Grapes of Wrath (GoW)

The Grapes of Wrath is a famous Battledome item in Neopia, notorious for its high-icon attack at a relatively low price. Originally introduced as a joke item—complete with a pun on the classic novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck—this item has since become a core part of many players’ early and mid-tier Battledome sets. Here’s everything you need to know about this formidable fruit weapon, from its capabilities in combat to how it fits into different Battledome setups.

Item Origins and Overview

First appearing in Neopia many years ago, the Grapes of Wrath was quickly embraced by players for its amusing name and powerful attack, not to mention its accessibility. Unlike some Battledome items that only elite players could afford, Grapes of Wrath became known as a “budget-friendly” powerhouse, available to more players without sacrificing potency. Its attack type and versatility allowed Neopians to take it into battles against a wide range of opponents, making it one of the most-used weapons in lower and mid-level fights.

The item consists of a bunch of grapes that inflict significant damage on an opponent. Its colorful design and moderate pricing have kept it popular for years, making it a solid choice for many battle-ready Neopets.

Stats and Abilities

The Grapes of Wrath packs a punch for its price, making it an ideal entry-level weapon for players building their first Battledome sets. Here’s a breakdown of its stats:

  • Attack Icons: The Grapes of Wrath delivers a combined total of 11 icons:
    • 4 earth icons
    • 4 physical icons
    • 3 dark icons

This mix of icons makes it versatile against a variety of opponents, as many Neopets focus their defenses on just one or two elemental types, letting these mixed icons slip through to deal consistent damage. The weapon’s earth and dark icon combination also means it can counter opponents who rely on popular, affordable shields that focus on light or fire defense.

  • Availability and Affordability: One of the Grapes of Wrath’s biggest strengths is its price. Unlike rare and high-end Battledome items, which can cost millions of Neopoints, Grapes of Wrath is often available in the range of a few hundred thousand Neopoints. This affordability gives newer players access to a strong weapon without breaking the bank.

How to Use Grapes of Wrath in the Battledome

Grapes of Wrath is ideal for lower to mid-level battles, where mixed-icon damage can overwhelm opponents who lack comprehensive defenses. Here are some top strategies for deploying it effectively:

  1. Against Multi-Element Defenders: With its variety of elemental icons, Grapes of Wrath performs best against opponents whose shields don’t cover all its icon types. Look for openings when an opponent is equipped with a shield focusing on just one or two elements, allowing the Grapes to bypass those defenses and deal substantial damage.
  2. Combining with Other Weapons: Grapes of Wrath is powerful when paired with another budget weapon that provides different icons. For example, pairing it with the Downsize! defensive item can let you reduce incoming damage while dealing a mixed-icon attack, or you could combine it with a high-water icon item to create a broader range of icon damage, increasing the odds of bypassing an opponent’s defenses.
  3. Flexible Placement: Grapes of Wrath can easily fit into most Battledome sets thanks to its versatile icon spread and lower cost. This flexibility allows players to combine it with more specialized weapons or to use it as a mainstay for dealing balanced damage across many enemy types.

Ideal Pairings in a Battledome Set

Here are some popular items to pair with Grapes of Wrath for different strategies:

  • Downsize!: This defensive item complements Grapes of Wrath by letting you reduce damage on turns when you expect high incoming attacks. Since Grapes of Wrath already delivers solid damage, pairing it with a shield like Downsize! lets you stay on the offensive without worrying about too much counter-damage.
  • Sword of Skardsen (if budget allows): The Sword of Skardsen is another solid item that works well with Grapes of Wrath, especially for its dual-icon damage output, combining fire and dark icons. The combination can create an overwhelming offense that few Battledome defenses can fully counter.
  • Honey Potion: Honey Potion is another excellent budget-friendly pairing, delivering heavy damage in one turn with 13 random icons. Paired with Grapes of Wrath, you can deal significant damage early in battle, potentially securing a quick victory if your opponent’s defenses are not up to the task.
  • Magic Cookies: These consumable items offer random icon damage and pair well with Grapes of Wrath in a budget set. Since they don’t take up a slot permanently and are often inexpensive, they let you experiment with different icon spreads and may deliver critical hits when paired with the Grapes’ earth and dark damage.

Grapes of Wrath and the Economy

Unlike some of Neopia’s more high-end Battledome items, Grapes of Wrath maintains a steady price range that makes it accessible to a large swath of players. Its popularity and affordability mean that it’s widely traded, often appearing in both the Shop Wizard and the Trading Post. However, the steady demand for Grapes of Wrath means that its price is relatively stable, making it a good investment for those who need a reliable, reusable weapon at an affordable cost.

Many players appreciate the item for its cost-effectiveness in battles, as it delivers consistent damage without requiring a hefty investment. This stable pricing also makes it a good choice for players who want to maximize value per Neopoint in their Battledome sets.

Controversies and Community Opinions

While generally beloved for its humor and utility, Grapes of Wrath has sparked some debate over the years:

  1. Power Creep and Outdated Icons: Some players feel that the Grapes of Wrath has been overshadowed by newer weapons with more specific or higher icon damage. As Neopia’s economy and Battledome items continue to evolve, players have asked for updates or new items that provide similar multi-icon attacks at a slightly higher power level.
  2. Balancing Icon Types: The combination of earth, physical, and dark icons has made the Grapes of Wrath useful in a variety of battles, but some players feel it lacks enough synergy with other weapons. Critics argue that the item’s earth and dark icons could be more effective if paired with a newer dual-type shield, giving the Grapes a fresh role in advanced sets.
  3. Potential as a NeoCash Alternative: Some players have also suggested releasing a NeoCash version of the Grapes of Wrath with a slightly modified design, sparking discussions about whether such an option would undermine the item’s status as an affordable classic or be a welcome alternative for those who don’t mind using NeoCash to improve their Battledome experience.

Pros and Cons of Grapes of Wrath


  • High Icon Damage for Price: Few weapons in the same price range deliver as much mixed icon damage as Grapes of Wrath, making it a solid choice for budget Battledome fighters.
  • Versatility: The variety of icons ensures it can deal some level of damage even when facing multi-type defenses.
  • Affordability: Its relatively low price makes it accessible for new players, offering a reliable entry-point weapon for Battledome strategy.


  • Outclassed by Advanced Weapons: While powerful for its price, Grapes of Wrath can be outclassed by higher-end items as players progress.
  • Single-Use Limitation: Unlike some high-end weapons with special effects, Grapes of Wrath is straightforward, lacking any effects beyond its icon damage.
  • Limited Icon Compatibility: For some opponents, the combination of earth, physical, and dark icons can make it less effective if they have specific defenses covering those types.

Is Grapes of Wrath Worth It?

For players in the early to mid stages of Battledome development, Grapes of Wrath is a smart investment. It offers a balance of versatility, affordability, and power that few other items can match. Though it doesn’t provide the sheer strength or unique effects of high-end weapons, its consistent performance makes it ideal for those who want a reliable, reusable item for Neopian battles. Players building advanced sets may eventually replace it, but it will always remain a Neopian classic—and a pun-filled reminder of the Battledome’s colorful, strategic possibilities.

Thyoras Tear (TT)

Thyoras Tear (often abbreviated as TT) is one of the most legendary items in Neopia, known for its unparalleled defensive capabilities. Regarded as an elite shield, this item has been a sought-after choice for Battledome aficionados for years. Here’s everything you need to know about Thyoras Tear—from its origins and impact on the game economy to its effect in the Battledome and how to use it to maximum advantage.

Origin and Lore

Thyoras Tear holds a mythical place in Neopian lore. It is said to have originated from the tear of the Faerie Queen herself, Fyora. Legend has it that when Fyora wept for Neopia, her tear crystallized into this powerful artifact, capable of warding off nearly any attack. The lore adds a mystique to Thyoras Tear, making it a coveted symbol of power and resilience in Neopian culture.

The tear was first introduced as an incredibly rare prize that only a handful of Neopians were lucky enough to obtain. Over the years, its rarity has only added to its legendary status and value, maintaining a strong place in Neopian markets and Battledome inventories alike.

Stats and Defensive Abilities

Thyoras Tear is unparalleled as a defensive weapon, offering a full, one-turn block on all types of attacks. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its stats and uses:

  • Effect: Thyoras Tear blocks all icons of damage for one turn, regardless of the element or source. This makes it unique and gives it an edge over typical shields, which usually only block specific types of icons.
  • Durability: One of the Tear’s primary advantages is that it is usable once per battle. While this may seem limited, a single turn of complete protection can be game-changing in the right scenario.

This full-block effect is especially valuable against high-damage opponents or when facing combinations of physical, elemental, and dual-type attacks, as the tear neutralizes them completely for that critical turn.

How to Use Thyoras Tear in the Battledome

Since Thyoras Tear can only be used once per battle, timing is everything. Here are some strategies to make the most out of it:

  1. Block a High-Damage Turn: Thyoras Tear is best used when you anticipate a particularly heavy-hitting turn from your opponent. Whether they’re using a combo of dual-icon weapons or high-damage items, the Tear provides a full shield, letting you nullify their strongest moves.
  2. Control and Counter: The tear’s complete protection makes it excellent for defensive counterplay. For instance, if you know your opponent is likely to use their strongest move early, deploying Thyoras Tear can disrupt their strategy. Once their attack fails, you can retaliate on the next turn with full force.
  3. As a Recovery Opportunity: If you’re low on health or need time to strategize, use Thyoras Tear to grant yourself a breather. It’s a valuable tool for stalling a round if you need to regroup, assess your opponent’s patterns, or prepare for a healing or counterattack phase.

Ideal Pairings in a Battledome Set

Thyoras Tear’s unique ability makes it an excellent companion for a wide range of offensive and defensive sets. Here are some top choices for weapons to use alongside it:

  • High-Damage Weapons: Pairing Thyoras Tear with powerful weapons like Sword of Skardsen or Kelpbeard’s Trident lets you save the Tear for a defensive moment and go all-in on attack during other turns. Since Thyoras Tear covers all defenses, you can focus on maximizing your offensive capacity with high-damage items.
  • Freezing Items: Since Thyoras Tear only offers a single-use block, it pairs well with items like H4000 Helmet or Freezing Potion, which let you freeze your opponent while you prepare for a follow-up. A frozen opponent is especially vulnerable, so timing a freeze before or after using Thyoras Tear can tip the odds in your favor.
  • Healing Items: Thyoras Tear allows you to skip a turn of damage, which makes it an ideal opportunity to use healing items like Greater Healing Scroll or Bag of Healing Dust. This way, you can recover from previous hits while Thyoras Tear protects you from further damage.
  • Draining Weapons: Using weapons with health-draining abilities, like Jhudora’s Wand, can further extend your staying power in battle. You get one turn of complete protection with Thyoras Tear, giving you room to regenerate health or sap energy from your opponent.

Thyoras Tear in the Neopian Economy

Thyoras Tear is among the most expensive items in Neopia. Its price history has been one of remarkable consistency, reflecting both its enduring value and its rarity. Here’s a quick summary of its economic journey:

  • Early Days: In the early days, Thyoras Tear was rare but somewhat affordable compared to today’s prices. Its value was in the low millions, making it attainable for dedicated Battledome enthusiasts and collectors.
  • Middle Years: As Neopian inflation kicked in and Battledome strategies evolved, the Tear’s price steadily rose, reaching tens of millions of Neopoints.
  • Current Price: Today, Thyoras Tear is a luxury item, often selling for around 20 million Neopoints or higher. This hefty price tag makes it accessible primarily to seasoned players with established Neopoint earnings or rare item collections to trade.

This high value is also due to its exclusivity and unique utility. Few items in Neopia can block all damage in one turn, and Thyoras Tear remains one of the only items that provides such a complete shield. As such, it’s a status symbol as much as a functional Battledome tool, making it a prized possession for both competitive players and collectors.

