, while Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield takes it down to less than three icons. The real problem comes with what it’s paired with. I would pair it with something like a Sword of Reif, or even Flask of Liquid Fire. This way you’ll get all icon types through; that’s really difficult to block. If some of the better shields on the site can’t block it completely, you have another weapon attacking you to worry about, and you’ve already used up one of your weapon slots defending, just what are you going to do?

I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with counters to this, but everything I look at just didn’t seem to work. Kings Lens and Faerie Tabard would block a little bit of everything, but you still come out behind and can’t win with just the reflected icons. Tower Shield would take a good bit away from the fan, but again you still come out behind. The best counter I could think of to someone using a Fan of Swords and a Sword of Reif on you would be this: Frozen Cyodrake Shield and any anagram sword. The shield would take care of all fire bringing it down to 1.25-9 physical icons, and would cut seven icons off of the fan bringing it down to ten; pair that with the sword and you would end up doing 15 elemental icons, and up to 4 physical more if you get a good hit and manage to overpower the fans physical defence. You would end up doing 15-19 icons while your opponent did 11.25-19, so it’s still going to be fairly close. Similarily, if your opponent were to use the fan and a Sword of Ari, a Shield of Faerieland paired with any anagram sword would also prevail. But that introduces two more problems in our hypothetical; you don’t know which other sword your opponent will be using, and your opponent may switch things up and use different swords.

The problem with the fan is that it forces you into either trying to defend as much of it as you can, or to simply overpower it. And since we couldn’t defend against it all too well, let’s look into simply overpowering it. Ghostkerbomb would overpower this, but only for one turn. Ghostkersword and Sword of White Lies could potentially hit for more, but even they suffer due to the physical defence of the fan. Illusens Staff and Wand of the Dark Faerie would win against the fan, so would any of the attack peas, but we’re getting into insanely expensive territory now.

When I originally started to rate this weapon I gave it a 2 out of 5. I wanted to dislike it. I think it’s because I’m a 1P battler, and I still don’t like this for 1P. But the more I thought about it, the more I ended up liking it. As far as 2P is concerned, it’s hard to go wrong with it. I guess you could say I became a fan of this weapon… Get it?… Fan?… Um, let’s move on.

Altadorian Swordbreaker
Multiple Use
[Very Rare – r94]
Rating: 4 / 5
Hanso Charisma Charm
x5 x5 (10 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 5 / 5
Altadorian Swordbreaker and Hanso Charisma Charm belong in a league of their own as far as I’m concerned. They’re two of the cheapest full blockers on the market, Parasol of Unfortunate Demise is another good one.

Physical isn’t an icon type that is used in massive amounts very often, however the sword will take 2/3 off of the Stone Foam Finger, a very common stop for players before they move up to Hidden Tower weapons. Physical is also an icon that gets tacked onto weapons a lot. You’re not likely to stop a weapon in its tracks with the sword, but you’ll end up putting a dent in quite a bit. This is more of a general defence weapon; if you don’t know what your opponent is going to use and you can’t yet afford some of the better shields out there, the sword can be a relatively cheap and safe choice.

The Hanso Charisma Charm was a prize for participating in The Faeries Ruin plot back in 2010 / 2011. You didn’t need very many points to purchace this weapon, and as a result, just about everyone and their grandmother has one of these. Ring of the Lost is a very similar but more expensive version of this. This pretty much made Sword of Skardsen obsolete in 2P battles. But then again, a lot of people who had a SoS and liked 2P battles could have switched to Kelpbeards Trident or one of the other anagram swords when they were released a few months later. Ghostkershield is another full dark defender. I like the idea of combining the charm with a Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield. You would fully block both light and dark, and a large amount of four other icons. Fire would be the only thing that could get through.

Shield of Pion Troect
SoPT, Shield of Protection
Multiple Use
100% x1-2
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 2 / 5
I’ve never known the Shield of Pion Troect of being used that much. It’s not great to be honest. It just doesn’t do all that much for the price. Still, it’s noteworthy for what it can do to the higher end items like Gr apes of Wrath, the Attack Pea Family, and Faerie Slingshot. Check out Illusens Silver Shield for an alternative full earth blocker.
Jhudoras Bewitched Ring
x10 x1-5 (11-15 total)
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Note: can’t be unequipped
Rating: 3 / 5
I came this close to equipping this once, but decided against it. I’m not sure how I feel about that, I mean, I don’t think I would have regretted it that much. Although many full light blockers have been released since, this hasn’t exactly been overtaken by any of them. It’s not a bad weapon or anything; it’s a little pricy, but not bad. It’s almost like a mini Skarls Sword. You can technically unequip it by trading your pet to someone else. You don’t have to actually go through with the trade apparently. This will put all equipped items from your pet to your inventory. Whether that is actually legal or not is another question. If you don’t want to go through that hassle, Sword of Skardsen offers similar icon types and more of them for attack, while Pirate Captains Hat or Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield are great light defenders, although neither of them offer any attack, nor does the sword offer any defence. In fact, it’s not until weapons like Skarls Sword, Illusens Staff, or Wand of the Dark Faerie that you find a true upgrade to the ring.
Skarls Sword
x5 x10 x6-10 (21-25 total)
Multiple Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
This was a TCG Rare Item Code prize, and wow to you if you actually got one! This is one of the best dual duty weapons obtainable, and has the potential to do more icons than the Attack Pea. It actually beats the Seasonal Attack Pea by just a tad too. It would also really hurt a Sword of Thigl and Sword of White Lies. It even beats a Fan of Swords head to head. It looks beautiful too! The price really hurts this though; this is an incredibly rare item.
Jhudoras Wand
JW, J-Wand, JWand
x5 x3 (8 total)
Multiple Use
100% 75% (reflect)*
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
*This weapon is a little complicated because it doesn’t really defend all of that light. If you receive light damage while using the wand, the light will make a copy of itself into air. There will then be 100% light and 100% air. You’ll take 100% of the light and 25% of the air, and then you’ll reflect 75% of the air. You’re essentially taking 125% of any light damage received, and reflecting 75% light back as air. Illusens Staff works the same way. The fact that you take extra light damage is this weapons greatest undoing.

This item is on the verge of being a dual full blocker, putting it in the same league as Rod of Dark Nova, Illusens Staff, Pirate Captains Hat, Alien Aisha Scrambler, and perhaps Kings Lens or Superior Reflection Shield. It will hurt air based weapons like Sword of Ari and Ghostkersword. Although light isn’t necessarily an icon you would want to see your pet attacked with while using this, it could potentially come out ahead of light based weapons due to the eight icons the wand attacks with, depending on what the light is paired with and how much of it there is. This item was in the Hidden Tower many years ago, but has long since been retired and is very rare and expensive now.

Rod of Dark Nova
x1.75 x1.75 (3.5 total)
Multiple Use
100% 100%
[Retired – r180]
6-60 (overheal) creates three dark novas
Rating: 4 / 5
This is one of my favourite of the really old weapons of Neopia because it does a number of really cool things. The attack isn’t anything special, but that’s not what you would want this for. The full dark and fire defence is extremely useful and will help you block items like Sword of Reif, Sword of Skardsen, Jhudoras Bewitched Ring, Jhudoras Potion, even Wand of the Dark Faerie. The only other two multiple use items that fully block two icon types are Pirate Captains Hat and Alien Aisha Scrambler. It also has a better multi heal ability than the Everlasting Crystal Apple (on average). The price however makes it so that few people will ever own this item. This item used to be in the Hidden Tower many years ago but it has long since been retired. I’d love to combine this with a Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield. You would attack, heal, and defend a little bit of everything, including three icon types completely.
Illusens Staff
IS, I-Staff, IStaff
x13 x1-6 (14-19 total)
Multiple Use
100% 75% (reflect)*
[Special – r101]
20% of max HP (only when HP is less than 20%)
Rating: 5 / 5
*This weapon is a little complicated because it doesn’t really defend all of that light. If you receive light damage while using the staff, the light will make a copy of itself into darkness. There will then be 100% light and 100% dark. You’ll take 100% of the light and 25% of the dark, and then you’ll reflect 75% of the dark. You’re essentially taking 125% of any light damage received, and reflecting 75% light back as darkness. Jhudoras Wand works the same way. The fact that you take extra light damage is this weapons greatest undoing. While this fact can hurt the wand moreso, I think it can be overlooked on the staff based on the other things it does.

