Neopets Wrath of the Snowager

Drats! The Chia Thief (one of the few people to successfully escape the Wrath of the Snowager with some loot) has stolen another round of loot from the Snowager, but unfortunately (for the Chia Thief) his pack has a hole in it. The Snowager is not happy about this, and sets out to collect the dropped loot (and a Chias’ head). In Wrath of the Snowager it is your job to pilot the Snowager around the map and collect the stolen loot.

For every 100 points you earn in the game you will earn 1 neopoint.

Wrath of the Snowager

Wrath of the Snowager Basic Instructions

You will begin the game with 3 lives and 2 icy blasts. Each time you fail a level you lose a life. You lose lives (and fail levels) by running into objects, such as the wall of the level or even your own tail (which grows longer as you collect more items, just like in Meerca Chase!) Icy blasts allow you to freeze the Chia in place for a short duration of time. Your lives will be denoted by red hearts and your icy blasts by blue snowflakes (see picture below for more details).

As you’re following around the Chia, every so often he will drop an item or a power-up. You are to avoid the red debuffs while collecting the green power-ups and the items he will drop. Simply run over something (with your face, not your tail) to pick it up. There is a counter (the red number) at the top of the screen next to the Chia’s portrait that tells you how many more items you will need to collect in order to advance to the next level. (The green counter next to the Snowager’s portrait informs you how many items you have collected so far.) After some time items left on the floor will begin to flash and then disappear back into the Chia’s pack. As the game goes on these items will gradually begin to disappear faster and faster.

Sometimes the Chia will turn purple and begin to flash and all the items on the screen will begin to slide back towards the Chia. Items only move if they are within a certain distance from the Chia (an object on the other side of the screen won’t move towards the Chia). This can be extremely helpful whenever you are standing next to the Chia because you catch all the items, no work required!

Wrath of the Snowager Controls

The controls are simple, you control the Snowager with the left and right arrow keys: movement is relative to the direction the Snowager is facing. Also to release an icy blast get close to the Chia Thief and press the spacebar, remember icy blasts are limited. (The controls might feel a bit awkward at first, but practice makes perfect!)

Wrath of the Snowager Levels

The table below shows the title of each of the 12 levels and the number of items required to complete that level on each difficulty setting. Whenever you begin a new level it unlocks that level on all difficulties in the start menu for the next game. However, these levels are not permanently unlocked! You may only start as far as you got in the previous game. So if you managed to go all the way to level 10 in your first game, but lose on level two in your second game, when you begin your third game only the first and second levels will be unlocked for your to play.

The first four levels are set in the Ice Caves of Terror and minimal obstacles (easy). The next four levels are set in Happy Value and contain more obstacles (medium). The final four levels are set in on the top of Terror Mountain and contain ALOT of obstacles (hard). Keep in mind that the Chia will also gradually begin to move faster as you progress throughout the levels and may be almost impossible to catch on the hardest level.

Level Number Level Title Easy Medium Hard
One Give back my loot! 12 12 20
Two Chase the Chia 12 12 20
Three Slide Carefully 12 13 20
Four Ice-Cold Pursuit 13 14 21
Five Welcome to the Valley 13 14 21
Six Snowy Trails 13 15 21
Seven Getting Tougher 14 16 22
Eight Watch out for the Trees 14 17 22
Nine Peak of Danger 14 17 22
Ten Tight Turns 15 18 23
Eleven Chia Chaos 15 19 23
Twelve The Last Loot 16 20 24

Wrath of the Snowager Items to Collect

Each level of the Wrath of the Snowager has different items to collect for the different difficulties. Listed below are the items to collect for each setting. The point value for each item is also listed in parentheses.

Easy Mode Items

Banana Plushie

         Banana Plushie     


Seashell Keyring

Seashell Keyring


Snow Architecture

Snow Architecture


Spardel Plushie

Spardel Plushie


Sticky Snowflake KeyringSticky Snowflake Keyring


Team Time Acara Plushie

Tea Time Acara Plushie


Medium Mode Items

Christmas Gnorbu Plushie

Christmas Gnorbu Plushie


Scorched Treasure Scratchcard

Scorched Treasure Scratchcard


Suteks Riches Scratchcard

Suteks Riches Scratchcard       


Scarab Negg

Scarab Negg


Hard Mode Items

Mutant Negg

Mutant Negg


Platinum Negg

Platinum Negg


Sloth Negg

Sloth Negg


Jewelled Negg

Jewelled Negg


Snowager Petpet Bed


Petpet Bed


Snowager Stained Glass Window

Snowager Stained

Glass Window


Snowager Usuki

Snowager Usuki


Pink Faerie Snowball

Pink Faerie



Bullseye Snowball

Bullseye Snowball


Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowball

Itsy Bitsy

Tiny Snowball


Wrath of the Snowager Power-ups and Debuffs

In Wrath of the Snowager there a 2 debuffs and 7 power-ups. Below you will find tables each with a name, a picture, and a description of how these affect you.


Image Name Description
Dlose loot Lose Loot The Snowager drops the specified number of items. Numbers will grow higher with every few levels and is higher for higher difficulties. (Your tail will NOT grow smaller)
Dslow down Slow Down This will slow the Snowagwer down for several seconds.


Image Name Description
 Pattract loot  Attract Loot  Attracts all the loot on the map towards Snowager, no extra work required! (Stop chasing it around and just wait!)
 p extra extra loot  More Loot  The Chia drops all his loot and after a short (very short) duration of time he will turn purple and begin to attract it all back towards him. (Try to stand next to the Chia when this happens for an easy few thousand points!)
 Pextra loot  Extra Life  Picking this up rewards the Snowager with an extra life (red heart).
 Pfreeze thief  Freeze Thief  This will freeze the thief in place for a few seconds. (A free icy blast!)
 Pscore multiplier  Score Multiplier  You receive a score multiple that last for a specified amount of seconds. This power-up can range from 2x to 5x.
 Pspeed boost  Speed Boost This will speed the Snowager up by 25% for several seconds.
 Picy blast  Icy Blast  This will give you an extra Icy Blast (blue snowflake) to use against the Chia Thief.

Wrath of the Snowager Cheats

  • You can run over the Chia thief and he will be frozen in place for a short duration while also dropping 3 loot items.
  • Looking for a certain number of points (for maybe the Daily Dare challenge)? The best way to attain points quickly is by playing the first 2 levels on the highest difficulty setting. These levels feature lower speeds and only have one obstacle in the center of the map, making it the perfect point farmer. If you are about to win level 2 and do not have the score you need, just run into the wall before you collect the last item to retain your level 1 score and to reset level 2.
  • Those tricky power-ups! Sometimes there is just a little to much power in the speed boost power-up so drive with caution when you are using it!
  • The more loot power up, great for gaining a few more points, makes it easier to run into yourself. Turn with caution!