Userlookups in Neopets are one of the most fun and personalized features the site has to offer. They are your own customizable profiles that showcase everything about your Neopets experience, from your favorite pets and their achievements to the trophies you’ve earned, your shop’s status, and even the guilds you’re part of. It’s like having a mini-webpage dedicated just to you, and best of all, you can make it uniquely yours. Whether you’re a seasoned player with tons of accomplishments or a newcomer still figuring things out, your userlookup is your personal Neopets identity, and there’s a lot of ways to make it shine!
In this section, we’ll dive deeper into the various elements that make up a user lookup, why they’re such a fun aspect of the Neopets community, and how you can easily personalize and edit yours.
What Exactly Is a Userlookup?
A userlookup is a special page tied to your Neopets account that contains all sorts of information about you. When someone visits your userlookup, they can see a summary of your Neopets activities, achievements, and even some of the personal things you’ve chosen to share, like your avatar collection, recent activities, and profile information.
The best part about a userlookup is that it’s fully customizable, meaning that you can design it to reflect your personality, interests, or favorite parts of the Neopets world. Many players use it as a canvas to express their creativity, showcasing their pets in action, displaying their trophy collection, or even highlighting their Neopets shopping business.

When you go to change information on your lookup, there are a couple of things you can fill out. Some are required, where others are not.
- Username: This is your username, it cannot be changed.
- Current Password: Your current password is required to make any changes to your personal information.
- New Password: Changing your password. Put in a new password here.
- Confirm Password: Re-type in this box if you’re changing your password. Just to make sure the spelling is correct in both.
- Full Name: It is not required. You can put anyname you like.
- Interests: What do you like to do?
- Date of Birth: Again, not required, but you should use it because you can get a Neopets sidebar on your birthday.
- Gender: Male or female?
- Country: What country do you live in?
- US State: For US users only.
- Zip/Postal Code: Not required.
- About Me: Here you can enter a few lines about yourself so that other people can see what your favourite bands are, what you like doing at school, etc. Please remember that all your REAL stats must be visible. Hiding or covering them (and retyping the info yourself) is not allowed.
Name : Your name.
Last Spotted : Last time you logged in.
Status : Online or offline?
Gender : Male or female?
Country : What do you live?
Started Playing : The date you signed up to NeoPets.
Hobbies : What you like to do.
Shop : Your shop – place to sell items.
Gallery: Your gallery – place to put items.
NeoDeck : Your neocards.
NeoHome : Your neohome address
+ Rooms : Number of rooms you have.
+ Carpet : Type of flooring you have.
+ Lighting : Type of light you have.
+ Central Heating : Type of heating you have.
+ Wallpaper : Type of insurance wallpaper you have.
+ Insurance : Type of insurance you have.
Guild Info : The guild you are in.
Secret Avatars : How many avatars do you have?
![]() Trades |
![]() Auctions |
![]() Scores (#) |
![]() Stamps (#) |
![]() Wishlist |
![]() Your Pet |
![]() Your Trophies |
![]() Shields |
How do I block people from neomailing me or requesting to be my Neofriend?
Go here.How do I block people from neomailing me or requesting to be my Neofriend?
Go here.
How do I change my shield?
You can’t. It will change automatically according to the amount of time you’ve been playing NeoPets for.
How do I create a fancy lookup?
That would take awhile for me to explain how, most people learn through tutorials. But if you want one, our site offers a bunch of free ones already coded and everything, just click here to get them.
Can you explain what Neohomes, shops, galleries, secret avatars, guilds, etc. are?
Yes. If you go to the left hand side under “NeoPets Guides”, we have a guide for each of those.
How can I change my “Status” category on my lookup?
Click here.