Out of all the big name items; Gr apes of Wrath, Faerie Slingshot, Skarls Sword, Rod of Dark Nova, all the attack peas, even the superior Wand of the Dark Faerie, this is the only one that I rate a 5 out of 5. Why? Price. While the price of those other weapons can be astronomical, this is the cheapest one. Although still very expensive, the price has come down to a very reasonable amount. As more and more enter Neopia, the price will continue to fall as well. You will win this if you can manage to complete Illusens Glade Quest 50.

The ability to heal 20% of your HP multiple times in a match is the real reason for owning this weapon. Many pets with thousands of HP will try to grab one of these and / or the Wand of the Dark Faerie, and essentially use them to make themselves invincible. Sword of Lameness is really the only weapon that could challenge their healing power.

Wand of the Dark Faerie
x20 x1-9 (21-29 total)
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[RARITY 130]
25% of max HP (only when HP is less than 25%)
Rating: 4 / 5
This is the prize for completing Jhudoras Bluff Quest 50, and is arguably the best weapon in Neopia, unless you want to count one of a kind items like Darigan Sword of Death. The only alternatives at this point will cost hundreds of millions of NP. Items like Super Attack Pea, Skarls Sword, Rod of Dark Nova, or Illusens Staff. The price is the only thing that prevents me from giving this a 5 out of 5.

Much like Illusens Staff, the heal is the main draw of this weapon. With enough HP, healing 25% over and over again can make some pets invincible. Again, the staff or Sword of Lameness are really the only weapons that could challenge the healing power here. The attack and reflection is nothing to scoff at either. It will attack with more force than any of the anagram swords, and reflect the majority of weapons like Sword of Thigl right back at your opponent.

FreezersBuilding a Battledome Set – Freezers

Freezers are items that freeze your opponent, which makes them not able to do anything the next turn. This will devastate many opponents. A good freezer is essential to any serious Battledomer.

 Freezers are limit one, meaning only one freezer can be equipped at a time.

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray
x2 x2 (4 total, 50% chance) or
Multiple Use, Semi-Fragile
[Special – r101]
Freeze (50% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
Your first freezer in the Battledome will likely be this one, although Snowglobe Staff is a cheaper possible option. The freeze ray has a very good freeze percentage of 50%. It will either attack or freeze your opponent, and will disappear for the battle once it freezes. The freeze ray was awarded for correctly guessing in the 2011 Daily Dare Staff Tournament.
(Ancient) Lupe Wand
(Lupe Only)
Once Per Battle, Fragile
[RARITY 113]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
Entangling Lenny Lasso
(Lenny Only)
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r97]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
Icy Chia Goggles
(Chia Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 3 / 5
Golden Peophin Harp
(Peophin Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 3 / 5
Lupe Wand and Ancient Lupe Wand are both very cheap, but they will eventually break after repeated use so you’ll likely have to buy a few. The other three weapons are a cheaper alternative to the first non-species specific 100% freezer, H4000 Helmet. If you need an even cheaper alternative, Randomly Firing Freeze Ray isn’t bad.
Scroll of Freezing
Once Per Battle, Fragile
[Super Rare – r99]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 3 / 5
Heavy Blue Tunic
Once Per Battle
x3 x3 x3 (9 total)
[Super Rare – r99]
Freeze (100% chance)*
Rating: 4 / 5
Scroll of Freezing is a fragile (meaning it will permanently break eventually) freezer that should only be used for important battles, like DoN or avatar opponents, or if you cannot yet afford a solid freezer like Randomly Firing Freeze Ray or a multiple use 100% freezer.

*Your pet must have 1,001 or more intelligence for the freeze to work, otherwise it just defends. If you have less than 1,001 intelligence. it’s a multiple use item that will just defend. If you have 1,001 or more intelligence, it’s a once per battle item that will freeze your opponent.

The HBT is actually one of the better ones out there, assuming you end up defending some icons with it. A pet with the 350 defence boost could potentially get more use out of this than a pet with the 750 strength boost using a Sleep Ray. The intelligence part may seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think. You can get literally hundreds of books from the Book Shop for less than 1K NP each. You’ll probably need more than just the books at the book shop though, so also try other book shops around Neopia, such as Sutek’s Scrolls in the Lost Desert. If you’re seriously interested in this weapon, spend a few weeks at different book shops, and that 1,000 intelligence should cost no more than 500K.

H4000 Helmet
Once Per Battle
[Special – r101]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 5 / 5
Freezing Potion
FP, F-Pot, FPot
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r98]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
Magical Marbles of Mystery
Once Per Battle
[Artifact – r200]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
Sleep Ray
SR, S-Ray, SRay
x2 x2 (4 total)
Once Per Battle
[Special – r101]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 3 / 5
Moehog Skull
MS, M-Skull, MSkull
x10 x5 (15 total)
Once Per Battle
x5 x5 (10 total)
[Special – r101]
Freeze (100% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
All five of these weapons have a 100% chance of freezing your opponent for one turn, and then will disappear for the battle once used. Obtaining your first 100% freezer is a turning point in ones battling career; this is when things really start to get good for you. A 100% freeze is essential for mid to high level battling, and will help ensure a victory against many opponents. At the very least it will neutralize your opponent’s freeze and put you on even ground with them, although with the new faerie abilities it may be harder than it once was to freeze your opponent.

When deciding which 100% freezer to use, figure out in your own mind whether or not the extra price justifies the extra icons. For example, the Freezing Potion will do the exact same thing as the H4000 Helmet, plus two water icons. If a Freezing Potion costs an extra 500k to 1m more than a H4000 Helmet, then ask yourself if spending that much is worth two icons. Most of the time, it wont be. It depends on what the rest of your set looks like too. That 500k to 1m could be better spent on upgrading other weapons you have.

Now, the Moehog Skull… Combining more power than the Freezing Potion, Magical Marbles of Mystery, Sleep Ray, and Heavy Blue Tunic put together, this is arguably the best freezer that you can buy. These are very rarely obtained as a prize from the Haunted Woods Scratchcard Kiosk.

Finally, if you’re looking for a more defensive freezer, check out the Heavy Blue Tunic. If you’re looking for a multi-freezer, check out the Slumberberry Potion, Ice Dice, or Sword of Lameness.

Slumberberry Potion
Slum Pot, S-Pot, SPot
Multiple Use
[Artifact – r200]
Freeze (17% chance)
Rating: 4 / 5
This does not disappear after a freeze. As long as you use this you will always attack with 10 icons of water, and have roughly a 17% chance to freeze your opponent. Ice Dice is a similar weapon. The somewhat common Faerie Tabard would be something to worry about, as well as Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy or Mega U-Bend.

Using this item or not is a tough choice to make later on in your Battledome career. Pets with 1,000 HP or more will sometimes use multi freeze items like this or Ice Dice because they can afford to take a few hits in the beginning, and with any luck get in a few freezes. The important thing to keep in mind if you’re planning on using this item is, can you survive the first two rounds if you don’t freeze and your opponent does? I’ve used this many times in the past and it was my freezer of choice for a long time, until Sword of Lameness was released. Yes you can go many turns without a freeze, but you can also go multiple turns with freezes. I wish I would have recorded some stats on this item over the few thousand times I used it, maybe one day. Having no freezes for quite a few turns can hurt, but having 3, 4, 5, or even more freezes in a row is such a devastating power to have.

Ice Dice
Multiple Use
[Retired – r180]
Freeze (25% chance)
Rating: 2 / 5
Ice Dice is an old Hidden Tower item that retired quite a while ago now. It has roughly a 25% chance to freeze your opponent. It’s probably something that most people wouldn’t use in the BD because it’s so expensive now. It’s very similar to the Slumberberry Potion and to a lesser degree the Sword of Lameness, both of which I would say are better, but the dice are noteworthy because they have the highest chance to multi-freeze.

