Neopets Flycatcher

Neopets Flycatcher is one of the funniest games of all Neopets, where you will be a Pink Quiggle trying to grab flies. Neopets Flycatcher will give you the opportunity to practice your predicting skills and it is you who chooses whether this game will be easy or difficult. It all depends on you.


Flycatcher Gameplay

During Neopets Flycatcher, you will be playing as a hungry Quiggle who is trying to fill up his hunger while eating a lot of flies. The more he eats, the better for him and the more points you will earn. He will also be able to eat flowers, even though that’s not his favorite meal. In addition to flies, colored bees will be found during the game and it will be a good option to grab them for extra points.

The controls are quite simple. All you will have to use is the left arrow key to move to the left side of the screen, the right arrow key to move to the opposite side, and the space bar to shoot the tongue of the Pink Quiggle all the way up to the place you aimed at.

The game consists of 10 different levels. Complete all the 10 will result in a game completion. For every level, a row of flies will snake through the flowers and they will keep moving without ever stopping. Your main objective is to eat all of them before they get down to your level and make you lose a life, thus having to restart the level. You can also grab flowers that will give the flies more space to move across, and it will reduce the amount of time they will take to come near you.

From time to time, you will notice that there are bees who are going all the way down to sting you. You will be able to eat them, however, if it is able to hit you, a life will be taken from you. For that reason, only go for it if you feel confident that you will be able to grab it.

Flycatcher neopets

Flycatcher Scores & Lives

The amount of points you will get is 1 for grabbing a flower, 2 for grabbing the normal fly, 5 points for grabbing the red one and 10 points for taking the violet one. 20 points will be awarded for each bee you are able to grab.

You will be given a total of three lives at the start of the game. If you lose one or more at the beginning of the game, it is recommended that you restart it simply because you will need all of them to get the most amount of points possible through the last level.

Neopets Flycatcher Strategy & Cheats

The colors of the flies will be changing when you start eating them. Their order is red on the front and violet on the back. If only one fly remains, its color will be red. You will have to consider them that way, because you will need a good score if you’re going after a trophy.

If you grab the purple fly, you will be given a total of 10 points. This is where it makes a big difference. If you always aim at the fly in the back, you will be able to receive 10 points consistently. It is recommended that you keep doing this, but it may not always be easy. On few occasions, you may want to grab the red fly at the beginning for 5 points because it is easier to predict than the purple one. Try to get the least amount of flies from the middle of the set because they will only award you two points.

If you have the skills (well, if you’re going after the trophy you will need some skills), go after the bees. It may not always be easy because they will sometimes go diagonally and the fast way. If you feel that it won’t be a success, simply dodge it. They will give you 20 points. If you eat 3 per game, that’s 60 extra points!Flycatcher

For the flowers, try to eat the least amount of them because you will waste precious time other wise. Try to focus mainly on violet flies. Lastly, through the final level (level 10), grab a good amount of flies and then die purposely to restart the level in order to earn more points. Type deliciousflies to earn an extra life, meaning you will be able to repeat the last level 3 times. After that, you should have enough points to qualify for the trophy. Good luck.

Freaky Factory Neopets

Freaky Factory NeopetsNeopets Freaky Factory is a nice game where you will be playing in a factory to assemble the colors and product secrets that no one has ever heard about. Neopets Freaky Factory will give you the opportunity to be a factory worker that was emplyed by Krelufun Industries. Your main job consists to produce, produce and produce.

Freaky Factory Gameplay

During the game of Neopets Freaky Factory, the only thing you will need is your mouse. When you will be playing, it is recommended that you get a big screen so that you can click on items in the most effective way possible. Some things will be small, and you will notice it while playing. That’s the reason you should enlarge your screen.

To start, start looking for the toy requirements so that you will get a global idea about what you will have to produce, and what colors will be needed. You can look at that in the window that is located at the right of the screen. The specie of the Neopet you will be created does not matter at all. What matters the most is its color and how many bars will be visible next to it. These bars are fundamental because they will tell you how many measures you will have to take to make x amount of colors. For the toys that have basic colors. Only the main colors will be required, which are yellow blue and red. If you come across rainbow toys, then you will have to mix stuff together to make different colours and get things done.