Controversies and Community Opinions

As with many exclusive items in Neopia, Thyoras Tear has sparked discussions, particularly around issues of accessibility and game balance. Here are a few controversies surrounding it:

  1. Accessibility and Fairness: The high price of Thyoras Tear makes it nearly impossible for newer or low-budget players to acquire. Some argue that items with such unique abilities should be more accessible to help level the playing field in the Battledome. Others maintain that its price reflects its rarity and utility, making it a fair reward for veteran players who have spent years earning Neopoints.
  2. Effect on Game Balance: Thyoras Tear’s complete block is unmatched in the Battledome, leading to debates over its impact on game balance. Players have argued that having a one-turn shield is a significant advantage, especially when combined with high-damage weapons. Others counter that its one-use restriction is a fair limitation.
  3. Trading and Value Speculation: As one of the most expensive items in Neopia, Thyoras Tear has become a prime target for price speculation. Some players worry that artificial inflation is keeping the Tear out of reach for the average player, while others see its high price as a reflection of its legendary status.

Pros and Cons of Thyoras Tear


  • Complete Protection: Its unique ability to block all damage for one turn is unrivaled, making it a powerful defensive tool.
  • Strategic Flexibility: Players can use it as a high-stakes counter, as a breather for healing, or to time a decisive counterattack.
  • Prestige and Market Value: Beyond its utility, Thyoras Tear’s reputation and high market value make it a prestigious item in any Neopian collection.


  • High Cost: The steep price makes it inaccessible to many players, limiting its use to high-budget Battledome warriors.
  • One-Use Limitation: While the Tear’s single-use per battle is balanced, it still requires precise timing and can be wasteful if used too early.
  • Limited Availability: Due to its scarcity, acquiring a Thyoras Tear can be a lengthy and challenging process.

Is Thyoras Tear Worth It?

For serious Battledome players and collectors, Thyoras Tear is an invaluable item. It offers unmatched defense, making it a cornerstone of many advanced battle strategies. If you’re a dedicated Battledome player with high-level goals and the resources to invest, Thyoras Tear is well worth the cost for the security and strategic options it provides.

For those with tighter budgets, however, the Tear’s cost can be prohibitive. Alternative defensive items, such as Spectral Magic Mirror or Parasol of Unfortunate Demise, can still offer solid protection at a fraction of the cost. Ultimately, whether Thyoras Tear is worth it depends on your goals and resources in Neopia, but for those who manage to obtain it, it’s a legendary asset that can elevate your Battledome strategy to new heights.

Top 250 Battledome Neopets

Top 300 Pets

1. UkiukiWakuwaku
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  • Hit Points: 28303
  • Strength: 3285
  • Defence: 1767
  • Speed: 2918
  • Intelligence: 1399
  • Total Rating: 29803 (+(0))


2. Azn_angel634
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  • Hit Points: 24970
  • Strength: 2478
  • Defence: 931
  • Speed: 21323
  • Intelligence: 954
  • Total Rating: 26470 (+(604))

3. Barfolimue
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4. PrincessMiiMii
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5. Simba1303
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  • Hit Points: 15732
  • Strength: 7974
  • Defence: 5768
  • Speed: 6552
  • Intelligence: 5103
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6. Majal_Kita
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  • Strength: 3881
  • Defence: 2629
  • Speed: 7557
  • Intelligence: 2997
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7. Antorcha
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  • Hit Points: 14254
  • Strength: 3669
  • Defence: 2710
  • Speed: 5750
  • Intelligence: 3240
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8. Melliekins
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  • Hit Points: 14248
  • Strength: 6187
  • Defence: 3862
  • Speed: 6720
  • Intelligence: 5618
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9. Christian7222003
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  • Hit Points: 14000
  • Strength: 2135
  • Defence: 873
  • Speed: 11064
  • Intelligence: 1733
  • Total Rating: 15500 (+(0))

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  • Strength: 4640
  • Defence: 3414
  • Speed: 3011
  • Intelligence: 13523
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11. korabrick_doirn
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  • Hit Points: 13862
  • Strength: 1692
  • Defence: 1345
  • Speed: 995
  • Intelligence: 2780
  • Total Rating: 15362 (+(123))

12. slavaslittlewarrior
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  • Hit Points: 13504
  • Strength: 3006
  • Defence: 1863
  • Speed: 10193
  • Intelligence: 3324
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13. Betty_Boop123321
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  • Hit Points: 13022
  • Strength: 6826
  • Defence: 4941
  • Speed: 6028
  • Intelligence: 1249
  • Total Rating: 14522 (+(957))

14. UniClaude
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  • Hit Points: 12886
  • Strength: 4748
  • Defence: 3077
  • Speed: 3316
  • Intelligence: 1860
  • Total Rating: 14386 (+(531))

15. kumar_agent_008
  • Owner: kumar_agent_008
  • Hit Points: 11457
  • Strength: 2408
  • Defence: 1493
  • Speed: 1988
  • Intelligence: 1458
  • Total Rating: 12957 (+(4))

16. Neocarawan
  • Owner: madatneo4freeze
  • Hit Points: 10988
  • Strength: 3731
  • Defence: 2690
  • Speed: 6086
  • Intelligence: 3083
  • Total Rating: 12488 (+(0))


17. onahorse
  • Owner: pisha1
  • Hit Points: 10836
  • Strength: 3283
  • Defence: 1755
  • Speed: 1825
  • Intelligence: 1607
  • Total Rating: 12336 (+(257))

18. koug1948
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  • Hit Points: 10766
  • Strength: 6944
  • Defence: 4478
  • Speed: 5307
  • Intelligence: 3779
  • Total Rating: 12266 (+(275))

19. britishmists
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  • Hit Points: 10643
  • Strength: 6644
  • Defence: 5150
  • Speed: 5579
  • Intelligence: 3027
  • Total Rating: 12143 (+(406))

20. Jellie13
  • Owner: neschulz
  • Hit Points: 10357
  • Strength: 1617
  • Defence: 1442
  • Speed: 621
  • Intelligence: 4843
  • Total Rating: 11857 (+(0))

21. Maldeviant
  • Owner: malebranche
  • Hit Points: 10123
  • Strength: 2311
  • Defence: 1157
  • Speed: 1652
  • Intelligence: 4222
  • Total Rating: 11623 (+(68))

22. zareb76
  • Owner: mutant_squirrle
  • Hit Points: 10047
  • Strength: 1362
  • Defence: 822
  • Speed: 8519
  • Intelligence: 841
  • Total Rating: 11547 (+(0))

23. kjyut65kmyjytkjhkujh
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  • Hit Points: 9662
  • Strength: 2540
  • Defence: 2356
  • Speed: 1450
  • Intelligence: 3002
  • Total Rating: 11162 (+(0))

24. jeggonsfather
  • Owner: jeggonsfather
  • Hit Points: 9469
  • Strength: 5360
  • Defence: 3838
  • Speed: 3570
  • Intelligence: 1131
  • Total Rating: 10969 (+(303))

25. Rambo
  • Owner: miss_thing747
  • Hit Points: 9253
  • Strength: 1172
  • Defence: 937
  • Speed: 1140
  • Intelligence: 1410
  • Total Rating: 10753 (+(0))


26. gray
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  • Hit Points: 9188
  • Strength: 1253
  • Defence: 847
  • Speed: 7630
  • Intelligence: 593
  • Total Rating: 10688 (+(49))

27. macrofago
  • Owner: silviapera
  • Hit Points: 8893
  • Strength: 5038
  • Defence: 4073
  • Speed: 4506
  • Intelligence: 4804
  • Total Rating: 10393 (+(540))

28. gjc744
  • Owner: chess777
  • Hit Points: 8486
  • Strength: 4314
  • Defence: 2469
  • Speed: 2429
  • Intelligence: 81415
  • Total Rating: 9986 (+(261))

29. PuffFunnyBunny
  • Owner: mmaarryy356
  • Hit Points: 8446
  • Strength: 4082
  • Defence: 2639
  • Speed: 4163
  • Intelligence: 4692
  • Total Rating: 9946 (+(185))

30. ki.ller_88005
  • Owner: bunnybunnypet
  • Hit Points: 8321
  • Strength: 3787
  • Defence: 1694
  • Speed: 2385
  • Intelligence: 1021
  • Total Rating: 9821 (+(37))

31. Shintonu
  • Owner: 1draik
  • Hit Points: 8297
  • Strength: 3654
  • Defence: 1208
  • Speed: 2804
  • Intelligence: 2745
  • Total Rating: 9797 (+(70))

32. Clogfart
  • Owner: johnnysslorg
  • Hit Points: 8108
  • Strength: 2878
  • Defence: 1657
  • Speed: 2923
  • Intelligence: 1274
  • Total Rating: 9608 (+(432))

33. Bobette00
  • Owner: lorrai07
  • Hit Points: 8043
  • Strength: 3292
  • Defence: 1720
  • Speed: 3025
  • Intelligence: 4302
  • Total Rating: 9543 (+(122))

34. silkysophia
  • Owner: beadedblossoms
  • Hit Points: 8040
  • Strength: 1024
  • Defence: 917
  • Speed: 357
  • Intelligence: 1863
  • Total Rating: 9540 (+(0))

35. Pretty_Blue01
  • Owner: contessa_ac
  • Hit Points: 7931
  • Strength: 3594
  • Defence: 3328
  • Speed: 1855
  • Intelligence: 1756
  • Total Rating: 9431 (+(218))

36. BluBunnyBaby
  • Owner: cloonshannagh
  • Hit Points: 7826
  • Strength: 2039
  • Defence: 1582
  • Speed: 1118
  • Intelligence: 5743
  • Total Rating: 9326 (+(0))

37. _mariokart_
  • Owner: _mariokart_
  • Hit Points: 7791
  • Strength: 2000
  • Defence: 1376
  • Speed: 2413
  • Intelligence: 1412
  • Total Rating: 9291 (+(104))

38. ColdBlackWind
  • Owner: phoenix79
  • Hit Points: 7694
  • Strength: 3009
  • Defence: 1288
  • Speed: 1378
  • Intelligence: 103
  • Total Rating: 9194 (+(326))

39. tiliatanya
  • Owner: pleasechooseanid
  • Hit Points: 7531
  • Strength: 1838
  • Defence: 1524
  • Speed: 1044
  • Intelligence: 2540
  • Total Rating: 9031 (+(140))

40. TheSchwartz
  • Owner: spirochetes
  • Hit Points: 7311
  • Strength: 4183
  • Defence: 4163
  • Speed: 4129
  • Intelligence: 5410
  • Total Rating: 8811 (+(528))

41. Ursula_Usually
  • Owner: mompie
  • Hit Points: 7185
  • Strength: 3134
  • Defence: 2678
  • Speed: 1325
  • Intelligence: 1669
  • Total Rating: 8685 (+(314))

42. auckland79
  • Owner: gmdaddy
  • Hit Points: 7169
  • Strength: 2875
  • Defence: 1656
  • Speed: 1474
  • Intelligence: 4754
  • Total Rating: 8669 (+(104))

43. Keitha_DV
  • Owner: keycode999
  • Hit Points: 7146
  • Strength: 1064
  • Defence: 811
  • Speed: 5752
  • Intelligence: 1081
  • Total Rating: 8646 (+(0))

44. jade_75233
  • Owner: miniature_dude
  • Hit Points: 7084
  • Strength: 3683
  • Defence: 2470
  • Speed: 2943
  • Intelligence: 2528
  • Total Rating: 8584 (+(242))

45. Smoo_56
  • Owner: sheliakg
  • Hit Points: 7045
  • Strength: 3088
  • Defence: 3074
  • Speed: 1422
  • Intelligence: 3063
  • Total Rating: 8545 (+(118))

46. Darealkirby
  • Owner: darealkirby
  • Hit Points: 6974
  • Strength: 3210
  • Defence: 1902
  • Speed: 2464
  • Intelligence: 3082
  • Total Rating: 8474 (+(0))


47. TikiJ
  • Owner: angelfire1a
  • Hit Points: 6961
  • Strength: 3224
  • Defence: 2130
  • Speed: 1945
  • Intelligence: 2771
  • Total Rating: 8461 (+(101))

