The Battledome in Neopets offers a wide variety of exciting prizes that can be obtained by engaging in single-player battles with opponents. However, these prizes aren’t just limited to the same rewards for every fight—there is a diverse array of items that vary depending on which arena you’re battling in and who you’re up against.
In the single-player mode, the general prizes that you can earn include various battle-related items, such as weapons, healing items, and equipment, which can be useful for improving your fighting abilities or enhancing your pet’s stats. The rewards are often random, meaning you won’t know exactly what you will get after defeating an opponent, but there’s always a chance of earning something valuable.
These general prizes, listed below, can be obtained by battling any single-player challenger, regardless of the arena. This makes them relatively accessible for players who are just starting to explore the Battledome. They serve as a great way to build up your inventory with useful items that could come in handy for tougher battles down the line.
However, the full Battledome experience offers more variety and specificity with the prizes. Beyond the general rewards, certain prizes are only available through specific arenas. These special arena prizes are awarded when you defeat certain challengers within those arenas, and they can be much more valuable or unique. For example, defeating a tough opponent in the Tournament Arena may grant you a special weapon or rare item that you wouldn’t be able to obtain through other arenas.
Furthermore, some arenas have exclusive rewards that are tied to specific challenges, and these prizes can often be thematic, matching the arena’s style or the nature of its opponents. For instance, the Colosseum Arena might reward you with more combat-focused items, while a more mystical arena could offer potions or rare magical artifacts.
Overall, the Battledome is a great place to challenge your pets and earn a wide range of prizes, from simple items to rare treasures. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to complete a collection, the prizes in the Battledome add a layer of excitement and strategy to your battles.
General Prizes From All Challengers
Bri Codestone
Eo Codestone
Har Codestone
Zei Codestone
Lu Codestone
Main Codestone
Mau Codestone
Orn Codestone
Tai-Kai Codestone
Vo Codestone
Red Codestones
Cui Codestone
Kew CodestoneMag Codestone
Shop Codestone
Vux Codestone
Zed Codestone
Weak Bottled Faerie
Unidentifiable Weak Bottled Faerie
Weak Bottled Air Faerie
Weak Bottled Dark Faerie
Weak Bottled Earth Faerie
Weak Bottled Fire Faerie
Weak Bottled Light Faerie
Weak Bottled Water Faerie
Central Arena Prizes
Central Aerna Prizes can only be obtained from these challengers: Boochi, Chia Clown, Down For Maintenance Pteri, Eyrieki, Flaming Meerca, Kasuki Lu, Kauvara, Lab Ray, Mootix Warrior, Mr. Chuckles, Punchbag Bob, Punchbag Bob Sid, Shadow Usul, Tax Beast and Turmaculus.
Random General Prizes
Battle Faerie Dagger
Brain Muffin
Cursed Wand of Shadow
Darigan Muffin
Electro Sword
Fire Muffin
Golden Muffin
Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer
Robot Muffin
Shooting Star Muffin
Smelly Dung Muffin
Stone Muffin
Random Book Prizes
Acara Battle Book
Aethias Ultimate Battle Guide
Awesome Blumaroo Battles
Defence in the Battledome
Defenders Of Neopia Battle Log
Kau Battle Tactics
Techo Battle Tactics
Tips for the Beginning Acara Battler
Tonu Battle Tips
Uni Battle!