Note that the Blobs will be going on the top of the screen in a linear way. You will have to click on them to make them drop on the vats, in order to fill them up with the X required color. The larger the blob will be, the slower it will be. If it is small, it will be passing much more faster. You will also have to predict where the blob will be dropped. If it is going fast, don’t wait it to be on the vat to click on it. Instead, predict a distance. Four sizes of blobs will available. Small ones, Mediums, Larges and Extra Larges. The first one mentioned will paint the toy by half. Medium ones will be able to fully paint a toy, the next one makes it to a toy and half and lastly, the large ones will be able to paint 2 toys and a half.

Freaky Factory Neopets

Whenever the toy requirement has been respected, you will have to drain Kreludite from the vats that are in queue. Well, you don’t have to really do anything for that part. It will be done automatically. The toys that will be released from the queue will trav from the bottom of the screen all the way up to the left. However, if the toy gets stolen by Grundo Thief, you ill have to make it again because X toy will not count then, giving you a harder time to accomplish the current round.

Freaky Factor Thief

Neopets Freaky Factory will sometimes be mean to you, because it will allow the Grundo Thief to pop up on the screen to steal toys from you. Sometimes, it will be even hard for you to locate him. You will be able to make him disappear by clicking on a blob to make it drop on his head, thus giving him a hard time to continue what hes doing.

Make sure that during the gameplay, you don’t drop random colors instead of the required one, because you will then be losing points and the game will be coming to its end. Always respect the order it says, and try to make the least amount of mistakes possible. If you ever feel that you are not sure about clicking on X blob, simply don’t do it. If you accidentally click on a blob and it falls on the vat, it is not a big problem but try to not do it again. If you accidentally click on a large or extra large blob that is not required for the job, it will be hard for you to continue but it is doable if you make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Know Your Blobs

Freaky Factory NeopetsDuring Neopets Freaky Factory, many blobs will be available for you to click on in order to fulfill your mission, but it may not always be easy simply because they have different forms and colors, which can get quite confusing. Below is a list of them that will help you memorize them, thus giving you the opportunity of getting a better score.

One of the Blobs will look evil and it is colored in purple. This is the Speed Blob which will speed the belt for a few amount of time.

Another Blob is the Freeze one. It will look like an ice cube. This one will slow the belt for a few seconds, in contrary to the previous one.

The angel Blob will be able to fill the color of the vat it gets thrown into, to help you pass to others things, thus wasting the minimum amount and giving you a slight advantage.

The Clean-up Blob will be able to chunk the meter of the spill.

The Glowing Blob will give you the opportunity to have the toys upgraded, which will make them change their current colors.

The Clock Blob is an orange clock that is quite rare, and it will add some extra time to your remaining timer. Five seconds, in other words.

Lastly, the Atom Blob will be able to fill up to three vats and it is only found in the late game, which means the levels of the end.

Evil Blobs

While you play, you will notice that there are some Evil Blobs that will be on the game. They will be coloured like the normal one, but they won’t be smiling and will be obviously evil. They will start entering the game from the right side, which is the opposite to the regular ones. If you ever make these land on a vat it will empty them and it will give you more work to complete the current level.

Freaky Factory Scores & Points

Below is a short list that will tell you the amount of points you will earn from each Neopet species.

For the basic colors that are yellow, red or blue, the Jubjub will give you one point. The Poogle will reward you with two points, the Scorchio will give you three points, the Kau, four points, and the Chomby, five points.

The Secondary colors which are puplr orange and green will give you points too, but a little more. The Jubjub will give you 2 points, the Poogle will give you four points, the Scorchio, 6 points. 8 points will be rewarded for making a seconday coloured Kau and lastly 10 points for the Chomby.

The Rainbow colours are the hardest ones to obtain, thus they will reward you with more points. 3 points will be rewarded for making a Jubjub, 6 points for a Poogle, 9 points for a Scorchio, 12 points for a Kau and lastly, 15 points for a Chomby.