48. Griss_m
  • Owner: kinkisms
  • Hit Points: 6940
  • Strength: 4235
  • Defence: 2296
  • Speed: 2382
  • Intelligence: 1819
  • Total Rating: 8440 (+(314))

49. BunnyIgooBoo
  • Owner: aesop23
  • Hit Points: 6734
  • Strength: 2720
  • Defence: 992
  • Speed: 2289
  • Intelligence: 2233
  • Total Rating: 8234 (+(25))

50. Wobbles505
  • Owner: stewy3555
  • Hit Points: 6692
  • Strength: 2594
  • Defence: 1051
  • Speed: 1251
  • Intelligence: 1497
  • Total Rating: 8192 (+(61))

51. Tracy_1a
  • Owner: anthony_co
  • Hit Points: 6668
  • Strength: 3254
  • Defence: 2489
  • Speed: 1710
  • Intelligence: 1994
  • Total Rating: 8168 (+(158))

52. skywind2000neo
  • Owner: syzygy26
  • Hit Points: 6603
  • Strength: 2654
  • Defence: 2562
  • Speed: 1669
  • Intelligence: 1571
  • Total Rating: 8103 (+(332))

53. atomic_superstar
  • Owner: creationsartwork
  • Hit Points: 6589
  • Strength: 1995
  • Defence: 1494
  • Speed: 1988
  • Intelligence: 4424
  • Total Rating: 8089 (+(0))

54. Slimedog007
  • Owner: plumslime
  • Hit Points: 6561
  • Strength: 3730
  • Defence: 2247
  • Speed: 1905
  • Intelligence: 1226
  • Total Rating: 8061 (+(317))

55. Blue_Eyes_Kacheek
  • Owner: java_corp02
  • Hit Points: 6465
  • Strength: 2873
  • Defence: 1488
  • Speed: 2206
  • Intelligence: 3541
  • Total Rating: 7965 (+(209))

56. featheralley
  • Owner: featheralley
  • Hit Points: 6398
  • Strength: 1612
  • Defence: 1110
  • Speed: 3494
  • Intelligence: 3425
  • Total Rating: 7898 (+(80))

57. Enoo87
  • Owner: atoz2
  • Hit Points: 6384
  • Strength: 1421
  • Defence: 1033
  • Speed: 792
  • Intelligence: 761
  • Total Rating: 7884 (+(50))

58. determinator_
  • Owner: justice_seeker_
  • Hit Points: 6334
  • Strength: 2261
  • Defence: 1663
  • Speed: 963
  • Intelligence: 816
  • Total Rating: 7834 (+(166))

59. neo____zafara
  • Owner: neo__rainbow
  • Hit Points: 6318
  • Strength: 3694
  • Defence: 2254
  • Speed: 2212
  • Intelligence: 5823
  • Total Rating: 7818 (+(325))

60. theflyingjaws
  • Owner: bintangs
  • Hit Points: 6247
  • Strength: 977
  • Defence: 943
  • Speed: 386
  • Intelligence: 379
  • Total Rating: 7747 (+(0))

61. floogleberry
  • Owner: kingrichardthe1
  • Hit Points: 6196
  • Strength: 2645
  • Defence: 1255
  • Speed: 3092
  • Intelligence: 1240
  • Total Rating: 7696 (+(79))

62. Lefiathan
  • Owner: sengirmtg
  • Hit Points: 6079
  • Strength: 2138
  • Defence: 1925
  • Speed: 1300
  • Intelligence: 3078
  • Total Rating: 7579 (+(282))

63. Punkster45
  • Owner: champ42688
  • Hit Points: 6041
  • Strength: 1066
  • Defence: 927
  • Speed: 425
  • Intelligence: 818
  • Total Rating: 7541 (+(0))

64. uniuni953neo
  • Owner: labmom953
  • Hit Points: 6038
  • Strength: 2697
  • Defence: 1348
  • Speed: 1658
  • Intelligence: 5395
  • Total Rating: 7538 (+(327))

65. Occult_Blade
  • Owner: thetricky
  • Hit Points: 6031
  • Strength: 1749
  • Defence: 1008
  • Speed: 3436
  • Intelligence: 460
  • Total Rating: 7531 (+(14))

66. Lisini
  • Owner: cheetoskyler
  • Hit Points: 6022
  • Strength: 1087
  • Defence: 813
  • Speed: 1019
  • Intelligence: 313
  • Total Rating: 7522 (+(3))

67. Max_Grey
  • Owner: bobo_27371
  • Hit Points: 5983
  • Strength: 2447
  • Defence: 1770
  • Speed: 3431
  • Intelligence: 1729
  • Total Rating: 7483 (+(0))

68. snowbloom48
  • Owner: mellen48
  • Hit Points: 5932
  • Strength: 1891
  • Defence: 1365
  • Speed: 1086
  • Intelligence: 1120
  • Total Rating: 7432 (+(63))

69. SilverCyanide
  • Owner: dark_shadow202020
  • Hit Points: 5893
  • Strength: 2915
  • Defence: 1775
  • Speed: 2299
  • Intelligence: 2089
  • Total Rating: 7393 (+(266))

70. grom_1960
  • Owner: hawkie_1960
  • Hit Points: 5801
  • Strength: 3030
  • Defence: 2064
  • Speed: 2717
  • Intelligence: 3989
  • Total Rating: 7301 (+(121))

71. m_y__a_c_a_r_a
  • Owner: superfoomind69
  • Hit Points: 5794
  • Strength: 3989
  • Defence: 2949
  • Speed: 2469
  • Intelligence: 5066
  • Total Rating: 7294 (+(159))

72. scattergirl
  • Owner: scattergirl
  • Hit Points: 5657
  • Strength: 3059
  • Defence: 2249
  • Speed: 2406
  • Intelligence: 5210
  • Total Rating: 7157 (+(230))

73. bad_kitty228
  • Owner: supersolver101
  • Hit Points: 5590
  • Strength: 2278
  • Defence: 1706
  • Speed: 1598
  • Intelligence: 1305
  • Total Rating: 7090 (+(41))

74. Ingorion
  • Owner: bambixs
  • Hit Points: 5582
  • Strength: 2644
  • Defence: 2034
  • Speed: 1730
  • Intelligence: 3463
  • Total Rating: 7082 (+(534))

75. Kougra_Con_jr
  • Owner: drdialtone
  • Hit Points: 5427
  • Strength: 1958
  • Defence: 1311
  • Speed: 2890
  • Intelligence: 1386
  • Total Rating: 6927 (+(0))

76. old_night619
  • Owner: old_night619
  • Hit Points: 5416
  • Strength: 2236
  • Defence: 1791
  • Speed: 3338
  • Intelligence: 10108
  • Total Rating: 6916 (+(30))

77. bloody__shadow
  • Owner: benladesh
  • Hit Points: 5345
  • Strength: 1089
  • Defence: 994
  • Speed: 340
  • Intelligence: 973
  • Total Rating: 6845 (+(0))

78. Shamcey
  • Owner: 20yearchamps
  • Hit Points: 5344
  • Strength: 798
  • Defence: 761
  • Speed: 307
  • Intelligence: 1048
  • Total Rating: 6844 (+(0))


79. Chris219_2145
  • Owner: chris219
  • Hit Points: 5343
  • Strength: 2622
  • Defence: 2130
  • Speed: 1386
  • Intelligence: 4356
  • Total Rating: 6843 (+(110))

80. Testaruda
  • Owner: kapdenuevo
  • Hit Points: 5305
  • Strength: 1036
  • Defence: 925
  • Speed: 304
  • Intelligence: 2041
  • Total Rating: 6805 (+(252))

81. Arkadek
  • Owner: evaliah
  • Hit Points: 5200
  • Strength: 3160
  • Defence: 2738
  • Speed: 1994
  • Intelligence: 5758
  • Total Rating: 6700 (+(85))

82. Yusi
  • Owner: toxic_two
  • Hit Points: 5149
  • Strength: 1574
  • Defence: 1210
  • Speed: 1401
  • Intelligence: 2310
  • Total Rating: 6649 (+(1040))

83. GeoffBob
  • Owner: cottie83
  • Hit Points: 5139
  • Strength: 1751
  • Defence: 874
  • Speed: 3124
  • Intelligence: 1591
  • Total Rating: 6639 (+(14))

84. Surex
  • Owner: pensum
  • Hit Points: 5139
  • Strength: 2228
  • Defence: 1813
  • Speed: 1435
  • Intelligence: 2906
  • Total Rating: 6639 (+(185))

85. cra.ckerbarrel_28540
  • Owner: spicecake312
  • Hit Points: 5136
  • Strength: 1834
  • Defence: 1452
  • Speed: 848
  • Intelligence: 2911
  • Total Rating: 6636 (+(268))

86. King_Kwazee_III
  • Owner: jellyfisher_2
  • Hit Points: 5098
  • Strength: 1833
  • Defence: 1000
  • Speed: 2030
  • Intelligence: 865
  • Total Rating: 6598 (+(0))

87. SloanLiB4IMedu
  • Owner: johnrichards33
  • Hit Points: 5022
  • Strength: 2600
  • Defence: 1760
  • Speed: 1786
  • Intelligence: 1389
  • Total Rating: 6522 (+(0))


88. Moby1971
  • Owner: ares13054
  • Hit Points: 5005
  • Strength: 3340
  • Defence: 2420
  • Speed: 2429
  • Intelligence: 835
  • Total Rating: 6505 (+(355))

89. Redrum_247
  • Owner: inthesea
  • Hit Points: 5002
  • Strength: 1656
  • Defence: 940
  • Speed: 2874
  • Intelligence: 1388
  • Total Rating: 6502 (+(0))

90. Kalabaz
  • Owner: phuzzbomb
  • Hit Points: 5000
  • Strength: 2186
  • Defence: 1646
  • Speed: 2806
  • Intelligence: 3737
  • Total Rating: 6500 (+(0))

91. llo937
  • Owner: yan2009
  • Hit Points: 4975
  • Strength: 1559
  • Defence: 1555
  • Speed: 937
  • Intelligence: 1218
  • Total Rating: 6475 (+(0))

92. Grephun
  • Owner: garet_jaxx
  • Hit Points: 4971
  • Strength: 2447
  • Defence: 1387
  • Speed: 1764
  • Intelligence: 1224
  • Total Rating: 6471 (+(39))

93. froggie_e5k2e9
  • Owner: bignana10
  • Hit Points: 4969
  • Strength: 3281
  • Defence: 2310
  • Speed: 2067
  • Intelligence: 1766
  • Total Rating: 6469 (+(103))

94. Schnatterschnatt
  • Owner: junnygag
  • Hit Points: 4962
  • Strength: 2180
  • Defence: 851
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 6462 (+(0))


95. Hong_gon_si_ORZ
  • Owner: sppyder2
  • Hit Points: 4931
  • Strength: 1833
  • Defence: 1565
  • Speed: 949
  • Intelligence: 1505
  • Total Rating: 6431 (+(146))

96. daddyfaddy
  • Owner: daddyfaddy
  • Hit Points: 4926
  • Strength: 1605
  • Defence: 1338
  • Speed: 1979
  • Intelligence: 1945
  • Total Rating: 6426 (+(0))


97. Goldmoon98
  • Owner: kitiara31
  • Hit Points: 4906
  • Strength: 1855
  • Defence: 1151
  • Speed: 3057
  • Intelligence: 1568
  • Total Rating: 6406 (+(0))

98. blue_aisha1024
  • Owner: km_blue_gold2410212
  • Hit Points: 4900
  • Strength: 2340
  • Defence: 1365
  • Speed: 1980
  • Intelligence: 2208
  • Total Rating: 6400 (+(31))

99. infamousweapon_2
  • Owner: infamousoulja_2
  • Hit Points: 4863
  • Strength: 2749
  • Defence: 2220
  • Speed: 1157
  • Intelligence: 629
  • Total Rating: 6363 (+(174))

100. Papuga37
  • Owner: sweep_the_doghouse
  • Hit Points: 4827
  • Strength: 2753
  • Defence: 1753
  • Speed: 1704
  • Intelligence: 5990
  • Total Rating: 6327 (+(109))