HealersBuilding a Battledome Set – Healers

Healers are items that will restore some or all of the health back to your pet in the Battledome. A good healer is very important to have in the Battledome.

 Healers are limit one, meaning only one healer can be equipped at a time.

Newbie Healers | Intermediate Healers | Scorchstones
Brightvale Clothing | Species Healers | Big Boy Healers

Magical Healing Potion
Once Per Battle
15 (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
Oasis Tonic
Once Per Battle
[Special – r101]
35 (overheal)
Rating: 5 / 5
These are both good healers for beginners in the Battledome. The Magical Healing Potion is dirt cheap and the Oasis Tonic provides a great step up. You will however likely outgrow these fairly quickly. Once you do, it’s time to move up to the next level of healers. Take a look at the Cursed Elixir and some of the scorchstones too. The tonic was awarded as a prize from the August 2014 Desert Diplomacy event and falls right in between the Blue Scorchstone and the Green Scorchstone in particular.
Cursed Elixir
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
20 (overheal, drained from opponent)
Rating: 5 / 5
This drains 20 HP from your opponent and heals your pet. It doesn’t say that it will do this in the combat log, but it does. The small attack is a nice little bonus. That’s pretty crazy for lower level pets that might still use newbie dual duty or newbie scrolls. This is potentially better than the newly released Oasis Tonic because you’re healing 20 HP, stealing 20 HP, and doing physical damage. Crisp Blue Tunic would be the upgrade to this, but it’s a huge jump in price.
Greater Healing Scroll
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50 (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
Rejuvenating Jar of Brains
Once Per Battle
[Special – r101]
60 (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
Everlasting Crystal Apple
Multiple Use
Lists your opponent’s weapons in 2P
[Artifact – r250]
30 (overheal)
Rating: 4 / 5
The GHS used to be a lot cheaper, same with the Blue Scorchstone, which is a shame because I remember suggesting those to newbies quite often, but now they usually have to take a step back and buy something cheaper. Anyway, unless you’re rich and can afford something like a Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic, either of these healers will likely last you until you have well over 100 HP. At which time, a Crisp Blue Tunic, or a Species Healer may be more prudent.

The ECA is great for lower leveled pets with a lot of NP. This is like being able to use a Blue Scorchstone over and over again. This is made through combining Jhudoras Crystal Ball and an Everlasting Apple in the Mystery Island Cooking Pot, both of which are buyable from the Hidden Tower. This also tells you what weapons your opponent has if you are in a 2P fight.

Bronze Scorchstone
Bronze SS, B-SS, BSS
Once Per Battle
[Rare – r89]
15 (overheal)
Rating: 2 / 5
Red Scorchstone
Once Per Battle
[Very Rare – r92]
20 (overheal)
Rating: 2 / 5
Blue Scorchstone
Blue SS, B-SS, BSS
Once Per Battle
[Very Rare – r94]
30 (overheal)
Rating: 3 / 5
Green Scorchstone
Green SS, G-SS, GSS
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r96]
40 (overheal)
Rating: 2 / 5
Purple Scorchstone
Purple SS, P-SS, PSS
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r98]
50 (overheal)
Rating: 1 / 5
Rainbow Scorchstone
Rainbow SS, R-SS, RSS
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
80 (overheal)
Rating: 1 / 5
Glittery Scorchstone
Glittery SS, G-SS, GSS
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r100]
100 (overheal)
Rating: 1 / 5
Ice Scorchstone
Multiple Use, Semi-Fragile
[Artifact – r200]
Full (25% chance)
Rating: 2 / 5
Jade Scorchstone
Jade SS, J-SS, JSS
Once Per Battle
[Retired – r180]
Rating: 3 / 5
These are all of the scorchstones that heal. Scorchstones are great for low level battlers because they are overhealers. This means that they will heal after damage is calculated, and are in a way capable of healing you more than a regular healer. Click here for a more detailed explanation between regular healers and overhealers.

The Bronze, Red, and Blue Scorchstones are all commonly used in low levels of battling, and it’s likely that you’ll own and use at least one of them at some point in time. After this point, the scorchstones get kind of expensive for what they do, and there are cheaper upgrades than the Green or Purple scorchstones; Greater Healing Scroll and Rejuvenating Jar of Brains are two such examples. The reason people may buy and use something like the Rainbow or Glittery scorchstones is for low level battling. The massive overheal would act as a sort of Thyoras Tear for low league pets.

Then there are the full healers; Ice and Jade. I’m not a huge fan of the Ice Scorchstone because it is so unreliable, but it’s the only full healer available for this price, unless you look into species healers. I’m also not a huge fan of the Jade Scorchstone, but only because of the price. Consider getting a Leaded Elemental Vial instead.

Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic
Once Per Battle
x2 x2 x2 (6 total)
[Super Rare – r99]
75 (regular heal)*
Rating: 2 / 5
Crisp Blue Tunic
Once Per Battle
x2 x2 (4 total)
[Super Rare – r99]
100 (regular heal, drained from opponent)**
Rating: 3 / 5
*In regards to the SSYT, your pet needs to have 501 or more intelligence for the heal to work, otherwise it just defends. Once used, it will disappear for the rest of the battle.

**With the CBT, your pet needs to have 751 or more intelligence for the heal to work, otherwise it just defends. You also must have lost at least 100 HP, and your opponent needs at least 100 HP in order to take advantage of the drain. Once used, it will disappear for the rest of the battle.

A lot of people might be turned off from the amount of intelligence that you need in order to use these, but 501 and 751 intelligence isn’t too bad. You can get tons of books from the Book Shop for less than 1K NP each. Scroll Potion is another option.

Both of these items are very expensive nowadays, so they may not be worth it. Consider looking towards Rejuvenating Jar of Brains, a species healer if you can use one, or perhaps a Bag of Healing Dust.

Kacheek Life Potion
(Kacheek Only)
Once Per Battle
[Very Rare – r92]
Full if HP is over 33%, else 33% (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
I used this so much in the past, and a lot of people who can’t afford a better healer will use this. You can buy a morphing potion or potentially get someone to help you Kacheek Flour your pet in order to use this healer. Check out the other Species Healers for cheap healing options. Otherwise, Bag of Healing Dust is the only 50% non-species healer.
Blumaroo Health Potion
(Blumaroo Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 3 / 5
Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds
(Lenny Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 3 / 5
Elephante Unguent
(Elephante Only)
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r96]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
Gelert Healing Remedy
(Gelert Only)
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r96]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
Healing Ankh of the Nimmo
(Nimmo Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 3 / 5
Lucky Uni Charm
(Uni Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 3 / 5
Squishy Shoyru Healing Stone
(Shoyru Only)
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 3 / 5
These are the 50% species healers. If you have a Blumaroo, Lenny, Elephante, Gelert, Nimmo, Uni, or Shoyru, consider getting one of these if your HP is big enough to take advantage of a 50% heal. Some of these are a lot more expensive than others, so look into the pricing a bit first to see if it’s worth it for you. If you use the lab ray it may not be a good idea to have any species specific weapons, unless you have a way to cheaply change back into that species. Kacheek Life Potion is an alternative if you have a Kacheek. And of course Bag of Healing Dust is a 50% healer that doesn’t require any particular species in order to use it.
Bag of Healing Dust
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
50% of max HP (regular heal)
Rating: 4 / 5
I’ve used the BoHD in the past but the more I used it the more I craved a good 100% healer. A lot of people will grab this if they can’t yet afford a Leaded Elemental Vial. Sword of Lameness costs roughly the same amount, and it might be a toss up between the two. I would much rather go with the sword personally. Check out the species healers if you want to take a look at a cheaper 50% healer.
Jade Elixir
One Use
[Special – r101]
Rating: 4 / 5
Much like the Thick Smoke Bomb, the Jade Elixir is one use and should only be used for important battles, like DoN or avatar battles. Lucky Robots Foot may be a cheaper alternative.
Leaded Elemental Vial
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 4 / 5
If you’re not into the Sword of Lameness, the LEV is probably the heal most BDers would work towards. It’s great to have a full heal in the BD, it’s just unfortunate that this is so costly. You’re not going to find a cheaper 100% heal, unless you count the Sword of Lameness, which is a fine alternative. It is possible to feed this to your pet! Be very careful when equipping this item, or equip this item through the Battledome’s new status page.
Sword of Lameness
x10 x1-10 (11-20 total) or
Multiple Use
x3 x3 x3 x3 (12 total) or
[Artifact – r200]
Full or Freeze (12.9% chance) or Nothing
Rating: 4 / 5
I decided to put this under healers because this is the only healing item that you can buy that can potentially heal you back to full hit points multiple times in a match. I tested this 2,000 times, and my percentages were as follows: 11 – 20 icons (37.45%), 12 icons (25.05%), freeze (12.90%), heal (13.15%), and nothing (11.45%). An extra note; out of the 2,000 times I used this, I only hit 11 icons once.