Neopets Freaky Factory Strategy & Cheats

For the first levels, it is recommended that you fill up the vats that are not required first, so that you can get ready for the later level. You will be able to have a head start and from there you will be able to win the round more easily. If you only wait for the specific color to come, then you will be wasting blobs simply because you would have been able to fill some vats to their half if not more.

Neopets Freaky Factory

When you have the opportunity to use a Speed Blobs or a Freeze one, use them to get a slight advantage. You will be able to slow the belt if you have a lot of them that are in the queue and the speed blob will make sure to give you an extra bonus. Remember to always click on the Clean-Up Blob and on the Glowing one. For the later levels, they will be useless but for the first ones, it is recommended to use them. If you achieve a score of 1250 points, you will qualify for the Freaky Factory – Yoinked Avatar. Don’t forget to have fun!

Neopets Frumball

Neopets Frumball is an engaging, fast-paced game hosted within the Virtupets Space Station. Combining reflexes and strategy, Frumball challenges players to keep the ball in play while breaking colorful clusters of balls above. As a nod to classic arcade games like Tetris, Frumball offers a nostalgic yet fresh gaming experience on Neopets.

In this guide, we’ll dive into every aspect of Neopets Frumball, including gameplay mechanics, power-ups, strategies, and cheats. Whether you’re aiming for a trophy, a high score, or just casual fun, this guide will equip you with everything you need to succeed.


What Is Neopets Frumball?

Neopets Frumball is a game where you use a paddle (or “bat”) to bounce a ball and destroy colorful clusters at the top of the screen. The goal is simple: eliminate as many clusters as possible while preventing the ball from falling off the bottom of the screen. As you progress, levels become more challenging, with faster ball speeds and tougher obstacles.

Frumball is perfect for practicing hand-eye coordination, quick decision-making, and aiming accuracy. Its similarity to retro games like Tetris and Arkanoid makes it a fan favorite for nostalgic players.

How to Play Neopets Frumball

  1. Controlling the Bat
    • You can control the bat using either your keyboard’s left and right arrow keys or your mouse.
    • While the arrow keys provide precision, using the mouse allows for faster and smoother movements, which can be advantageous in higher levels.
  2. Keeping the Ball in Play
    • The bat isn’t flat, meaning the angle at which you hit the ball determines its trajectory.
    • If the ball slips past your bat, it falls into the void, costing you a life.
  3. Destroying Clusters
    • Aim the ball to hit clusters of smaller balls at the top of the screen.
    • Larger clusters may take multiple hits to break, while some are indestructible and act as obstacles.
  4. Advancing Levels
    • Clear all destructible clusters to progress to the next level.
    • As levels progress, the ball speeds up, and clusters may require more hits to break.

Frumball neopets

Power-Ups in Neopets Frumball

Power-ups play a critical role in helping—or hindering—your progress in Frumball. These power-ups drop from destroyed clusters and can drastically affect gameplay.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of all power-ups:

  • Black 3: Grants three extra lives. Always grab this power-up as it significantly boosts your chances of surviving longer.
  • Cyan A: Restarts the current level. Use this if you want to earn more points from a level.
  • Red C: Reverses ball direction, making it unpredictable. Avoid this power-up as it complicates gameplay.
  • Cyan D: Introduces a second ball, doubling your offensive power. However, managing two balls can be tricky.
  • Grey E: Doubles the bat’s size, making it easier to keep the ball in play. Ideal for high-pressure levels.
  • Cyan G: Glues the ball to your bat, allowing you to aim carefully before releasing it. Useful for precise targeting.
  • Green H: Spawns a Chokato (a rare Neopian fruit) that awards 1,000 points. Grab this if you’re aiming for a high score.
  • Black I: Makes your ball unstoppable, breaking through any cluster. This is a must-have for clearing tough levels.
  • Red J: Drops Neopoint bags worth 75 points each. Collect these for bonus points.
  • Green L: Slows the ball, giving you more time to aim and react. Perfect for beginners or when the ball speeds up.
  • Red M: Spawns multiple balls on-screen. While helpful for clearing clusters quickly, ensure you keep at least one ball in play.
  • Red O: Drops a Neopoint bag worth 200 points. Great for score boosts.
  • Orange P: Speeds up the ball. Only grab this if you’re comfortable with faster gameplay.
  • Lavender Q: Shrinks the ball for precise aiming. Useful for experienced players seeking high accuracy.
  • Black V: Spawns the Pant Devil, who steals your points. Avoid this at all costs.
  • Black W: Skips to the next level. Use this if you’re stuck but note that you’ll miss out on earning additional points.
  • Black X: Grants one extra life. Always collect this when available.