Random Food Prizes
Apple Cherry Tarts
Apple Cinnamon Crepe
Apple Cobbler
Apple Juice
Apple and Cheese Sandwich
Assorted Mini Biscuits
Avocano Baby Food
Bag of Chips
Baked Asparagus Biscuit
Baked Cheddar Straws
Banana Creme Pie
Basket of Break
Bite Size Celery
Blackberry Pie
Blue Berry Pie
Brown Rice
Buttered Toast
Can of Neocola
Caramel Creams
Chocolate Covered Cherries
Chocolate Creme Pie
Chocolate Ice Cream
Chokato Baby Food
Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
Cinnamon Roll
Corn Bread
Doughnut Holes
Dried Mango
Egg Salad and Cheese Sandwich
Endless Salad and Bread Sticks
Fish and Chips
French Toast Sticks
Freshly Tinned Carrots
Fried Chicken and Waffles
Fried Egg on Toast
Fruity Pancakes
Garlic Cheese Toast
Grilled Veggie Bowl
Hasee Puff Cereal
Healthly Veggie Deluxe Sandwich
Hot Buttered Toast
Marzipan Sugared Slorg
Milk Chocolate Rose
Nutty Chocolate Brownies
Oatmeal Raisin Biscuit
Organic Bran Carrot Muffin
Scrambled Egg on Toast
Strawberry Fondant Surprise
Strawberry Jam Sandwich Cookie
Toad in a Hole
Toast with Jam
Vegetarian Meat Pie
Veggie Lasagne
Watermelon Fruit Cup
Wrapped Strawberry Candy
Boochi Prizes
Baby Bath Time
Baby Bruce Milk Bottle
Boochi Pinata
Chomby Baby Food
Pea and Ham Baby Food
Strawberries and Cream Baby Food
Ultra Nerkmid
Chia Clown Prizes
Blackberry Spinning Top
Borovan Ice Cream Scoop
Carnival of Terror Clown Sprinkler
Chia Clown Ball
Chia Clown Punching Bag
Finely Ground Bean Powder
Golden Nerkmid XX
Rainbow Paint Brush
Silly Clown Usuki
Wind Up Chia Clown
Down For Maintenance Pteri Prizes
Chocolate Dipped Pteri Tail
Chocolate Pteri Eggs
Drinking Pteri Toy
Pteri Kabob
Eyrieki Prizes
Baby Eyrie Plushie Chokato Eyrie Cake
Darigan Eyrie Action Figure
Disco Eyrie Plushie
Eyrie Gumbo
Eyrie Loveberripop
Iced Eyrie Cupcake
Red Eyrie Painting
Robo Eyrie
Shadow Eyrie Plushie
Flaming Meerca Prizes
Blue Meerca Morphing Potion
Bottle of Fire Sand
Cooking Faerie Fire
Dark Fire Potion
Fire Bush
Fire Dartboard
Fire Faerie Breath Mints
Fire Faerie Magic
Flaming Dagger Of Fire
Flaming Scroll
Flaming Super Hot Pasty
Kasuki Lu Prizes
Bamboo Tea
Battle Biscuit
Battle Ready Pencil Box
Chocolate Battle Biscuit
Chocolate Chip Battle Biscuit
Kasuki Lu
Kasuki Lu Biography
Ornate Bowl of Oranges
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings
Training School Myths
Kauvara Prizes
Bloodberry Elixir
Blue Flotsam Morphing Potion
Blue Yurble Morphing Potion
Brain Of Mirgle
Golden Nerkmid X
History of the Strength Potion
Kauvara Bean Bag
Kauvara Plushie
Kauvara Rug
Kauvara Sofa
Platinum Nerkmid X
Red Scorchio Morphing Potion
Super Deluxe Kau Bell
Lab Ray Scientist Prizes
Cococrazy Ice Lolly
Crazy Crisp Taco
Experimental Physics
Science Textbook
Scientific Flash Cards
Mootix Warrior Prizes
Cherry Mootix Lollypop
Mootix Farm
Mootix Paratrooper Action Figure
Mootix Petpet Bed
Mootix Pull along Toy
Mootix Ruler
Mr. Chuckles Prizes
Checkered Koi Morphing Potion
Fire Grarrl Morphing Potion
Red Ogrin Morphing Potion
Punchbag Bob Prizes
Aisha Punching Bag
Golden Nerkmid X
Lupe Punching Bag
Punchbag Bob Backpack
Punchbag Bob Pencil Case
Punchbag Bob Plushie
Punching Punchbag Bob Pen
Tyrannian Paint Brush
Shadow Usul Prizes
Shadow Usul Shadow Usul Lunch Box
Shadow Usul Pinata
Shadow Usul Plushie
Shadow Usul Stories
Shadowy Swiss Roll
Tax Beast Prizes
Best Burger