101. Cid_Edea_Kramer
  • Owner: fiery_sword
  • Hit Points: 4820
  • Strength: 1968
  • Defence: 932
  • Speed: 1313
  • Intelligence: 1571
  • Total Rating: 6320 (+(110))

102. Spankaroonie
  • Owner: goofyspouse
  • Hit Points: 4803
  • Strength: 1614
  • Defence: 888
  • Speed: 1733
  • Intelligence: 1197
  • Total Rating: 6303 (+(0))

103. Gallows
  • Owner: ruuff
  • Hit Points: 4801
  • Strength: 1750
  • Defence: 1408
  • Speed: 1142
  • Intelligence: 3437
  • Total Rating: 6301 (+(192))

104. Tribulations206
  • Owner: evazan
  • Hit Points: 4702
  • Strength: 1456
  • Defence: 858
  • Speed: 873
  • Intelligence: 1283
  • Total Rating: 6202 (+(1))

105. Captain_Mongo
  • Owner: stoicjohn
  • Hit Points: 4699
  • Strength: 2216
  • Defence: 1040
  • Speed: 1348
  • Intelligence: 1181
  • Total Rating: 6199 (+(63))

106. LunaGangrel
  • Owner: dudeperson41
  • Hit Points: 4683
  • Strength: 1955
  • Defence: 1387
  • Speed: 2571
  • Intelligence: 1685
  • Total Rating: 6183 (+(0))

107. ShangriLa13
  • Owner: mistydeep
  • Hit Points: 4670
  • Strength: 2236
  • Defence: 1046
  • Speed: 2547
  • Intelligence: 3082
  • Total Rating: 6170 (+(0))

108. Marju1
  • Owner: marju1416
  • Hit Points: 4626
  • Strength: 2404
  • Defence: 1898
  • Speed: 2415
  • Intelligence: 3085
  • Total Rating: 6126 (+(0))

109. Totimy
  • Owner: sakura_dreamer
  • Hit Points: 4624
  • Strength: 2076
  • Defence: 1402
  • Speed: 1221
  • Intelligence: 4628
  • Total Rating: 6124 (+(55))

110. emetrious
  • Owner: momofpharoahwarrior
  • Hit Points: 4616
  • Strength: 2027
  • Defence: 1770
  • Speed: 1088
  • Intelligence: 4992
  • Total Rating: 6116 (+(0))

111. Yubin
  • Owner: boseok
  • Hit Points: 4610
  • Strength: 1647
  • Defence: 1299
  • Speed: 1200
  • Intelligence: 134
  • Total Rating: 6110 (+(0))

112. GLoWiNgDrEaMz
  • Owner: tarantastical
  • Hit Points: 4604
  • Strength: 1008
  • Defence: 722
  • Speed: 3434
  • Intelligence: 615
  • Total Rating: 6076 (+(0))


113. Baby_Paci
  • Owner: pcdcr
  • Hit Points: 4557
  • Strength: 1238
  • Defence: 1115
  • Speed: 3388
  • Intelligence: 3707
  • Total Rating: 6057 (+(0))


114. BigRed8580
  • Owner: asp85245
  • Hit Points: 4557
  • Strength: 2829
  • Defence: 2184
  • Speed: 1755
  • Intelligence: 8420
  • Total Rating: 6057 (+(199))

115. ISS_Mossad_
  • Owner: amcgarty
  • Hit Points: 4539
  • Strength: 2421
  • Defence: 1090
  • Speed: 1484
  • Intelligence: 2396
  • Total Rating: 6039 (+(214))

116. MyLittleMissUni
  • Owner: beckybrooks
  • Hit Points: 4511
  • Strength: 2924
  • Defence: 1848
  • Speed: 1767
  • Intelligence: 4611
  • Total Rating: 6011 (+(43))

117. 10happy10
  • Owner: dogfriend2
  • Hit Points: 4481
  • Strength: 1362
  • Defence: 767
  • Speed: 2812
  • Intelligence: 1149
  • Total Rating: 5981 (+(2))

118. ___golden_dragon___
  • Owner: adragonontheground
  • Hit Points: 4447
  • Strength: 3020
  • Defence: 1723
  • Speed: 1646
  • Intelligence: 6133
  • Total Rating: 5947 (+(230))

119. amoh
  • Owner: darckys
  • Hit Points: 4388
  • Strength: 1041
  • Defence: 890
  • Speed: 554
  • Intelligence: 1151
  • Total Rating: 5888 (+(12))

120. Sabre_Extreme
  • Owner: electroplate1
  • Hit Points: 4335
  • Strength: 2622
  • Defence: 1618
  • Speed: 1440
  • Intelligence: 1137
  • Total Rating: 5835 (+(0))

121. Petrie11
  • Owner: kdzr1st
  • Hit Points: 4330
  • Strength: 1882
  • Defence: 1450
  • Speed: 1067
  • Intelligence: 2742
  • Total Rating: 5830 (+(464))

122. Longtimesunshine11
  • Owner: fairoaks11
  • Hit Points: 4320
  • Strength: 1780
  • Defence: 1094
  • Speed: 814
  • Intelligence: 1381
  • Total Rating: 5820 (+(2))

123. _makum_
  • Owner: mkschhh
  • Hit Points: 4284
  • Strength: 2824
  • Defence: 1863
  • Speed: 1597
  • Intelligence: 2576
  • Total Rating: 5784 (+(234))

124. ILike2Battle
  • Owner: 1337battl3r
  • Hit Points: 4234
  • Strength: 996
  • Defence: 796
  • Speed: 2862
  • Intelligence: 1182
  • Total Rating: 5734 (+(0))

125. Tubby_DanDan
  • Owner: necros88
  • Hit Points: 4225
  • Strength: 1987
  • Defence: 1258
  • Speed: 1058
  • Intelligence: 1432
  • Total Rating: 5725 (+(49))

126. Nuclear623
  • Owner: karateman326
  • Hit Points: 4173
  • Strength: 1571
  • Defence: 851
  • Speed: 708
  • Intelligence: 3111
  • Total Rating: 5673 (+(125))

127. babymike007
  • Owner: babymike007
  • Hit Points: 4172
  • Strength: 2208
  • Defence: 2050
  • Speed: 1435
  • Intelligence: 1922
  • Total Rating: 5672 (+(15))

128. Kougrathewild_2002
  • Owner: mylemontree
  • Hit Points: 4166
  • Strength: 2512
  • Defence: 1222
  • Speed: 1315
  • Intelligence: 1847
  • Total Rating: 5666 (+(10))

129. Muldemar
  • Owner: redoctopus75
  • Hit Points: 4162
  • Strength: 1646
  • Defence: 1085
  • Speed: 604
  • Intelligence: 1642
  • Total Rating: 5662 (+(27))

130. Ugla
  • Owner: fullmoonscarf
  • Hit Points: 4153
  • Strength: 803
  • Defence: 790
  • Speed: 103
  • Intelligence: 181
  • Total Rating: 5653 (+(0))

131. cxxsdssdc
  • Owner: macosten
  • Hit Points: 4142
  • Strength: 2579
  • Defence: 1481
  • Speed: 1205
  • Intelligence: 1637
  • Total Rating: 5642 (+(591))

132. Bcurrington
  • Owner: billycurrington
  • Hit Points: 4133
  • Strength: 1665
  • Defence: 1421
  • Speed: 730
  • Intelligence: 858
  • Total Rating: 5633 (+(299))

133. tixi752
  • Owner: nojusticeonneo
  • Hit Points: 4121
  • Strength: 1676
  • Defence: 1085
  • Speed: 1934
  • Intelligence: 1480
  • Total Rating: 5621 (+(15))

134. SnuffleWuzz
  • Owner: seewhyinoz
  • Hit Points: 4109
  • Strength: 2171
  • Defence: 1125
  • Speed: 1498
  • Intelligence: 659
  • Total Rating: 5609 (+(151))

135. Budweiser_8_
  • Owner: _dale_jr_
  • Hit Points: 4108
  • Strength: 1952
  • Defence: 1126
  • Speed: 1182
  • Intelligence: 1686
  • Total Rating: 5608 (+(33))

136. bigred66_2001
  • Owner: diverous
  • Hit Points: 4104
  • Strength: 2669
  • Defence: 1843
  • Speed: 1626
  • Intelligence: 1250
  • Total Rating: 5604 (+(0))

137. Xan_Jetsam
  • Owner: schezan
  • Hit Points: 4103
  • Strength: 2287
  • Defence: 1144
  • Speed: 1251
  • Intelligence: 1709
  • Total Rating: 5603 (+(79))

  • Owner: escudo_gt2
  • Hit Points: 4065
  • Strength: 1461
  • Defence: 917
  • Speed: 1020
  • Intelligence: 428
  • Total Rating: 5565 (+(83))

139. Pwn_shop
  • Owner: shamiana
  • Hit Points: 4063
  • Strength: 1474
  • Defence: 795
  • Speed: 2260
  • Intelligence: 1894
  • Total Rating: 5563 (+(0))

140. sabre_black18
  • Owner: shumandy
  • Hit Points: 4033
  • Strength: 2204
  • Defence: 1257
  • Speed: 1889
  • Intelligence: 1167
  • Total Rating: 5533 (+(8))

141. Xhan
  • Owner: ladeyi
  • Hit Points: 3991
  • Strength: 1359
  • Defence: 1092
  • Speed: 723
  • Intelligence: 1058
  • Total Rating: 5491 (+(0))


142. B_ast
  • Owner: tamczarnik
  • Hit Points: 3988
  • Strength: 2109
  • Defence: 1949
  • Speed: 1248
  • Intelligence: 2700
  • Total Rating: 5488 (+(272))

143. Fighting_w
  • Owner: fighting_w
  • Hit Points: 3963
  • Strength: 1319
  • Defence: 853
  • Speed: 2424
  • Intelligence: 953
  • Total Rating: 5463 (+(0))

144. caal2
  • Owner: asde12355
  • Hit Points: 3943
  • Strength: 1633
  • Defence: 786
  • Speed: 1705
  • Intelligence: 1209
  • Total Rating: 5443 (+(0))

145. Nicoletta87
  • Owner: enigmaticien
  • Hit Points: 3912
  • Strength: 1647
  • Defence: 827
  • Speed: 2338
  • Intelligence: 1155
  • Total Rating: 5412 (+(0))

146. qwertan
  • Owner: daddybas
  • Hit Points: 3867
  • Strength: 1788
  • Defence: 1095
  • Speed: 1833
  • Intelligence: 1648
  • Total Rating: 5367 (+(57))

147. ViciousAurra
  • Owner: j_bop_24
  • Hit Points: 3856
  • Strength: 1257
  • Defence: 937
  • Speed: 5356
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 5356 (+(0))


148. Iruka6969
  • Owner: sportsandmusic69
  • Hit Points: 3854
  • Strength: 2602
  • Defence: 1878
  • Speed: 1848
  • Intelligence: 2649
  • Total Rating: 5354 (+(2))

149. tbdtw_neopet
  • Owner: tbdtw
  • Hit Points: 3843
  • Strength: 2250
  • Defence: 1221
  • Speed: 1155
  • Intelligence: 912
  • Total Rating: 5343 (+(81))

150. millenium487
  • Owner: vision351
  • Hit Points: 3839
  • Strength: 1979
  • Defence: 968
  • Speed: 1182
  • Intelligence: 3570
  • Total Rating: 5339 (+(0))

151. Suis
  • Owner: papermonster
  • Hit Points: 3828
  • Strength: 1302
  • Defence: 1293
  • Speed: 301
  • Intelligence: 10730
  • Total Rating: 5328 (+(0))


152. zac_
  • Owner: doug_henrique
  • Hit Points: 3819
  • Strength: 1544
  • Defence: 1009
  • Speed: 488
  • Intelligence: 1466
  • Total Rating: 5319 (+(48))

153. meeppeeper
  • Owner: heatmn
  • Hit Points: 3783
  • Strength: 1613
  • Defence: 944
  • Speed: 1585
  • Intelligence: 1320
  • Total Rating: 5283 (+(74))