Pro Tip: Grabbing a new power-up immediately cancels the effects of your previous one. This can be useful if you accidentally collect a harmful power-up.

Frumball Strategies for High Scores

  1. Learn Power-Ups: Familiarize yourself with power-ups to quickly decide which ones to grab or avoid.
  2. Positioning Matters: Adjust your bat’s angle to control the ball’s trajectory and maximize cluster hits.
  3. Avoid Distractions: Focus on keeping at least one ball in play, especially when multiple balls are bouncing around.
  4. Adapt to Speed: As the game progresses, the ball will move faster. Anticipate its path and react quickly.
  5. Practice Patience: Some levels require careful planning and precise aiming to clear.

Cheats for Neopets Frumball

Cheats can give you an edge in Frumball, but they come with trade-offs:

  • Type “kougra”: Skip the current level. Useful for practice, but it resets your score to zero.
  • Type “frumball”: Gain an extra life. This cheat can only be used once per game.

Use cheats sparingly, as they can affect your overall progress and scores.

Tips for Trophy Hunters

  • Prioritize power-ups that grant extra points, such as Chokatos or Neopoint bags.
  • Avoid risky power-ups that may complicate gameplay, like the Red C or Orange P.
  • Focus on keeping the ball in play rather than rushing through levels. The longer you play, the more points you accumulate.

neopets Frumball


Neopets Frumball is a dynamic game that rewards quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and patience. With its nostalgic design and challenging gameplay, it’s an excellent choice for players seeking a fun and competitive experience on Neopets.

By mastering the mechanics, learning the effects of power-ups, and employing effective strategies, you’ll be well on your way to achieving high scores and trophies. Don’t forget to use the cheats sparingly, and above all, enjoy the game!

Good luck, and may your Frumball journey lead to Neopian glory!

Neopets Slorgs in Space

Neopets Slorgs in Space is a game, just like Slorg Attack where there will be many slorgs coming from everywhere and you will have to eradicate them. Neopets Slorgs in Space will give you the opportunity to practice your quickness skills because you will have to shoot at them as fast as you can, as precise as you can be!

Slorgs in Space

Slorgs in Space Gameplay

You start the game of Neopets Slorgs in Space with a cannon that you will have to use in order to shoot at the slorgs, and you will also see that there is a X-1000 Slorgeriser that is your main weapon you will be using to blast the slorgs that will be coming in lines. You want to get rid of the slorgs as a main objective. You will have to use your mouse in order to point at the slorgs by using the crosshair that is provided to you in the game. You will then be able to click by using the left mouse button, where you want. In order to remove a slorg from a line because, for example, you will want to get points, etc, you will have to match the color of the slorgs. You will be shooting a cannonball with X color, and you must match atleast three slorgs with the color you’ve just fired. As an example, if you fire a red ball on two slorgs, they will then become three slorgs and they will disappear. However, if there is only one of them, it is recommended that you try to find another set of slorgs.

There will be also a timer that you will have to make sure it doesn’t run out. You will have to fire on the slorgs, but if you run out of time, the game will then end and you will have to restart it. Make sure that you don’t let the slorg go to the end of their path, otherwise you will lose the game.

Neopets Slorgs in Space Strategy & Cheats

You will be able to use many strategies that will let you achieve a high score in the game to possibly receive a trophy. However, we will provide few that have been known to be very successful for the Neopian users.

Make sure that if the cannonball is pointed in a direction that has a line of slorgs, and that you’re about to shoot, you will have to shoot at the matching pair of slorgs, that will have the same color as the cannonball, otherwise you will only increase their number and this is no good for you, as the game will get longer and you will run out of time.