Halloween Yurble Plushie
Lime Yurblecone
Lime and Chocolate Yurble Cupcake
Stack of Tax Return Forms
Tax Beast Pinata
Tax Beast Plushie
The Scaredy Yurble
Yurble Style
Turmaculus Prizes
Continuous Meat
Turmac Bank
Turmac Roll Yo-Yo
Turmaculus Action Figure
Turmaculus Pinata
Dome of the Deep
Food General Prizes
Deluxe Water Pizza
Water Pizza
Dubloons General Prizes
Five Dubloon Coin
One Dubloon Coin
Ten Dubloon Coin
Two Dubloon Coin
Books General Prizes
Legends of Maraqua
Maraquan Bed Time Stories
Maraquan Faerie Tales
Realm of the Water Faeries
Tablet of Water Runes
Underwater Tour
Toys General Prizes
Maraquan Charger Plushie
Maraquan Shieldmaiden Plushie
Petpets General Prizes
Maraquan Grackle Bug
Stamps General Prizes
Maraquan Defender Stamp
Maraquan Troops Stam
Equipment General Prizes
Necklace of the Water Faerie
Water Faerie Halberd
Chiazilla Prizes
Green Chia Plushie
Giant Spectral Mutant Walein Prizes
Blue Walein
Ghost Walein
Green Walein
White Walein
Koi Warrior Prizes
Bag of Decorative Seashells
Halloween Koi Plushie
Koi Collector
Mutant Koi Plushie
Pink Koi Plushie
Red Koi Plushie Strawberry Koi Pop
The Great Koi Caper
The Missing Koi
Slug Monster
Caring For Your Slugawoo
Slugawoo Adventures
Slugawoo Art
The Great Slugawoo Mystery
The Drenched
Moderately Evil Middle Drenched Sister
Slightly Less Evil Youngest Drenched Sister Plushie
Water Faeries of Neopia
Frost Arena
Food General Prizes
Berry Cola Slushie
Borovan Ice Cream Scoop
Chocolate Chip Cookie Slushie
Chocolate Ice Cream Cream Puff
Christmas Tree Negg
Crystal Negg
Frozen Block of Sustenance
Frozen Negg
Grapity Slushie
Icestorm Negg
Lavender Ice Cream
Peanut Butter Slushie
Rainborific Slushie
Twinkling Ice Cream
Water Ice Cream
Books General Prizes
Snow Architecture
Snow Days
Snows of Neopia
Terror Mountain Travel Brochure
The Definitive Snowglobe Guide
The happy Valley Report
Petpets General Prizes
Abominable Snowball
Medicine General Prizes
Finely Ground Bean Powder
Steaming Green Tea
Gifts General Prizes
Kookith Sea Sculpture
Equipment General Prizes
Blueberry Snowflake
Cooling Ointment
Diamond Snowball
Evil Snowflake
Exploding Snowflake
Frost Bite Egg
Glowing Snowflake
Grape Snowflake
Green Frost Cannon
Ice Dagger
Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowball
Mega Force Ice Glove
Peach Snowflake
Pink Faerie Snowball
Poisonous Snowflake
Steel Snowball
Wet Snowflake
Yellow Snowflake
Donny Prizes
Blue Abominable Snowball
Budget Shopping Guide
Bullseye Snowball
Coffee Slushie
Ice Lolly
Icy Lolly of Doom
Ice Ring
Kyrii Shopping Guide
Paper Book of Paper Toys
Practical Repairs
Red Bori Plushie
Repairing Your Petpets
Repairing Your Ship
Rose Slushie
Ship Ropes Handheld
Super-Cool Toy Magazine
Voidberry Slushie
Lady Frostbite Prizes
Abandoned Backpack
Cherry Bori Snowcone
Coconut Flake Snowball
Lady Frostbite Action Figure
Seaweed Paste
Seaweed Salad
Seaweed Tentacle Kimchee
Snow Beast Prizes
Beast Burger
Caramel Juppie Beast
Cookie With A Bomberry
Cookie With Peas
Crystal Burger
Glowing Pre-Sliced Mushrooms
Into the Ice Caves
Snicklebeast Poems
Snow Faerie
Blue Fur Lined Cloak
Frozen Foods with Taelia
Frozen Snowflake Pretzel
Fur Lined Bracers
Furry Autumn Bushes
Guide to Neopian Snowflakes
Jar of Symol Fur
Kiko Christmas Story
Ornate Fur Trimmed Robe
Simple Fut Lined Cape
Snow Broccoli
Snow Gyro
Taelia Pizza Slice