154. Sombers
  • Owner: all_wonderous_blaze
  • Hit Points: 3780
  • Strength: 750
  • Defence: 750
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 5280 (+(0))


155. Driger_M
  • Owner: ultimatewarrior2k
  • Hit Points: 3777
  • Strength: 1649
  • Defence: 1034
  • Speed: 826
  • Intelligence: 1259
  • Total Rating: 5277 (+(0))

156. Q_T_Double_E
  • Owner: juliamei4
  • Hit Points: 3765
  • Strength: 1436
  • Defence: 853
  • Speed: 2251
  • Intelligence: 1037
  • Total Rating: 5265 (+(0))

157. Acasuka
  • Owner: zap_diosa
  • Hit Points: 3727
  • Strength: 978
  • Defence: 894
  • Speed: 283
  • Intelligence: 2148
  • Total Rating: 5227 (+(185))

158. Toepay
  • Owner: calypsomatic
  • Hit Points: 3725
  • Strength: 1874
  • Defence: 1092
  • Speed: 1216
  • Intelligence: 1738
  • Total Rating: 5225 (+(0))

159. zKRITTERz
  • Owner: duanezz
  • Hit Points: 3711
  • Strength: 1174
  • Defence: 1049
  • Speed: 2305
  • Intelligence: 3758
  • Total Rating: 5211 (+(55))

160. Pyewocket
  • Owner: the_evil_mr_putt
  • Hit Points: 3610
  • Strength: 2289
  • Defence: 1530
  • Speed: 1176
  • Intelligence: 1528
  • Total Rating: 5110 (+(0))


161. Rubik3x3x3
  • Owner: rubik3x3x3
  • Hit Points: 3593
  • Strength: 2065
  • Defence: 1522
  • Speed: 1218
  • Intelligence: 136
  • Total Rating: 5093 (+(492))

162. X_Cocoroon_X
  • Owner: yugiakr
  • Hit Points: 3567
  • Strength: 2930
  • Defence: 2453
  • Speed: 2165
  • Intelligence: 620
  • Total Rating: 5067 (+(187))

163. bumblecake_8_8
  • Owner: mimsym
  • Hit Points: 3555
  • Strength: 2774
  • Defence: 2069
  • Speed: 1767
  • Intelligence: 1005
  • Total Rating: 5055 (+(274))

164. Noble_Phantasm
  • Owner: raida_san
  • Hit Points: 3554
  • Strength: 1511
  • Defence: 1023
  • Speed: 698
  • Intelligence: 894
  • Total Rating: 5054 (+(81))

165. crazyjoe990
  • Owner: crazyjoe99
  • Hit Points: 3543
  • Strength: 1129
  • Defence: 885
  • Speed: 1550
  • Intelligence: 1798
  • Total Rating: 5043 (+(0))

166. Ecclasia
  • Owner: kamoriha
  • Hit Points: 3525
  • Strength: 1152
  • Defence: 1030
  • Speed: 308
  • Intelligence: 895
  • Total Rating: 5025 (+(39))

167. EmeraldWing
  • Owner: mystique_warrior
  • Hit Points: 3524
  • Strength: 2064
  • Defence: 1595
  • Speed: 1449
  • Intelligence: 1895
  • Total Rating: 5024 (+(20))

168. Eurebus
  • Owner: diverous
  • Hit Points: 3524
  • Strength: 1828
  • Defence: 1281
  • Speed: 838
  • Intelligence: 1345
  • Total Rating: 5024 (+(75))

169. thegunnner
  • Owner: mopardude
  • Hit Points: 3515
  • Strength: 2018
  • Defence: 1430
  • Speed: 1205
  • Intelligence: 1529
  • Total Rating: 5015 (+(191))

170. Braun_T_Saurus
  • Owner: nugget304
  • Hit Points: 3513
  • Strength: 1310
  • Defence: 1064
  • Speed: 1951
  • Intelligence: 1296
  • Total Rating: 5013 (+(112))

171. Happirat
  • Owner: wallythorp
  • Hit Points: 3495
  • Strength: 1427
  • Defence: 1140
  • Speed: 742
  • Intelligence: 2622
  • Total Rating: 4995 (+(49))

172. Matty
  • Owner: hufflepuff
  • Hit Points: 3494
  • Strength: 1258
  • Defence: 1029
  • Speed: 2431
  • Intelligence: 1391
  • Total Rating: 4994 (+(2))

173. Mick_di
  • Owner: online
  • Hit Points: 3470
  • Strength: 1377
  • Defence: 804
  • Speed: 1532
  • Intelligence: 1134
  • Total Rating: 4970 (+(0))

174. Cyruz02
  • Owner: cyruzo
  • Hit Points: 3456
  • Strength: 2039
  • Defence: 1489
  • Speed: 1465
  • Intelligence: 2350
  • Total Rating: 4956 (+(259))

175. Breanna_D
  • Owner: whispering_acara
  • Hit Points: 3417
  • Strength: 1510
  • Defence: 902
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 4917 (+(0))


176. Snajdarn
  • Owner: okunnig
  • Hit Points: 3369
  • Strength: 1504
  • Defence: 1158
  • Speed: 1671
  • Intelligence: 1300
  • Total Rating: 4869 (+(0))

177. Golgorath
  • Owner: angelusmortem
  • Hit Points: 3354
  • Strength: 2160
  • Defence: 1207
  • Speed: 1398
  • Intelligence: 1512
  • Total Rating: 4854 (+(201))

178. sasi0912
  • Owner: tick_trick_track_1
  • Hit Points: 3349
  • Strength: 1979
  • Defence: 1268
  • Speed: 1083
  • Intelligence: 1553
  • Total Rating: 4849 (+(237))

179. Thirdchance
  • Owner: greatoceanroad
  • Hit Points: 3344
  • Strength: 3584
  • Defence: 2341
  • Speed: 6168
  • Intelligence: 52550
  • Total Rating: 4844 (+(44))

180. _bawitdaba_
  • Owner: squelch18
  • Hit Points: 3317
  • Strength: 1767
  • Defence: 1018
  • Speed: 1598
  • Intelligence: 2544
  • Total Rating: 4817 (+(0))

181. geartown
  • Owner: granfina2
  • Hit Points: 3317
  • Strength: 1447
  • Defence: 948
  • Speed: 469
  • Intelligence: 602
  • Total Rating: 4817 (+(27))

182. Krovett
  • Owner: drabble
  • Hit Points: 3312
  • Strength: 1268
  • Defence: 954
  • Speed: 450
  • Intelligence: 1382
  • Total Rating: 4812 (+(64))

183. Lil_Broooo
  • Owner: dsw1793
  • Hit Points: 3276
  • Strength: 1140
  • Defence: 1027
  • Speed: 457
  • Intelligence: 3642
  • Total Rating: 4776 (+(41))

184. Abq
  • Owner: richerichwvu
  • Hit Points: 3271
  • Strength: 1645
  • Defence: 872
  • Speed: 539
  • Intelligence: 1651
  • Total Rating: 4771 (+(65))

185. Wen_170104
  • Owner: xx_flash_gordon_xx
  • Hit Points: 3269
  • Strength: 1761
  • Defence: 1315
  • Speed: 1370
  • Intelligence: 152
  • Total Rating: 4769 (+(80))

186. hill0hill
  • Owner: sunny_hill
  • Hit Points: 3230
  • Strength: 1526
  • Defence: 1156
  • Speed: 1177
  • Intelligence: 2057
  • Total Rating: 4730 (+(0))

187. MegaDragonmon_87
  • Owner: _9527_
  • Hit Points: 3411
  • Strength: 1300
  • Defence: 567
  • Speed: 697
  • Intelligence: 307
  • Total Rating: 4728 (+(0))

188. mybabykyla
  • Owner: rabbanmad
  • Hit Points: 3454
  • Strength: 1681
  • Defence: 520
  • Speed: 1085
  • Intelligence: 1947
  • Total Rating: 4724 (+(97))

189. samsam450
  • Owner: bexbex999
  • Hit Points: 3223
  • Strength: 1591
  • Defence: 923
  • Speed: 1483
  • Intelligence: 3404
  • Total Rating: 4723 (+(5))

190. Daaaawoogie
  • Owner: ikspeelvals
  • Hit Points: 3220
  • Strength: 1441
  • Defence: 915
  • Speed: 1109
  • Intelligence: 1632
  • Total Rating: 4720 (+(0))

191. Bloxeh
  • Owner: lia_19_85
  • Hit Points: 3213
  • Strength: 1665
  • Defence: 933
  • Speed: 871
  • Intelligence: 1946
  • Total Rating: 4713 (+(5))

192. Avanai
  • Owner: nacil30
  • Hit Points: 3203
  • Strength: 2138
  • Defence: 1796
  • Speed: 995
  • Intelligence: 1622
  • Total Rating: 4703 (+(155))

193. Holshandra
  • Owner: alandad_fedup
  • Hit Points: 3203
  • Strength: 3419
  • Defence: 2926
  • Speed: 1761
  • Intelligence: 837
  • Total Rating: 4703 (+(159))

194. smokin187
  • Owner: stealth187
  • Hit Points: 3200
  • Strength: 1472
  • Defence: 858
  • Speed: 900
  • Intelligence: 4100
  • Total Rating: 4700 (+(22))

195. Clementye
  • Owner: thien
  • Hit Points: 3200
  • Strength: 1588
  • Defence: 784
  • Speed: 911
  • Intelligence: 3350
  • Total Rating: 4700 (+(76))

196. Slayer_64
  • Owner: agrias_64
  • Hit Points: 3193
  • Strength: 1933
  • Defence: 1696
  • Speed: 1669
  • Intelligence: 5635
  • Total Rating: 4693 (+(0))


197. TikiBomb
  • Owner: river_monsters
  • Hit Points: 3192
  • Strength: 1277
  • Defence: 1131
  • Speed: 438
  • Intelligence: 1208
  • Total Rating: 4692 (+(0))


198. Explopyro
  • Owner: bendable
  • Hit Points: 3190
  • Strength: 1742
  • Defence: 1731
  • Speed: 1113
  • Intelligence: 2067
  • Total Rating: 4690 (+(0))

199. WarriorJett
  • Owner: c3cill3
  • Hit Points: 3190
  • Strength: 1825
  • Defence: 777
  • Speed: 1053
  • Intelligence: 2470
  • Total Rating: 4690 (+(45))

200. Shrafin
  • Owner: stewartlcw
  • Hit Points: 3189
  • Strength: 1568
  • Defence: 905
  • Speed: 908
  • Intelligence: 2042
  • Total Rating: 4689 (+(50))

201. maina2587
  • Owner: lilcutedoglover
  • Hit Points: 3185
  • Strength: 1840
  • Defence: 1149
  • Speed: 942
  • Intelligence: 2976
  • Total Rating: 4685 (+(166))

202. starwar1234
  • Owner: grey_dragons
  • Hit Points: 3350
  • Strength: 1516
  • Defence: 583
  • Speed: 669
  • Intelligence: 416
  • Total Rating: 4683 (+(0))

203. Labaraycadabaray
  • Owner: selina_ann
  • Hit Points: 3171
  • Strength: 2618
  • Defence: 2072
  • Speed: 1672
  • Intelligence: 2483
  • Total Rating: 4671 (+(157))

204. Charlalbert
  • Owner: yseulegu
  • Hit Points: 3156
  • Strength: 1502
  • Defence: 1305
  • Speed: 757
  • Intelligence: 1540
  • Total Rating: 4656 (+(0))


205. _s911_
  • Owner: dporkypootd
  • Hit Points: 3143
  • Strength: 1084
  • Defence: 1064
  • Speed: 2037
  • Intelligence: 1045
  • Total Rating: 4643 (+(0))

206. minewminewneo
  • Owner: paulette888
  • Hit Points: 3137
  • Strength: 1072
  • Defence: 905
  • Speed: 727
  • Intelligence: 1195
  • Total Rating: 4637 (+(0))