You will have to look for combos if you would like to grab the most points possible from the game. That said, if there is a total of three slorgs or more and they’re moving at the same time, and there is another set in front (or in their back) of them, you will be able to get rid of X color and the other set will then also vanish. This will grant you a total of 100 points for your own advantage and this can be really good if you’re going after a trophy.

Make sure that you take your time when you’ve just started the game, meaning that you’re still on the first levels because these levels are easier than the later ones, which means that they will give you the opportunity of collecting a lot of points before they finish. You do not want to go fast on the first levels simply because you will want to get the most amount of points possible.

It may be a good choice to set the volume to off and to remove the sound because it can be distracting, and make sure that you always keep an eye on the timer because you will have to determine what is left for you to do and what you will be able to achieve until the time runs out, so it is important that you always look at the timer.

slorgs in space

Make sure that you are relaxed when you start the game, because this game can be quite distracting and cause some stress, because you will have to handle the moving slorgs. The first version of this game was a bit easier because the slorgs did not run in circle, however it is not the case now. This advanced version is a little harder than the previous one, so you will have to train train and train again to get better at it and to achieve the score of your dream. There is no magic, simple as that.

It is recommended that when the game starts, you don’t immediately shoot. Instead, watch the slorgs carefully so you can think and decide where your next aim will be going to. If you simply fire blindly, you will see that you will be doing more harm than good simply because the slorgs will be raising in number. You will think that it may be a good think because you will be able to collect more points, since there are more slorgs, however, there is a timer that you should always look after. For the first levels it is good to increase the slorgs number by a little in order to grab more points by the end of it, but you will notice that for the later levels, even to get rid of the slorgs will cause some trouble because there will not be enough time.

Lastly, make sure that if there is a hourglass flying through the screen, that you aim at it and grab it because it will slow the slorgs down, thus you will have more time to think. This is fundamental because you will also be able to find the slorgs of the color you’ve been looking for, but had no time because they were too fast before you got that power up. Make sure that you are quick too, because that power up will not last forever. Good luck.

Neopets Slushie Slinger

Neopets Slushie Slinger is a game that appears in the Altador Cup where you will have to fill slushies for furious people in a manner of seconds. Neopets Slushie Slinger will give you the opportunity to boost your brain because not only you will have to act quickly to fulfill the order of these people, but you will also have to choose the appropriate color that suits their needs.

Slushie SlingerHow to Play Slushie Slinger

Neopets Slushie Slinger is a side game of the Altador Cup, Yooyuball being the principal one. You will have to score a minimum amount of 270 points if you would like your score to successfully count. For new users, during the Altador Cup you will have to join a team and there will be a rank that is given to you. You will start as a beginner and raise that rank the more you play. You will then be able to reach All-Star, being the maximum rank, after a lot of efforts. For that, you will have to send scores and it will be possible by playing one of the four Altador Cup games. However, it would be too easy for someone to simply play for one second, then to send the score. For that reason, there is a minimum score of 270 points that you will have to meet in order to have your score count toward your total count, and to boost your team performance.

The game of Neopets Slushie Slinger is actually really simply for you to learn. You will have to control the Red Tuskaninny that will be your main character that you will be using, which is a waitress and from there you will be able to use the arrow keys that arrow located on your keyboard in order to advance into the game. There are three rows and the clients will be waiting to receive their order. You will have to use the up arrow key to go upper, and the down arrow key to go to the bottom of the screen. You will also be able to use the right arrow key to point to the wall, where there is the machine that you will be able to use in order to receive a slushie. The left arrow key will be useful to turn and to point to the clients where you will be able to send the freshly made slushie by pressing the space bar that is also located on your keyboard.

You will see that there are clients waiting for their order and they will have a small bubble on the top of their head where they will have a slushie of X color that you will have to send to them. To do that, simply go to the appropriate color that is located on the wall and press the space bar in order to make a slushie. It will only take a few seconds, and after that you will be able to proceed and to send it to them by pressing the space bar another time. Note that you will not be able to have more than one slushie at a time, and that if you send the wrong color to them you will receive fewer points than if you send the right one, simply because that is not what they would have wanted. Also note that once they finish drinking, they will send back the cup empty, that you will have to take for more points. If that falls on the ground, you will be losing lives so you will have to make sure that it doesn’t happen.