Tyrannian Fur Rug
The Snowager Prizes
Cup of Frozen Brovoan
Reject Snowager Usuki
Valin Prizes
Frozen Snowball
Icy Magic Hat
Icy Notepad
Mask MAking
Mynci Brain Sandwich
Puppyblew Ice Shield
Quick Reference Dictionary
Spicy Kau Burger
Taelia Toy Wand
Whole Frozen Corn Pizza
Neocola Centre Prizes
Food General Prizes
Armoured Negg
Evil Negg
Galaxy Energy Drink
Genius Negg
Oppressor Onions
Rocket Fizzy Drink
Space Spice
Tokens General Prizes
Blue Neocola Token
Green Neocola Token
Red Neocola Token
Petpets General Prizes
GX-4 Oscillabot
N-4 Info Retrieval Bot
Roburg 3T3
Books General Prizes
Adventure In Space
Light Speed Made Easy
Neocola Book
Robot Rock
Equipment General Prizes
Helm-mounted Laster Beam
Meteor Bomb
Remote Control Virtupets Snowball
Space Goggle Helmet
Spy Glasses
Thermal Explosive Device
Commander Garoo Prizes
Evil Sloth Clone Prizes
Clone #177 Plushie
Grinning Sloth Stamp
Rules to Rule By
Neopets V2 Prizes
8-Bit Mystery Island Background
Neopet V2 Guide to Revenge
Virtupets BX-288 Boots
Robo Grarrl Prizes
Grarrl Terror Blade
Just Like Clockwork
Lucky Robots Foot
Robot Muffin
S750 Kreludan Defender Robot Prizes
Fizzy Neocola Bottles
Kreludan Defender Plushie
Space Faerie Prizes
Brilliant Star Potion
Space Faerie Sword
Pango Palladium Prizes
Battledome General Prizes
Dark Nova
Jittery Jipple Pear Potion
Magical Wheel Potion
Steaming Skeem Potion
Tangella Tonic
Warm Amber Ointment
Books General Prizes
Evil Plots For Beginners
How to Pick Flowers
Island Cybunny Guide
Ixi Island
Mystery Island Jungle Lore
Mystery Island Monthly
Mystery Island Paperback Book
Mystery Island Paperback Book
Mystery Island Tour Guide
Mystery Island Travel Brochure
Sunset On Mystery Island
The Blue Tiki Sands of Time
The Rock Pool and You: Your guide to Mystery Island Petpets
Tombola Tips
Clothing General Prizes
Wooden Meepit Totem
Wooden Snuffly Totem
Wooden Stahkee Totem
Wooden Warf Totem
Food General Prizes
Azzle Fruit Leather Stocks
Banango Bread
Cocoa Juppie
Corn Balls
Flatfruit Lollypop
Funnydew Melon
Grunion Fruit Shake
Islandberry Fruit Kebab
Pickled Eel
Snowberry Crepe
Stramberry Coconut MilkTeal Juppie
Paint Brushes General Prizes
Camouflage Paint Brush
Island Petpet Paint Brush
Mystery Island Paint Brush
Stealth Paint Brush
Petpets General Prizes
Baby Blu
Advisor Broo
Baby Blumaroos
Blumaroo Fashion
Blumaroo Ice Cream Sundae
Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza
Empower Your Tail
Evil Pink Turbo Slippers
Fake Blumaroo Steak
Hard Blumaroo Candy
Jazzmosis Blumaroo Plushie
Laced Wooden Staff
Rules to Rule By
Strawberry Blumaroo Waffles
Ghost Lupe Prizes
Beach Vacations
By the Seashore
Ghost Lupe Spooky Stories
JubJub Natives
Native Nimmos
Nimmo Meditation
Rocky Relationships
Ship Ropes Handheld
Sloth Beach Ball
Spirit Bottle
Steaming Green Tea
Stormy Negg
Viras Revenge
Wand of the Light Faerie
Laval Ghoul Prizes
Boiling Hot Lava Soup
Bottled Volcano Steam
Dried Lava Crisps
Fiery Bone Bow
Fun Lava FactsLava Arrow
Lava Art Projects
Lava Latte
Lava Monster Stamp
Pumpkin Slice
Spicy Tofy Satay
Split Pea Soup Bowl
Tongue Shrinker
Tyrannian Acara Plushie
Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background
Undead Broccoli
Undead Carrot
Undead Celery
Meerca Henchmen Prizes
Brass Gear Goggles
Broken Chocolate Faellie Negg
Coltzan Negg
Holly Jewellery Box
Invisible Negg