207. Muhae
  • Owner: gentle
  • Hit Points: 3130
  • Strength: 1022
  • Defence: 949
  • Speed: 200
  • Intelligence: 318
  • Total Rating: 4630 (+(61))

208. Ocy
  • Owner: zebri
  • Hit Points: 3127
  • Strength: 1610
  • Defence: 1077
  • Speed: 1300
  • Intelligence: 1148
  • Total Rating: 4627 (+(0))

209. Toby_92104
  • Owner: mjondaniel
  • Hit Points: 3127
  • Strength: 2864
  • Defence: 2566
  • Speed: 1519
  • Intelligence: 3112
  • Total Rating: 4627 (+(204))

210. majestic_grarrl_7225
  • Owner: lavaaug
  • Hit Points: 3121
  • Strength: 1662
  • Defence: 1443
  • Speed: 991
  • Intelligence: 3701
  • Total Rating: 4621 (+(0))

211. gigglesalotmore
  • Owner: maccajane
  • Hit Points: 3114
  • Strength: 3191
  • Defence: 3092
  • Speed: 3032
  • Intelligence: 5012
  • Total Rating: 4614 (+(180))

212. _the_
  • Owner: 1337
  • Hit Points: 3110
  • Strength: 1327
  • Defence: 1040
  • Speed: 753
  • Intelligence: 1154
  • Total Rating: 4610 (+(595))

213. shankindawg
  • Owner: hippo_x41
  • Hit Points: 3109
  • Strength: 1674
  • Defence: 1475
  • Speed: 1275
  • Intelligence: 3362
  • Total Rating: 4609 (+(3))

214. hedrox
  • Owner: krazy_ki.ller_2001
  • Hit Points: 3103
  • Strength: 1042
  • Defence: 794
  • Speed: 2234
  • Intelligence: 1057
  • Total Rating: 4603 (+(0))

215. Emeraldgirl57
  • Owner: purplebean77
  • Hit Points: 3084
  • Strength: 1426
  • Defence: 1194
  • Speed: 947
  • Intelligence: 1682
  • Total Rating: 4584 (+(0))

216. Safriyah
  • Owner: filly260
  • Hit Points: 3077
  • Strength: 2012
  • Defence: 1898
  • Speed: 1274
  • Intelligence: 1621
  • Total Rating: 4577 (+(0))

217. Luxa
  • Owner: raginasian
  • Hit Points: 3069
  • Strength: 867
  • Defence: 768
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 4569 (+(0))


218. Grundo_Zinkro
  • Owner: zinkro
  • Hit Points: 3066
  • Strength: 2841
  • Defence: 2242
  • Speed: 1441
  • Intelligence: 4158
  • Total Rating: 4566 (+(245))

219. amina84
  • Owner: macrisbh
  • Hit Points: 3050
  • Strength: 1176
  • Defence: 1043
  • Speed: 332
  • Intelligence: 5791
  • Total Rating: 4550 (+(10))

220. Masters_United
  • Owner: masters_united
  • Hit Points: 3029
  • Strength: 1478
  • Defence: 791
  • Speed: 938
  • Intelligence: 1419
  • Total Rating: 4529 (+(205))

221. abunaidesu
  • Owner: moogle_lord
  • Hit Points: 3131
  • Strength: 1436
  • Defence: 646
  • Speed: 903
  • Intelligence: 951
  • Total Rating: 4527 (+(0))

222. goofusium
  • Owner: crusher_9966
  • Hit Points: 3035
  • Strength: 1544
  • Defence: 741
  • Speed: 928
  • Intelligence: 5618
  • Total Rating: 4526 (+(0))

223. Poddical
  • Owner: lux_aeterna1234
  • Hit Points: 3017
  • Strength: 947
  • Defence: 854
  • Speed: 313
  • Intelligence: 1979
  • Total Rating: 4517 (+(0))


224. Redeems
  • Owner: megamak
  • Hit Points: 3016
  • Strength: 1277
  • Defence: 975
  • Speed: 620
  • Intelligence: 122
  • Total Rating: 4516 (+(90))

225. Rageing_Flamee
  • Owner: sweet_theresa
  • Hit Points: 3014
  • Strength: 1442
  • Defence: 841
  • Speed: 1398
  • Intelligence: 110
  • Total Rating: 4514 (+(0))

226. dada6989
  • Owner: 1234cobra1234
  • Hit Points: 3010
  • Strength: 1954
  • Defence: 1323
  • Speed: 1140
  • Intelligence: 1367
  • Total Rating: 4510 (+(0))


227. Mary_Ellen_St_Cyr
  • Owner: redcatofdeath
  • Hit Points: 2970
  • Strength: 1433
  • Defence: 756
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 4470 (+(0))


228. Lobo34610
  • Owner: postalgrl
  • Hit Points: 2964
  • Strength: 1885
  • Defence: 1317
  • Speed: 1022
  • Intelligence: 1306
  • Total Rating: 4464 (+(195))

229. Roash
  • Owner: syko_skwerl
  • Hit Points: 2952
  • Strength: 1205
  • Defence: 838
  • Speed: 408
  • Intelligence: 3432
  • Total Rating: 4452 (+(0))


230. Sebastian_Bach
  • Owner: poison_bret_michaels
  • Hit Points: 2980
  • Strength: 1237
  • Defence: 706
  • Speed: 1749
  • Intelligence: 464
  • Total Rating: 4436 (+(0))

231. Reyokan
  • Owner: aerido
  • Hit Points: 2921
  • Strength: 971
  • Defence: 744
  • Speed: 1752
  • Intelligence: 479
  • Total Rating: 4415 (+(0))

232. FindingKneemo
  • Owner: coorie
  • Hit Points: 2915
  • Strength: 1446
  • Defence: 1117
  • Speed: 1624
  • Intelligence: 1544
  • Total Rating: 4415 (+(7))

233. verysoggy
  • Owner: jair_lorce
  • Hit Points: 2906
  • Strength: 2933
  • Defence: 2811
  • Speed: 2604
  • Intelligence: 2750
  • Total Rating: 4406 (+(139))

234. Garu_60
  • Owner: garu_and_pucca
  • Hit Points: 2906
  • Strength: 1349
  • Defence: 741
  • Speed: 1434
  • Intelligence: 1838
  • Total Rating: 4397 (+(0))

235. MyMexico
  • Owner: sc00bysn4cks
  • Hit Points: 2893
  • Strength: 1035
  • Defence: 781
  • Speed: 794
  • Intelligence: 144
  • Total Rating: 4393 (+(0))

236. Franciscus_Draco
  • Owner: joesmain
  • Hit Points: 2886
  • Strength: 1792
  • Defence: 1621
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 4386 (+(0))


237. RaverChris
  • Owner: raverchris
  • Hit Points: 3366
  • Strength: 1086
  • Defence: 261
  • Speed: 524
  • Intelligence: 232
  • Total Rating: 4377 (+(0))

238. dino8268
  • Owner: dino8268
  • Hit Points: 2861
  • Strength: 1825
  • Defence: 1096
  • Speed: 972
  • Intelligence: 4011
  • Total Rating: 4361 (+(13))

239. babypavan1
  • Owner: baby_pavan
  • Hit Points: 2839
  • Strength: 1335
  • Defence: 986
  • Speed: 974
  • Intelligence: 3662
  • Total Rating: 4339 (+(0))

240. Ryu_Hayabusa_666
  • Owner: gold_dragon_666
  • Hit Points: 2836
  • Strength: 1580
  • Defence: 903
  • Speed: 1276
  • Intelligence: 3403
  • Total Rating: 4336 (+(0))


241. 1994_3_3
  • Owner: pisha1
  • Hit Points: 2825
  • Strength: 1146
  • Defence: 934
  • Speed: 814
  • Intelligence: 1169
  • Total Rating: 4325 (+(0))

242. BlueBearBear
  • Owner: wear_bear
  • Hit Points: 2794
  • Strength: 1911
  • Defence: 1683
  • Speed: 1380
  • Intelligence: 778
  • Total Rating: 4294 (+(0))

243. Pattiglo
  • Owner: ogincxx
  • Hit Points: 2792
  • Strength: 1335
  • Defence: 985
  • Speed: 686
  • Intelligence: 927
  • Total Rating: 4292 (+(0))

244. returnofmac777
  • Owner: honestgirl888
  • Hit Points: 2782
  • Strength: 1313
  • Defence: 1006
  • Speed: 941
  • Intelligence: 2612
  • Total Rating: 4282 (+(25))

245. lB_lL_ll_lN_lK_ll_lE
  • Owner: jahschwa
  • Hit Points: 2777
  • Strength: 1252
  • Defence: 941
  • Speed: 905
  • Intelligence: 7818
  • Total Rating: 4277 (+(3))

246. Saudor
  • Owner: dmitri_stanislaus
  • Hit Points: 2757
  • Strength: 1419
  • Defence: 850
  • Speed: 1085
  • Intelligence: 1439
  • Total Rating: 4257 (+(53))

247. GoingToAbandon
  • Owner: monophyte
  • Hit Points: 2755
  • Strength: 1174
  • Defence: 777
  • Speed: 1664
  • Intelligence: 1135
  • Total Rating: 4255 (+(69))

248. atibubu
  • Owner: miyaharalilian
  • Hit Points: 2745
  • Strength: 1141
  • Defence: 931
  • Speed: 658
  • Intelligence: 4120
  • Total Rating: 4245 (+(0))

249. GrimHisser
  • Owner: handydandyandyboy__
  • Hit Points: 2745
  • Strength: 1199
  • Defence: 851
  • Speed: 760
  • Intelligence: 6067
  • Total Rating: 4245 (+(0))


250. Nenekkka
  • Owner: tian5000
  • Hit Points: 2745
  • Strength: 1385
  • Defence: 1152
  • Speed: 603
  • Intelligence: 1019
  • Total Rating: 4245 (+(0))

251. champsbuddy1
  • Owner: thechamp3531
  • Hit Points: 2742
  • Strength: 1448
  • Defence: 875
  • Speed: 593
  • Intelligence: 2382
  • Total Rating: 4242 (+(0))

252. Triasy
  • Owner: cpufreezer
  • Hit Points: 2733
  • Strength: 1216
  • Defence: 1051
  • Speed: 1022
  • Intelligence: 154
  • Total Rating: 4233 (+(0))


253. Liquid_Diablo
  • Owner: featheralley
  • Hit Points: 2731
  • Strength: 1370
  • Defence: 758
  • Speed: 1671
  • Intelligence: 2202
  • Total Rating: 4231 (+(0))

254. Aylia_77
  • Owner: lichtafrell
  • Hit Points: 2724
  • Strength: 2211
  • Defence: 1876
  • Speed: 704
  • Intelligence: 1752
  • Total Rating: 4224 (+(91))

255. VLocity
  • Owner: sp_tless
  • Hit Points: 2724
  • Strength: 2287
  • Defence: 1855
  • Speed: 1441
  • Intelligence: 1534
  • Total Rating: 4224 (+(100))

256. yourakittymeoow
  • Owner: thedarkestfaerie2
  • Hit Points: 2801
  • Strength: 1564
  • Defence: 670
  • Speed: 630
  • Intelligence: 1284
  • Total Rating: 4221 (+(46))

257. alpwing
  • Owner: climberguy
  • Hit Points: 2718
  • Strength: 1005
  • Defence: 932
  • Speed: 585
  • Intelligence: 1125
  • Total Rating: 4218 (+(157))

258. yp05
  • Owner: atreyuavenged
  • Hit Points: 2717
  • Strength: 1651
  • Defence: 1264
  • Speed: 1386
  • Intelligence: 3821
  • Total Rating: 4217 (+(0))

259. Piccolo_Soldier
  • Owner: wushu_soldier
  • Hit Points: 2712
  • Strength: 1350
  • Defence: 1100
  • Speed: 1398
  • Intelligence: 2604
  • Total Rating: 4212 (+(0))

260. balsamin
  • Owner: eloroettger
  • Hit Points: 2711
  • Strength: 750
  • Defence: 750
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Total Rating: 4211 (+(0))