You will be given a total of five lives at the beginning of the game and you will not be able to have more than that. The lives are marked by the slushies of the green color that you can find on the top right side of the screen. To lose a life, which is what you don’t want, you will have to not take a cup sent by the customer or it will also happen if the waiting client goes to the end of the line and was not served.

You will have to know that in the later game, there will be some clients that are so desperate that they will be running to the end of the line, and you will most likely not have enough time to serve them.

Slushie Slinger Score & Points

You will be, obviously, able to receive points for fulfilling the order of the clients. However, you will have to know how much so that you can know what will count towards your total. If you serve a customer and they actually receive what they want (ex: he wants a blueberry slushie and you serve him a blueberry slushie), you will be able to receive a total of five points. If you serve a customer with a slushie that they didn’t want (ex: they’re asking for a blueberry slushie but you serve them with a strawberry slushie) then you will only get two ponits. Lastly, you will be able to get a total of 3 points for successfully taking back an empty cup. If you don’t collect the empty cups, you will notice that a life has been taken from you (the slushie cup on the top right of the screen). For that reason, you will want to collect these, not only for the points, but to avoid losing the game.

Every time you successfully earn 50 points, the game will get harder and harder, which means that they will be more customers that are going to pop up and even some of them will start going to the end of the line in a faster way. For example, you start the game where there are barely few customers, and once you reach 50, their number and “speed” will increase. Once you hit 100, the game becomes harder, 150 is even harder and so on. There is actually no maximum score for that game but people usually tend to score in the 700 range.

You will have to submit a valid score of atleast 270 points in order to have your score count towards your total rank, and to contribute for the team’s advantage.

Neopets Slushie Slinger Cheats

Note that the empty cups that will be sent back to you once the customers have been served will be sliding with a reasonable speed, however, you will notice that the one at the top of the game will fall faster than the one that is sent on the middle or on the last line of the screen. That means if a customer sends a cup from the top, it will fall faster than a customer that sends a cup from the middle, and this one will have his cup fall faster than someone who send his cup from the bottom of the screen. That is simply because the line where the client will be waiting is longer at the bottom.

For that reason, if you find that a customer is waiting at the bottom that just popped up, and someone else has just popped up on the top of the screen, on the first line, you will be able to serve one of them. However, if you would like to serve both as soon as possible, it is recommended that you do so with the one at the top of the screen. The reason is that even if the customers will not drink the slushie with the exact same time, if you send a slushie to the person on the bottom, it will take you few seconds to go fulfill the order of the customer that is at the top. In that time, the guy at the bottom is finishing his cup. After that he will send it while the customer at the top is still drinking. Once the cup hits half way or so the customer at the top will also send the cup and they will most likely land on the floor at the same time, giving you no opportunity but grabbing on one of the empty cups, thus having to sacrifice one of your lives.

You will notice that as long as the game progress, the more there will be customers waiting for their order. When you send a cup to a customer, it is recommended that you go make another slushie for another customer with that time, and not wait him until he finishes it and you grab the cup because you will be losing so much time.

Make sure that when you are in the late game, where there will be many customers coming, that if you do not have enough time, to not let them finish the line and not be served. Instead, take a slushie that is located near you and from there you will be able to serve them, even if that is not what they want. You will then receive 2 points, but you will get rid of a customer and you will avoid losing a life.

Sometimes there will be customers that are so desperate that will be running to the end of the line rapidly. If you see one of those, and you do not have a slushie in your hands, make one fast and try to send it to them, even though chances are slim that you successfully manage to do so. However, if the slushie is already in your hands, go and send it to him, even if you’re waiting for empty cups because you do not want him to take a life from you. Also, don’t forget to prioritize the customer at the top of the screen more than the one in the middle and the one at the bottom. Same thing applies for the middle customer. Don’t prioritize him more than the one at the top of the screen, but do so before you serve the customer that is waiting at the bottom of the screen. Good luck.