Knee-deep in Neopoints Foreground
Roast Chestnut Neggnog
Shield of Coltzan
Tasty Pie
The sinking Neopoint
The Thief Handbook
Vial of Vile
Plumbeard Prizes
Arr Through Yarr – A Pirates Dictionary
Banango Punch
Frozen Prawn Delight
Golden Cobrall Spear
Golden Compass
Golden Water Fountain
Greengage Breeze
Nurias Golden Dagger
Pirate Cannon
Toffee Dubloon
Turnla Pie
Ryshu the Nimmo Prizes
Bow of the Hegelob
Brightvale Guard Training Manual
Chocolate Ice Cream Cream Puff
Dark Island Palm Tree
Dark Nova Fruit
Fighting Fire with Fire
Flatfruit Bubble Tea
Green Frost Cannon
Green Tea Latte
Illusen Tea
Illusens Sword Techniques
Nimmo Lily Stones
Pink Faerie Snowball
Pink Negg Tea
Silver Sai
Techo Master Tactics
Training School Myths
Yellow Paint Brush Collectable Charm
Zafara Guardian Statue
Tekkitu the Witch Doctor
Advanced Magic
Basic Potion Brewing
Flaming Blooble Potion
Forgotten Shore Map Piece
History of the Magical Bookshop
Kreludan Crosswords
Magic Goop
Mynci Brain Sandwich
Skull and Crossbow
Tekkitu Plushie
Tiki Tack Man
Caramel Sand Apple
Chokato Jam
Exfoliating Sand Soap
Holiday Tiki Palm
Joy of Fruit
Mystery Island Kacheekers
Mystery Island Travel Stamp
Pineapple Breeze
Plain Black Sunglasses
Tacky Porcelain Aisha
Tacky Porcelain Skeith
Tropical Flora and Fauna
Usuki Beach Accessories
Rattling Cauldron Prizes
Food General Prizes
Bone Dog
Bottled Droolik Drool
Box of Skull
Brain Stew
Candy Corn Stuffed Pumpkin
Crispy Pumpkin Chips
Eliv Thade Sludge Shake
Eliv Thade Wrap
Festering Coffee
Ghastly Stew
Ghost Wrap
Gooey Bug Soup
Grundo Stix
Haunted Hummus
Large Grundo Toe With Lint Side Order
Pumpkin Slice
Roasted Spyder on a Stick
Rotting Wormburger
Slime Soup
Spider Licorice
Tomb Chips
Undead Broccoli
Undead Celery
Undead Turnip
Wormy Pasta
Zombie Marshmallows
Balthazar Prizes
Balthazar Action Figure
Blue Lupe Paw Lolly
Gigantic Balthazar Plushie
Lupe Mysteries
Count Von Roo Prizes
Bouncing Blumaroos
Count von Roo Pinata
Moon Dust Scroll
Strawberry Vampire Pop
The Legend of Count von Roo
Edna the Witch Prizes
Edna the Witch
Sand Witch
Witchcraft Spells
Zafara Surprise
Giant Ghostkerchief Prizes
Ghostkerchief Hammer
Ghostkerchief Rag Doll
Magic Ghost Marshmallows
Greedy Kadoatie Prizes
Clawed Kadoatie Plushie
Greedy Kadoatie Cap
Greedy Kadoatie Piggy Bank
Greedy Kadoatie T-shirt
Kadoatie Dot to Dot
Kadoatie Puffs
Jelly Chia Prizes
Bleeding Heart Jelly Sundae
Blueberry Jelly Hot Dog
Blueberry Jelly Shield
Jelly Chia
Jelly Muffin
Jelly Mysteries
Jelly Pop Stamp
Jelly Sushi
Jelly World Stamp
Lemberry Chia Jelly
Meuka Prizes
Buzz Snot
Lime Meerca Gobstopper
Meuka Pumpkin
Pack of Snot-Flavoured Gum
Snot Brucicle
Snot My Fault
Snot Quiggle Plushie
Mummy Prizes
Hand Wrap
Mummy Bone Scroll
Mummy Plushie
Mummy Tamales
Scorchio Mummy
Silver Wrapped Bottle of Sand
Tablet of The Mummy
Where My Mummy
Pant Devil Prizes
Blue Scorchstone
Pant Devil Balloon
Pant Devil Gnome
Pant Devil Pinata
Pant Devil Pumpkin
Pant Devil Punch Bag
Pant Devil Yoyo
Qasalan Mummy
Cursed Qasalan Pancakes
Our Neighbor Qasala
Qasalan Etiquette
Sidney Prizes
Blue Nimmo Plushie
Headless Sidney Plushie
Lemon Nimmo Cake
Nimmo Topiary
Sssidney Lolly
The Nimmo Who Loved to Read
Spider Grundo Prizes
Orange Spyder Candle
Scary Spider
Spider on a String
Toy Spider Ring
The Black Pteri Prizes
Black Fan of Shenkuu Prizes
Black Granite Tablet