261. Lord_Jefferson
  • Owner: volcom_51
  • Hit Points: 2710
  • Strength: 1570
  • Defence: 1118
  • Speed: 898
  • Intelligence: 1184
  • Total Rating: 4210 (+(0))

262. FinnishFrostWire
  • Owner: finnishviking
  • Hit Points: 2707
  • Strength: 1195
  • Defence: 831
  • Speed: 1041
  • Intelligence: 1335
  • Total Rating: 4207 (+(0))


263. SnufflyPadfoot
  • Owner: ava_ked
  • Hit Points: 2705
  • Strength: 1309
  • Defence: 846
  • Speed: 813
  • Intelligence: 3960
  • Total Rating: 4205 (+(0))

264. PirateScout
  • Owner: frankie8492
  • Hit Points: 2705
  • Strength: 1253
  • Defence: 898
  • Speed: 691
  • Intelligence: 144
  • Total Rating: 4205 (+(42))

265. Gloxaih
  • Owner: _kiplala_
  • Hit Points: 2704
  • Strength: 1480
  • Defence: 873
  • Speed: 855
  • Intelligence: 1061
  • Total Rating: 4204 (+(82))

266. Mae14th
  • Owner: juli1321
  • Hit Points: 2702
  • Strength: 2293
  • Defence: 2134
  • Speed: 1391
  • Intelligence: 4978
  • Total Rating: 4202 (+(170))

267. Dragono237
  • Owner: mega_man335
  • Hit Points: 2698
  • Strength: 1327
  • Defence: 1048
  • Speed: 800
  • Intelligence: 1675
  • Total Rating: 4198 (+(0))


268. Zixianna
  • Owner: zixianna
  • Hit Points: 2682
  • Strength: 1552
  • Defence: 1369
  • Speed: 1149
  • Intelligence: 65336
  • Total Rating: 4182 (+(270))

269. Gregoth
  • Owner: gregoroth
  • Hit Points: 2680
  • Strength: 1041
  • Defence: 913
  • Speed: 375
  • Intelligence: 1095
  • Total Rating: 4180 (+(27))

270. Cybraxia
  • Owner: acquta
  • Hit Points: 2666
  • Strength: 1291
  • Defence: 773
  • Speed: 575
  • Intelligence: 1542
  • Total Rating: 4166 (+(8))

271. CallickGon
  • Owner: chococoated
  • Hit Points: 2664
  • Strength: 1298
  • Defence: 1187
  • Speed: 1419
  • Intelligence: 1011
  • Total Rating: 4164 (+(0))


272. shadyaftamath2
  • Owner: shadyaftamath3
  • Hit Points: 2659
  • Strength: 1225
  • Defence: 1150
  • Speed: 621
  • Intelligence: 1570
  • Total Rating: 4159 (+(49))

273. chyberri
  • Owner: xiao_bunnie
  • Hit Points: 2729
  • Strength: 1234
  • Defence: 674
  • Speed: 1277
  • Intelligence: 279
  • Total Rating: 4153 (+(0))

274. Fireswat2000
  • Owner: aces_treasury
  • Hit Points: 2667
  • Strength: 1167
  • Defence: 733
  • Speed: 753
  • Intelligence: 818
  • Total Rating: 4150 (+(0))

275. jellyyumyumneo
  • Owner: topaz644
  • Hit Points: 2645
  • Strength: 1878
  • Defence: 1674
  • Speed: 1084
  • Intelligence: 4707
  • Total Rating: 4145 (+(177))

276. Sonairy
  • Owner: blahblahblah20032004
  • Hit Points: 2632
  • Strength: 1533
  • Defence: 1313
  • Speed: 547
  • Intelligence: 434
  • Total Rating: 4132 (+(24))

277. Anjelica_Sunshine
  • Owner: 1_jak_1
  • Hit Points: 2631
  • Strength: 2296
  • Defence: 2096
  • Speed: 1243
  • Intelligence: 1965
  • Total Rating: 4131 (+(6))

278. Vitac
  • Owner: saales
  • Hit Points: 2619
  • Strength: 960
  • Defence: 797
  • Speed: 34
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Total Rating: 4119 (+(5))

279. pystry
  • Owner: peirigill
  • Hit Points: 2619
  • Strength: 2334
  • Defence: 2201
  • Speed: 1961
  • Intelligence: 2161
  • Total Rating: 4119 (+(92))

280. Lirighan
  • Owner: miguelamarelo
  • Hit Points: 2587
  • Strength: 976
  • Defence: 949
  • Speed: 358
  • Intelligence: 2184
  • Total Rating: 4087 (+(0))

281. natalie82
  • Owner: firewocky55
  • Hit Points: 2585
  • Strength: 1131
  • Defence: 903
  • Speed: 1137
  • Intelligence: 23558
  • Total Rating: 4085 (+(0))


282. Stormcrest
  • Owner: cinders_lair
  • Hit Points: 2549
  • Strength: 1514
  • Defence: 1101
  • Speed: 1086
  • Intelligence: 2791
  • Total Rating: 4049 (+(164))

283. adrem16
  • Owner: ogait34
  • Hit Points: 2540
  • Strength: 1571
  • Defence: 1428
  • Speed: 949
  • Intelligence: 4605
  • Total Rating: 4040 (+(21))

284. Ingo_Whin
  • Owner: orangesfruits
  • Hit Points: 2538
  • Strength: 1091
  • Defence: 757
  • Speed: 1485
  • Intelligence: 830
  • Total Rating: 4038 (+(0))

285. MaybeMyBabyUni
  • Owner: escherinthehouse
  • Hit Points: 2533
  • Strength: 1268
  • Defence: 823
  • Speed: 927
  • Intelligence: 2796
  • Total Rating: 4033 (+(1))

286. Tarsidion
  • Owner: hupperpupper
  • Hit Points: 2522
  • Strength: 1128
  • Defence: 1178
  • Speed: 1009
  • Intelligence: 2217
  • Total Rating: 4022 (+(0))

287. hyackly186882
  • Owner: thmeky_side
  • Hit Points: 2511
  • Strength: 1213
  • Defence: 895
  • Speed: 610
  • Intelligence: 1300
  • Total Rating: 4011 (+(0))

288. ray_victum2
  • Owner: biillions
  • Hit Points: 2507
  • Strength: 1553
  • Defence: 1096
  • Speed: 1006
  • Intelligence: 1317
  • Total Rating: 4007 (+(0))

289. hectic_beater
  • Owner: drazu
  • Hit Points: 2500
  • Strength: 1511
  • Defence: 800
  • Speed: 2132
  • Intelligence: 234
  • Total Rating: 4000 (+(0))

290. dongpigual
  • Owner: hakasugu
  • Hit Points: 2508
  • Strength: 1429
  • Defence: 723
  • Speed: 933
  • Intelligence: 2870
  • Total Rating: 3981 (+(0))

291. xoccerholicz
  • Owner: doomsdaydemon666
  • Hit Points: 2478
  • Strength: 1194
  • Defence: 1044
  • Speed: 919
  • Intelligence: 1334
  • Total Rating: 3978 (+(40))

292. VelveteenLyon
  • Owner: neo_pet_kacheck
  • Hit Points: 2477
  • Strength: 1417
  • Defence: 802
  • Speed: 1102
  • Intelligence: 1783
  • Total Rating: 3977 (+(148))

293. BlueNiko
  • Owner: zwuyng
  • Hit Points: 2468
  • Strength: 1108
  • Defence: 985
  • Speed: 477
  • Intelligence: 899
  • Total Rating: 3968 (+(2))


294. 2099x
  • Owner: lind4861
  • Hit Points: 2454
  • Strength: 1029
  • Defence: 862
  • Speed: 863
  • Intelligence: 1095
  • Total Rating: 3954 (+(0))


295. Aisha_Theeper
  • Owner: janice_theep
  • Hit Points: 2449
  • Strength: 1433
  • Defence: 1418
  • Speed: 1014
  • Intelligence: 4785
  • Total Rating: 3949 (+(0))


296. Gaspari
  • Owner: thankless_knight
  • Hit Points: 2446
  • Strength: 1322
  • Defence: 813
  • Speed: 950
  • Intelligence: 8781
  • Total Rating: 3946 (+(0))

297. sehisha
  • Owner: miaka22
  • Hit Points: 2438
  • Strength: 1103
  • Defence: 1007
  • Speed: 497
  • Intelligence: 2703
  • Total Rating: 3938 (+(0))

298. labservant
  • Owner: thedarigandude
  • Hit Points: 2420
  • Strength: 1023
  • Defence: 914
  • Speed: 398
  • Intelligence: 4108
  • Total Rating: 3920 (+(0))

299. Microbot
  • Owner: barbui
  • Hit Points: 2419
  • Strength: 844
  • Defence: 810
  • Speed: 306
  • Intelligence: 252
  • Total Rating: 3919 (+(39))

300. 0perat0r
  • Owner: op3rator
  • Hit Points: 2413
  • Strength: 1195
  • Defence: 1110
  • Speed: 392
  • Intelligence: 3262
  • Total Rating: 3913 (+(0))

Neopets L97

Neopets League 97 is an event that is creator by Neopets battledomers where it will only allow a specific build for players, so that they can start battles against various opponents, while they can be fair in terms of stats. Neopets League 97 does also allow longer battles, which was an idea incorporated to suit some of the most sought after needs.


L97 Rules

There you will find a list that indicates what is allowed, and what isn’t. If you are looking to participate in the L97, you will have to follow them, otherwise you will not be able. If you have any questions about these rules, or for any other question, you are free to neomain Penguinqwert.

Rule #1: If you are looking to participate in the L97, your pet must have 97 HP, 20 STR, and 35 DEF, nothing else. You will have to do every thing in your power to reach exactly 97 HP, so that you don’t get an advantage over your opponent. Make sure that for the last remaining point, to not train at the Mystery Island Training School, simply because sometimes you will earn a bonus points, which gives your pet a +1, and can possibly get you over 97 HP. There is actually almost no way to lose HP, so make sure you don’t go over the limit. If you are looking to participate, your pet will also need a minimum of 80 HP, otherwise you will be disqualified from the battle. Put some effort on your pet before you enter the 97 League. However, there is an exception for pets with 98 HP will be accepted, considering their STR and DEF matches the requirements. If your pet has 98 HP, the 98th HP is considered as 0, so that if you fall at 1 HP, then you’re automatically considered the loser of the battle. If your pet has more than 98 HP, you will be not able to participate in the L97, unless you train up another pet.

Rule #2: You will not be allowed to use weapons that do more than 12.0 icons in offense, or in attack (ex: Super Attack Pea does more than 13 icons and therefore, it is not allowed).

Rule #3: You are not allowed to have a Dual Duty weapon that does more than 15.0 icons. You will also not be able to have 100% block Dual Duties.

Rule #4: The Dark Faerie Collar is not allowed during the L97 league because it does more than 15.0 (because of the reflection it provides).

Rule #5: Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield is not allowed because it was considered to be overpowered.

Rule #6: Stealing weapons, and freezer weapons are not allowed if, both of the players have agreed to the use of them. If one of the two players agrees, and the other doesn’t, then neither will be able to use a freezer, stealing weapon. However, if both of the players agree to the use of these weapons, then they are free to.

Rule #7: Weapons that can heal multiple times in a battle are not allowed, just like the Wand of the Dark Faerie, and the Illusen’s Staff as two examples. There are more multi-healers out there, though.

Rule #8: The Rainbow Scorchstone and the Glittery Scorchstone are not allowed during the L97 league.

Rule #9: You will not be able to use Thyoras Tear and Downsize in a battle. In other words, you are not allowed to equip both of these to your pet. Only one of them is allowed.

Rule #10: Faerie abilities of level 50 and more are not allowed.

Rule #11: Single Use items are not allowed. However, you are free to use fragile items if they don’t break one of the rules described before.

Rule #12: A participant will not be able to harm his opponent by using poison if they are not going to provide a cure for them. If one does poison his opponent during a L97 battle, then he must provide the cure at his own fees.

Rule #13: All players will not be allowed to use boons that are obtainable from the Battleground Oblisk War, which will give a slight advantage to the player who has them. Avoid at any cost.