This weapon is very similar to the Slumberberry Potion in that you should wait until you have a lot of HP to use it, just in case you get an attack when you need a freeze, or nothing when you desperately need a heal, etc. You need to be able to survive a few rounds if you don’t get what you’re looking for. Initially I didn’t like this weapon because it felt less reliable than the potion, but now I feel like it’s an essential part of my set. I will say that with the potion you have a slightly higher chance of freezing, but even if you don’t freeze you’re still getting in 10 icons of water attack. My biggest problem with the two items still, is that you get pigeonholed into using them nearly every turn. This will be your freezer and healer for the match. Your opponent will know that and try to counter accordingly, but if you don’t use it, you have no chance of freezing or healing. It would be great if you could pair this with a good back-up healer like Illusens Staff or Wand of the Dark Faerie, but I know that isn’t feasible for the majority of us. Pets under 1,000 HP should probably stick to a 100% freezer and a good healer. Pets over 1,000 HP should definitely consider this.

BombsBuilding a Battledome Set – Bombs

Bombs are one use or once per battle items that do massive damage; more than your multi-use weapons. They are commonly paired up with a freeze weapon to offset the low damage freeze weapons often do; this is called a “freeze-bomb” combo.

 Most bombs are limit one, meaning only one of each item can be equipped at a time. Muffins are an exception.

One Use Bombs | Once Per Battle Bombs

Icy Muffin
x5 x5 x5 (15 total)
One Use
[Uncommon – r83]
Rating: 3 / 5
Shooting Star Muffin
x5 x5 x5 (15 total)
One Use
[Retired – r180]
Rating: 3 / 5
Muffins should be used for important battles like DoN or avatar challengers, and when you can’t yet afford a once per battle bomb. There are 11 muffins that do 15 icons. I’m not going to show what each of them does, but I will list them: Brain Muffin, Darigan Muffin, Golden Muffin, Icy Muffin, Poison Muffin, Radioactive Muffin, Robot Muffin, Shooting Star Muffin, Smelly Dung Muffin, Stone Muffin, and Water Muffin. Use whichever is the cheapest.
Honey Potion
HP, H-Pot, HPot
x13 x0.3-3 (13.3-16 total)
Once Per Battle
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
Rainbow Clockwork Grundo
x3.2-5 x3.2-5 x3.2-5 x3.2-5 (12.8-20 total)
Once Per Battle
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 2 / 5
Jhudoras Potion
JP, J-Pot, JPot
x16 x1-8 (17-24 total)
Once Per Battle
[RARITY 135]
Rating: 3 / 5


G-Bomb, GBomb
x10 x10 x1-10 (21-30 total)
Once Per Battle
[Artifact – r200]
Rating: 5 / 5
The Honey Potion and Rainbow Clockwork Grundo were great back in the day when most sets consisted of two multiple use weapons doing ten icons each, but I’m a little sad to see that both of these are not the bombs they were once made out to be, what with items like Ylanas Blaster, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting, or Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy now being fairly common. These bombs tend to lose their value quite a bit when you can do nearly the same amount of icons each turn with a multiple use weapon.

Jhudoras Potion is an unexpected item in the Battledome. I think most people would prefer to skip it and go straight to the Ghostkerbomb, or perhaps even combine it with the Ghostkerbomb for a single turn berserk like attack. The Ghostkerbomb is the best bomb that you can buy. On average it even outperforms over much more expensive items like the Ghostkersword and the Sword of White Lies. Still, I consider this to be a sort of luxury weapon in the sense that you should only get it if the rest of your set is decent. Back in the day, I didn’t pick up one of these until I had dual Sword of Skardsens.

ReflectorsBuilding a Battledome Set – Reflectors

A reflector is an item that not only defends, but reflects damage back at your opponent. Reflectors don’t usually end up blocking as much as a typical defender would, but they make up for it with the fact that they will deal damage if they happen to reflect.

 Reflectors are limit one, meaning only one of each item can be equipped at a time.

Air Reflectors | Dark Reflectors | Earth Reflectors | Fire Reflectors
Light Reflectors | Water Reflectors | Multi-Reflectors | Special Reflectors

Double Dryer
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Uncommon – r84]
Rating: 2 / 5
Triple Turbo Dryer
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 3 / 5
Air is used quite frequently in higher end Battledome fights and a defence to it can be expensive. Items like Pirate Captains Cutlass, Sword of Ari, or Ghostkersword all use a lot of air. If you want a full air blocker, Shield of Faerieland is a good one. If you’re rich there is also Jhudoras Wand.
Ultra Dark Reflectorb
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Rare – r87]
Rating: 1 / 5
Ultimate Dark Reflectorb
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 2 / 5
Heavy amounts of dark icons are used by items like Sword of Skardsen, Dark Faerie Collar, Jhudoras Potion, or even a Wand of the Dark Faerie. Kings Lens would be an upgrade. Dark isn’t something you have to worry about too much anymore, not with the fairly cheap Ghostkershield and the very common Hanso Charisma Charm out there nowadays.
Shovel Plus
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Rare – r87]
Rating: 2 / 5
Ultra Dual Shovel
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 3 / 5
These would be used in higher levels of battling, and would be a great defence against weapons like Honey Potion, Sword of Thare, Gr apes of Wrath, Attack Pea, Seasonal Attack Pea, Super Attack Pea, Faerie Slingshot, or even Illusens Staff. Kings Lens would be a great upgrade to this. If you’re looking for more earth defence, check out Illusens Silver Shield or Shield of Pion Troect.
Turbo Flame Reflector
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Uncommon – r83]
Rating: 2 / 5
Flame Reflectozap
FR, F-Zap, FZap
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 3 / 5
Clawed Shield
Multiple Use
x3 60%-80% (reflect)
[Special – r101]
Rating: 3 / 5
These are great if you know you’re going to go up against a Flask of Liquid Fire, Mask of Coltzan, Portable Kiln, or Sword of Reif. You could also check out the Frozen Cyodrake Shield.
Dual Battle Mirror
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Rare – r86]
Rating: 2 / 5
Combo Battle Mirror
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 3 / 5
These will reflect light icons and protect you from weapons like Sword of Thigl, Sword of White Lies, or Skarls Sword. Kings Lens would once again make a nice upgrade to these, same with Superior Reflection Shield. You could also look towards a full light blocker.
Super U-Bend
Multiple Use, Fragile
50% (reflect)
[Rare – r85]
Rating: 2 / 5
Mega U-Bend
Multiple Use
75% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 3 / 5
Mega U-Bend is the cheapest of the 75% reflectors. Good if you know you’re going to go up against a Kelpbeards Trident, Sword of Tawre, Slumberberry Potion, or other heavy water based attacks. Or you can check out the Faerie Tabard.
Superior Reflection Shield
Multiple Use
100% (reflect) 25% (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Rating: 4 / 5
Kings Lens
KL, K-Lens, KLens
Multiple Use
50% (reflect) 50% (reflect) 50% (reflect)
[RARITY 135]
Rating: 3 / 5
Prismatic Mirror
Multiple Use
80%-100% (reflect all)
[Unobtainable – r0]
Rating: X / 5
Superior Reflection Shield is the only full icon reflector there is, and would work wonders against items like Sword of Thigl, Sword of White Lies, or perhaps even a Seasonal Attack Pea. The water reflection is a nice bonus too, albeit a small one. The price is what hurts this; it’s kind of rare. There are full light blockers out there that are much cheaper.

