Neopets Trouble at the National Neopian is a relatively easy game that is based mostly on speed. You are the guardian of National Neopian and you will have to get ahead any robbery of theft. Neopets Trouble at the National Neopian is not what you want to play when you are very sleepy at night, so it is better to start playing it, for example, to obtain a high score on the morning. Otherwise you will be slow that you will just not be in the game itself.
Trouble at the National Neopian Gameplay & Controls
Neopets Trouble at the National Neopian contain six total doors that are made for the customers. Unfortunately, thieves will also be able to penetrate them to go inside the bank and that is what your objective is mostly pointed at: you will have to avoid any theft or robbery, and that by punishing the thieves and being really careful.
Each door has a key that you will be able to press in order to block the thieves for stealing money, from the bank. The keys are respectively, S, D, F, J, K, and L, which are the home keys. They are near each others and your hands are able to easily get to them. They are also really easy to memorize, so you will be able to find them without having to pay attention to your keyboard, giving you an extra boost during the game play. When customers will enter the National Neopian, they will be there to make a deposit. The money they will deposit will be quickly seen on the top of the screen. When thieves enter the door, they will be there to steal that money. You will be able and you will have to thwart them by pressing the key that is connected to the respective door they’re entering. Meaning if they are entering the first door, you will be pressing S, if they are entering the third door, you will be pressing F and so on. When you have successfully thwarted them, they will not be able to steal any money. However, if the thieves are successfully able to get in, they will steal half of the deposited money and also take one of your three lives. You do not want that, this is why you will have to thwart them. Of course, they will steal half of the money and the game will get boring if, for example, you reach 5,000 points and a thief is able to penetrate, because you will lose 2,500 points. Fortunately, this is not the case. Every time you will that the amount of on hand Neopoints is 100 NP or more, you will be able to press the spacebar so that you can transform your current money into a bar of gold. This bar of gold is immunized to thieves, thus meaning they will not be able to steal it. Make sure that you do not press the space bar randomly because you will be losing points if you start doing so. Below you will see a detailed description of the thieves you will be encountering during the game. Fortunately, there is not that many and most of them are evil-looking types so you will not be having a hard time memorizing them if you’re on of those people who doesn’t like “memorizing stuff”.
Trouble at the National Neopian Thieves
The first thief that you will encounter are the Meerca Brothers. The Meerca Brothers are Merouladen and Heermeedjet and they are a single thief. These evils always steal and were never “good” to the Neopian society. It is not important to know which is who but if you’re really interested to get this type of information, then Meerouladen is the Meerca that has a sock cap and Heermeedjet is the Meerca wearing googles. Again, you will not have to know them perfectly, your job will be to lock them before they reach the National Neopian center.
The second thief is the Usul. The Usul will be also a threat to the National Bank and it will be wearing a green suit. It’s eyes are blue.
The third thief is the Red Scorchio. This Red Scorchio is also a thief and he will be wearing a mask along with a white and black colored shirt.
The last thief is a Techo. The Techo is colored like the Scorchio, meaning red and he will be wearing a grey sweater and a darker grey sweats. He is a thief criminal. If you would like to see their pictures, you will be able to do so in the game instructions.
Finally, Neopets Trouble at the National Neopian is a relatively easy game that is only based about speed. You will not have to memorize the keyboard keys, and not even the thieves because they are so few that you will not have any problem. If you’re good at getting a high score, let’s say, of 1,000, then you will also have no trouble getting a score of 4,000. Play carefully and don’t lock the innocent neopians, otherwise you will lose precious points. Have fun.