Has it been years since you’ve logged into Neopets? Have you lost your neopets birthday used? Were you too young to play without your parent’s consent, was a fake birthday used when you signed up? Are you unable to remember what birthday you used to create your account? If you’ve finally given up guessing after getting locked out of your account for trying to guess your birthday too many times, fret no longer! Here at Neopets-Cheats we have a great solution. We can help you figure out the birthday to your old Neopets account, that you lost the birthday to!
There are a couple reasons you might need to know the neopets birthday that you used when you signed up. It could be to recover a frozen account, or to just log in normally. Unfortunately, most people who started playing Neopets when they were younger have experienced the trouble of getting birthday locked out of their account. It sucks, especially if you don’t have access to your old e-mail. Many that have lost their Neopets birthday, think it’s a lost caused, however, that is not the case. If you’ve recently logged in for the first time in a long time, you may see a prompt that says, It looks like you haven’t logged in for a while! For security purposes, please verify your birthday:
If this has happened to you, we can help you out. All you have to do is give us your username. That’s it. After that, you will recieve your birthday instantly, assuming of course a staff member is online (if not, then within 12 to 24 hours).
Lost Neopets Birthday Price
The price for this service is only $10! In addition, if you’d like to make bulk purchases, discounts can be arranged. Paypal is the preferred method of payment.
Use the form below to begin the first step to getting your old neopets account back!
Forgot your Neopets Account Birday? Contact Us