The Kings Lens is considered by many to be the best reflector weapon buyable. Combine this with a Faerie Tabard and you’ll block or reflect a little bit of everything. It would be a great way to feel out your opponent’s attack. Craftsmans Lens and Princely Lens are weaker versions of this.

The Prismatic Mirror is here because although it cannot be bought and equipped, it can be stolen from certain enemies and used for that battle. It will reflect 80% to 100% of everything but physical. It seems there are no reflectors for physical.

Prickly Potion
PP, P-Pot, PPot
Multiple Use
x3 x3 (reflect)
[Very Rare – r91]
Note: reflected icons use opponent’s strength boost
Rating: 3 / 5
Voidberry Potion
VP, V-Pot, VPot
Multiple Use
x3 x3 (reflect)
[Very Rare – r92]
Note: reflected icons use opponent’s strength boost
Rating: 3 / 5
Glowing Cauldron
Drains 20 HP from opponent, non-heal or Nothing or
Multiple Use
x10 (reflect)
[Super Rare – r99]
Note: reflected icons use opponent’s strength boost
Rating: 2 / 5
All of these items are unique because they attack with reflected icons using your opponent’s strength boost. Or at least they used to, before the Battledome update. Currently they use your own strength boost and they aren’t reflected. Reflected icons are much more difficult to block because they are not stopped by defensive items. Maybe I’m naive to do this, but I’m reviewing these items with the assumption that the BD will one day be updated so that these items will once again do what they were originally meant to do.

Pricky Potion and Voidberry Potion are both buyable potions that will do six reflected icons using your opponent’s strength boost. This makes them great for pets going up against a stronger opponent. If you have the 55 boost and attack with 18 icons (two 9-iconers) you’ll end up doing 36 damage, while if you attack with 12 icons (using two of these potions) against someone who has the 200 strength boost, you’ll end up doing 54 damage. These are great for pets who don’t really train and just want to get their avatar or DoN challengers done and over with. Glowing Cauldron works the same way, although it has a small chance of draining HP or doing nothing as well. In 2P, you must end your turn last in order to attack with icons that can’t be blocked, otherwise they can be stopped. Bracelet of Kings works like these items too, but it is more unreliable.

StealersBuilding a Battledome Set – Stealers

Stealers can steal items from your opponent. The weapon you steal is random and not permanent, meaning all items will be returned to their original owners at the end of the battle.

 Stealers are limit one, meaning only one stealer can be equipped at a time.

Purple Sticky Hand
Multiple Use, Semi-Fragile
[Retired – r180]
Roughly 50% chance to steal a weapon
Rating: 3 / 5
Stealing is a risky maneuver, as you use up a turn stealing the item and you may not even get a good item. You will steal an item at random and all items are returned to their original owners after the battle is finished.

Once you steal something with any sticky hand, the sticky hand then goes to your opponent for them to use for the battle. If you’re interested in stealing items there’s no better place to start. This was given out as an Advent Calendar prize many years ago, so the price is fairly cheap and will only go up.

Heavy Robe of Thievery
Once Per Battle
[Ultra Rare – r95]
100% chance to steal a weapon*
Rating: 5 / 5
*Your pet must have 201 or more agility, and 101 or more intelligence for this item to steal, otherwise it just defends. Once used, it will not go to your opponent like a sticky hand would, but instead it will disappear for the rest of the battle.

This is one of the best stealing weapons out there; it’s the only one with a 100% success rate, your opponent doesn’t get it, and it even defends as a small bonus. The only downside is that 201 agility part. It’s a thinker, but if you want to train your agility to use this stealer (or hope for the best from kitchen quests and lab ray), go for it.

Tornado Ring
TR, T-Ring, TRing
x2 x1-2 (3-4 total)
Multiple Use
[Retired – r180]
Roughly 5% chance to steal a weapon
Rating: 2 / 5
The Tornado Ring is a very unique item because it will not disappear after stealing an item; it’s one of the only weapons that can steal multiple items from your opponent. Although the chance to steal a single weapon is low, let alone all eight from your enemy, it’s possible to strip your opponent of all of their weapons.
Scroll Potion
SP, S-Pot, SPot
Once Per Battle
[Super Rare – r99]
Steals 5 intelligence from your opponent, 2P only
Rating: 2 / 5
It’s not exactly polite to use this against people in 2P fights unless they agree to it, since this kind of steal is permanent. People who buy this tend to hang out on the Battledome Chat asking for some free intelligence points. This can be an easy way to gain a lot of intelligence in order to use weapons like Heavy Robe of Thievery, Heavy Blue Tunic, or the other Brightvale clothing.

Neopets BD Battling Guide (For Newcomers)

The Neopets Battledome is, obviously, a dome where you will be able to fight against other challengers to see if you’re strong enough to win, or not. One player challenges can be fought against, which are opponents that are controlled by the computer. Alternatively, you can decide to go fight against real pets owned by real player in the 2 player mode that is also offered to you. The Neopets Battledome can also give you a site trophy, for example, after beating the Punchbag Bob, and it will grant you themes after plots. It all start with misinformation, then it comes to anger, then to bloody battles where there will be only one victorious. If you’re really curious about knowing who the predator is, and who the prey is, then the Neopets Battledome is where you must go.


Basic Information

Your pet has a stats that are not a waste of space, but they rather describe the skills of your current pet(s). Any pet will have HP, which are health points and are the most fundamental points, simply because no HP = loss. What comes next is the strength of your pet, which determines how many total damage can be done to your opponent, depending of your weapons. Another factor is your defence, which is what keeps you standing in the battle for x amount of time. Agility, which is let down by many BD players, is not as crucial as strength and defence, but all of these factors will have a more detailed description below.

You may also want to equip your pet with weapons, otherwise how would it be possible to battle? To do that, it will all depend of the amount of NP you have. The more you play games, the more NP you will get and the better BD weapons will be available to you, simply because your budget will be greater then. Of course, some of the best BD weapons will cost millions, but this should not be a problem for you as there is a big variety of highly rated weapons for new BD starters. To equip a weapon to your pet, simply go to your inventory, click on the desired item and choose the “Equip to (Name of Pet)”. Note: Make sure that if you have a ferocious pet, for example, like a Grarrl, to not feed it to him as there will be no refund given to you.

Many weapons can also be obtained through events and plots that come to Neopets once in a while, and where you will be able to participate to get some of better weapons. Note that even if the awarded weapon(s) don’t suit your needs, you will be able to sell a big amount of your prizes and receive a lot of NP, raising your budget and leading you to get better NP weapons, slowly but surely.


Training your pet

Training your pet will give you more success in the Battledome. To train your pet, there are various ways. For example, you can purchase the Secret Laboratory, which can be accessed once a day after you purchase all 9 maps that will cost you approximately 1.5 million NP. Expensive you say? Not quite. The Secret Laboratory Maps are very important when you play Neopets because of their ability to boost or to damage your pet. The lab will not only change the color of your pet to almost any, or change your pet’s specie / gender, but it will also give or take points to / from your strength, defence, agility and HP. Note that it will not be able to take maximum hit points.

If you’re not the type of person who likes to take gambles, alternatively, you can decide to train at the Swashbuckling Academy that is located in Krawk Island, and take courses from a Pirate that will ask you to pay him with dubloons, which will cost you approximately 2,000 NP. You will have to start by raising up its level first, then you will be able to increase his / her strength, defence, agility and HP. Every course will take time, depending on its level and the more he will progress, the pricier the courses will get. Though, you should note that even if the Swashbuckling Academy is cheap enough, your pet will not be able to achieve a higher level than 40. Because of that, you should consider the Mystery Island Training School, which is obviously located at the Mystery Island and which will be a little more pricey but faster, and there you will be able to train your pet up to level 250.



Of course, you will want to do damage in the Battledome, unless you’re just in there to look at your opponent. You literally have no chance of winning if you’re not going to do some damage. You should know that the damage done is calculated by the number of the icons that the specific weapon does. The possibly icons that can be done through a battle are:

Air, Earth, Dark, Light, Fire, Water and Physical damage.