Rule #14: You are only allowed to use the weapon that are yours. You will not be able to borrow weapons from other users, even if they are not participating in the L97 events. You will have to purchase weapons by your own efforts. However, you will be able to borrow L97 pets if you wish.

Rule #15: You will have to respect Neopets Terms and Conditions, so that you do not scam or cheat in the attention to win the battle.

Rule #16: If battlers enter in a dispute, then they must refer to the staff of the iDB tournament.

Rule #17: If you break any of the rule described before will lead you to a “forfeiture from a battle or set”, being disqualified or banned from the future L97 events that will take place.

Rule #18: Even though there are ability glitches, they can still be played simply because it is part of the life.


L97 Weapons

The weapons that will be mentioned below are great and useful, and certainly recommended for the L97 events. This list will give you an idea of the stronger weapons that should be considered, as being used during L97 Battles. Items with an asterisk “*” are the rarest weapons and they can be very difficult to find and to purchase.

Note that the Meukas Snot Trail is the only weapon that responds exactly to the limit of 12.0 icons (refer to rule#2).

Single Iconned Items

Glowing Cauldron
Golden Butter Knife
Maractite Battle Duck
Portable Kiln

Dual Iconners

Amulet of Thilg
Battle Dung
Fiery Battle Dung
Glowing Battle Dung
Greater Tiki Amulet*
Icy Battle Duck
Illusens Gems
Jittery Jipple Pear Potion
Meukas Snot Trail
Petpet Bone
Pocket Cooking Pot
Ramtors Spellbook
Rancid Battle Dung
Ring of the Sway
Sack of Sneezing Powder*
Scuzzys Comb
Staff of Righteous Fury
Starry Battle Dung
Throwing Cupcakes

Three Iconners +

Barbat Throwing Star
Bow of the Air Faerie
Bow of the Fire Faerie
Bow of the Light Faerie
Bow of the Water Faerie
Bzzt Blaster
Chakram of the Air Faerie
Dark Faerie Bow
Energy Blaster
Fungus Ray
Garoo Elite Blaster
Geraptiku Attack Leaf
Goo Blaster
Magma Blaster
Scroll of Knowledge
Solar Burrito
Steaming Skeem Potion
Throwing Nachos


Blue Draping Cloak
Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour
Faerie Tabard
Frozen Cyodrake Shield
Full Jubjub Armour
Illusens Silver Shield
Kaylas Magic Cloak
Parasol of Unfortunate Demise
Pirate Captains Hat
Shield of Faerieland
Wanderers Cloak


Cursed Elixir
Leaded Elemental Vial
Jade Scorchstone
Rejuvenating Jar of Brains
Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic

Dual Duties – Offensive

Air Faerie Crown
Air Faeries Fan*
Ancient Gnarled Wand
Blunted Qasalan Gladius Sword
Cloudy Wand of Storms
Dusty Magic Broom
Frozen Wand of Crystals
Frozen Water Daggers
Golden Compass
Hobans Hat
Island Mystics Staff
Kaylas Hat
Morguss Twisted Wand*
Mysterious Amulet*
Skarls Sceptre*
Space Faerie Token*
Spyder Stone Necklace
Tyrannian Army Math Tools
Stocking Full of Coal
Xantan Slime Amulet*

Dual Duties – Defensive

Amulet of Altador
Asparagus Dagger
Bleached Bone Staff
Commander Blade*
Darigan Generals Sword*
Deadly Pugio
Devious Top Hat and Cane
Frozen Wave Scimitar
Greater Orb of the Fire Faerie*
Grimoire of Thade
Jhudoras Cursed Sword
Pyon Stinger Mace
Silver Korbat Amulet
Sophies Wooden Spoon
Twisted Dark Dagger
Wand of Lameness


Clawed Shield
Combo Battle Mirror
Craftsman Lens
Double Dryer
Dual Battle Mirror
Flame Reflectozap
Kings Lens
Mega U-Bend
Reflectozap 2000Shovel Plus
Super U-Bend
Superior Reflection Shield
Triple Turbo Dryer
Turbo Flame Reflector
U-Bend of Great Justice
Ultimate Dark Reflectorb
Ultra Dark Reflectorb
Ultra Dual Shovel

Miscellaneous Equipment

A Shovel
Hubrids Puzzle Box
Jhudoras Crystal Ball
Prickly Potion
Purple Hooded Robe
Thyoras Tear
Voidberry Potion
Yooyuball Goal Net Shield

Finally, the L97 events are for those who are not looking to waste a lot of time training their pets, but want to come up with the best strategies to take the lead on their opponents.


Neopets King Coltzan Society

Neopets King Coltzan Society is a group of people that is involved in the Higher League Battle. If one is apart of the King Coltzan Society, it does also mean that he has a higher league pet. Neopets King Coltzan Society defines a higher league pet as one who has 1000 Hit Points, 750 STR, and 750 DEF. Since STR at 750 points will inflict the most possible damage, and DEF at 750 points will defend the most possible icons, players can also choose to have more points for these two factors, which will not change the battle system.



Note that the King Coltzan Society is not a guild in any form, or even a clan. 1 Player and 2 Player events take part few times during a year. At this time, 2 player events are the only “modes” that will be hosted, because the Battledome is currently in Beta and has some changes to do. Once that happens, though, 1-player tournaments will be hosted within the time. Many rules will have to followed by those who wish to participate in the KCS events, and these detailed rules will be described later below. If any of these rules is not respected, a player will not be able to participate in the KCS events, so make sure you read them carefully.

The important factor that King Coltzan Society brings is that this association has brought a lot of help to make sure that veteran battlers are known, and that they will be visible to the future battledomers. If you’re looking to join the KCS, note that you will need some NP, since you will have to actually purchase a good BD set, that is powerful, and, at the same time, strategical. You will also have to use a trained pet with the stats described before, meaning 1000 HP/750 STR/750 DEF. Since the KCS pet stats requirements are high enough, it will be hard to join it and not many people will be able to. However, note that they are high so that battledomers can setup many strategies of theirs and make sure that the Battledome is ruled by the powerful, just like before.

You may be wondering if you should join the King Coltzan Society, or not. Of course, it is a reasonable question, but you will have to ask yourself whether the battling group is the good one for you. The King Coltzan Society is made certainly, mostly, for the people are looking for a strong battle, that can mix a combination of weapons to come with the best strategies that they’ve been thinking about, possibly for hours if not days. This association will also help you to increase your talent, so that you can even face the most powerful battledomers, and chose to fear or to be feared.

If you think that you qualify for the KCS, simply join. If you change your mind later, you will always have the opportunity to retract. It is up to you to decide whether you want to give it a try or not, but you should note that the KCS is absolutely not for beginners. You will need some experience there, or you will get crushed.



The rules below are directly attached to the King Coltzan Society, and you will have to follow them if you’re looking to be apart of it. It is not hard though, just read this one time or two, and you will get familiar with them.

Rule #1: You will have to be Kind and Courteous. The reason behind that is because, when we think about it, the Battledome brings up the competitive side of the players who are willing to battle, and if players started to be disrespectful, then the fun will be gone. Make sure that you are always Kind and Courteous, and it is not too much asked.

Rule #2: You will have to be Honest. You will not be able to borrow pets from your friends or from other people, because they will not be your own efforts. You will have to train a pet by yourself to be proud in participating in the King Coltzan Society, and you will also not be able to borrow weapons from your friends. For the weapons, though, it is harder to spot those who will borrow weapons, and this is why you are asked to be honest. You will have to win by your own efforts, and by the NP you’ve had a hard time getting, not by the work of someone else.

Rule #3: You will have to follow the event rules, which means that a list of guidelines will be given when the King Coltzan Society is about to start, and you will have to respect them to assure a smooth functionality of the battles.

Rule #4: You will not be able to use certain weapons. Basically, all weapons are allowed, but not those that are described below. The reason behind this is that some were judged unfair, which can be because of their capacity to multi-heal and to take a great advantage in battles, or because no weapons were released to counter x weapon, which can be unfair. Would you like having to battle against someone with a knife, while your enemy has a Carabine X51? Surely not. Below is the list of the weapons that you will not be able to use during the KCS battling events.

  • Items that will alter your opponent are not permitted. That means all the noxious weapons that can give your opponent’s pet a disease, the Eraser of the Dark Faerie which can delete the petpet of your opponent, etc.
  • Wand of the Dark Faerie, and Illusen’s Staff are only allowed until they will start healing you. You will not be able to use the multi-healing ability that they will provide. When your HP is low enough to earn healing, you will not be able to use these during a battle, because it is unfair for your opponent. If you have to multi-heal by a mistake, then the battle will have to be re-made.
  • You are only limited to have one freezer during a battle. You will not be allowed to use multiple freezers.
  • You will only be able to use one of these particular items during a battle, not both: Thyoras Tear and Thick Smoke Bomb. These weapons will be able to do exactly the same thing. The Thyoras Tear can defend you against all icons, at 100%, during one turn and will disappear from your set until the end of the battle. However, since its price is in the millions of NP range, the Thick Smoke Bomb was added later to give a chance to the low-on-NP players for them to use, but it will disappear forever after the use and players will have to purchase multiple of them if they wish to use them.

Rule #5: You will be able to use all of the Faerie Abilities that you wish to use, but some of them are banned: Lens Flare, Throw Pillows, Tempest, Warlocks Rage and Rejuvenate. Also note that Level 500 abilities are also banned from the King Coltzan Society events.

Rule #6: Make sure that there is not ties to be made, and that if a battle results in a tie, the battle will have to be re-matched so that a victorious can be determined.


On the new Battledome, that is currently in Beta, freezers do not work very well, but note that King Coltzan Society allows you to use a freezer in a battle if, and only if both players agree to the use of them. If both players have agreed to the use of freezers, they will be able to use them during battles. However, you will have to keep in mind that if a player has been frozen, his opponent will not be able to use weapons or abilities for that round. If one of the two players has not agreed to the use of freezers, then the other player will not be able to use them, which also means the restriction of the Sword of Lameness.

Freezers have known few changes since the Battledome has changed, and it is necessary to point them out for you to understand. In the old Battledome, players were able to freeze their opponent, and that opponent would not be able to use a weapon of their for the next round. For the new Battledome, whenever a player uses a freezing item, you will have to make the first move during the next round so that you can actually freeze your opponent. For example, Bob decides to use his freezer in round 1. Bob has to pick on of his weapons or abilities, then proceed to click the FIGHT button before his opponent. If that has been a success, then the opponent of Bob will be frozen during that specific round. If his opponent has had an opportunity to click the FIGHT button before Bob, then the freeze will not take place and it will be a failure from Bob’s part. Currently, you will not be able to use your freezer for another attempt if you fail at the first time. Whether you succeed or fail at freezing your opponent during a specific round, the freezer will vanish from your set until the end of the battle.


Scores and Points

The King Coltzan Society have decided of the repartitions of the points, so that the fighters can earn them based on their competence. The Base Ten has been decided by the King Coltzan Society, so that all fighters will get a change to battle against people outside of their current bracket, thus leading to a fairer game.

For bracket 7, the player must defeat bracket number 3. The winner will get a total of 6 points.

For bracket 6, the player must defeat bracket number 4. The winner will get a total of 8 points.

For bracket 5, the player must defeat bracket number 5. The winner will get a total of 10 points.

For bracket 4, the player must defeat bracket 6. The winner will get a total of 12 points.

For bracket 3, the player must defeat bracket 7. The winner will get a total of 14 points.

The battler that will be designed as the winner for x battle will get a total of 10 points. There is also a minimum number of points that is awarded, which is about if, for example, bracket #3 defeats bracket #7, then bracket #3 will get 3 points per battle, but bracket #7 will not be eligible for these points. That was concluded to be necessary to help balance the points between brackets.

Finally, if you are looking to join the King Coltzan Society, simply mail the leader and don’t forget to include the name of your pet, your pets KCS bracket and your guild. Keep in mind that your pet will also need 1000 HP or more, 750 STR and 750 DEF.
