Neopets PC Shuffles

Welcome to Neopets Shuffles, where players trade pets through fun, fast-paced interactions. Whether you’re new or looking for a refresher, here’s how it works!

✷ The Basics

1. Be Ready:
Shuffle is a gamble! By listing a pet, you’re agreeing to potentially trade it, based on the offers you receive.

2. The Pot:
The “Pot” refers to all the pets listed for trading.

3. Shuffle Variations:
There are different types of shuffles. Each has its own rules for trading and passing on offers. Keep an eye on what type of shuffle is being hosted!

➤ How Does It Work?

Step 1: Time!

  • The deadline to list or bid will be clearly posted in the board’s title or first post.
  • Make sure your posts (listing or bids) are within the given window. Anything posted outside the time frame might not count!


  • The window closes at 9:40 PM NST. You post at 9:41 PM NST—your post won’t be included.
  • However, if you post at 9:35 PM NST, you’re in!

Step 2: Stay Calm!

Shuffles are meant to be fun, a great way to trade pets and meet new people! Stick around, be friendly, and you’ll do great!

Step 3: Be Honest & Accountable

Once you list, don’t disappear! Follow up with users, be kind, and keep up with your offers. This helps the community stay positive and fun!

➤ The Process

Listing Your Pets

  1. Wait for the host to create the LISTING thread. Once the host gives the go-ahead, you can list your pets.
  2. Format:graphqlCopy codeLISTING: Petname the Color Species @YOURUSERNAME Example:graphqlCopy codeLISTING: Dream_Mists the UC Desert Poogle @Crash531

Bidding on Pets

  • Once the BIDDING thread is open, check the pets in the pot and place your offers.
  • Format for Bidding:vbnetCopy codeBIDDING ON: PetYouWant the Color Species OFFERING: PetYouOwn the Color Species @YOURUSERNAME
  • If bidding on multiple pets:vbnetCopy codeBIDDING ON: Pet1 the Color Species, Pet2 the Color Species OFFERING: PetA the Color Species, PetB the Color Species @YOURUSERNAME

➤ Shuffle Variations

Shuffles have different rules depending on the type being hosted. Here’s a breakdown of common shuffle types:

1. No Pass Shuffles

  • You must trade your pet if you receive a valid bid. This is high-stakes but exciting because the pets in the pot will definitely get traded.

2. 1-Pass or 2-Pass Shuffles

  • You’re allowed to “pass” on a certain number of offers (1 or 2 depending on the host). If your passes run out, you must trade your pet with one of the bidders.

3. Half & Half (H&H)

  • List two pets in the pot. If both receive bids, you must trade at least one pet. You can pass on the other, but you are always welcome to trade both.

Listing only one pet in an H&H shuffle means you cannot pass—you’ll have to trade your pet if it receives a bid.

4. Free Pass

  • List as many pets as you like, but you can pass on any and all bids with no obligation to trade. These shuffles are low pressure, but may feel more like pet advertising.

5. Frenzy

  • In a Frenzy Shuffle, it’s chaos! You can bid on pets in the pot and on pets already being offered. It’s fast, unpredictable, and fun!

6. Roulette

  • You list a pet, and the first bid you receive is your only chance to pass. If you pass, you must accept the second bid. There’s no room for third bids!

7. Spicy H&H

  • Similar to H&H, but if only one pet receives a bid, you must trade that pet. If both receive bids, you can pass on one and trade the other.

➤ Pass Rules

  • No Pass: You must trade your pet if it receives a bid.
  • 1-Pass/2-Pass: You can pass on one or two offers before you are required to trade.
  • Free Pass: You can decline any offer without obligation.

➤ Glossary

  • Bid✝: A valid offer based on criteria set by the host (e.g., well-named pets).
  • B: (Bidding): Pets in the pot that you’re offering to trade for.
  • L: (Listing): Pets you’re putting up for trade.
  • O: (Offering): Pets you own and want to trade in exchange for something else.
  • WN (Well-Named): A pet with no numbers, underscores, and only the first letter capitalized, with 10 characters or less.

Final Thoughts

Shuffle games are a fantastic way to trade pets and meet others on Neopets. Whether you’re a newcomer or seasoned pro, the key is to have fun, be respectful, and enjoy the process.

And don’t forget—THANK YOUR HOST for running the shuffle. It’s a lot of work!

For more detailed questions, you can check out the HELP section in the Neopets forums. Happy trading!