Weapons have attack icons they can inflict to your opponent. You guessed right, the more icons you do, the more damage you deal to your opponent. For that reason, the weapons with massive icons will be able to deal the more damage. To know the amount of damage you are going to deal, you will have to consider the strength of your pet. Below is a little explanation that will describe the number of damage done per icon to your opponent, out of him maximum HP, depending on your strength.

Damage done per icon depending of your pet’s strength:

Having 7 or less strength points will do a total of 0.5 damage to your opponent per icon. For example, if you have a sword that does 6 icons, and you have less than 7 strength, you will do a total of 6 x 0.5 = 3 icons. Having from 8 to 12 strength point will do 0.75 damage to your opponent. When the damage done is below 1 for the lower strength points, it is not really in your advantage to start battles. Wait to reach from 13 to 19 strength points, atleast, because then you will be able to start doing 1 damage per icon. From 20 to 34 strength points, you will be able to deal 1.25 damage per icon and from 35 to 54 points, a total of 1.5 damage per icons. 55-84 strength points will get you 2 damage per icon and 85-124 strength points, 2.5 damage per icon. Once you reach the 125 point mark, you will be able to do 3 damage per icon and it will take longer, with more effort to do more damage. Once you reach 200 strength point, a total of 0.5 damage per 49 points will be added. For example, from 200 to 249, you can do 4.5 damage per icon, from 250 to 299, you will be able to do 5 damage per icon, etc. However, from 450 strength points to 499, you be able to do 1.25 more damage, then every 49 points will start awarding you with 1 damage per icon. The reason behind that is once you reach the 400 strength points, it will become really pricey and hard to train up, because of the amount of NP and because of the time it will take you to get there. You should note that there are also items that are able to give you some extra strength points. Finally, when you reach level 750, you will be able to deal 16 damage per icon, which is a lot and it is not possible to do more damage than that. For example, a pet with 750 strength points will do the exact same damage per icon (16) to a pet that is level 10,000. At this point, strength doesn’t matter anymore.

If you’re wondering how many damage you will be doing to your opponent, before the battle even starts, you should look at your strength points and refer to the guide above to calculate. For example, if your pet has 31 strength points, and from the guide above, you can find that from 20-34 strength points you will be able to deal 1.25 damage per icon. For that reason, you can look at the amount of icons your weapon does and multiply that number by 1.25, and you should get the maximum amount of damage you will be able to do with that specific weapon. Since, during a battle, you will also be able to use another equipped item at the same time, if you’re planning on going pure attack, you should also calculate the other weapon’s amount of damage, then do Weapon 1 damage + Weapon 2 damage. This way, you will get a good idea about what you can deal.



Defense works like the attack, meaning that you will be able to defend yourself of icons depending of the number of defense points you have. Note that you will have to own the weapon that defends you from the icons of your opponent to be successfully able to block it. For example, if your opponent is attacking you with Sword of Reif, which is a combination of physical and fire damage, and that you only have a shield that will block water, then you will receive full damage. You can’t just rely on your defense to minimize the damage. It doesn’t work like that: you will have to block the icons of your opponent in order to avoid damage. The guide below will give you an idea about the amount of damage you will be able to block per icon, depending on your defense points. The damage means the number of HP that will be taken from you, when attacked.

Having 7 or less defense points will do a total of 0.5 damage to your opponent per icon. For example, if you have a shield that blocks 6 icons, and you have less than 7 defense, you will be able to avoid a total of 6 x 0.5 = 3 icons. Having from 8 to 12 defense point will avoid 0.75 damage that are done by your opponent. When the damage done to you is below 1 for the lower defense points, it is not really in your advantage to start battles. Wait to reach from 13 to 19 defense points, at least, because then you will be able to start blocking 1 damage per icon, if you have a shield, of course. From 20 to 34 defense points, you will be able to block 1.25 damage per icon and from 35 to 54 points, a total of 1.5 damage per icons can be blocked. 55-84 defense points will get you 2 damage block per icon and 85-124 defense points, 2.5 resistance per icon. Once you reach the 125 point mark, you will be able to avoid a total of 3 damage per icon and it will take longer, with more effort to do avoid more damage. Once you reach 200 defense point, a total of 0.5 damage per 49 points will be blocked. For example, from 200 to 249, you can avoid 4.5 damage per icon, from 250 to 299, you will be able to avoid 5 damage per icon, etc. However, from 450 defense points to 499, you will be able to block 1.25 more damage, then every 49 points will start awarding you with 1 defense per icon. The reason behind that is once you reach the 400 defense points, it will become really pricey and hard to train up, because of the amount of NP and because of the time it will take you to get there. You should note that there are also items that are able to give you some extra defense points. Finally, when you reach level 750, you will be able to fully block 16 damage per icon, which is a lot and it is not possible to block more damage than that. For example, a pet with 750 defense points will block the exact same damage per icon (16) to a pet that is level 10,000. At this point, defense doesn’t matter anymore.

If you have 750 defense points and your opponent has 750 strength points, you will be able to avoid the damage done by your opponent only if you can block all of his icons. Let’s say your opponent has a weapon that can do 10 water icons to you along with 2 light icons. As for you, the only thing you have is a Sponge Shield that can block all of his water icons. You will not be able to block his light icons, though, which means that he will be able to do 2 more icons to you that you will not be able to block. That means a total of 2 x 16 = 32 damage will be done to you by your opponent. This is why shields in the game are important: because even if you have enough defense points, but don’t necessarily have the shields that will be able to block a large amount of icons that are done by your opponent, you will then lose a lot of HP. For that reason, you should also make sure that you only fight against a pet after a logic estimation of whether it will be a fair battle for you or not. Some people tend to think that they’ve trained their pet hard enough and they think they can’t lose a single battle. This is not true. If you go up against someone who has more strength/defense points than you, you will be putting yourself in a luck-based battle, which is something you don’t want. If you’re attempting to send a battle challenge or someone sends one to you, always view his pet to make sure that his/her HP, strength, and defense points are relatively similar to yours, or worse.

Lastly, you should consider the defense points of your opponent depending of your strength, and the other way around to calculate the amount of damage you would like to block. If you have a total of 102 strength points, and your opponent has a total of 95 defense points, the amount of icons he will not be able to block from you will add a total of 0.5 damage to him, because it is like if he has 7 defense points (102-95 = 7, and at 7 points a total of 0.5 damage can be done).



Agility is only important if you’re looking to steal weapons from your opponent, for the battle time. The Heavy Robe of Thievery is currently what can steal stuff from your opponent’s BD equipment, and the chances will vary depending of the amount of agility points you have, and the amount of intelligence points you have. Agility is not really an important factor in battle, therefore it is not important for many of the players and this is why many pets have agility not trained up. People will focus on strength and defense points, which are essential in battle and will save NP / time from raising their agility points. This is a good option for those who do not want to steal items from their opponents. However, you should note that if you decide not to train it at the same time as your strength and defense points, and that you change your mind later, it will cost you more NP and time to do so simply because your level will be higher then, and courses will get more expensive.



During a battle, your vital points are measured depending on the total amount of HP your pet has. Once you have 0 of them left, you will then lose the current battle and your opponent will be victorious. In the contrary, if you defeat your weapon, it will mean that he has 0 HP left and he will lose the battle. Let’s say you lose a battle with your pet, he will be at 0 HP and you will have to raise his HP back again. Several Healing Potions can be found in the shop wizard that can help the process of recovery. Most people, however, prefer to use the Healing Springs located in Faerieland. A faerie will raise your points depending of the amount of magic she currently have. If you have a lot of strength points to recover, you can, alternatively, use a Super Strength Healing Potion that can give you back your maximum HP for roughly 2,000 NP.

During a battle, you will sometimes face circumstances where your HP will be very low and you’re about to lose the battle. Some potions, also called Elixirs will be able to be in your BD equipment set during the battle, and will help you to recover your HP whenever needed. Note that only one healing potion / item can be equipped to your pet during the battle. You can not equip more than one. Full healers like the Leaded Elemental Vial and the Jade Scorchstone also exists, which are fundamental for the higher battles and they will cost millions of NP simply because the demand is so high, and there are very few of them.