Black Jewelled Collar
Black Skull Candle
Gothic Pteri Plushie
Large Black and White Collectable Scarab
Shadow Pteri Plushie
The Brain Tree
Brain Hot Dog
Brain Ice Cream
Brain Kebab
Brain Muffin
Brain Tree Lolly
Brain Tree Stamp
Brains and Dumplings
Crispy Pumpkin Chisps
The Esophagor Prizes
Esophagor Bed
Esophagor Shelf Unit
ESophagor Stamp
Essence of Esophagor
Moonlit Esophagor Stamp
Tales of the Esophagor
The Esophagor
Vira Prizes
Acara Cabbage Cake
Darigan Hand Mirror
Halloween Blumaroo Morphing Potion
Snotty Vira Onion
Vira Bookmark
Vira Halloween Costume
Vira Pen
Vira Pinata
Viras Revenge
Zafara Rogue
Cherry Zafara Gummy
Pop-Up Zafara Book
Red Zafara Plushie
Zafara Hot Chocolate
Zafara Rogue
Zafara Veggie Stew
Ugga Dome Prizes
Food General Prizes
Bang Bang Negg
Blue Furry Negg
Tyrannian Goulash
Petpets General Prizes
Books General Prizes
Skies Above Tyrannia
Speak Tyrannian
Collectibe General Prizes
General Crustygums
Tyragh the Tyrannian Buzz
Toys General Prizes
Tyrannian Acara Plushie
Tyrannian Skeith Plushie
Tyrannian Usuki
Equipment General Prizes
Hairy Snowball
Stone Muffin
Cave Chia Prizes
Chia Bomber Plushie
Rotten Egg Stink Bomb
Stone Helmet
Cybunny Scout
Cybunny Carrot Stew
Scout Unit
Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby Prizes
Fern Salad
The Chomby Champion
Grarrg Prizes
Lucky Robots Foot
Harry the Mutant Moehog Prizes
Moehog Battle Goggles
Moehog Decorating Tips
Moehog Mud Bomb
Moehog News
Moehog Transmogrification Potion
Mutant Moehog Plushie
Red Moehog Morphing Potion
Tusk Care For Moehogs
Highland Chia Prizes
Tartan Snowball
Kastraliss Prizes
Darkness Potion
Spying The Dark Faerie Way
Magnus the Torch Prizes
Fire Faerie Sword
Quiggle Warlord Prizes
Gilded Winged Helm
Protective Lime Helmet
Sabre-X Prizes
Bony Bracers
Cave Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Dire Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Lupe Wand
Tyrannian Lupe Tooth
Cosmic Dome
Equipment General Prizes
Dark Nova
Scroll of Dark Nova
Scroll of Supernova
Scroll of Ultranova
Collectibles General Prizes
Gorunda the Wise
Food General Prizes
Galaxy Energy Drink
Rocket Fizzy Drink
Space Faerie Cereal
Space Faerie Cupcake
Starry Biscuit Jar
Starry Cookie Pile
Starry Crunch
Triple Tier Space Faerie Cake
Nerkmids General Prizes
Aluminium Nerkmid
Average Nerkmid
Basic Golden Nerkmid
Basic Platinum Nerkmid
Copper Nerkmid
Golden Nerkmid X
Golden Nerkmid XX
Good Nerkmid
Lesser Nerkmid
Magical Golden NerkmidMagical Platinum Nerkmid
Normal Golden Nerkmid
Normal Platinum Nerkmid
Platinum Nerkmid X
Platinum Nerkmid XX
Super Nerkmid
Ultimate Nerkmid
Ultra Golden Nerkmid
Ultra Nerkmid
Ultra Platinum Nerkmid
Tokens General Prizes
Blue Neocola Token
Green Neocola Token
Red Neocola Token
Toys General Prizes
Starry Box Kite
Giant Space Fungus Prizes
Asparagus Powered Ray Gun
Attack of the Giant Space Fungus
Baby Space Fungus
Bubbling Fungus
Crumble Fungus
Dehydrated Fungus
Giant Goo Blaster
Helm-mounted Laser Beam
Meteor Bomb
Space Fungus Action Figure
Space Fungus Plushie
Space Fungus Sundae
Space-fungused Cheese Cracker
The Great Slugawoo Mystery
Virtupets Energy Sabre
Jetsam Ace Prizes
Astral Blade of The Space Station
Mathematics In Space
Space Faerie Sword
Space Fashion
Space Kabob
Space Mynci
Space Rock Soup
Space Rocks: A Visual Encyclopedia
Space Slug Soup
Space Slushie
The Jetsam Ace