It is also possible to overheal. For example, if you use a Blue Scorchstone (an overhealer), you will be able to get more hit points than your maximum. For example, if you have 100/100 HP, you will be then at 115/100 and this can be used to your advantage. Extra hit points will only last for the rest of the turn, meaning that you they will get back at 100/100 if your opponent doesn’t attack you. If your opponent attacks you and do 20 damage to you, you will then be left with 95 HP.



During a battle, you will have the opportunity to use items that will reflect the damage done to you by your opponent. A Shovel Plus and some Lens items will be able to reflect some damage, depending of their current effect. Reflection is good because not only it will defend you from your opponent’s attacks, but it will also be able to deal the damage that your opponent tried attacking you with.



Not actual account freezing, but you may want to learn that you can also freeze your opponent during a battle. You will have the chance to add a freezing weapon into your BD set to freeze your opponent and be able to take some advantage over him. This will prevent your opponent from attack during a turn and you will be able to attack him / deal with him the amount of damage you can possibly do. You will also not be able to take any damage during that specific turn.

Freezers will have a freeze rating and it will depend of the freezer itself. You can find a freezer with low to average chance of freezing, and you will also be able to find 100% and multi freezers, which are better.

The less than 100% freezer will freeze your opponent, for example if you use a Red Frost Canon against him. However, you will not be guaranteed to successfully freeze him and once you’ve tried to and have succeeded or failed, you will not be able to be able to use your weapon again during the same battle. Only one freezing attempt can be tried per battle.

The 100% freezers will be able to freeze your opponent once you use the freezing item you have. On many occasions, people will use 100% at the beginning of a 2-player battle so that they can start with a large advantage over their opponent and this will increase their chance of being victorious, simply because the way a battle starts will, most of the time, determine who will win and who will not.

The multi freezers are good for higher leveled pets, simply because they have more HP and will be able to stay in a battle for a longer period of time. Because multi freezers have usually a low chance of freezing, at approximately 15%, you will not be always able to freeze your opponent. These weapons are multi use, though, and if you’re lucky enough with them, you will be able to freeze your opponent a lot of times, leading you to victory.


Item Types

Not all items can be used the same way. Some will stay, and some will go afterward. For that reason, you should know the item types and learn what can be used many times, and what can only be used once. Their description will tell you the item type they are, so that you can make sure you don’t waste your NP because you didn’t know x weapon was that type.

The first item type is when a weapon has the Multiple Use tag. The multiple use means that you can attack with that specific weapon the amount of time you’re looking for, and it will never unavailable, unless your opponent steals it from you. With multiple use items, you can do damage with that item as many times as you wish during the battle, simply because they can be used, theoretically, an infinite amount of times.

The other item type that a weapon can have is the once-per-battle, and their type gives your the perfect idea of their use: one once per battle. Items such as healers and freezers. Also, bombs like the Ghostkerbomb, for example, will only be able to be used once per turn. Just like in real life: when you have a bomb and throw it away you will not be able to throw it again because it will be exploded then. Usually, bombs will do a massive amount of damage and this is the reason they can not be used more than once, otherwise it will be unfair. Same thing for healers and freezers: imagine you were able to freeze your opponent with a 100% freezer during all the turns and heal yourself with a 100% healer for all the turns, then how will your opponent stand a chance?

After that, comes the one-use item types which can only be used once and will vanish forever afterward, meaning that you should know what you’re doing and not waste your NP. Many items that are worth millions of NP are also one-use only. For example, the Eraser of the Dark Faerie, which almost no one has and costs 200 million NP is a one use item, but it will allow you to erase the petpet of your opponent permanently. Evil, eh? Try not wasting a lot of NP on one use items unless you know you will need them. For example, if you can not afford the Leaded Elemental Vial. you can purchase a Jade Elixir for 10,000 NP and use it to fully heal yourself. Make sure that you only use these for very important and serious battles.

Another item type is the fragile. Fragile items will have some chance of breaking through the battle and you will not be able to use them again. A fragile item will stay fragile and you will not be able to unfragilise it. When you have one during a combat, even if you don’t actually use it, it can break and it will not be recovered after the battle.

Semi-Fragile items are the last item types you will have to know about. These items are breakable just like the fragile categorized ones, but when they break, even if you will not be able to use them for the rest of the battle, they will remain in your inventory when it is done just like one-used items, but you will not have to actually use it for it to break.

Lastly, most strategies are based on a combination of multi-use and one-use items, which is what you should look forward if you’re planning on crushing all of your opponents.



Faerie abilities will grant you an ability that you will be able to use during a battle. A box near your weapons will be available for you to use, but for that you will have to actually train abilities. For that, you will have to purchase Faerie Bottles and use them on your pet. Depending on the Faerie type, you will be given earth, water, air, fire, physical, light or dark abilities by number (usually 1-2 per use). From that, you will be able to go to the Battledome and view your abilities so that you can “purchase” them with your points. Three abilities will be offered for you to learn, per range of levels, and you will only be able to learn of them at the cost of tokens that you got from the faeries. If you change your mind later, you can change the ability but it will cost you more tokens. The higher your level, the more abilities you will be able to learn, and the better they will get. Level 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 are the levels that will offer you an opportunity to learn a new ability.

Now that you have acquired that many information, go battle someone.


Neopets Mystery Island Training School

Neopets Mystery Island Training School is where you can get your pet to and train it to get it ready for the Battledome. Neopets Mystery Island Training School is available for your pet from level 1 to up to 250. You will able able to train Strength, Defence, Agility, Endurance and Levels to increase your winning rate in the battledome and stand against the strongest opponents to have ever entered the Battledome.



Note that you will have to pay for courses with Codestones, which are the main currency of the Mystery Island Training Schools. The Codestones are raindomly chosen, and since they are random and some of them are cheaper than others, one you decide to take a course you will not be able to cancel it. Even if you have chosen the wrong pet to train, you will have to pay in order to get it done. Codestones can be obtained as prizes from the Battledome by defeating various challengers and they can also be prizes awarded from Key Quest. Alternatively, the best way to purchase same it through the Shop Wizard, because there you will be able to find as many as you want. When you have the Codestone and you’re ready to pay for a course, simply click at the button that indicates Courses, then you will be able to see all of your Neopets. After that, click on Pay to successfully pay and start the course that will last depending of the level of your pet. The time you will have to wait for, for the course to finish will be described later.

The Codestones that are available for you are currently:

Bri Codestone
Eo Codestone
Har Codestone
Lu Codestone
Main Codestone
Mau Codestone
Orn Codestone
Tai-Kai Codestone
Vo Codestone
Zei Codestone



You will not be able to train your pet strength, defence, or agility above twice the level of your pet. As for endurance, it can not be higher than three times the level of your pet. It is possible to go above the level by few points, though, and make sure that it never happens. Let’s say you’re at level 20 and you have 40 strength points. That is the maximum number of strength points you can have. Same number applies for Defense and Agility. Let’s say you’re level 20 with 40 strength, but with only 13 defense, 11 agility and 30 health points. Don’t raise strength, because it will ruin your course training. You will not be able to train anymore unless you start by getting a higher level, and getting above level 21 will result in a two Codestone cost instead of one and will also take more time for a course to complete. Go in order, never go over the maximum amount of points you can have and always keep HP training for the end. As for agility, some people prefer not to train it simply because it is only for stealing temporarily weapons from your opponent. If you decide to not train agility, you will be able to save a good amount of NP and invest them on better Battledome Weapons. If you would like to perfect all of the stats, then you can consider training all of them



The guide below will give you an idea about the price associated with a course depending of the level of your pet, and the time that the course will take to successfully complete.

Grasshopper course is the first one, where it will train pets that are level 20 and less. The price for this course is one Codestone and it will take 2 hour to complete.

Basic course is for pets that are level 21-40, and it will cost 2 Codestones to pay for that course. As for the time, it will be 3 hours.

Intermediate course accepts pets of level 41 to 80, and will take 4 hours to finish. The price for them is 3 Codestones.

Adept courses are for pets that are level 81-100, and it will take 4 Codestones to get your pet training for 6 hours.

Advanced courses are only available for pets who have reached past level 100, meaning 101 up to 120. Things will start getting pricier, at 5 Codestones a level and 8 hours to complete.

Expert is the level where your pet will have to be from level 121 to 150. It will cost you 6 Codestones to take that course and will last for half a day, meaning 12 hours.

Master is when your pet starts becoming a champion, slowly but surely, after reaching level 151. This course will be open until it reaches level 200 and 7 Codestones will be needed to take this course, along with a 18 hours wait time.

Grand Master is the top of the courses, and is available only for pets that are level 201 to 250. 8 Codestones will be required and a wait time of 24 hours for each course will be needed.

After successfully training a course, you will want to press the Complete Course button to receive the point you’ve been waiting for. The more time you take to press it, the more time you will be taking until you start the next course and the slower your pet will train. For that reason, you will want to save up the time you’ve started a course to your pet on a piece of paper or on a notepad so that you can keep track of the time. Otherwise, you can simply memorize it if that is not a problem for you.

Sometimes, you can also receive a Super Bonus that will grant your pet 2 points instead of one, for your own benefit. It is just a gift and you should make good use of it (in the BD). One some very rare occasions you will be able to receive a 3 points boost. Some people have reported to have received up to 4 and 5 point boost, which is ultra rare and should not be taken into consideration (since chances are very slim).

Lastly, you may be wondering what happens after your pet reaches level 250. Mystery Island offers another secret school for pets that are above level 250. You may want to visit “Neopets Secret Ninja Training School” to learn more about it.


Neopets Swashbuckling Academy

Neopets Swashbuckling Academy is where you will have to go, as a starter BD pet, to train and get better. There, you will find the captain, Cap’n Threelegs the White Eyrie who is the responsible of the courses. If you try to train your pet during the 15th day of November, when it is Neopets birthday, you will be given a free training. Neopets Swashbuckling Academy also offers free training when it is x pet specie anniversary. Of course, you do not want to wait a year every time you want to train, and for this reason, you will have to pay the pirate. Not with NP, though, but with Dubloons that can be earned or brought trough the Shop Wizard.



When you visit Krawk Island, and you would like to purchase something, you will not do so with NP, but with dubloons. Not all dubloons are the same and they will vary depending of their worth. During the Academy, you will only be able to use a One Dubloon Coin, a Two Dubloon Coin and a Five Dubloon Coin. The other Dubloon coins will not be available for you to use there, but you may be wondering what they actually are. Dubloons can be obtained through Coltzan’s Shrine, Anchor Management and through the Shop Wizard, which is where the supply is so high that you will almost always find them. Below is a list that shows all the Dubloons respectively for you to know, along with their respective prices.

One Dubloon Coin – Usually 400 NP
Two Dubloon Coin – 500 NP
Five Dubloon Coin – 1,400 NP
Ten Dubloon Coin – 1,800 NP
Twenty Dubloon Coin – 3,600 NP
Fifty Dubloon Coin – 9,500 NP
One Hundred Dubloon Coin – 18,700 NP
Two Hundred Dubloon Coin – 39,500 NP
Five Hundred Dubloon Coin – 96,500 NP
One Thousand Dubloon Coin – 250,000 NP

You may also wondering if it is better for you to purchase Dubloons for the Swashbuckling Academy, or to hunt Codestones which are the Principal Mystery Island Training School currency. With Dubloons being cheaper, it is recommended that you start there until you reach at least level 20. That way, you will be guaranteed to save a good amount of NP, if you’re a new player who still doesn’t have a lot of NP. After that, it will be recommended to use Codestones in Mystery Island to train your pet, because the courses there will be much more faster, giving you the possibility to earn a lot of health, strength, defense, agility or level points in a single day.



In order to train there, you will, firstly, have to bring Dubloons with you. On the main page, you will find several sections that will be explaining below.

The Main section is the main page of the Swashbuckling Academy and this is where the pirate will be saying some random stuff. It is not really important.

The Courses section is where you will have to click to see the paying price (in Dubloons) for the pet you’re looking to train. Simply, at the bottom left of the page, select the name of your pet and you will see the number of Dubloons you will have to train your pet with and how long it will take for you to complete that course. Note that if your level is not high enough, you will have to prioritize it first, otherwise you will see an error message telling you that you must do so in order to train other points.

The Status page is where you can see your pets, and if they are training or not. You can train all the pets you have at the same time, if you wish. There, if your pet(s) is/are training or are waiting to get trained, you will be able to view the time left for their courses to complete or to pay the owed Dubloon(s) to Cap’n Threelegs.

The Sayings page will only show you Cap’n Threelegs himself with some bla bla. It is not important.

The Leave button will get you back to the map of Krawk Island.

New people tend to forget to actually pay the pirate. The mentioned sections above are there for you to also know that you will have to pay. When you select a course, you will have to go to the status page where you will pay the pirate. It is important to do so, unless you don’t want to actually start the course, which is strange. If you’re not sure about the left time for your course to finish, you can also go there to check. Since the Swashbuckling Academy will allow you to cancel a training course if you still haven’t paid, you will be able to cancel if you feel that you would like to save some more NP or you have sent the wrong pet there.


Cost of the Courses

Now you already know that you will have to pay with Dubloons, but how many exactly? How many will you have to bring with you?

The Sea Urchin is the first course type, for beginner pets at level 10 and under, where it will cost you a total of 1 Dubloon to to start it. The course there will take 4 hours to complete.

The Deckhand is the available course once your pet reaches level 11-20. There, you will have to pay 2 Dubloons and wait 6 hours for the course to complete.

The Pirate course is when your pet reaches level 21-30. There, the price will start becoming approximately 1,400 NP per course and you will have to wait a total of 8 hours for successful completion of the course.

The last course type available in the Swashbuckling Academy is the Cap’n, and there your pet will be at level 31 to 40. The price doesn’t chance for your own benefit, so it will remain at 5 Dubloons. However, the time will increase to 10 hours for the course to successfully complete.

Once your pet reaches level 40, and all the maximum health, defense, strength, agility and level points associated with that rank, he will be too strong for the Swashbuckling Academy and will have to find another place to train (preferably in Mystery Island).



Every time you complete a course, you will be rewarded with one point for what you’ve trained for. However, sometimes a SUPER BONUS message will appear and will award you with 2 points instead of one. On very, very rare occasions, 3 points will be awarded and that is if you’re extremely lucky. Some people have reported to have received 4 points, but this is unlikely to happen.

Why train?

You will have to train your pet to boost its stats, which means its health, strength, defense, agility and level. The Battledome offers no mercy, this is the principal reason why you want to train up. You want to win most / every battles you will be doing.

What should I train first?

When it comes to training, you should always focus on your level first. Know that the maximum amount of strength, defense or agility points are based on your level. The maximum amount of points you can train these up to is 2 times your level. If, for example, your pet is level 10, then it will be 10 x 2 = 20. 20 points of strength, defense and agility can be acquired from training courses. As for health, it will be three times your level.

Note that you should never go above the maximum number, or you will have to raise your level then even if you still haven’t raised the other stats. For example, at level 10, don’t get 21 strength points, because even if you are still at level 10, you will not be able to train up agility, defense, or hit points. To do so, you will have to start by increasing your level and you do not want that simply because the courses will then become pricier and will take more time to complete. For that reason, always respect the limit and train strength, defense, and agility (if you’re going after agility. Refer to the BD Guide to see why agility is not important for many players) points respectively, then HP. After that, raise up your level.

Finally, a couple of Avatars can be received from the Swashbuckling Academy.

Visiting room 45 in the Swashbuckling Academy will earn you the Pirate! – Aisha Avatar.

Visiting room 45 in the Swashbuckling Academy will earn you the Pirate! – Krawk Avatar.

Visiting room 2 in the Swashbuckling Academy will earn you the Pirate! – Scorchio Avatar.

Visiting room 2149 in the Swashbuckling Academy will earn you the Pirate! – Shoyru Avatar.

Upon successful completion of one course at the Swashbuckling Academy, you will receive the Cap’n Threelegs Avatar.

Have fun training.
